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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8314486 No.8314486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>for me, it is the pancreatic cancer, the most aggressive kind of cancer
just got back from the docs lads. 6 months

guess that's why i wasn't feeling so hungry

>> No.8314490

Cheer up you get to leave the ride early

>> No.8314492

fuck, sorry to hear that OP

hope you can get some medical weed or something to make you more comfortable

I know I sound like a faggot but I would give you a hug if I could and if you wanted one

>> No.8314533
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How long did you feel bad for, OP? What made you realize something was going on that you needed to see a doctor?
Also, sorry man. I'm asking because I think something might be wrong with me but I dont want to go to the doctor because I won't like what they have to say.
Here's a top tier bbw to lift your spirits.
I hope things turn around for you

>> No.8314661

Lucky lad, I want to die and waiting for the people who care about me to die before I off myself is the worst.

>> No.8314666

I'm sorry about that, OP. How much money have you got in the bank? How about you take a nice holiday, try some things you've always wanted to do.

>> No.8314677

RIP friend

Perhaps consider spending your last days spreading love and kindness

>> No.8314679

>wants OP to feel better
>posts that disgusting shit
I swear you fatfucks/thiccfags are the new furries

>> No.8314682

like 3 months

i just stopped feeling hungry

had other vague symptoms

doctors are shocked. im 25. this cancer is so exceedingly rare in people my age

>> No.8314687

bleh the world is so rich and varied im proper bummed about not seeing how things are going to progress

>> No.8314695


Agreed. Seriously fuck off with that bw shit. there's nothing b about it.

>> No.8314698

Just sell everything you own and travel the world for 6 months, go out on your own terms.

>> No.8314700

That is a bitch, and it will take you out. If you had any travel plans or shit at the top of your bucket list do it now.

>> No.8314721

im fully aware of what pancreatic cancer means

and im not into bucket lists. i just wanna chill, die and then forget

>> No.8314733

Understand. I've had loved ones taken out by it. Wishing you peace.

>> No.8314734

Why wait?

>> No.8314742
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>falling for the cancer jew
holy fuck you gullible shit bet you've already bought their 'medicines' too

>> No.8314745

edgy 4channers ask me this a lot

because i'd rather chill for a bit longer

why dont you kill yourself now?

>> No.8314757

>not hungry
>still comes to /ck/

You're a good lad. I hope you can spend your time doing whatever you want to do. And maybe try what >>8314492 said so perhaps you can spend some time enjoying the food you have't been craving.

>> No.8314761

Why are you telling /ck/? It seems like you're getting a fair bit of attention here, if that's what you wanted.
The best advice is to immediately quit doing shit you hate (work) and treat yourself. Smoke weed freely and indulge in luxuries. Don't fight cancer, because cancer always wins, so just skip the surgery, radiation, chemo. Go with the weed and narcotic painkillers, and end it quickly once things stop being fun. Good luck to you!
Lets talk about cooking.

>> No.8314764

Actually, the correct answer is there have been cases documented in medical literature where terminal cancer has gone into spontaneous remission and the patient was cured. Rare, to be sure. But it has happened.

Having said that, if quality of life got to be really bad, self termination would be the proper course.

>> No.8314765

Try and get a huge loan and travel the world.

>> No.8314769

Sorry that you're a virgin :(

>> No.8314774

this, dying from cancer is a fucking meme just smoke weed

>> No.8314791

sorry to hear that, bro.

i hope you can enjoy your last months.

>> No.8314794

>just skip the surgery, radiation, chemo
I was under the impression that they don't even try to treat pancreatic cancer because it's almost always fatal no matter what you do.

>> No.8314802

I haven't stopped eating for weeks, I only eat and sleep and i do a lot of both
Feels good knowing there is nothing wrong with me, for a moment there I was worried

>> No.8314809

If it makes you feel any better, one of my friends also recently died from a rare stomach cancer. She was diagnosed in March, died about a week ago

She was always healthy, ate organic, drank tea, no soda, no smoking, no alcohol

>> No.8314843

i eat a lot too

i still enjoy eating

i just never get hungry

does that make sense?

