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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8313241 No.8313241 [Reply] [Original]

On a scale of 1-10, how pretentious is this?

>> No.8313243

Not very, but it's a shit movie

>> No.8313260

How Americans make sandwiches:
1. take some bread
2. add a shitload of butter
3. add a shitload of cheese
4. add a shitload of butter again

>> No.8313262

>it's a fucking toast with butter and cheese and oil

Looks pretty greasy and disgusting desu.

>> No.8313282

Not at all. It's a fucking metaphor for the guy wanting to take care of his son in a homely manner, but his passion for his career interrupts that. It's the only way he can communicate with his son. That's why things go well in the movie when he introduces his son to his career while they go on that roadtrip bullshit. That grilled cheese is literally just him reaching out to his son with his kiddos own underdeveloped shit tier god awful tastebuds.

>> No.8313285

man i dont think i could be a good cook if i wore glasses

i'd be afraid of them sliding off my face and either into or onto whatever i'm cooking

>> No.8313296

I want a griddle in my house

>> No.8313308

Same desu senpai

>> No.8313324

I want a grill in my house.

>> No.8313342

>1 cup of canola oil
>1 pound of butter
>5 thick slices of American cheese
>a few large paint chips (optional)
>sweaty unwashed hand residue (for taste)
>pinch of goatee hair

>> No.8313347

It's actually pretty pleb. He didn't butter and toast both sides of the bread and he uses cheese slices instead of grated cheese. Only pretentiousness comes from adding oil with buttered bread

>> No.8313350

>butter and oil
>adds more butter halfway through

Jesus, why don't you just drink fryer grease while you're at it?

>> No.8313354

didn't know it was from a movie. what movie is it?

>> No.8313360

>it's not even for himself
>it's for his kid

What a nutritious breakfast.

>> No.8313392

It's funny that they're trying to show how good a chef he is, but he's really just fucking up something incredibly basic.

>> No.8313404

Damn it, I forgot:
>2 slices of wonder bread

>drain left over grease into glass and serve on the side

>> No.8313407

What a crap movie if they took the time to show making a grilled cheese.
This had better be some student art film with a budget less than $50K.

>> No.8313413

How Yuropoors become obsessed:
1. shitpost about America
2. think about Americans
3. wish to be Americans
4. think about Americans again

>> No.8313426

that scene was fucking idiotic. the whole movie was pretty shit.

a fucking sandwich truck that becomes a sensation. really?

>> No.8313428

The movie? Extremely. I had the misfortune of watching it. Fucking no character development, most of the plot is just pointless and immersion cameos for big name actors, and the entire thing just felt like an ad for social media. Avoid this shit movie like the plague.

>> No.8313445
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Did he step on your toes, anon?

>> No.8313449

the guy in that scene, who is the main character, was the director of the first two iron man movies, the producer for all of them, as well as the producer for a few other capeshit movies as well as other high budget movies, so in other words no, it wasn't a student art budget film. in fact it had a budget of 11 million.

>> No.8313451

What's the movie called?

>> No.8313457

It's "Chef" and the guy who wrote, directed and starred in it (Jon Favreau) also directed the first two Iron Man movies and produced all of them.

It's a pretty good film and has some insight into chefery.

>> No.8313459


>> No.8313461

Fuck off, there was literally nothing redeeming or believable about the entire movie. The movie was probably sponsored by Facebook and Twitter, given how every single plot point revolved around a tweet going viral or some shit.

>> No.8313897
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>when it slides off the plate

>> No.8313905

I dunno. Is that a shun tho? I don't know why, but I fucking hate shuns.

>> No.8313912

Paying such careful attention to a grilled cheese sandwich. Yes, it is, by definition, pretentious. Also, literally no reason to oil the flat top when you're putting buttered bread on it.

>> No.8313914

the movie, or the grilled cheese?
either way, a solid 6; not the most complex or structured experience, but it was definitely trying a bit hard to be something more than it is

>> No.8313917

Great movie

The fat ugly fuck easily banging all these 10/10 chicks really gave me hope

>> No.8313919


>> No.8313923

the cutscenes are because the method he used to make it is unfeasible

>> No.8313927

Is he using butter or mayo?

I've been pondering about trying the mayo meme.

>> No.8313934

It looks like cheese spread.

>> No.8313935

they both taste like a grilled cheese except you don't have to contemplate some fat bearded guy from a failed youtube channel talking about it.

i use whatever's closest or there's more of.

>> No.8313988


>> No.8314054

that? mildy pretentious at 6/10 imo

>> No.8314186

i had a set about 10 years ago when thy were made to a much higher standard, fuck me they're shit now, the got stolen while i was working out at a resort though.

>> No.8314269
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>all that cheese
I'm American but jesus that's excessive.

Tbh though it was a simple and fun movie with food porn. Don't expect anything more from it.

