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File: 38 KB, 628x314, n-CRUNCHY-PEANUT-BUTTER-628x314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8327215 No.8327215 [Reply] [Original]

the great debate

>> No.8327220

Creamy all the way. Chunky seems awkward to spread, but then again I've never really tried because I always go with creamy.

>> No.8327222

creamy or die

>> No.8327227 [DELETED] 

Non-American chunky

>> No.8327230

Both because I can enjoy anything

>> No.8327232

Creamy is great if you're fucking five years old i guess. Better get mom to cut all that nasty crust off tho senpai

>> No.8327233

Creamy. With jam. On super soft white bread. Only proper way to make a PB&J.

>> No.8327236
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>you're not a real man unless you eat peanut butter with chunks instead of peanut butter without chunks

Are you 12?

>> No.8327246

Ew. White bread

>> No.8327248

It's really pure and free of chemicals but if you prefer really processed stuff then whatever mate

>> No.8327253

Creamy for pb&j's, chunky for everything else.

>> No.8327254

You need white bread for PB&J. It's one of the few times where no substitutions are acceptable. The texture of soft white bread, creamy PB and jam work together perfectly.

>> No.8327261

Sorry I have never made a PBJ, I guess it would be like trying to substitute white bread with something for fairybread for australians.

>> No.8327282

never tried creamy, should I ?

>> No.8327284

peanut butter actually sucks. I'd rather munch on regular peanuts.

>> No.8327305

Let's solve this once and for all

>> No.8327310

puts peanuts on his bread with jam..weirdo

>> No.8327377
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>> No.8327385

i'd rather suck your dick than eat peanut butter but he wasn't asking whether or not you like it but which you would prefer you faggot


>> No.8327392

Except honey wheat

>> No.8328002

I like peanuts, and I like peanut butter. But I do not like peanuts in my peanut butter

>> No.8328041

For me, creamy all the way. Mostly because I only use peanut butter to make firecrackers and creamy is better overall in my experience

>> No.8328050


t. white trash

>> No.8328064

I prefer chunky but my husband prefers creamy.

I buy both when they're on sale and creamy when they're not. I like both so it's alright.

>> No.8328114
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>> No.8328804

Smooth organic.

>> No.8328811

>btw im a gril

>> No.8328822

You lie, faggot.

>> No.8328883

Chunky on toast/pb&j
Creamy for baking

>> No.8328887

is this true? or is it white trash?

>> No.8329139
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Accept no substitutes for super chunky

>> No.8329153
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No, I eat chunky peanut butter

>> No.8329162

creamy jif

>> No.8329169

Chunkies gtfo

>> No.8329216

Peter pan smooth honey roasted is the GOAT

>> No.8329241

Creamy or crunchy does not matter. The only thing that matters is that your choose natural over the preservative filled shit.

If you don't have to stir it and keep it in the fridge it is garbage.

>> No.8329249
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Everyone in this thread is a faggot.

>> No.8329270

why am i not surprised by the amount of faggots who like it "creamy ;)"

>> No.8329280

Subhuman opinion.

>> No.8329286

>eating peanuts with grapes

>> No.8329624

Can you enjoy me fucking your girlfriend?

>> No.8329699

Hyper Crunchy, Super Crunchy is for pussies.

>> No.8329976

i bet there's a correlation between fags who don't want any pulp in orange juice and fags who prefer creamy peanut butter

>> No.8329986

>only buy pulp-free orange juice
>prefer extra crunchy peanut butter
psychoanalyse me faggot

>> No.8329990

You like hard cock and creamy cum, and so does your future wife.webm

>> No.8330006

Joke's on you I'll die alone like everyone else here

>> No.8330125

aw yiss this shit is great

>> No.8330177

Now that I think about it, I'm leaning towards chunky. I like the extra crunch.

>> No.8330194
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i like really rough-ground natural PB. chunks are okay, but anything too smooth is very offputting to me.

>> No.8330197
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>mfw my gf's a trap

Ha! Gaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8330206

only if you enjoy me fucking you while fucking my girlfriend ;)

>> No.8330209


>you enjoy crunchy PB and pulpy OJ
>tfw you've rapidly lost all shelf space and often only have one or no options available anymore

i'm almost hoping for a hipster insurgence to bring these back to the spotlight

>> No.8330211

there is approximately 10 rat hairs and 40 pieces of insects in a normal sized jar of peanut butter


>> No.8330213

Threads like this is why you people will never get laid. What the fuck happened to you people to make you become such monsters?

