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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 210 KB, 720x585, fiestada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8349632 No.8349632 [Reply] [Original]

School Lunch General Thread

>> No.8349645
File: 45 KB, 400x266, schoolburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This burger may look grody to plebs but nothing will ever taste better than this burger

>> No.8349649

You ever think back over your life and regret moments? Like the time you were eating with a girl you like and you share some fries. You were so engrossed in the moment that you don't notice someone throwing a ketchup packet at you. And you were forced to confront that person because you were high on testosterone. And then you get hauled off to the principals office. You didn't even get to eat your dry chicken sandwich. God, US public school lunches are boring.

>> No.8349656
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for me

>> No.8349658
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>> No.8349679

>those fingernails
Jesus Christ

>> No.8349681

nice fingernails

>> No.8349684
File: 32 KB, 564x423, 9e1e3d161169136c8368de5bdc1be2b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucking BOSCO STICKS

>> No.8349689

school food was always disgusting, and my state during the time had stopped concession sales, so I just went throughout the day starving instead of stomaching literal shit. I'm so happy I was able to pack my own lunch sometimes.

>> No.8349697
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>mfw they sell Bosco Sticks at my work cafeteria

>> No.8349702

School pizza was the shit. Then one day I got a slice and it tasted like the poured vinegar all over it. Same thing for a week. Claimed they were using a different recipe.

>> No.8349710
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>mfw chicken rings day

>> No.8349719

It tastes like oppression and forced education.

>> No.8349735

I couldnt afford lunch so I stole an apple from the apple cart everyday .

>> No.8349822

I hated near all the food at my schools.

>Oh it'll get better in junior high
>Oh it'll get better in highschool
>Oh these guys are an actual restaurant, they're gonna be better than the school food you're used to
It never did. It continued to be just as bad for near TWO DECADES, many of the few dishes which managed to be ok were progressively ruined, probably to save money. I'd hate to see it now.

>> No.8349826

>It never did. It continued to be just as bad for near TWO DECADES

If it was so bad then why didn't you bring your own lunch?

>> No.8349830

holy shit. we had a kid almost choke on one of these in 7th grade, and being small town we all went through grades together. called him bosco until the day we graduated

>> No.8349843

>nothing will ever taste better than this burger
Fuck you, the only good thing at school was the nachos (especially the rare turkey ones) and popcorn chicken

This burger was undercooked and one time mine had a bone in it.

>> No.8349850

Did you fuck her in the bathroom during gym or behind the school during lunch

>> No.8349856
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who galaxy pizza here?

>> No.8349864
File: 24 KB, 480x344, f764aca9023052d14cb6aa36c9bf2cda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western burgers was the GOAT.

Bread roll filled w taco meat and cheese. Students could have it smothered w either nacho cheese, gravy, or sometimes chili. To this day I would still devour me a Western burger

>> No.8349870


Does it explode in your pocket?

>> No.8350024

Little money, awful planning skills, and I was really too autistic to work that out on my own, or to not fuck up any cooking.

>> No.8350157


>> No.8350177
File: 1.26 MB, 275x207, 1480310791124.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you like microwave cheese burgers with processed cheese.

>> No.8350195 [DELETED] 


>> No.8350307

> Elementary School
> Chuck E. Cheese pizza was considered fucking GOAT
> School says the cafeteria'll be serving it for one day
> Get hyped
> It's in these weird individual boxes
> Turns out it's the same pizza we always get like in >>8349658

Was so disappointing.
> Captcha tells me to pick pictures of pizza

>> No.8350310

I always had a nice hot lunch made for me at home. Why is everyone eating prison food lunches?

>> No.8350321

>ideal for hungry students


>> No.8350382

>pizza in rectangles
OH BOY! Happiness awaits!
>pizza in triangles
Oh... oh, god. where did I go wrong? I used to be happy. I had so many plans... now I'm 30. When the hell do I start these plans?

>> No.8350477


>> No.8350542

Not a good song, but it made me nostalgic.

Oh God, I ruined my life years ago.

>> No.8350553
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And yet here we both are posting on the same shitty anime forum website

>> No.8350598

Difference is I had good quality food and you were served slop.

>> No.8350724

Fuck yeah. The best lunch day!

>> No.8350742
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tfw homeschooled

>> No.8350771

I liked the Italian Cheese Bread or whatever they called it.

It was hard to fuck up, just like bread with cheese melted over it.

