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File: 304 KB, 480x471, Screenshot_2016-08-11-01-08-16-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8316615 No.8316615 [Reply] [Original]

does guac belongs in a burger?!

>> No.8316623

If you like it in there, then it belongs.

>> No.8316624

Fuck yes!

>> No.8316632


A burger gets cheese, lettuce, one topping, and one condiment

>> No.8316633
File: 37 KB, 450x388, tumblr_lv3o24GvWJ1r73rh5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah it does.

>> No.8316634

>does guac belongs in a burger?!
Sure, if you use the right toppings

>hot dogs
>some shit that looks like bacon
>on the same burger

Too much fucking meat.

>> No.8316638
File: 500 KB, 720x540, 1435907225241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too much fucking meat.
Not enough meat.

>> No.8316646
File: 16 KB, 475x263, 1478143085166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy eating that constipation sandwich, fampai.

>> No.8316661

Weird, I must have missed a class in 'Super anal fooding rules'.

Boy is my face red.

>> No.8316665

Just even it out with some hot sauce.

>> No.8316677

I don't know about you, but I'm no pussy. In order for spicy food to give me the shits, I'd need to eat some seriously spicy food, and a lot of it, too. And using hot sauce that's hot enough to force a BM would ruin the taste of the hamburger. I'd rather save that shit for chicken wings or something.

I've always wondered why people joke about taco bell giving them horrible shits. It doesn't affect me at all.

>> No.8316687

Depends on how much fiber your stomach is conditioned to. If you have plenty of fibrous foods regularly, a few tacos shouldn't matter

>> No.8316709

Peoples receptors and tolerances are different.
The only time I've had an issue with too much hot food is when I made my first white habanero sauce and put it on fucking everything. My ass was ok, but I think my stomach was a few scoville from sinking the ship it was on to spite the captain.

That said, a 4 pack of KFC chicken will give me the shits.

>> No.8318948

guac is a meme

>> No.8318956


>> No.8318967
File: 154 KB, 1000x1000, Goodtimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, the Guac Bacon from Good Times is one of the best burgers ever. I used to get the Big Daddy Bacon, but those times are long gone.

>> No.8319005

I prefer straight up avocado slices on a burger but to each their own.

I will say hotdogs/sausages don't belong a burger, not cut like that anyway. Slice them down the middle instead and open them lengthwise. Less messy and easier to eat.

I'm having a hard time figuring out what's beneath the hot dogs though.

>> No.8319023

Looks like a hot link sliced in half

>> No.8319075

yeah why not. sausage does not tho.

>> No.8319077
File: 34 KB, 292x294, 1472092966008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does not belong on a real burger. However, that does not mean a burger with guac' cannot taste good. It is just something else at that point.

>> No.8319080

>Tomato on a burger
Fucking disgusting

>> No.8319082

Yea, a guac burger

>> No.8319084


>> No.8319085

Yes, at times. That one just looks like shit though.

>> No.8319086


>> No.8319125

Fuck yes it does.

>> No.8319186

no, we are building a wall here in the usa to keep it out specifically

>> No.8319188

California grows a shitton of avocados

and mexicans, coincidentally

>> No.8320286

it depends

on a simple burger yes

but something like in n out's burgers no

>> No.8320295

guac goes on everything.

>> No.8320304

guac/avocado belong on just about everything

too many condiments along with the guacamole would be bad though. just some guacamole and maybe some provolone on a burger wuld be good

>> No.8320308

I do not like Guac on a Hamburger, that more or less turns it into a bastardized Taco.

With that said Guac is a god tier topping with a Turkey Burger, as it gives the meat a much needed helping of fat.

>> No.8320565 [DELETED] 

No this isent mexico take your burger and go back to your country white power. (This triggers the janitor)

>> No.8320571

Why wouldn't it?

>> No.8320590

Yes it dows. Chopped hot dogs, however, don't.

>> No.8320626

protip cut sausage/hotdog in half horizonmtally then slice down each half vertically but not completely thru so u can sort of butterfly them and put them in like that cos them shits just gonna fall out unless u doin it knife n fork

>> No.8320630

>tfw you like every vegetable except for an avacado.

Why God?

>> No.8320634

Go eat your thick slice of watery flavorless shit on a delicious burger with bacon, cheese, onion, lettuce and dressing like the autist you are

>> No.8320635
