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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8318226 No.8318226 [Reply] [Original]

So we see a good bit of alcoholism here on /ck/... but does anyone else have an eating disorder?

I can't eat sugar; it causes me to binge.

>> No.8318299

alcoholism is so much sexier tho

>> No.8318306

Eatsonly once a day. Eating feels bad and makes me want to puke for some reasons, even if the food is well-made. Often i never eat at all. Just lie in bed and sleep instead. But these days I feel the back of my knees giving up now.

>> No.8318318
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Alcoholic with an eating disorder here
Attempting to reign in bulimia and alcoholism at the same time is proving challenging. And I have been gaining weight recently due to the steady increase in alcohol consumption. Which has been making me rather pissed off

>> No.8318404

Why not buy some soylent? It's fairly benign-tasting, gives you just one thing to get used to, and gets the meals out of the way. You'd feel better :o

>> No.8318424

Because then he wouldn't be a special snowflake anymore

>> No.8318457
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I am anorexic, BMI 14.9.
I don't really have a good reason for this. I am just disgusted at the idea of gaining weight. Fucking disgusted by it. I know I don't have much time left, I am weakening by the day and live alone on inheritance so nobody has even seen me for months outside of a large coat. I'm basically done. Fatness just disgusts me too much, I can't fucking bear it. I've been eating 400 calories per day recently and passed out last week.

Eh. I have a bucket list at least of 35 pre-death achievements I'd like to have, most of them are anorexia related. Will post soon

>> No.8318459
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>> No.8318487


I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I was once in a similar position. I rejected buying soylent because it was more convenient and more nutritious to buy protein shakes. I could even get them from the same gas station I was getting my gatorade (gotta stay hydrated) and mixers from, which happened to be right next to the liquor store.

>> No.8318488

Are you the guy that tossed the entire plate of bacon and eggs

>> No.8318521

I never feel full, ever.
I strictly plan and control my diet (still eat delicious food, just in controlled amounts), 1500cal a day, most of the time, because if I don't I just cannot stop eating. I basically took a cheat week visiting family for thanksgiving and I would basically just eat and eat until the pain of my distended stomach made me stop (but I still craved more). Ppl think it's funny, despite my being extremely thin, I will eat like an entire chocolate cake by myself.

Point is I wish I felt the natural limits most people seem to, but I just don't, and need to constantly be micromanaging instead, or I'll go totally overboard. Feels like it qualifies as an eating disorder idk.


>> No.8318549



>> No.8318552

Pizza is my weakness, I eat well usually, but when we order a pizza I eat an ungodly amount

>> No.8318597

I was very fat at one point and started dieting.
I hit my goal weight 23 lbs ago. Not sure if I have an eating disorder or not but I feel like if I change anything in my diet I'll freak out and start binge eating. This diet has taken me over a years worth of effort and I'm very nervous about changing it.

>> No.8318684
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Bulimianon here
I originally had anorexia, years ago
I wish I still had that. Seeing the goals reminded me of how things used to be. I'm probably looking back with some rose tinted specs on. But I wish i didn't feel compelled to to force my head into the toilet every time I eat :^(

I'm quite depressed at the moment.

>> No.8318726
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I recently watched family movies over the holidays. Seeing myself at age 11, when I was skinny and perfectly normal and knowing that while these were being filmed, my mother was constantly telling me I was "obese" and subsequently put me on the SlimFast diet (2 meal replacement shakes a day, and I wasn't allowed to eat dinner with the family)

I used to hurry and binge before she would get home from work, and it led to a massive struggle with bulimia and binge eating that I still struggle with 13 years later.

It hurts to know that the happy kid in the videos was in the midst of abuse and developing not only eating, but mental disorders, that would effect them to this day.

Granted, I've lost about 30lbs from my highest (known) weight, and I'm buying shoes this weekend to start working out again next week.

The struggle with my binge eating is still hard to beat, but now that I'm living alone, it's easier to manage since I control what's brought into my house. I am probably going to go on a raw diet for a few weeks soon to get rid of my cravings for shitty foods. I did a vegan diet before, and lasted about two years or so, and lost 50lbs, but fell off the wagon and gained a bit back. Hopefully I can stay on track this time and not fuck up.

>> No.8319242

Coming from an alcoholic who has also struggle with bulimia and anorexia my whole life, it's really, really, REALLY not any better.