>> No.8351072

Man, me and my school friends were just talking about this shit a couple weeks ago
I'm the only one who remembers them fondly :(

>> No.8351147

Stop watching cartoons for kids fucking loser

>> No.8352010
File: 60 KB, 500x333, wNFgfV1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This little bastard served me well from elementary through high school

>> No.8352100

>tfw living in the south and school food was good
Up until I switched schools in the 5th, 6th and 8th grade.
They even fuckin served buffalo wings one day.

Plus, they served us actual real pizza with cheese in the crust some days.
Instead of this nasty shit >>8349658
I started eating mom cooked food at school purely because of this shit.

>> No.8352116

>Something about this classic 4x6" rectangle pizza makes it a favorite among students.
>Maybe it's our perfect blend of special ingredients?


Maybe it's just the fact that kids know they're getting the only lunch menu option that has fucking PIZZA: shit that is easy to eat, tastes fucking good, is covered in melted cheese and salty dried meats/veggies, and somehow counts as a meal in itself. It's probably the only god damn thing at school they look forward to in a given week, regardless of whether it's some gourmet blend of fucking primo ingredients and bakery-fresh dough, or tomato sauce and shredded cheese on a stale flatbread.

In actuality, this is probably the shittiest (and cheapest) frozen pizza you can possibly buy on the market, but the fact that you're getting PIZZA at school means it's the best fucking shit you've ever put in your mouth.

>> No.8352306


1. Pepperoni
10. Cheese
9000000000001. Sausage

>> No.8352318

Completely forgot about thoes

>> No.8352356

GA nigga can confirm

>> No.8352916
File: 58 KB, 540x416, 1481275361549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dirty subhuman illegal spic children enjoying free meals and education from the American government

>> No.8353881

That's government social programs to you.
Always aiming for the lowest minimum they can, while spending as little money possible.

Meanwhile, money is showered over shitbox agencies like the DEA, the ATF, and the NPA, agencies which are poor at their stated goals at best, and detrimental to individual rights and American society at their worst.

>> No.8353891

>school lunches
>public education
>worth anyone's time
There's a reason even blacks are looking towards private schools and homeschooling these days.

If they think they're getting a good deal with the public educational system, that joke is on them.

>> No.8354440
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They had great burritos at school so crisp so clean so good

>> No.8354451
File: 22 KB, 320x214, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get this
>walk right over to the ranch pump
>pump tons of ranch on top


>> No.8354461
File: 203 KB, 1600x1200, schoolchick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chickem parmesan ala school for your italian needs, wa la

Foot long hot dog day, always that gay kid who ate it like a dick and we all knew

>> No.8354469

you dirty fuck

>> No.8354475
File: 84 KB, 640x480, SALISBURY_STEAK_619588997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salisbury steak for Western dining

>> No.8354480
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BBq Ribs for your Southern flavor

>> No.8354481

I remember having these peanut butter and jelly sandwich wrapped in purple tinfoil. It was great.

>> No.8354501

Actually, when I was growing up and kids respected adults enough to behave in class, it was decent, especially if you were in a two parent home where good grades were assumed.

Nowadays, where a teacher looks cross-eyed at a student they get sued, it's pretty bad, I agree. But to assume the average 1 parent black or white trash household can send their kids to private schools or homeschool them is simply foolish.

>> No.8354542

Im surprised it lasted that long.

>> No.8354544

How old are you? Because the education system has changed a lot over the years.

The whole "everyone is special, even you" thing, where god forbid a kid loses at a sport so he gets a "participation price", and all that shit, has done a lot more damage than most over the years.
Though the advent of Common Core might top it's highscore, that shit is powerfully retarded.

Single parent households can be an issue, but it can be handled, problems can be fixed, schools just don't.

>> No.8354551

My school had the stuffed crust versions of these, and I remember making a flute out of the hollow crust.

>> No.8354560

That really looks like something that would be on facebook next to eight emojis and some variation of "bone apple teeth"

>> No.8354567

Once I got a pizza rectangle that was so greasy it fell out of my hands and onto the floor.

Still, it was better than the time a lunch lady dropped an entire tray of chili on my head.

>> No.8354621

I think the single parent, or 2 parent both slaving household, has been an important factor in the decline. There's no expectation for the kid, and I'm not talking about reward for grades. It was just assumed in my family that you would have excellent grades and the self imposed pain by not accomplishing it was enough.