>> No.8330217

Smooth is the only answer.

Chunky is feels like they gave up grinding it all the way. It's liked only by subhuman morons.

>> No.8330224

>drinking orange juice

>> No.8330231

Crunchy, especially for sweet deserts like ice cream.

>> No.8330239

It's the other way around, we are like this because we never get laid. Do you think I would say this stuff if I played with girls in kindergarden? If I would have experienced my first kiss in elementary school? If I would have a healthy teenage relationship in high school? If I would have had a healthy sex live in my late teens and college years? The world has turned me into this "monster".
Now go eat creamy peanut butter and suck a dick.

>> No.8330244

protip: i had a healthy sex life as a teen and still ended up here

whether or not you've stuck your dick into a cooter is irrelevant to your long term internet browsing/posting habits which are far more harmful overall than v-card status

>> No.8330256

Moral of the story: If you're a piece of shit with an internet connection, you're gonna end up here, regardless of your sex life/lack of it.

>> No.8330262

I hate that it's regional though, have to order it online and have it shipped to me now that I'm in the south.

>> No.8330372


The texture of a slightly dense homemade slice of whole wheat with crunchy PB is fantastic. If the bread is too soft then the PB outshines it, but they are at their best when standing on equal footing.

>> No.8330380

Creamy on bread
Chunky out of the jar

>> No.8330824

You won't live forever. Try it someday.

>> No.8330828

I like creamy better on PBJ sandwiches and shit just because of the texture, but chunky tastes way better, I just eat that stuff straight

>> No.8330835

creamy on bread
crunchy on crackers

>> No.8330850

All these plebs here.
Where my Almond butter bros at ?
>Also chunky

>> No.8330924

>Eating crusts

>> No.8330949

As a child, I got tired of constantly having to dig peanuts out of my teeth, so I went smooth and never looked back.

>> No.8330960

There is no point in buying chunky. If you have creamy and, for some strange reason, want chunks, all you have to do is stir in peanuts. You're paying the same for fewer calories if you buy chunky because the whole peanut is less dense than the peanut butter.


>> No.8330967

This nigger knows what's up. Plus cheap creamy is made much better with almonds or cashews crushed up in it

>> No.8331562
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Grainy :)

>> No.8331615 [DELETED] 

>Moral of the story: If you're a piece of shit with an internet connection, you're gonna end up here, regardless of your sex life/lack of it.

If no one takes anything else away from this thread, I'd like it to be this. Some of us not only get laid, but can hold down a screaming woman a long term relationship too.

>> No.8331625

>Moral of the story: If you're a piece of shit with an internet connection, you're gonna end up here, regardless of your sex life/lack of it.

If no one takes anything else away from this thread, I'd like it to be this. Some of us not only get laid, but can hold down a long term relationship too.

>> No.8331648


>> No.8331674


natural peanut butter (that's without added grease)

>> No.8331699


Well if we're just handing out fucks can I get one thrown my way?

>> No.8331723

There is no unique answer. I'm kind of a "monster" but I'm married, my wife is pregnant right now and on the couch behind me watching a movie, and we still have sex pretty often. And I'm dicking around on the internet pretty often too since I don't like all those movies she streams.

>> No.8331738

>hold down a long term relationship too.

You're correct. I've been married over 30 years to the same woman, but there is a strange allure to this board and 4chan in general. I think it's the anarchistic mix of some quality information and humorous shitposting.

>> No.8331775

I like em both depending on what I use it for and mood. This is the only correct answer

>> No.8331777

You dumb fuck. Natural PB can come as creamy or chunky, nub nuts.

>> No.8332003

Chunky all day, fuck yall

>> No.8332077

Smooth on breads, crunchy on fruits

>> No.8332102

fat amerishart who has never had real natural peanut butter detected
how does it feel to be addicted to fat and grease?

>> No.8332243
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>> No.8332380

Both are delicious depending on my mood

>> No.8332399

double sided crunchy on pb&J
creamy on everything else.

