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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8362697 No.8362697 [Reply] [Original]

>Not drinking a cool glass of whole milk every day

Step it up

>> No.8362698

I have kidney failure senpai

>> No.8362741

No thanks, I don't enjoy poison

>> No.8362748

No thanks, I don't want acne.

>> No.8362757

No Thanks, I don't need nipple cancer.

>> No.8362773

>cool glass of whole milk
>not a warm glass of buttermilk

>> No.8362904


>> No.8362943

Milk is GOAT

>> No.8362961

No thanks, I don't want my dick to fall off

>> No.8362962

No thanks my autism is already a problem

>> No.8362986

This thread triggers shitskins

>> No.8362993

Memes aside, I no longer drink milk straight maybe in cereal on occasion, but that stuff seriously triggers my acne and feelings of bloat

>> No.8363183

Non-white detected
But OP, humans are suppose to drink a large quantities

>> No.8363197

No animal is supposed to drink milk past the lactation stage

>> No.8363203

So many people don't realize this fact

>> No.8363205 [DELETED] 

You white boys always smell like rotten milk because of this you disgusting peckerwoods

>> No.8363222

Nothing better than a cold glass of milk filled with ice.

>> No.8363272

Tfw I drink my coffee with milk and every meal I have a tall glass of this blessed drink.

I easily drink 2-4 cups a day and I have no acne or other problems due to my superior European genetics

>> No.8363284


I like my sugar with coffee and cream..

>> No.8363298


>> No.8363307
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I'll have my coffee, black madam

>> No.8363312

i never understood this meme, im black and milk is one of my all time favorite drinks .
I dont drink whole milk anymore switch to 2%

>> No.8363320


keep it going keep it going keep it going full steam

>> No.8363324

No thanks, I'm not a mouthbreather.

>> No.8363359


>> No.8363435

>having so shit genes that a grown ass human gets acne from drinking milk
Have you thought about removing yourselves from the gene pool?

>> No.8363443

Patrician taste right here senpai

>> No.8363454

Are you a literal infant? No one past the early developmental stages needs milk, moron.

>> No.8363463

Plans are set for next weekend sir

>> No.8363473

if you're white, you should be drinking milk. your genetics are optimized for it. this is why your ancestors didn't die of calcium deficiency when they weren't getting it from greens.

>> No.8363477

like your wifes bull?

>> No.8363480

>not doing GOMAD

Is this the designated numale thread?

>> No.8363612

Gaining 2-3 lbs due to estrogen no thanks

>> No.8365464 [DELETED] 


>> No.8365497


who the fuck is talking about needs you sperglord, we don't NEED all kinds of shit, it's about dat delicious tit nectar

>> No.8365502

my man

>> No.8365506

Too sweet to be sour too nice to be mean

>> No.8365725

I used to be able to drink infinite amounts of milk until I was 19 or so, then suddenly even small amounts of lactose fucks me up. What happend?

>> No.8365729

>when the paycheck from the milk lobby clears

>> No.8365731

You became a cuckold

>> No.8365733

It helps when I drink too much. My throat down to my stomach is made of lava

>> No.8365740

You need to go back, not to Reddit but to Africa.

In Africa you can eat the cows solids too without social condemnation.

>> No.8365744

Swallowing white stuff usually makes you the cuckold. Fucking ignoramus

>> No.8365752

Nice cold glass o' milk with some warm pancakes

>> No.8365755

>not vodka and blini

>> No.8365881

I usually drink 1-2 pints of milk a day.

>> No.8366838

>tfw drinking at least a litter of milk a day
>tfw still easily in my macros for my cut
Feel good man, i couldn't live without milk

>> No.8366854
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I drink a whole glass of cool milk instead

>> No.8367317
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>drinking milk

>> No.8367330

pfftt. you kids. I drinking 2 litres.