>> No.8319671

Yeah. Been there, done that, it's terrible.

>> No.8319684

I'd love to take my bulimia to anorexia. It's cheaper AND better for your teeth.
...heh.... :\

>> No.8319688

Yeah - why doesn't satiation sink in?!

>> No.8319695

Fatty McDaddyFuck lol

>> No.8319698

The thought of gaining weight terrifies me. Fat people disgust me. Your bucket list is interesting...
>Steal lard from store and hide under bridge
Care to elaborate?

>> No.8319716

Bulimic , used to just be a binge eater. I recently turned bulimic a few months ago and it's terrible. I eat until I'm writhing in pain and then throw up. Repeat x3. I don't usually plan my binges but once I start eating it's full force.

>> No.8319736

Yeah but if we were able to control our appetite we wouldn't have this problem.

Why does my head hurt after purging? What part of the brain is it?

>> No.8319740

>TFW had a binge eating disorder after rapidly losing 30kgs a few years ago
>Literally figurative hell
>Would eat on a diet for a week and then binge until literally throwing up and consuming more for three days straight
>Absolutely rekt my guts, in tremendous physical and psychological pain
>Too embarrassed to seek help
>Haven't binged since September 1st
>Going to all you can eat buffet tonight
Wish me luck, bros. I'm pretty sure I've got this!

>> No.8319754

Why are you going to an all you can eat buffet? Also as a fellow bulimic I'm jealous of you.

Why are you embarrassed to seek help? Eating disorders is not Schizophrenia and a shitload of people have it. If you do it again just go get it, ask for Vyanese instead of Anti-Depressents and you got superpowers.

>> No.8319780

Why do you think schizophrenia is supposed to be embarrassing?

>> No.8319781

I have a semi body image disorder. Ever since I lost all my fat, started lifting, and got a 6 pack, I've became disgusted with myself any time I feel remotely fat. If I can't feel my abs I usually feel disgusted with myself for a while. At the same time, food is one of the only things that makes me happy. I like to enjoy food, but if i go too far and gain weight, it fucks me over again. Not the worst issue in the world, but it's had a slight damage on my life.

>> No.8319814


The thing that makes you fat is sexier than the thing that (often) makes you thin? Nnnnno.

>> No.8319825

Because their genetics made them looney. Eating disorders are a result of wanting to fit into society and schizophrenia is something you can't control. One is fitting into the tribe the other is coming from shit genes.

>> No.8319828

>be embarrassed of something out of your control
Still not following

>> No.8319836

drunkorexia is where it's at desu.

drink heavily and manage to stay five pounds above an underweight bmi.

my body looks like shit tho.

>> No.8319838

post hands.

>> No.8319933

I feel as though people in this thread would know something that's been bothering me.

I had intermittent fasting as a result of pretty bad depression for a few years, and even now tend to eat one meal per day. I don't feel very good when I eat, and my friends keep telling me that I take a weirdly long time to use the bathroom. Have I ruined my guts? Or is it probably just something unrelated?

>> No.8320452

>Why are you going to an all you can eat buffet?
Because my friends are going and I'm recovering from a mental condition and I'm confident that said mental condition isn't going to ruin my life any more.

For the record it did not. I ate until I was full and no further. I'm not home and don't feel like eating any more. Bros, I think I'm cured.

>> No.8320453

>Eating disorders are a result of wanting to fit into society
Not always the case and certainly wasn't the case with me. It was more of an addiction to behaviours than a physical appearance based desire but ok Anon M.D.

>> No.8320511
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>Bros, I think I'm cured.
You're gonna make it

>> No.8320517

Seconding this. Eating disorders are about control and obsession rather than psychial appearance.
There's a reason why anorexics will keep starving themselves even when they know they are hideous and their behavior is damaging their looks.

>> No.8320555

Been like this since 3-4 years old but so much food tastes horrible, even the smell of them lets me know how they taste and on many occasions even looking at some meals make me feel sick by being able to tell what kind of ingredients are likely in there and I'm right most of the time.

In terms of meat I only like a few types of Schnitzel, Hamburger meat, bolognese, thinner sausages, some types of ham and bacon but that's about it.
Pizza wise I only like Pizza with sauce or just those herb and garlic focaccias. Melted cheese gives me a headache as does too much of any other cheese, and even then I only like bocconcini, parmesan and two others.
I only like fried rice with parseli and bacon, nothing else in it. I hate the taste of strawberries but don't mind strawberry-flavored things. The only fruits I like are apples, pears and bananas. The only veggies I like are broccoli, carrots and potatos. And of course there's other stuff I like including white bread, milk/white chocolate, etc.

