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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8321801 No.8321801 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, guys.

I'm 34 and never eaten steak before.
I would like to try one before I die which may be soon.
I've already outlived my expiration date given by doctors and fear I will die without ever eating a steak.

I've never eaten a burger either.
Please post aesthetic steaks so I may work up the courage to try one.


>> No.8321829
File: 90 KB, 960x641, Best-Steak-and-Steakhouses-in-Toronto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I love you. You wanna talk?

>> No.8321830
File: 127 KB, 450x350, StripAndLobster[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're probably dying cause of not enough steak


Have some Slav food porn

Pic unrelated, it's just there in case you're too much of a PUSSY to confront the STEAK, you little BITCH

>> No.8321833


>> No.8321838


>> No.8321844


>> No.8321853
File: 22 KB, 320x214, a43a46f613ac8286e4c1a63293a91f4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have S.E.D.

I only eat pizza and chicken nuggets.
I want to try a steak so bad but I can never seem to work up the courage.

Also, I have a stomach infection that is getting really bad so I may be dead soon.

>> No.8321858
File: 10 KB, 259x194, stekkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disgusting greasy pizza
only good thing is the pineapple
are you the anorexic anon?
if not, what is wrong with you?
if you are going to have a steak
have a filet or top sirloin cooked to medium

here is a picture of a steak that pleased my eye

>> No.8321859

I would try that crab looking thingy.
It looks like a big shrimp which I can sometimes eat.

>> No.8321862


Aka S.E.D

>> No.8321868
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>> No.8321872
File: 28 KB, 450x402, 589270343490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 34 and never eaten steak before.
numales were a mistake

>> No.8321880

It's not being finniky.
It's more than that.

I have been accused of being picky my entire life and it's terrible because I really want to eat normal.

The thing is my body rejects most foods and I just puke it back up.
Even if I hold my nose, load up on xanax and close my eyes while convincing myself I'm eating pizza I vomit the food back up.

>> No.8321881

me again
you can do it anon, we believe in you.

>> No.8321886


i have bulimia
so i relate to you a little bit i suppose friendo

>> No.8321889

Fucks sake I thought you have cancer or some shit. being fussy is not a disease. Stomach infections very rarely kill.

Steak would be wasted on you.

>> No.8321890

I've gone hungry for o very a week because I couldn't afford pizza.

It's bad, anon.
I recently got beef jerky to stay down so I'm anxious to try steak now.

>> No.8321891

>The thing is my body rejects most foods and I just puke it back up.

It's psychological. Eat a fucking steak you picky fucking princess.

>> No.8321898

How do you know I don't have cancer?
Also, any increase in my CV count is cause for alarm due to my afflictions.

Stomach infection can kill me, c-diff is no joke.
Also, I don't want to talk about my diseases other than the one related to food because I'm not off-topic swine.

>> No.8321907

If someone would fly it into my mouth like an airplane I might be able to eat it.
It's comforting and makes me forget I'm eating a dead animal.

>> No.8321912

c-diff is a fucking horrendous infection.
im sorry to hear that is an affliction you have. sadly a downside/risk of antibiotic use

have a steak anon
you can do it.
why dont you slice steak thinly onto a pizza?

>> No.8321925

Like a Philly cheese steak pizza? GENIUS!

>> No.8321943

>I only eat pizza and chicken nuggets.
lmao sure sounds healthy there Cleetus McBeetus

>> No.8322244
File: 54 KB, 780x282, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8322262

fucking manlet

>> No.8323198

>I only eat pizza and chicken nuggets.
no wonder you're a manlet. there is no nutrition in any of that shit. it's literal shit, and probably caused your disease.

t. literal doctor

>> No.8323202

only eating that shit caused a severe case of malnutrition, factors which compound your genetic condition which would not have been very severe at all if you had just eaten nutritional foods like school tells you to

>> No.8323206

back when /b/ was good and this place wasn't overrun by faggots who's only skill is taping their pecker into their bunghole

>> No.8323260
File: 387 KB, 598x369, 555-come-on-now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks /b/ was ever good

>> No.8323280

/b/ used to be good, but not in 2009

>> No.8323350

>gets really fancy
>uses a really shitty cut of meat


>> No.8323362

I would do that for you if you let me fuck you in the ass afterwards