>> No.8367339

I've been drinking a ton of milk lately, it weirdly curbs my desire to destroy my liver with a gallon of alcohol.
Problem is that it gives me the runs. I'm literally pissing from my ass every hour or so.

>> No.8367424

Skim milk is the master race milk

>> No.8367461
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>> No.8368325


I drink 2% reduced fat with almost all of my meals except where a beer is better with it. I have no acne,weight issues or digestion issues and I've been pounding this shit since I was little.

you wanna fight me about it bitch? good luck with your weak ass bones you fucking nigger

>> No.8368337

Stop bumping old threads you penis wrinkle

>> No.8368347

I know this is 4chan but you shouldn't post things like that

>> No.8368368

If you can't handle hearing about skim milk, you don't belong here.

>> No.8368371
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objectively shit taste

>> No.8368394

Why do people equate milk drinking to whiteness when European lactase persistence genes are middle eastern?

Even Africans have their own variants that evolved on their own.

I love dairy, kefir/yogurt/milk on or with or put in everything. I have to cut down though because I need to get low protein to lose muscle. Cream isn't the same desu.

Also cold dairy is shit

>> No.8368395


>> No.8368535

>being such a retard that you're drinking a cow's milk as a grown ass human
Have you thought about removing yourself from the gene pool?

>> No.8368545
File: 165 KB, 540x576, Alpro+Drink+Unsweetened+1L+edge+UK+copy_540x576_p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come up and get me

>> No.8368559

Except humans because yknow we evolved to do it you retard

>> No.8368564

bad meme

>> No.8368565

back to africa/asia with you my dude

>> No.8368570

Evolving isnt a meme it actually happened which is why I dont die from drinking milk like a subhuman would

>> No.8368571

there was never anything to imply that it was poisonous and would kill us you fuckhead. it's just not good for you and there's a reason for that

>> No.8368582

its perfectly fine unless you're an unevolved piece of trash

>> No.8368584

>people can be "less evolved" than other people
don't think that's how it works pal but alright

>> No.8368590

>people can be "less evolved" than other people

Yes thats exactly how it works

The ability to digest milk provides an additional food source and therefore means we are more evolved

>> No.8368592

anyone can digest milk. but it generally has a bad influence on their bodies whether they realize it or not

>> No.8368594

Milk is horrible for everyone. Lactose intolerance is just something of which certain peoples have more adapted to

Just like Asians generally haven't adapted to alcohol. It does not make alcohol healthy for anyone

>> No.8368599

No, many people literally cannot digest lactose because they dont make the lactase enzyme anymore, and thats where lactose intolerance comes from

>> No.8368602

>Milk is horrible for everyone.

lol no

only for the unevolved trash heaps like I suspect you are

>> No.8368607

>Milk is horrible for everyone.

No it isn't. If you can digest it you're perfectly fine.

>> No.8368612
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This. Only helps so much though

>> No.8368654
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I was addicted to whole milk as a child and teenager and completely avoided drinking soda as a result. I was also 6'5" by the time I was 16 (which is when I scaled my consumption back). Therefore, based on this circumstantial evidence I can confidently say that manlets are not genetic failures but simply refused to drink enough whole milk.

>> No.8368994

it doesn't cause acne

>> No.8368997

i never drank milk because lactose intolerance im 6.6. refute that.

>> No.8368998


Man you aren't even pretending not to be homosexuals any more are you?

>> No.8369800

ability to digest lactase does not impact human health in regards to milk drinking. even in 'lactose intolerant' populations like with east asia milk consumption is booming.

anti-dairy shills go home. Go make vegan bait threads we can ignore.

>> No.8369804
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>being such a retard that your life revolves around cow products as a grown ass human

Welcome to civilization and economies-of-scale!

>> No.8369814

Yes it does

>> No.8369816

>my purse is made from cows

>better suckle on its utter because im a fat fuck with no control!!