Put me in any third world country and I'd die of hunger if they don't offer these types of basics. I hate this but I can't help vomiting or getting nauseous even putting a smed of something on my tongue after a few seconds, food I've never tried before taste awful. Someone please let me know if there's a way to alter our taste buds, I know those miracle fruits change one of our senses for a while but I want to hear if there's anything else.

>> No.8320879

The trick is to drink so much that you throw it all up and don't process the calories kek

>> No.8320884

I can't get myself to eat in the morning. I just don't have any appatite.

Fairly skinny but slightly under the weight i'm supposed to be. I love to snack and cook.

>> No.8320900


Can some one please give me some advice on this?

>> No.8320904

Actually the trick is to fast all day, and only drink clean liqour like vodka or whiskey when you drink. You can get drunk on 150-300 cals and since the alcohol kills your appetite you can manage on that for the day.

>> No.8320909

drink your cals

>> No.8320917

My eating disorder is that I have no self control and a lack of empathy causing me to not restrain myself despite other people being disgusted by my fatness.

>> No.8320939

it hurts because its fucking awful on our bodies and fucks loads of shit up.
wow, well........good job, i couldnt have done that shit, even when i have months of doing well, the monster is always in the back of my mind just waiting to pounce on the opportunity to take over again, possibly because ive had these problems for a very very long time now? i dont feel like ill ever fully "recover" only manage. with inevitable periods of relapsing into heavy restriction, then a period of binging and purging, then a period of time making an attempt to get better etc etc
some people just dont like eating in the mornings, but what i could suggest is a ripe banana or two, or perhaps some other sweet fruit would be more appealing than a blander starch or something heavy like eggs or meat (for me anyway) just throwing out some ideas for you, fruit doesnt require any prep either. my best friend had this similar problem and he started to do this and it had helped him a bit.
you may just need time to get used to it
or you may just not ever like eating in the mornings, if so you can eat more later
of course my issues are completely different to yours but i hope this helped a little bit.

>> No.8320961

>I can't get myself to eat in the morning. I just don't have any appatite.
hey me too

>> No.8321059

I'm a bored eater. If I do not occupy my mind with something, I think about food and I get hungry. Doesn't help that I rarely ever feel full.

Last September I was 137 kg and am now down to 73 after realizing what I needed to do was simply occupy my mind. And it also helped that I occupied it with exercise.

But I still have days every now and then where I eat 2 pizzas within 30 minutes, but it usually causes me to go run for 21 km the day after.

>> No.8321091

I only eat in the morning. I eat one, one and a half meals at most.

>> No.8322070

I had the same issue, cut out sugar in all forms (starch, sugar, any carb that isn't fiber) and now I feel normal. I can eat until I'm full and then stop, whereas before I'd eat when I was bored, eat until I physically hurt, etc

Had tests done, and apparently I was prediabetic and insulin resistant, my body couldn't handle the sugar, and the spiking insulin was suppressing leptin (the feel full hormone) making me unaware I was full and thus binging.

I don't eat pasta, bread, potatoes, or fruit (except for berries) and once a month have a beer (way more sensitive to alcohol, so one is enough) and feel great, have lost 60 pounds, and don't really miss the stuff I had before.
I don't tell anyone though because I don't want them to think they've got to change their eating suggestions to be considerate, I can eat pretty much anywhere.

I don't think it's an eating disorder, OP, more of a metabolic disorder thanks to shitty genetics.

>> No.8322550
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favorite low cal drinks?

>> No.8322583


>> No.8322873

>tfw impulsively ate a whole pizza
>tfw still hungry afterwards

I used to be thin. I hate myself

>> No.8322886

Went from puking after heavy meals on hs to anorexia, lost 30kg in 3 or 4 months, then I discovered weed and have been stable ever since.
That doesn't make you hungry ?

>> No.8323091

Binge eating.
I don't have any way to properly deal with my feelings so when I get sad, depressed, or upset, I go and eat a bunch of shitty food to feel some sort of satisfaction or happiness. But this is followed by a wave of deep regret and disgust because I just look at my fat self in the mirror and realize how pathetic I am. So, I grab a joint or some shitty vodka and drink + binge eat once again. This whole situation will probably never change u til I alter my environment. But that costs money, and I need to get a new job.

