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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8339340 No.8339340 [Reply] [Original]

Morning! What are y'all having today?

>> No.8339351

are you suicidal or something?

>> No.8339374


>> No.8339379

there are not one but TWO eggs on your plate

moreover they have been FRIED

>> No.8339385

The same thing I eat every day pinky... 3 over easy eggs, honey and oatmeal

>> No.8339389

Is that bad...?

>> No.8339411
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Pumpkin muffins with a peanut butter/pumpkin puree spread on top. The muffin recipe I used only called for like 1/3 of the can so I had to get creative with the leftovers.

>> No.8339416

Cigarette, coffee, small glass of cognac

>> No.8339426
File: 138 KB, 480x480, BMr9Il9Airu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt like eating a donut cheeseburger with fried Twinkies. The usual, something light to start the day

>> No.8339430

This minus alcohol cuz working

>> No.8339433

Those both look pretty tasty.
And hey, we have the same mic!

>> No.8339437

Two scrambled dry eggs and 4 handfuls of raw spinach

>> No.8339851
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>> No.8340185
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>I felt like eating a donut cheeseburger with fried Twinkies. The usual

>> No.8340201

take cover, you are being memed

>> No.8340467
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>> No.8340663

> I have to tell everyone I smoke a cigarette every morning, even though we're talking about the food I eat for breakfast, not my addictions.

Sometimes I feel like smokers are worse than vegans.

>> No.8340669

I'm sorry, but can I get a few /thread-a-roonies on this?

>> No.8340770

This weekend was my family's big Christmas dinner because of all our schedules. This morning breakfast was turkey (dark meat) with giblet gravy, potatoes au gratin, cornbread stuffing with orange cranberry chutney, sweet potato soufflé, green bean casserole, and a glass of cranberry juice

>> No.8340823

Not defending that anon but people who don't smoke will never understand.

>> No.8340830

Today I had toast with avocado and egg, apple on the side. Tomorrow, it's cottage cheese with grapes, oatmeal on the side. With coffee, for both. I like to always have two simple alternating meals, and these are good for my lazy ass.

>> No.8340839


I feel like the hardest cigarette to cut out is the one I have after breakfast. It makes me feel ready for the day and when I add a cup of coffee my bowels are cleansed as if I shoved some burnt sage up there.

>> No.8340869

who the hell eats vietcong dishwater noodles for breakfast?

>> No.8340906
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>biscuits AND toast

>> No.8340942

There is no misunderstanding, cigarettes aren't food.
When someone asks you what you had for breakfast they're asking what you ate, not what you're addicted to.

>> No.8341256
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I had a very late breakfast, but here

Meat sauce with onions, beef and tomato's with added chicken in lemon sauce and spinach underneath it all

>> No.8341270
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>> No.8341272

you make those beans?

>> No.8341275


Boil, mash and lard 'em up good buddy.

>> No.8341276


Why do flyovers love their paper plates so much? Is it really that fucking hard to wash a single dish?

>> No.8341297

I can understand not wanting to do dishes. What's weird is that he already had/has to wash everything else (pans, utensils, etc) so like.. why bother, you know... I can only assume he was out of plates.

If I'm being lazy I usually go all out, heat up a pizza pocket on a paper plate or whatever.

>> No.8341312

I'm having your dad's cock, faggot.

>> No.8341323


Sure showed that faggot who's boss.

>> No.8341326
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>now quit being a faggot and suck that dick!

>> No.8341328

>too much pepper on the eggs
>a lone sausage link
>toast not toasted enough
>paper plate


>> No.8341340

>too much pepper on the eggs

The other points were good, but what? Are you fucking gay?

>> No.8341400

That sausage is miserable as fuck. Looks like it was from breakfast last tuesday.

>> No.8341421

why aren't those eggs in a bowl?

>> No.8341427


Do you think that demitoast is balanced on the rim of the plate, or is the sausage propping it up?

>> No.8341447

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8341449


>> No.8341744

Omfg my sides dude. Vietcong dishwater. hahaha im dead

>> No.8341750

Moved to a ranching town and get to eat fresh eggs, fresh cuts of beef, fresh veggies, plus no more niggers.

Life is good.

>> No.8341898

Favourite post of 2016

>> No.8342014

I fried a hamburger for 'breakfast' (was awake all night). It was basic, but nice. Wish I had some sallad.

>> No.8342020

>>too much pepper on the eggs
Black pepper is the best when plentiful.

>> No.8342197

Cigarettes reduce hunger desu. Thats why they are often used in place of breakfast

>> No.8342221

Toasted vörtbröd (did not find a translation) With boiled eggs and herb salt. And freshly grinded bean coffee

>> No.8342244

I made some scrambled eggs and ate them with a slice of bread and some tomatoes

>> No.8342271
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i really should eat something, this is brekkie for now

no bacon is what's giving me trouble

maybe i'll go to the shoppies

>> No.8342293

Alright, what the fuck is your motivation for doing this? The expression (and practice) is "eggs 'ON' toast", not ''eggs 'AND' toast". This is done, as far as I can tell, to catch the yolk on the toast. What possible reason would you have for wanting to eat two slices of dry, unbuttered toast beside your eggs. Do you eat it before or afterwards? Surely if you ate it at the same time you would have the common sense to put it under your fucking eggs. I really want an answer, please.