Fucking loser

>> No.8369820

Nice reading comprehension, fuckwit

Keep taking that big dairy dick up your ass. Kike shill

>> No.8369825

Dont you get tits from drinking milk?

>> No.8369829


>> No.8369832

Chocolate milk is better than white milk I know that much.

>> No.8369835

>My life objectively revolves around animal products
>I will choose to arbitrarily cut out which industrial products I dislike because uhhhhhhhhhhh >:(

Fucking loser

>> No.8369838

your low B12 tears are delicious vegan shill

keep poppin' those unregulated supplements to maintain nutrition

>> No.8369855


Sorry, I dont like bitch tits, fatty

Keep being a literal child though lol

>> No.8369862

why is there so many milk threads all of a sudden?

>> No.8369863

Dairy shills

>> No.8369870

go back to school, kiddo. thats like saying nignogs who can digest elephant shit easier are more evolved than the rest of us.

>> No.8369877
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Keep depriving yourself of protein vegan bitch tears.

>tfw too smart for veganism

>> No.8369884

>m-muh protein!!!

SAYS the obese bitchtits

Animal proteins and acids are NOT well absorbed and digested by the BODY

YOU are LITERALLY poisoning yourself for Jews because YOU have no ability to stop YOURSELF from being a FAT fuck

>> No.8369888

I sure did but push ups, pull ups and weights are slowly chippin away mah utters

>> No.8369896

Whats it mean when I could drink milk just fine for years as a kid and teen, but now that I'm in my early 20's it gives me diarrhea and gas? I can eat yogurt just fine.

>> No.8369913

fuck off /fit/

>> No.8369926

>Poisoning yourself for Jews
Milk is OBJECTIVELY an Aryan food product, Nordic genes are directly associated with being able to consume lactose
Gas yourself hebe

>> No.8369930
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>for Jews

woah wait how did that end up in that sentence

>> No.8369932

Didn't Nordic people like, eat each other and act like niggers for thousands of years? The fuck do they know?

>> No.8369938


>> No.8369944

>mfw vegans consider this debate

The deficiency of key nutrients must be eroding away your grey matter.

>Forty research studies were included. The deficiency prevalence among infants reached 45%. The deficiency among the children and adolescents ranged from 0 to 33.3%. Deficiency among pregnant women ranged from 17 to 39%, dependent on the trimester. Adults and elderly individuals had a deficiency range of 0-86.5%. Higher deficiency prevalence was reported in vegans than in other vegetarians. Thus, with few exceptions, the reviewed studies documented relatively high deficiency prevalence among vegetarians. Vegans who do not ingest vitamin B12 supplements were found to be at especially high risk. Vegetarians, especially vegans, should give strong consideration to the use of vitamin B12 supplements to ensure adequate vitamin B12 intake. Vegetarians, regardless of the type of vegetarian diet they adhere to, should be screened for vitamin B12 deficiency.


The results suggested a high prevalence of inadequacy for dietary vitamin B12 and iodine in vegans


Dietary intakes of key nutrients, vitamins B12 and D, were lower (P < 0.001) in vegans than in non-vegetarians. Nutritional biomarker measurements showed lower concentrations of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25(OH)D3), iodine and selenium (corrected for multiple comparisons, P < 0.001)


Keep popping pills vegan, your tears are depleting what little cognitive power you possessed before.

>> No.8370907

Nipple Nectar

>> No.8370957
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>> No.8370968

unevovled's a funny word for being a fat fuck i suppose

>> No.8371956
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But I'm lactose intolerant, anon

>> No.8371992

American Dietetics Association considers veganism healthy through all stages of life

Many Americans are deficient in many vitamins

More mass deficiencies in omnivores. B12 levels ALL relatively low because ALL groups are being given supplements

B12 is not naturally highly bio-available in meat, cows are given B12 to increase these levels. You are literally supplementing yourself as well

Enjoy the bitch tits again you fat fuck

>> No.8371997
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Oh looks a thinly veiled vegan thread where the fucking rabbits act like fucking high and mighty dick polishers gee never seen this before on /ck/ gonna screen cap this and add to my files, put it on a thumb drive and cram it right inside my poop laden asshole for future reference

>> No.8372734

Can I GOMAD with soy milk?