>> No.8323121

Martinis. Boodles Gin. Dry. Shaken. One olive floating around in the bottom.

>> No.8323168

What type of pizza tho.

Tombstone =/= Digiornos

You were probably eating some fagget thin crust shit.

>> No.8323178

fat people shouldn't be able to claim eating disorder.

if you have 70lbs to lose...you don't have an eating disorder

you're just being normal.

normal people don't eat to excess.

>> No.8323180

I don't know if it's an eating disorder or attached to another condition.

But my stomach can sometimes just get randomly weak as shit when eating. To the point of gagging. Like its worse if I'm eating say, a steak or something and end up with a really gristly piece. If I can't chew it fast enough and swallow it, then I'll start to gag and I'll just need to spit it out. After that pretty much the whole meal is inedible because I'll have a problem with chewing and swallowing, it will just keep making me gag. Things like cheese sauces can be bad for it too once they start to get colder.

It makes me nervous now the idea of having a nice meal with people because then I get worried about ruining the meal by gagging if this happens.

>> No.8323190

here are my strange eating disorder quirks

>binge eat a lot of spicy food
>stomach no feel too well
>eat milk to settle the heat in belly, create spicy mush
>throw it up

don't consider myself bulimic because I don't do it often

>binge eat ice cream
>feel sick
>throw it up

it actually tastes pretty good coming back up, I don't see how people hate purging

basically I binge eat a lot. mostly when I feel bored or excited. It's a problem. Spent about 200 dollars on food this month, nothing sustainable, just shit that can't be used a lot.

>> No.8323406

I used to be anorexic as a teen but that was really more of a side effect of depression.
Ended up in a clinic where they force fed some of the other girls, terrible times.

>> No.8323429

Pizzas are actually expensive if you breakdown the cost to make them. Spend that money elsewhere.

>> No.8323434

How did they force feed them? I can imagine a teen girl with a plate in front of her, and carers around them. If I were in that fucked up situation, I can imagine just sitting there til I fell asleep.

>> No.8323439

through a tube

>> No.8323457

I'm a depressed, anxiety ridden fat fuck with legit thyroid issues who binges to feel something positive in their life.
I'm also a trans dude on testosterone and that increases weight gain and appetite. This is hell.

>> No.8323475

>>>/fit/ will teach you what to do

>> No.8323505

You can only refuse food for so long before they tube you.

>> No.8323593

tube through the nose

>> No.8323720

i'll occasionally chew something tasty and spit it out. I don't know if it's a disorder because I don't do it all that much. and I make sure to eat something real after so I don't get a stomachache.

>> No.8323728
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I have MS and I binge eat when I get really down. Usually sweet things since they don't require much cooking, if at all. To make matters worse, I applied for disability two years ago and my final hearing is next Tuesday. Nerves are shot and I keep shoveling food in, even with medicine to help.

>> No.8324333
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Bulimic for 7 years. Makes me feel like I'm always "starting over" every day. Feels miserable. I always slip up and eat. Sometimes don't purge because I'm in good company and don't want to disturb them / "waste" our money and throw it down the toilet.

Used to be more in control (kind of) - did a lot of exercising and restricting between binges... now I just take stimulants sometimes. Feels weird.

>> No.8324343

i just finished with an outpatient program. i had to put on 50 pounds.

>> No.8324452


>> No.8325477

what do you weigh now? are you back to being a skelly?

>> No.8325494
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>jump down stairs and break 4 ribs

b-but why? why 4?

>> No.8325498

You're not alone buddy. I'm pretty good with eating normal amounts.
But when a pizza is around, I just can't help myself, the beast takes over

>> No.8325501
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tfw not anorexic and bmi is less than two points above that

why is it so hard to gain weight /ck/

>> No.8325505

This is extremely disturbing

>> No.8325516

because you've never had to deal with schizophrenia. it's really fucking embarrassing when I have an episode, even when I'm alone.

>> No.8325521

Most normies on here have no comprehension of what serious mental illness looks like.

>> No.8325526

Being overweight does not prevent you from getting a eating disorder. Granted if they develop anorexia or some shit and stick with it they won't be overweight for very long, but you can for a short time be anorexic and overweight. Also the first line of your post and last line directly contradict each other

>fat people shouldn't be able to claim eating disorder.