The public education had the capability when I was young; but it's true I'm relatively old.

Now, even the parents refuse to support disciplinary action against their special snowflake who, strangely enough, just happend to pull a knife on his social studies instructor. It was the instructor's fault. Fire him!

The food sucked when I was a kid, though.

>> No.8354630
File: 211 KB, 331x352, 1432760984353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once I got a pizza rectangle that was so greasy it fell out of my hands and onto the floor.
>Still, it was better than the time a lunch lady dropped an entire tray of chili on my head.

>> No.8354669

I still pick up a package of these once in a while. Easily my favorite school lunch.

My school went through 5 or 6 milk providers when I was there, anyone else? They couldn't stick with one for more than a few years. When I started we even got milk in clear plastic pouches

>> No.8354718

Did the government ship these out frozen or something? My school called them Mexican pizza.

>> No.8354997
File: 34 KB, 500x418, 635880546709691967-256903253_seinfeld%20funny[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you have been eating this kind of stuff for almost 19 years straight due to going to public schools and the military.
Probably shouldn't miss it so much.

>> No.8355031
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>willingly joining the military

>> No.8355214
File: 8 KB, 81x277, 986b99eb6c1de3e60b7b13d0180e8993~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T. Shinji

>> No.8355219

Ahh good ole Mexican pizza.

>> No.8355232

What branch anon?

>> No.8355243

Your school had good nachos? Lucky you, at mine they served the cheapest tortilla chips available with nearly-unseasoned ground beef and regular velveeta cheese, on top of being incredibly bland it was usually covered in grease from the beef

>> No.8355303

in my country, school doesn't give you lunches
most kids just took food from the kids who brought lunches or ate when they got home

>> No.8355322

>be me
>high school
>7000 kids in my school
>ala carte lunches
>warmed frosted blueberry pop tarts every morning for breakfast
>two entrees worth of stale tortilla chips and molten nacho "cheese" for lunch
>EVERY day of school
>only thing preventing me from gaining fuck tons of weight is Weight Training and Powerlifting class and TKD after school
>get swole as fuck by junior year
>move to new state
>keep eating same shit
>no weights in new school gym
>get fat as fuck in senior year

Felt pretty bad man. Evened out when I went to college.

>> No.8355329


Everybody deserves education and a warm meal. Even people with an opinion like yours.

>> No.8355335

I missed out on a lot of school lunch nostalgia because we didn't have a cafeteria in the school
it was an open campus so we were responsible for feeding ourselves during off periods

>> No.8355346
File: 509 KB, 1023x705, otis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You knew the day was gonna be a fucking blast when these were being served. 10/10 breakfast.

All day the girls would eat them.

>> No.8355367

These tasted like fucking bleach you mong

>> No.8355372


>> No.8355381

>took food from the kids who brought lunches

What's wrong wit' dat'? Stupit' kids, anyways. I'm hungry too, goddamut!

>> No.8355403 [DELETED] 


>> No.8355407
File: 51 KB, 382x679, 2df5c4f4-dcd3-41f6-b0b3-a44c2f7a5d31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Navy, but I worked on P-3's, a shore based patrol plane, so I never went out to sea. I just stayed here in Hawaii or was deployed to Sicily.

>> No.8355417
File: 147 KB, 305x267, 1471218292234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Selling a food product emphasizing everything but where the ingredients are procured or the overall quality of said product.

>Pizza rebates

>> No.8355457

My school somehow had Little Caesars everyday along with other standard items

>> No.8355477

American education. Get what you can, before someone else takes it.

>> No.8355488

i live in rural australia though

>> No.8355494

American schools serve lunches for all students you hurriedly butt befuddled europoor.

>> No.8355495

>not having basically a subway at your school
fucking plebs
although truth be told i only had the salami with shredded cheese for the 13 years i was at that school

>> No.8355563

A few american kids take every other american kid's lunch. C'mon, that's the 'murrican way! Where you'all been?

>> No.8355730
File: 2.67 MB, 3840x2160, 1452250075307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there no more finnish school food threads on /ck/?

>> No.8355767
File: 50 KB, 121x166, 7 peso pedro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck do I buy these? I've been craving these little fucks for 8 years.
I always used to ask my mom for more lunch money so I could buy two of them.

Please help

>> No.8356390


I feel as if you have formed an opinion of the public school system based on others' opinions, instead of actually basing it on research and experience.