>> No.8332417

crunchy is the only choice. you need texture

>> No.8332493

crunchy is GOAT, it just adds a nice texture

>> No.8332877

While I personally disagree, I've noticed that a lot, like an absurdly large amount of celebrity chefs, agree. Same with grilled cheese, they think white bread and american is best.

>> No.8332891

Crunchy, you beta cucks.

>> No.8332892

What exactly is american bread?

>> No.8332898

> stirring peanut butter with nuts.

Why? Its a fucking sandwich. Who has the time and energy. Plus crunchy is infinitely better so theres no point even considering getting creamy.

Filthy dog.

>> No.8332976


maybe hes refering to american cheese

>> No.8332992

Creamy, just because when I'm baked I like to put it on strawberry pop tarts and make a sandwich.

>> No.8333139
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I like both.

>> No.8333162

Some of the stores near me sell peanut butter that is dispensed from a grinder. The texture is coarse but not exactly chunky. It's a nice compromise between creamy and chunky. I suspect they don't clean the grinders well though.

>> No.8333238

You might want to try Jewish Challah bread.

>> No.8333340
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Whatever man, i eat 8 spiders a night in my sleep. What do you care?

>> No.8333358
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Creamy because I'm not a savage.

>> No.8333368

Creamy. If i wanted crunchy, I'd just take trail mix instead of a PBJ

>> No.8334417

Creamy if only because it's easier to spread.

>> No.8334422


If I wanted peanuts, I would just buy peanuts.

>> No.8334425
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Peter Pan has one like that now.

>> No.8334428

Creamy peanut butter on toasted wheat bread with a swirl of honey.

Come at me bitches.

>> No.8334431

Crunchy isn't bad, I just prefer smooth because crunchy always ends up tearing the bread.

>> No.8334433

I prefer creamy peanut butter, and I like my orange juice with lots of Pulp.

If you make your own OJ fresh it usually has lots of pulp in it.

If you eat chunky peanut butter it doesn't mean your peanut butter is more precious than creamy peanut butter though, it means you got an unfinished product......unless you grind your own 'nuts at home and I bet you do all day.

>> No.8334437

pb&j on rye is the true master race

>> No.8334442

This. I go through phases with creamy and chunky. Sometimes I like the textural change in my sandwiches and the crunch is nice, other times creamy and smooth us just what I want. Both are valid and delicious opinions

>> No.8334453

Whenever I see someone on 4chan mention a husband or boyfriend I always assume they're gay
>on topic
Crunchy > creamy
Any peanut butter with sugar added is inedible and if you enjoy it you're too young to be on this site

>> No.8334480

>ruining your peanut butter sandwich by adding jelly


>> No.8335042

The debate is over: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YxTOU_ry3g&oref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D3YxTOU_ry3g&has_verified=1

>> No.8335417

Creamy for crackers/toast, crunchy for anything that's soft, like sandwiches.

>> No.8335536

Fuck jelly! Jam Bitches!!

>> No.8335592

Neither, almond butter

>> No.8335594

who gives a fuck? i just make sure none of these asshole corps put fucking sugar in my nutbutter

>> No.8335621
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>All natural peanut butter that never mixes with the oil

>> No.8335623

Crunchy. Like a little more texture in my pb&j.

>> No.8335631

perfect body desu

>> No.8335703

I'd say the classics that require industrial white bread are:
>Cheap ham and Kraft single
>Bologna and cheese
>Grilled cheese

>> No.8335868

Thank you for being a normal dude, anon

>> No.8335880

store it upside own you retard

>> No.8336756

I'll take either, but I only use a spoon. Scoop out the peanut butter, wipe it on the bread, and use the back of the spoon to spread it.

>> No.8337675

Literally Satan

>> No.8337688

I have never had chunky peanut butter

Is it one of those texture memes like peas in guacamole?

>> No.8338294

Grilled cheeses are more interesting with other kinds of bread and the other three sandwiches are disgusting shit not worth eating if you're over the age of 7

>> No.8338518



>> No.8338692

If you don't get an arm workout before you can eat your jar of peanut butter it's junk

>> No.8338696
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>> No.8338699

real planet butter only. But try to stay away from both.