>normal people don't eat to excess.

Which is it? Is obesity caused by an eating disorder, or is overeating normal?

>> No.8325542

most people in general don't have any idea what serious mental illness looks like, I wasn't diagnosed until I was found with self inflicted cuts all over my torso, I can't blame people for not getting it but its really annoying sometimes.

>> No.8325571

Who hurt you?

>> No.8325578

This guy again. Doing all you can sushi this saturday.
I'm so fucking confident. Three months strong. If this thread is still here I'll report back.

I might even... limit myself to a certain amount of servings and then stick to that limit!

>> No.8325586


>> No.8325884

On and off anorexic but I've been pretty good for the past year or two.
It's going to shit again though but I don't blame it on a eating disorder. I can't eat within the first few hours of being awake or I feel so nauseous sometimes I do throw up. I still try to force some shit down before I go to work. And with my full time job now has me lifting and moving constantly from 4pm-4am that even stuffing my face with pizza and Ensure I still keep losing weight. I was 125lbs two weeks ago but now I'm 117lbs. Haven't lost or gained anything this week yet though.

>> No.8325923

Do it for me man, do it for me.

>> No.8326086

what binge eating disorders dont count?

>> No.8326323

>tfw been a stress eater for over a year
>would exercise regularly so my weight stayed manageable
>get into really bad depression over the summer
>start binging on junk food and fast food
>quit my exercise routine so start gaining weight back in a hurry

Over the course of this year, I've been both the skinniest and the heaviest I've been in a long time. I've started going back to a regular diet, plus I joined a new gym, but I still slip up sometimes.

>> No.8326338

Went from 300 pounds to 130 at 5'11 in the course of a year and developed an eating disorder.

I can't eat around other people, can't watch them eat too. I eat once every 36 hours and when I eat I binge, I swear I won't do it again,but I always do. I do purge, but only if I ate too much shit, or drank too much water, which leaves me nauseous.

>> No.8326840

That's not that bad. As long as you're above 15 you're fine.

>> No.8326879

I don't feel hunger and I don't feel satiated. I might go the entire day if I am busy with no desire to eat anything. Other days, especially when I'm feeling happier, I can't fucking stop eating. I fluctuate weight a lot, losing it in the winter months and gaining in summer months.

>> No.8326919

I can fit my hand around my shin, but my pinky only goes halfway around my wrist.

Is this normal?

>why is it so hard to gain weight /ck/
Because peanut butter is at the top of your food pyramid instead of the bottom.

>> No.8327259

Binge ate myself to 400 pounds when my mum killed herself since she raised me with the belief of "when you feel bad, eat good food, because good food makes you feel good, you won't feel bad anymore". It stopped working since she left me. Suffered a heart attack at 25, so I purge almost everything I eat now, which is close to 2500 calories a meal.
I weigh 270 now and I wish I could talk to someone about this, but I wish I would never wake up again. Maybe I just want to be better and know it's impossible.
The "wow, you look like you've lost weight" comments are bittersweet. Sorry for the blogposting.

>> No.8327804

>get into really bad depression over the summer
What happened? And what sort of stuff did you binge on?

>> No.8328852

im at 142 as of this morning.

>> No.8328896

I eat too much of your mom's pussy lamo

>> No.8329060
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God damn

>300 pounds to 130
>the course of a year

Can you take your excess skin and stretch it the length of a city block?

>> No.8329310


Nope. No excess skin, no deflated tits, Other then a few stretch marks that I had when I was 13 and beginning my expansion, I have no loose skin and the scars are all healing fairly nicely.

>> No.8329796

If I CTB by obesity/hyperhydration, it's faster and the mortician might be annoyed that I'm overweight. If I CTB by starvation/underhydration, it's slower and the mortician will be glad I'm underweight.

>> No.8329814

Fuck off. This is a food board not a thread for attention seekers, fucking whores.

>> No.8329887

you can hide the post you triggered little faggot

>> No.8330233

good man hahaha

>> No.8330626

>What happened?

Nothing recently, it's just something I've been dealing with for the past 5+ years.

I binged on normal things like cheese and bread, peanut butter, cereal, and fiber bars. Other times it would be your standard junk food like snack crackers and Little Debbies. Fast food was also a typical option, anything that tasted sugary or fried or like it was full of saturated fat worked.