>> No.8356517

True, I haven't been involved personally with public schools for many years. However, I do watch the local news for weather, and I repeatedly see news stories about the school system in this region essentially like I described. While it's a bad school system, it's not atypical of those in any state that underfunds their schools.

>> No.8356530

I hate cantines, it's not the food but I really don't want to see peoples eating habits nor do I want them to see mine.

>> No.8356859

A local butcher stocks them where I live, that's where I get mine. Do you live near a GFS? They sell them in 64 ct boxes

>> No.8358301

I wouldn't say near, but they are probably driveable if I really wanted to. Closest is about about 50 miles.
Thanks for the tip

>> No.8358331

Contact your local school and ask them who they order from, then order from them as well

>> No.8358350

Holy fuck

Why did we have a ranch pump?

Why did we literally have ranch on tap?

That was a mistake.

>> No.8358428

Had a ranch, career, mustard, ketchup, and mayo pump at my school.

I'm glad i never succumbed to the siren that is ranch on pizza

>> No.8358443

With pickles it was decent

>> No.8358555

That seems creepy

>> No.8358600

Just tell them you are trying to do something special for an autistic child. It's not a lie.

>> No.8358605

Fuck you I spat out my drink

>> No.8358631
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>> No.8358638

everyone did that with pretty much every food item in my school too. faculty noticed and promptly switched it to no/low fat ranch and it tasted like shit ever since

>> No.8358650

I have no found memories of school lunch. In freshman year of highschool I saw sitting at a table alone when some upperclassmen came over. They were nice enough but then started joking that I look like a school shooter. I was just really shy.

Every lunch period after that I would just go to the library and sleep on one of the sofas they had there.

>> No.8358652

This reminded me off the times in elementary school where we'd slam our rubbery hotdogs against the table and see how high up they bounced, it was pretty fun.
I put some mustard on my pizza occasionally, it wasn't so bad. Never ranch though.

>> No.8358902
File: 44 KB, 569x506, 1460469574292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those nails

>> No.8358905
File: 113 KB, 1273x922, 1474947180836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think everyone else made their point on those fingernails. I just wanted to join in on the banter.

>> No.8358911


>> No.8358927

who took the pic

>> No.8358979
File: 1.19 MB, 1654x938, blythe_grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up faggot

>> No.8358984

>fried burritos

I've never even thought of frying a burrito, but I think I know what I'm doing for lunch tomorrow.

>> No.8358985

Americans school meals are scary.

>> No.8359019

As a kid my mom always packed lunch for me. I was always jealous of the kids who got the hot school lunch.
Looking back I'm still not sure why she did it, because up til about 8th grade we were poor as fuck so I could have gotten the free school lunch.
The only reason I can guess is that I was the first born and she didn't trust public school food not to make her kid fat and unhealthy.

>> No.8359022

Nice baloney sandwiches hahaha

>> No.8359024

The fuck is this abomination

>> No.8359026

Turkey. We were poor not trash.

>> No.8359039
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Blythe Baxter
She's hot

>> No.8359052
File: 192 KB, 1600x976, Ameripumps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit


>> No.8359059

This is so weird coming from an area that doesn't have a lunch program in schools.

>> No.8359187


Hmm, we did something similar. We put ketchup packets between the big table that folded and then would lower it down slowly so the two sides would apply equal pressure and send said ketchup flying 20-30ft into the air. We did manage to hit the ceiling once and that small red mark (now a grease spot) is still there.

>> No.8360565

Isnt that called a chimichanga

>> No.8360819

One time our lunch was just a hotdog bug with a melted slice of American cheese on top. It costed $2.50.

>> No.8362411

bc no one cares about your made up country

>> No.8362414

You sound like you're still in high school

>> No.8362451

Rice that was hard as rocks consistently year after year.

>> No.8362647


>> No.8362652

Nobody deserves anything

>> No.8362918
File: 1.76 MB, 3264x2448, 20161212_091213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im just gonna leave this here

>> No.8362935

What came out of the career pump?

>> No.8362966

they serve surplus MRE bars in the schools now?