>> No.8342296
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>> No.8342297

some people dip the toast into the yolk left on the plate after eating. The toast serves as an accessory, to be nibbled on after finishing your main course.

>> No.8342310

also applies to this:
Here you have two (2) runny/ potentially runny things and two (2) slices of dry, absorbent toast. Why not put that shit on top of the toast? It just occurred to me now that it may be because you feel it looks better for photos, and that you wouldn't actually do this in your own lives. If not, whats the thought process that lead you to behave this way? Habit? Some sort of tradition? An eating process I am unaware of? Please respond.

>> No.8342317

Ah, but surely two slices would be one too many for yolk dipping, you are going to be left with a dry piece of toast and egg white, + a messy plate. Is the second piece used for plate wiping? It would surely be more efficient to have a one under, one sliced-and-next-to (for dipping) situation? Thoughts? Also, do you know anyone in your own life who serves toast under rather than beside, and if/ if not, where do you live?

>> No.8342508

Top fucking kek m8

>> No.8342537

Jesus Christ. Just let him eat it how he wants, you autist.
Me, i dip the toast and I'll also put some egg and bacon or whatever on top periodically.

>> No.8342586
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Not everyone eats breakfast anon.

>> No.8342608

After seeing OPs post, I made two fried eggs, two slices of whole wheat toast (unbuttered), and two cups of milk. Didn't have any sausage or bacon though since I might make bacon sandwiches for dinner tonight.

>> No.8342702
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Thai tom jeut, (tasteless soup) made by my wife. A very good foil to the usual spicy as hell Thai food I eat and can be done anywhere.
Boil coriander (root and all) and garlic, add minced pork or short ribs, some tofu and glass noodles.
A nice light breakfast and damn good for you.

>> No.8342714
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Off the meds today?

>> No.8342729

When I wake up I blow my nose, then have a shower. Sometimes I jack off before I start my day, usually in the shower. Oh, and if it's washed I like to wear my lucky shirt!

Oh, food huh? Well I don't actually eat anything but I do all those things! Hahaha.

>> No.8342732

Amphetamine salts and water. Life is good :)

>> No.8343012

>The same thing I eat every day pinky... 3 over easy eggs, honey and oatmeal

Google cholesterol

>> No.8343019

I did and found that the HDL cholesterol in eggs is harmless.
I also found out that oats help to lower LDL cholestero in the bodyl.
Winner all round, wouldn't you agree?

>> No.8343048

I hadn't actually googled cholesterol :( you win

>> No.8343057


>> No.8343095

>that the HDL cholesterol in eggs is harmless

According to no actual reputable source

>> No.8343108

The BMJ is a highly reputable source.
Now let me guess, you think 911 was an inside job and chemtrails are a Jewish conspiracy?

>> No.8343181

Different guy, but 9/11 conspiracy theories can range from plausible (feds knew and allowed the attack to happen, or planned it themselves), to fucking retarded (IT WAS A CONTROLLED DEMOLITION!!1).

>> No.8343203

Actually you do want a higher HDL count than your LDL. There is a difference between good cholesterol and bad. Please do your research

>> No.8343580

If you don't eat breakfast you don't belong in this thread you fucking retard.

>> No.8343582

But are they food?

>> No.8343583
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>He doesn't breakfast for dinner

>> No.8343596
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Chili cheese scramble with potatoes, something my dad always used to make.

>> No.8343606

Note to self: Start feeding my kid better, or they'll make the garbage I feed them now as an adult.

>> No.8343665

I eat eggs and toast like that, as incredibly as it might seem you take a bite of your eggs, then bite the toast, incredible right?

>> No.8343794
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Tying to make this shit

>> No.8343798

>glass noodles

You wot

>> No.8343799


All these years I thought it was goat meal. jesus.

>> No.8343804

more like GOAT meal, amirite?

ha, ha, nice dubs, friend

>> No.8343819


>Not eating oat meal uncooked with milk and raisins.

>> No.8343821
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Just got done making it... it turned out okay, with some maple syrup. It's easy to mess this stuff up if you aren't patient.

>> No.8343833

Well my stomach is killing me right now I don't know if raisins are good... Also no milk do you mind running out and retrieving some for me? ahahahahaha

>> No.8344376

I wouldn't drink too much of the liquid, the coriander would make it a diuretic.

>> No.8344434
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>hamburgers for breakfast
amerifats everybody

>> No.8344441

I only eat oatmeal for every breakfast.

>> No.8345125
File: 42 KB, 454x453, image_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is a sausage patty

>> No.8345225

Buy some actual plates you white trash fuck. I cant believe people in the US use paper plates.. no manners

>> No.8345233

You can stop samefagging now, nobody cares about your reddit-tier shitposting

>> No.8345243

>white toast
>not whole-grain
>eating beans with an incomplete grain

>> No.8345271


Inspector 34? Is it really you?

