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File: 222 KB, 840x440, Coca-Cola-Life-and-Pepsi-True.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8373346 No.8373346 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of these? Sweetened with a blend of cane sugar and stevia.

>> No.8373355

Stevia is the worst. Just awful.

>> No.8373358

Don't listen, is delicious.

>> No.8373359

Better than high fructose corn syrup.

>> No.8373362

Better in what capacity? It tastes like shit.

>> No.8373367

Looks like a meme drink desu

>> No.8373371

I haven't had a soda in like 8 years, so you tell me.

>> No.8373373

rather have coke zero. the stevia shit takes away the taste like its been over watered down

>> No.8373375

Fucking green trash with aspartan. Kills you anyway.

>> No.8373393

Neither of them have aspartame. You're talking about Coke Zero and Pepsi Max.

>> No.8373400
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>> No.8373415

I tried the Coke one and it tasted awful. I can't imagine the Pepsi one would taste any better.

>> No.8373428

It's good tbqhwyf

>> No.8373693

This, mi familia.

>> No.8373700

tastes bad tbqh

i think it would go better with a different sweetener

>> No.8373709

they're fine

>> No.8373713

taste worst compared to normal versions of the soda.
still taste better than the diet shit. probably not as bad for you as well
it should be much healthy? comparatively speaking
sucks that they're more expensive than the normal versions. would have forced myself to switch then.

>> No.8373774

Stevia has a bit of an aniseed/vanilla taste so it's a shame they don't make it it's own and make a 100% Stevia beverage. It'll be like a spiced coke

>> No.8373896

It cures cancer and melts fat


>> No.8373927

Coke Life is OK, bought a 12 pack to try it. Tasted like a mix of diet and regular. Probably won't buy again since it is more expensive than regular Coke.

>> No.8374016

That Green Coke is my motherfucking drink.

Regular coke tastes too fucking sweet for me anyway, and that diet/zero shit tastes like chemicals.

>> No.8374035
File: 38 KB, 400x400, pepsi_max_can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the most disgusting shit I've ever tasted in terms of cola.

I'll stick to based Pepsi Max thanks.

>> No.8374046

Worst of everything. They have calories and the god awful after taste of diet soda. I don't understand who the drink is for.

>> No.8374050
File: 32 KB, 335x500, 51Tt%2BLA4w0L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a Zevia for that.

>> No.8374058


>> No.8374063

I like green Coke. It seems less sweet than the normal stuff.

I swear I have some kind of genetic incompatibility with stevia. I've had various stevia-sweetened drinks, and they always seem relatively dry.

Are stevia-based drinks just mixed less sweet than normal hfcs stuff? Does anybody else notice this?

>> No.8374135

>The shitty after taste of diet coke except now with calories.

>> No.8374356

It's an acquired taste for some, like beer.

>> No.8374368

Coke Zero and Pepsi Max all day, stevia is fucking gross.

>> No.8374380

I tried it once and I thought it was the worst of both worlds.

Would rather have a Coke Zero or a regular Coke, instead of combining both and making an awful Frankenstein's monster.

>> No.8374493

stevia is just dog shit
i have tried it and it absolutely tastes disgusting

>> No.8375408

normal > stevia > diet > zero/max

>> No.8375413

Tastes like garbage, rather have light versions of those sodas.

>> No.8375415
File: 36 KB, 405x431, shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fucking drink it regular

who the fuck are you trying to fool by drinking diet or shit like this

if you gave a fuck you'd just drink water

>> No.8375419

I can't find Coke Life anywhere...

>> No.8375443

Kinda stupid the whole point for diabetics is to not have sugar and they mix it with sugar oooooo 30 grams of sugar compared to 42...

>> No.8375698
File: 198 KB, 300x515, coke zero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Pepsi Max and Coke Zero are where it's at

>> No.8375722


Still a massive amount of sugar, what's the point.

>> No.8375763

I tried coca life and it's gross, didn't know Pepsi had an equivalent m it's probably gross too.

>> No.8375994

Stevia tastes like shit
I tried using some in my coffee and threw it out

>> No.8376003

I'm curious to try it. Does my local mart carry it, or do I have to import it?

>> No.8376022


I have no idea. Why don't you contact your local mart and ask them?

>> No.8376032

This is the patrician soda tbqh

>> No.8376037

Canned cancer

>> No.8376130

stevia tastes like ass
coca cola only uses cane sugar in my country anyway

>> No.8376240
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>> No.8376322

I actually started drinking after 6 years cause they brought vanilla coke back in Canada

>> No.8377859


>> No.8377867

Oh boy, here's retards throwing buzzwords around again

>> No.8377875

If you want to feel healthy while drinking soda then just drink fucking water.

If you want to drink soda then there should be no reason to drink diet

>> No.8378163

Mmm hmm.

>> No.8378842

Pretty much your entire diet is based on high fructose corn syrup. That's why everything else taste like shit. Cane sugar and Stevia master race

>> No.8379041

I personally like coca cola life. It's a different taste, but I like it better honestly.

>> No.8379069


>> No.8379077

Water doesn't taste as good as soda.

>> No.8379105
File: 835 KB, 1130x496, 1130X496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La croix brahs come on

>> No.8379129

True Patrician Tastes: The Post

>> No.8379134

>All the gross taste of diet soda with nearly the same amount of calories of a soda that taste good

Somebody should be fired

>> No.8379766

This might sound gross but, i like to dilute my sodas with seltzer water. 3/4 soda to 1/4 seltzer.
This makes the soda not so overly sweet and you still have carbonation.