>> No.8314848

>She was always healthy, ate organic, drank tea, no soda, no smoking, no alcohol
always seems to be that way with the younger ones. that's why i don't feel too bad about smoking or whatever, i'm probs just unlucky

>> No.8314855

Meat and dairy increase igf-1 in the body, avoid these foods. Soybean protein increase igf-1 even more, do not consume this either.
“Higher levels of IGF-1 would be expected to activate survival pathways that would make programmed cell death of damaged cells slightly less probable. When applied overall to a large number of 'at risk' cells over many years, even a small influence in favor of survival of such cells could accelerate carcinogenesis, although not initiate cancer development per se.”

Exercise temporarily increases igf-1 levels for 5-20 minutes but “short-term aerobic exercise training at LT levels decreased circulating IGF-I and increased IGFBP-1 levels, without changing body composition, in previously sedentary men.”

Cancer cells need the amino acid Methionine to grow.
Most cancer cells do not have methionine cycle enzymes intact, though.2 As a result, they need to have methionine available for growth processes. This metabolic difference in methionine usage may allow for a targetable vulnerability in cancer cells. Noncancerous cells should be capable of surviving without methionine, while cancer cells would not. This has been demonstrated in animal models of various cancers.3,4

VEGF is released by cancer cells to create new blood vessels for growth. Flavonoids can block the tube formation for the blood vessels that are used to supply the cancer.

Cancer cells eat cholesterol and grow from it.

Phytates inhibit the growth in cancerous cell lines. It affect the pathways of malignancy.

We need to get a daily minimum of 8-11,000 antioxidant units a day in our food just to stay out of oxidative debt
The estimated minimum antioxidant need of 8,000-11,000 units does not take into account the added amounts needed if other oxidant stressors—”such as illness, cigarette smoke, meat consumption, air pollution, sleep deprivation”—are present. If we had to deal with these stressors we’d need to consume more fruits and veggies just to stay out of the red.

>> No.8314860

cranberries have the most antiproflieration of cancer activity out of all fruits
next is lemon and apple and strawberry.
Cranberry juice/cocktail doesn’t work.
Buy frozen cranberries and blend them and drink.

Walnuts, pecans, and peanuts are best nuts for antioxidants.
Black beans, legumes, kidney beans are best for antioxidants
Hibiscus tea is best for antioxidants, second is green tea.

>> No.8314867

Hospitals and doctors (in America at least) always go for the MONEY GRAB, and want to offer "hope" so they will throw as many drugs, tests, procedures and shit at you as they possibly can. Because compassionate care means a new Jaguar for Christmas!
They are going to rope this poor guy into the hospital torture chamber for as long as possible, mark my words. As long as everyone involved gets a new car for Christmas, why the fuck not? Medicine is a for-profit industry here.

>> No.8314872

No, I'm always hungry

>> No.8314879

although with soy protein also comes with the igf-1 binding proteins that mitigate the effects.

>> No.8314905
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>> No.8314907

>Medicine is a for-profit industry here.

Yes, a great shame on the US, indeed.

>why the fuck not?

Because the patient can simply say no thanks, fuck off, and walk away.

>> No.8314916


>> No.8314919
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That really sucks man. If you live in the Seattle area, I will be more than happy to buy you a drink, maybe a small steak.

>> No.8314922

Cancer is a fucking joke disease they tell patients with AIDS. Why have you faggots not figured this out?

>> No.8314938

Morbid congratulations, OP. You're going to die from the same thing that killed Bill Hicks. My advice is to listen to Arizona Bay and remember his last words.

"I left in love, in laughter, and in truth and wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit."

>> No.8314941
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>> No.8314993


Have steak or whatever it is you enjoy most every day for breakfast

>> No.8315005
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>> No.8315009

>Cancer is a fucking joke disease they tell patient with AIDS.

What do you mean by this?

>> No.8315051

>feel hungry
>no appetite to eat

At least it doesn't sound like cancer. Sorry OP

>> No.8315112

yeah this won't help him i regret sharing that. antioxidants are preventative from dna damage that age people and cause higher instances of cell mutation (cancer). it won't do anything for someone that already has cancer, by that i mean it doesn't cause cancer cells to slow or die.

>> No.8315118

Oxidative stress is real anon