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File: 123 KB, 700x700, bulleit-bourbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8336193 No.8336193 [Reply] [Original]

This is really goood

>> No.8336198

Their rye is not bad, either.

>> No.8336258

Best bourbon imo

>> No.8336283

I'd rate the rye over the bourbon

I'd also rate bulleit over most $45 pricepoint bourbons

>> No.8336296

It's marginal at best and horribly overpriced... it's also made in Indiana. There are literally dozens of better bourbons on the market for the same or less. But for some reason the rubes love the bottle and the name.

Four Roses
Old Grandad Bonded
Eagle Rare
Buffalo Trace
Old Weller Antique
W.L. Weller 12 etc. etc. are all better bourbons/ryes for similar or less price, and they are actually distilled, not just barreled, in Kentucky.

Protip: Any "small batch" bourbon you've seen a Commercial for (Makers, Knob Creek, Bulliet) are the whiskey equivalent to Bud Light, it'll do the job, but it's a Macro-Brew mass market brand that you buy because you either don't have any other knowledge or you just don't like change.

tl;dr Bulliet is actually pretty crap, has good marketing, and it not as good as stuff half its price.

t. Bartender, Whiskey Nerd, and occasional Beam/Suntory Consultant

>> No.8336317

OP here, im from eastern Europe, we dont have much choice from bourbons here, unless you go to a specialized liquour store, the usual stuff in the average supermarkets is Jim Beam/Makers Mark/Four Roses and a few other brands.
I usually drink Four Roses(or Tullamore, if not bourbon), but decided to grab this today.
Also, its not expensive at all here, bought it for ~15 euros, discounted from 20 eur
Im really enjoying it, prolly my srcond favorite bourbon that ive tried after Makers Mark

>> No.8336339

Buffalo Trace is far superior in that price range as is Evan Williams BiB
Have you had the Stagg Jr. Batch 7 yet? I got a bottle as my first expensive bourbon but I'm curious if it's a decent batch compared to the old ones.

>> No.8336341

its ok. 101 is pretty much the goto for me. not bad and cheap. buffalo trace is also a favorite, but makers mark is easier to drink. those are pretty much the ones i stick to. bulleit is probably best for cocktails, moreso than others. i also make a bourbon tea with 101 which comes out pretty nice.

>> No.8336350

Yea, sold through my allocation of Batch 7 already iirc. It was as good as usual, the entirety of the antique collection is good year to year.

What I did just get a bottle of is the new Whistle Pig Boss Hog release, 118.8 proof this year, fucking golden.

>> No.8336351


Yeah I've noticed it's really cheap overseas. Got a 1L bottle for $20.00 in Germany.

It's usually around $27 for a 750 at the stores around me in the states.

>> No.8336356

This is gonna blow peoples minds... but by and large the American Whiskeys you buy over-seas are not the same ones you get in the Domestic Market, the rules are, well, not as strict for export vs. domestic consumption.

If you are drinking the "real deal" in most places in Europe it will be 1.5-2.5x as expensive as in the USA. If you're drinking the Export juice, it'll be cheaper of course, and also usually no where near the quality of the domestic product.

>> No.8336364

How do I differentiate?

>> No.8336375

Depends on the country, and the brand, a good way to tell is proof levels. Also, some less good brands subtly change the label, calling it "American Bourbon" instead of "Kentucky Bourbon" or "Whiskey" instead of "Bourbon".

They might not change anything at all, but instead of the "hearts" of the distillate, you're getting the heads and tails, less quality barrels, less quality blending, etc.

the Export market is where juice that got rejected by the soms and the distillery can get re-blended and sold off, because, frankly, most people outside the USA don't even have a clue what a good bourbon is, let alone if the one they got is somehow inferior to the domestic product.

>> No.8336407


Makes sense. Was wondering how shipping it across the world made it cheaper.

>> No.8336411

Sorry it's got nothing on maker's

>> No.8336429

Makers is literally babbys first bourbon, it has the highest sweetness of nearly any bourbon on the market. Each glass of makers is like taking a real Bourbon, adding a spoonful of simple syrup, and mixing it. We literally call it "cocktail in a bottle" it's so sweet compared to most good bourbons.

It's an overly sweet high-wheat mash-bill bourbon for 21 year olds trying to be old men and old men who don't know what the fuck they're doing.

FFS people, Knob Creek, Makers, Bulliet are all actually pretty crap, there are literally dozens of better bourbons but you all insist on drinking the popular brands because that's all you know, and then somehow you end up tying your identity to one brand and boom, you're that idiot who tries to tell me Makers Mark is better than Jefferson's Reserve.

>> No.8336431

Thank you for projecting so goddamn hard. If you'd pull your head put of your ass you'd see I was making the exact same point you were. Makers is shit and is still better than this swill. Calm down faggot

>> No.8336433


>> No.8336453

I'd love to try that but sadly I'm in Canada so shipping is impossible and prices are fucked up (Whistlepig 10 is over $130 at LCBO).