>> No.8372762

honestly that gives me way more acne than actual milk. milk doesn't seem to give me zits but soy milk gives me a bad case of pizzaface around my chin every time.

>> No.8372778

Look up lactaid

It's not as great as whole milk but it's not estro-shit soy garbage

>> No.8372786


>After nearly 100 years as the American Dietetic Association, the organization officially changed its name to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in 2012.[1]

>The Academy has faced controversy regarding corporate influence related to its relationship with the food industry and funding from corporate groups such as McDonald’s, Coca-Cola,[5] Mars, and others.[6][7]

>A 1995 report noted the Academy received funding from companies like McDonald's, PepsiCo, The Coca-Cola Company, Sara Lee, Abbott Nutrition, General Mills, Kellogg's, Mars, McNeil Nutritionals, SOYJOY, Truvia, Unilever, and The Sugar Association as corporate sponsorship.[21] The Academy also partners with ConAgra Foods, which produces Orville Redenbacker, Slim Jims, Hunt’s Ketchup, SnackPacks, and Hebrew National hot dogs, to maintain the American Dietetic Association/ConAgra Foods Home Food Safety...It's in Your Hands program.[53] Additionally, the Academy earns revenue from corporations by selling space at its booth during conventions, doing this for soft drinks and candy makers.[21][54]

>In April 2013, a dietitian working on a panel charged with setting policy on genetically modified foods for the academy contended she was removed for pointing out that two of its members had ties to Monsanto, one of the biggest makers of genetically modified seeds.[55] The resulting controversy highlighted the fact that Ms. Smith Edge, chairwoman of the committee charged with developing the GMO policy, is a senior vice president at the International Food Information Council, which is largely financed by food, beverage and agriculture businesses, including companies like DuPont, Bayer CropScience and Cargill, companies that were among the biggest financial opponents of a State of California GMO labeling initiative.[56]






>> No.8372802

I'm lactose intolerant and whole milk tastes like shit. If I'm going to break out my Lactaid pills for anything it'll be a glass of 1%, which actually tastes refreshing.

>> No.8372806

It's GOMAD not (((GOSMAD)))

>> No.8372811
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>drinking milk when youre not a kid

im 100% white and milk is gross. Take vitamins and eat vegetables, there is literally no reason to drink milk.

>> No.8372820

How else am I supposed to get mad gains if milk makes me poop liquid every time I fart?

>> No.8372827

moar protein powder

>> No.8372840

Protein shakes are disgusting. Can I just drink cum instead?

>> No.8372843

Only if you don't count its volume as part of the gallon of milk

>> No.8372861


If you're lactose intolerant then you need to stop appropriating white culture. Dairy products are meant for whites only. Your body's reaction to milk is God punishing you for your transgression.

>> No.8372865

There is literally no reason to eat anything you disgusting fuck, just take a regimen of vitamins and only consume water and plain tofu, trust me, I'm white

>> No.8372878
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>believing in a space wizard
Okay kid.

>> No.8372882

I like milk but it gives me the poo poos (lactose intolerant)

>> No.8373015
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that joke would only be funny if it made a little sense. You still need lean protein to be a strong h'white man. So there is a need to eat things. Yeah, shows how white YOU are, you fucking nigger. Get off my lawn.

>> No.8373327
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>I'll have my coffee, black madam

>> No.8373384
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Making efficient use of resources is how civilisations grow.

>> No.8373526

Celebrating is now a white person thing. I will remember this.

>> No.8373556

would colonize/10

>> No.8374506
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Been drinking at least 45 oz of milk a day for years

No acne. Not a subhuman