>> No.8345303


Pick one. A sausage is contained within a cylindrical skin. Amerifats have some strange definition that includes spiced meat shaped in patty form, but this is entirely erroneous. One only need look up the definition and in short order the amerifat definition is obliterated.

Sorry amerifats. Once again you're proven imbecilic. You're quite used to it though, so no need for my apology, what?

>> No.8345310

This makes me feel so sad

>> No.8345326

>/thread-a-roonies on this?
Jesus Christ

>> No.8345330

How far onto the spectrum are you

>> No.8345334

Hold the fucking phone.

If you take a sausage, remove the wrapping and crumble it, it's no longer sausage?

>> No.8345337

the bottom of those eggs look crispy OP why didnt you just flip them

>> No.8345338

Kill yourself

>> No.8345347

A sausage is just a casing full of ground pork. If you take it out, you have ground pork.

>> No.8345353

Why? He seems happy.

>> No.8345354

>being this insecure about sausage
It's ok to be a fag euroanon

>> No.8345361


>> No.8345481

>insecure about words

Not at all. I know what words mean. I try to help others improve their language skills, but if they wish to ignore it, I won't lose a bit of sleep, I assure you.

Btw, I'm an amerifat, not european.

>> No.8345523

That's for four people, right?

>> No.8345535

>turkey (dark meat)

Ah, yes, because Amerifats can't bring themselves to actually say 'breast' or 'leg' so they euphemistically talk about 'white meat' and 'dark meat'. Children.

>> No.8345539

Really. And there was me wondering why I went for a piss later that day at some stage. It's a soup. Soups are liquid.

>> No.8345550
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Two poached duck eggs on (very crumbly) wholemeal toast.

>> No.8345601

>Ah, yes, because Amerifats can't bring themselves to actually say 'breast' or 'leg' so they euphemistically talk about 'white meat' and 'dark meat'.
That's more of a Victorian era thing than anything, nobody fucking says "white meat" or "dark meat" in the US today, they'll look at you like a fucking weirdo if you do, they say chicken breast, chicken thigh, chicken leg, etc.

Get over your irrational hateboner you desperate cuck.

Does duck egg taste any different from chicken eggs?

>> No.8345604


>> No.8345627


people do say light and dark because there's a reason for saying it.


what? americans have many properties but prudishness is not one of them.

some people say breast or leg. some people say light and dark meat. actually everyone says both, pretty much. are you like, implying americans are squeamish? because the black people expect everyone to shoot another nigger in order to be 'a real person', half of our males feel insecure unless they've shot at least one arab overseas, and the other half kills animals for fun.

its fucking nothing. you make no sense. expand your mind.

>> No.8345628

Only in the evangelical south, where everyone is still holy and puritan.

>gasp, Bobby Joe said, "breast!" Get the lye soap, Pa! We gotta war'sh huh mout' out!

>> No.8345643

Unfortunately you're exactly right. South Georgia. Didn't realize that was such a fox paws

>> No.8345756

There we go, that's how it's fucking done

>> No.8345762

> you do want a higher HDL count than your LDL

So should you. It's LDL that is the 'good' cholesterol, and HDL which is the 'bad'.

More importantly though, is the ratio between the two. Anything over 3 is bad, anything below is better.

>> No.8345769
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Glass noodles aka rice vermicelli and in Thai 'woon sen' = 'jelly noodles'

>> No.8345778
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Unless, of course, you mean Lorne sausage, which IS British (well, Scotland and Northern Ireland mainly) and is NOT encased in a skin.

>> No.8345782

We get it, you hate smoking, ok? Stop telling us

>> No.8345784

> Does duck egg taste any different from chicken eggs?

Very. The yolk is darker, richer in taste and thicker in texture.
They are very good indeed. Try some. Use better bread for your toast than the shit I had in the bottom of the fridge.

>> No.8345794

Ground pork, plus all the cereal binding, plus all the herbs ad spices. Especially plus all the gristle that gets thrown in the cheaper shit.

>> No.8345805

Thank you. Simple food, simply cooked. Cant beat it.
Nothing worse than all this pretentious shit like 3 raspberries on a grape, or half a potato with a floret of broccoli and small piece of meat with a tablespoon of 'jus' for $35 (God how I fucking hate that fucking word - it's fucking thin gravy, is all)

>> No.8345951


>> No.8346932

>SPAM is now sausage

>> No.8347046

looks good. kinda dry looking, but that might be the pic

that looks so fucking taste. what's the bowl in the middle, are they grits??

that looks fantastic. nicely done

i usually just have some yogurt and homemade cold brew coffee. sometimes whole wheat toast with butter and strawberry jam, and occasionally a latte with honey and cinnamon

>> No.8347104

kill yourself eurofag

>> No.8347235
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hazelnut coffee and a breakfast burrito with eggs/bacon/cheese/peppers and onions.

and an oreo.

>> No.8348799

Hey grandpa

>> No.8350102

I like to dip my toast in the runny yolk. Can't do that when the egg is on top of the toast.

>> No.8350333
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Breakfast burrito with soy chorizo, bell pepper, mushroom, Veganegg and some vegan cheddar. Coffee with almond milk.