>> No.8336463
File: 345 KB, 640x360, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly off topic, but the other day I was in the liquor store and there's this guy punting samples of "bourbon" out of Breckenridge CO, it wasn't bad at all tbqh, but I felt compelled (autism) to scold the guy for calling it "bourbon." He was just some cunt, had no idea what I was talking about, and looked at me like a cow who just got hit with a hammer. I didn't buy a bottle.

tl;dr: when the fuck they decide they can call whiskey made outside KY bourbon?

>> No.8336474

>when the fuck they decide they can call whiskey made outside KY bourbon

since always?

>> No.8336476

Jim Beam makes a damn decent everday rye as well

>> No.8336480

Rye is almost always better than bourbon.

>> No.8336494

Bourbon is a style

Kentucky Straight Bourbon is a protected name.

Also, that CO whiskey is actually not horrible. Yes it's bourbon, it's more than 51% corn in the mash-bill aged in new american oak barrels for 3 years minimum, meaning it's totally a bourbon, it's just not a Kentucky Straight bourbon.

And yes, there is a big argument going on over all that, but technically he was right, it's bourbon... also don't sperg out on the poor local marketing guy, he's usually not even a brand employee.

Yep, JB rye is good. My two everyday ryes right now are Old Overhold and Rittenhouse.

If you like JB, get a bottle of the bonded JB, it's awesome.

>> No.8336496

>While bourbon may be made anywhere in the United States, it is strongly associated with the American South, and with Kentucky in particular.
either clever ruse or actual autist that went of on an innocent man working

>> No.8336529
File: 15 KB, 613x247, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't sperg out
I wasn't a dick about it, just a mention, like "this is good but it shouldn't be called bourbon," I know the guy was just doing his job, OTH, you *should* know something about what your selling, but it is what it is. I had always though "bourbon" was a protected term, like Champaign, should have read the wiki before my shitpost

>> No.8336543

the whiskey gods forgive you, go forth and sin no more.

>> No.8337333

Bulleit is cheaper than all of those so you have 0 idea what you're saying

>> No.8337347

my favorite bourbon and reasonably priced to boot

>> No.8337358


It always tastes off to me. I dunno why, but there's just something weird in the taste that I don't get from other bourbons, and I can't stand it.

>> No.8337514

its kinda caramel-ish imo

>> No.8337531

Does your pretentious stupidity ever end

>> No.8337642

Breckenridge is great, you know it because you tried it, and you were still a fucking asshole? Don't be such an elitist and enjoy the good stuff that's given to you, prick.

>> No.8337679

We had this stuff at work over the past two nights. I don't think a single person disliked it. It's definitely a very enjoyable bourbon.

>> No.8337747

This will be my next bottle.

Saw it in the store tonight and considered it. However, they had their 10 year old bottle right next to it for $50. I mulled it over and decided for something else tonight, but my next bottle will likely be the 10 year aged.

>> No.8337765

It's barely cheaper then Buffalo Trace and that blows Bullet out of the water.

>> No.8337849

My brethren

I stick to 101 when I'm just looking to have a drink. I've tried a ridiculous number of whiskies in my life and I enjoy trying new ones but I'm not made of money these days. At work I use Jack Daniel's quite a bit in my baking recipes and it works really well for that application. Never really enjoyed drinking it because it's sweeter than I like and smells like bananas but that makes it perfect for dessert recipes.

>> No.8337869

It's about 5$ cheaper and on the same level, if not better. I'd rate them pretty equal, personally.

>> No.8338062

I've had only one rye and it tasted like the smell of shoe polish

>> No.8338071

This thread is exactly the same as every other thread here. STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE!! I mean seriously this is every bit as bad a faggot containment board as /mlp/ and /r9k/. There is no genuine discussion or debate. Rampant faggotry and cancer. Fuck this place. MODS = FAGS

>> No.8338123

dude relax and have a few fingers of bulleit, if you really want indepth discussion go to a whisky and bourbon forum or join a club, this is fucking 4chan

>> No.8338465

its pretty overrated, IMO. not really any better than JD even though its nearly ten bucks more for a fifth

>> No.8338515

>tfw champagne can be made in a few other places then france
i feel like a cunt telling people, but it's true

>> No.8338529

You mean sparking wine can be made outside of France

>> No.8338571

No, because literally all champagne is sparkling white wine made in Champagne. Is it better than other sparkling white wine? It doesn't matter; the appeal is to make stupid whores and black people think you're intelligent and cultured for buying it over other white wine.

>> No.8338582

Oh shit, I don't hear much talk about Eagle Rare.

That was my first night getting drunk, thought it was fuckin fantastic. How does something like four roses compare?