>> No.8362975

my great grandma was the lunch lady in her podunk texas town from the 50s until she retired. she went around west texas teaching other lunch ladies how to cook, but her most famous recipe was western burgers.

when she was really old, like in her 80s, she would come down and just spend an entire weekend cooking western burgers. we would freeze them and have them for months afterwards. they keep perfect given that they're designed to be reheated for lunch services.

i only ever had TAKS test GMO hormone steroid lunches at school, but i got to experience actual cooked school meals through her.

i wonder if kids learned better being fed real meals, having some time off for recess, not taking standardized tests, and not being hopped up on methamphetamines? nah, school is PERFECT

>> No.8362996

Army here not bad for a goatfucker. We use to deal with a lot of the navy when I was in Korea and they were always ate the fuck up. They still looked leagues better then the nationals though.

>> No.8363009
File: 625 KB, 1600x1200, dartmane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i wonder if kids learned better being fed real meals, having some time off for recess, not taking standardized tests, and not being hopped up on methamphetamines?

this famalam

>> No.8363100

That meat is hell. They put something green in it that like like boogers lol. Big mac any day over this shit.

>> No.8363131
File: 21 KB, 600x398, ce20b2e3bfddb9a0011d08f7e2fea25e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for some reason they came with two mozz sticks.

i looked to buy some but all i can find are chicken ones from tyson...

>> No.8363151
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>> No.8363153
File: 548 KB, 2048x1152, 20161212_112222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My lunch

What does ck think?

>> No.8363209

I stopped staying at school for lunch at 13-14 when I could bike my way home to my own meals.
All I remember where copy pasted weeks menus, lots of dry, tasteless rice, carboard meat and fishsticks on friday.
no such thing as ketchup or drinking anything else than tap water there.

>> No.8364052


The one thing on this plate that will actually fuel your body is totally inedible without getting shit all over the place.

>> No.8364068


the poor kid/10

>> No.8364095

Holy shit! This is what corporate food suppliers pass off as "food" to our youth? Food contractors fattened with piles of greenbacks while fattening our youth. Shamelessly disgusting.

>> No.8364105

hey, it's normal!

eating burgers and fried potatoes 3 times per day is NORMAL

and when the kid grows up, they can hit up the value menu at all the cool fast food restaurants! it's just so cheap and convenient, and it's all they've ever known

>> No.8364113

I am so glad I went to a private school, this shit looks like prison food.

>> No.8364157

Cheese ones were the best because you could roll them up into a tube and suck the juices out of the end before gobbling it down.

>> No.8364464

Emo and Goth chicks are my weakness. What's the show?

>> No.8364879
File: 149 KB, 514x444, biskits_pose.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Littlest Pet Shop

>> No.8364906
File: 49 KB, 605x780, 14237721_1120763001306872_2030639321091639730_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw twins will never sexually assault you in this way

>> No.8365000
File: 78 KB, 800x1103, koume kneeling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like lolis?

>> No.8365112

shit like this is why Trump got elected

>> No.8365120

>career pump

>> No.8365129
File: 38 KB, 413x395, 1419829221183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just tell them you are trying to do something special for an autistic child. It's not a lie.

>> No.8365151

>school nachos
Those were the shit. I ate three lunches one day because it was nacho day at school once.

>> No.8365157

when I was in elementary school they used to serve these nice tacos and homemade cinnamon rolls . holy shit everyone looked forward to those rolls. and some days they had homemade peanut brittle as well. like they made these desserts from scratch in the cafeteria, it was phenomenal.

then I went to a private school for 4th-8th grade and we had aramark food. barely edible. by the time I went back to public school Michelle Obama had already done irreparable damage to the public school lunch. no more cinnamon rolls for damn sure. and in college guess who catered the food...that's right. fucking aramark.

when I went to jail we actually had great food. they would feed us elk and salmon they confiscated from local poachers

>> No.8365162

My elementary school had spaghetti and meatballs where the meatballs were made by nice old ladies. Rip school meatballs

>> No.8365171

I miss those pieces of shit, man.

>> No.8365214

>spic nails

>> No.8365344
File: 485 KB, 656x557, 1452437033925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You owe me a new pair of sides

>> No.8365360
File: 17 KB, 200x247, PBJ01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing made breakfast more hype than these fuckers right here

>> No.8366174

You mean a fucking chimichanga

>> No.8366186
File: 105 KB, 713x800, 22694-Willis-Schoko-Waffel-100g--Super-Size--Kuchen--30-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we only got a cafeteria a year before I graduated so this got us through the day back then

>> No.8366191

>tfw you had second lunch period, the absolute worst lunch to have
>go to lunch in the middle of the class, go back and finish that same class
>said class happens to be the farthest possible distance from the cafeteria
>that class is pottery
>When it's time for lunch you have to completely clean up which takes at least 5 minutes
>by the time you finish and get to the cafeteria the line is out the fucking door
>by the time you get your lunch it's already the third lunch period
>once you finish your class period is already over
>they ask what took you so long
>get detention
>even if you did get back on time there's no point in bothering getting back to work because of how long it takes to get set up and shit put away

>> No.8367984

I remember the imitation chicken patties or the tofu patties they'd serve as a surprise. It wasn't bad, but looking back, that screamed budget cuts. But oval pizza and ravioli were the top lunches, everything else couldn't compete.