I still slip up sometimes, but I'm trying to get better. It's a trick of convincing myself that food won't heal me and actually believing it.

>> No.8330717

Yeah. 125 lbs @ 6'1''. I would really like to start eating well but it's hard adjusting back

>> No.8330795

I think my autism contributes to my sometimes bad eating habits. Also I hate eating in front of people it's weird.

>> No.8330814

Real autism, or ""autism""? What kind of bad eating habits?

>> No.8330821

I too have problems eating in front of people. Only people I know very well I will eat around. This makes going on dates to restaurants with someone I'm not too familiar with hard.

>> No.8330899

Only eating once a day. Nothing tastes good anymore. Everything tastes dulled and my sense of smell seems to hate everything. Even drinking water is hard because the smell of my tap water makes me gag. I try filtered water from a jug, but my cups are washed in the sink, so the smell clinging to them sets me off.

>> No.8330904

Whoa. Lots of people are 'super tasters'... maybe you step it up a notch from there.

>> No.8330914

I doubt it, lol. It's probably just a mental thing, but it sucks.

>> No.8330933

Well, I guess if you actually care enough to ask....

Firstly I am TERRIFIED of eating around others but my family insist on making me eat with them. I also have to eat in my work area lunch room (its a warehouse so nowhere to eat for miles and I work at night so can't go and sit outside)

I just have 'strange' choices for food? I'll try and explain the more explainable ones.

>I cannot eat food that could be used to soak up other food without removing the 'sponging power'. Basically if I have bread, cake etc, I need to 'remove' the ability to 'soak' food which basically means rubbing it on the table until it is 'fixed'.
>I need to have my elbows in front of my plate when I eat, the reason is, I guess it just feels wrong? like as a kid I used to spend hours crouching and pushing forward with my elbows, so it became my 'flight' response and I need to eat like it in case I get attacked
>I need to eat a flower at the end of every meal (which got me the nickname 'the one man flowerpot famine' at work

Eh... I lose a lot of weight because I try to avoid eating in front of others.

>> No.8330979

Have you tried like... diluting stuff before you eat it with more palatable things? Just kind of ease yourself back in to eating more normally?

>> No.8331026

I purposefully undereat and exercise a lot to try and lose a bit more fat.
People say im skinny and my obese family say im 'too skinny'.
6'2" and 81kg which is still in the middle of my healthy bmi range so i dont see a problem, and this is the fittest i have ever been because i used to be obese like the senpai.
In terms of food i eat whatever i like still just small quantities; i like sandwiches, chicken wraps, nachos, mcdonalds burgers, biscuits and sushi

>> No.8331036

Sounds like you are killing it! If your whole family is fat, they probably do think you look too skinny. That's too bad for them. They should try to be more like you. I'm scared of getting fat because of my family, too. More specifically my father, who is a major stress eater.

>> No.8331061

Thanks anon. When i lived with my aunt/uncle for a month they would have very large portions and two sets of dessert (buscuits and then icecream) and i felt really bad for not eating with them or eating all of my dinner. Its easy to see how we all got overweight and i fully understand anyone struggling with obesity now.
The hard part was my mother who used to get visibly and emotionally upset when i started eating less, because of the 'clean your plate' meme that she grew up with.

>> No.8331072

Yeah... that's the thing about eating. It's a mundane thing so if you didn't enjoy it (as some of the Anons in this thread don't) it would be terrible. Thankfully, most people enjoy it, which is a double-edged sword in that it keeps you alive... and can also make you fat. No bueno. In all things, moderation.

>> No.8331690

Get fucking swole instead of fat, faggot.

>> No.8331709
File: 28 KB, 500x371, 1480325542021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck this is bad.

>> No.8331717

about to go binge on taco bell lads

tastes the same coming back up desu

>> No.8331724
File: 705 KB, 996x868, 1472855476895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Steal lard from store and hide under bridge
>Buy chastity lock for fork
>Organize socks
>Follow an obese family home and watch them eat dinner
You're a fuckin lunatic

>> No.8331728

water, tea, wine

>> No.8332401
File: 155 KB, 720x960, ripmilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fellas need

>> No.8332428
File: 24 KB, 401x372, 1475710753890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>steal lard from store and hide under bridge

the fuck, man?