The chocolate milk, however was disgusting. Almost like they used frosting for the mix (Speaking from experience, it's disgusting).

>> No.8368078


>> No.8368095
File: 181 KB, 700x933, Shirasaka.Koume.full.1119543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't like lolis?

>> No.8368102

that isnt a loli and you know that

>> No.8368236
File: 155 KB, 561x962, koume groceries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13 seems loli to me

>> No.8368241
File: 106 KB, 425x437, 1409779526072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this loli? A-Asking for a friend...

>> No.8368297
File: 1.33 MB, 1600x800, koume cuddle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the filenames, friend

>> No.8368316

Is it a female (male)

>> No.8368449
File: 1.83 MB, 2400x832, koume swimsuits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8368453

All girl: http://www.gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2431133

>> No.8368906

Honey Buns, tater tots and spicy chicken sandwiches were my staple during high school.

>> No.8368916


>> No.8368937
File: 85 KB, 960x638, kouluruoka jauhelihakastike perunat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8368939
File: 44 KB, 572x327, main-qimg-6d462d741104675d65236a58dd29d305-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8368962

lol you christian ape.

>> No.8368966

this thread does explain why americans are tasteless obese lowlives

>> No.8369104

I remember school lunches being better before Obama's bitch got on board.

>> No.8369138

Man those burgers were fucking gross.

>> No.8369259
File: 9 KB, 273x332, Saddler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8369515

I still remember the taste of the Los Angeles unified school district burritos from elementary school. I'm going to teach in northern California soon, I'm excited and scared of what I'll get to eat.

>> No.8369771

Gayest thing I've read all day and I've been cruising Grindr

>> No.8371073

You sound a sheep who didn't have to try to maintain sanity while sitting through 12 years of anti-america indoctrination/propaganda.

>> No.8371094
File: 75 KB, 640x478, you fucking moron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8371402
File: 125 KB, 900x1200, Crispitos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crispitos my niggies

>Be in 7th grade
>One of the few students to get all A's in my shitty school
>Went up to the biggest, hardest kids in the class and offered to help them with homework
>"Fuk u wan', huh?"
>Get me a spot in the lunch line
>"Nigga what?"
>Just give me a spot in the lunch line, a nigga's gotta eat
>"Yeh, aight"

This went on for three years til they caught me. Every day though I would cash in. DaQuan or Marcus would just waltz up to the front of the line and "wished a nigga would" as they said. Then I'd stroll up and we'd talk about the finer things in life. Bitches, hoes, that one fine substitute in Language Arts. Good ol' days

>>8363131 gets it

>> No.8372382

These were called chilitos at my school.
Sometimes my mother would volunteer in the cafeteria and she would bring home leftovers. When she brought home 2 or 3 gallon bags full of these things it was the fucking best, they'd all be gone in one night.

>> No.8373828

is that orange juice paired with fucking chocolate milk?

>> No.8373992


>> No.8374013

i was in 5th grade when hurricane katrina hit. red beans, smoked sausage, bottled water and oreos every day for three years. shit was nice

>> No.8374141

People used to treat honey buns like fucking currency at my old high school

>> No.8374197

My school was full of bl*ck people and the honey buns, hot Cheetos, and Sprite would sell out within minutes of being restrocked every week. There would be a couple of fistfights every year because of people trying to get a place in line as classes changed and teachers tried to corral them into class

>> No.8374302


>> No.8374498

Fuck we didn't have a ranch pump we had to buy them 50 cents each and we were only allowed to buy to because it would be to many Cal per students or some shit

>> No.8374510

Ya but in the us you can't leave to get food

>> No.8374515

Fuck i still remember it bad times man all the niggers loved them though

>> No.8374536

Oh you were one of those losers
It's OK Anon I did that freshman year because i had no friends in that lunch period and I was tired of sitting with the fucking weirdos