>> No.8314283

it's fucking disgusting

>> No.8314329

How brits make a sandwich
1. Toast slice of bread
2. Insert between two slices of bread

>> No.8314381

Actually I do this sort of
>toast bread
>make turkey stuffing out of toast
>put stuffing on bread with mayonnaise

>> No.8314389

My wife's son won't eat anything else

>> No.8314397


I got a cast iron piece that fits over two of my stove's heat elements.

One side is a griddle and the other side has a raised grill pattern.

I'm in love with it.

>> No.8314410

That's fucking stupid

>> No.8314432

Be careful with that. He'll end up on some TLC show about his weird addiction to cheesy bread.

>> No.8314480

Mayo on grilled cheese sucks

>> No.8314615

You faggots talking about it all the time got me to try it, a couple times just to be sure, and guess what? It was exactly what I thought it would be.
You know what mayo actually is, right? Its about 80% vegetable oil emulsified with a small amount of egg, water, and vinegar or lemon. What do you think will happen when that hits a hot pan?
That's right, the emulsion breaks and you get... vegetable oil! With a small amount of water, egg, and vinegar. YAY!
Why would you want an expensive version of vegetable oil instead of much tastier butter? Grilled cheese is meant to have a buttery flavor.
Mayo works, but just because it works doesn't mean you should use it. There is no benefit.

>> No.8314897

I believe the point is that he's 100% focused on the food task at hand, even though it's something as simple as a grilled cheese.

It's there to show that he's not going to just slap it together, but rather use good ingredients and make an effort.

The fact that he peeks the underside of the bread to ensure it's nice and browned rather than just moving on, is the most telling part.

It's likely that the kid asked for a grilled cheese, and rather than be pretentious and create some elaborate dish, he just gives the kid the comfort food he wants and does his best to make it well.

>> No.8314908

The first bit is mayonnaise, to add fat and protein for a more hearty crisp, not butter. The last on the outside was butter.

>> No.8314930

This t b h f a m
Don't know why people get so upset by it on here. I actually enjoyed the scene and the whole movie for that matter.

>> No.8314944

>Not toasting both side of the bread

Literally inedible shit

>> No.8314952

>Frying sandwiches

>> No.8314969

Its hilarious that /ck/ is full of food service workers and they all adore this movie because it give them their five minutes of fame.
This is your life, on a pedestal. Moment of glory.
*golf clap*
Your "art" will be in my toilet a few hours later.

>> No.8314973

You don't know anything about film, you probably don't even read books.

>> No.8314990

You forgot the butter. It's not called a butty for nothing.

>> No.8314994

if that was their goal, they failed. it just looks fake as fuck

>> No.8315000


>> No.8315031

6/10 pretentious. Movie itself is a 7/10, could have been better, could have been worse, but not unpleasant to watch. I'd kill for a flat top area in a home range like that though.

>> No.8315147

the cutscenes are there because if you sat through the end credits they actually show him getting taught how to make the grill cheese. so first the guy would do a step, then the actor would repeat after him.

>> No.8315161



It's a cast iron pan that can fit multiple cuts of meat. It's just rectangular and bigger. I flip it to use the side I want and I can even take it camping.

>> No.8315848

>Metal fatigue from uneven heating
>Different cooking surfaces in one
>huge as fuck
I'd rather use two pans

>> No.8315925


habe you seen chef b0ss?

>> No.8316078

>pointlessly putting oil on the griddle when there's already butter on the bread = 1 p.
>pointlessly rubbing the bread on the griddle = 1 p.
>typical nu-male with beard and glasses = 2 p.
>tattooed knuckles = 2 p.
>not cutting it in half from corner to corner = 3 p.

I give it 9 pretension points out of 10.

>> No.8316174

Have you seen Chef?

>> No.8316331

brits are the americans of europe desu

>> No.8316350


Hovering over it like your making some daring and intricate creation is especially cringy. Also, that is way too much god damned cheese for two thin slices of bread. Gross.

>> No.8316373


The problem is that it's for the "normies" who don't cook often. It's like someone who has a masters in computers, engineering and other assorted fields, and they listen to a movie about hackers saying "OMG WE'LL ACTIVATE THE TCP PROTOCOL AND BYPASS THE MEG PIPE FIREWALL".

>> No.8316382
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as usual yuropoors show up to shit up another thread.

>> No.8316458

>be american
>come home from shipping missiles to isreal
>get attacked by protesters
>get shot in a mass shooting
>nurse slaps me for not using xer preffered pronouns
>can't get obamacare because i spent my data cap on asian cartoons
>lose my job because it got moved to mexico
>get arrested for collecting rainwater
>serve three life sentences for resisting arrest
>cellmate trades my asshole for toilet wine

but at least my flag is on the moon

>> No.8316900

>listen to a movie

>> No.8316906


>> No.8316929
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>> No.8317016
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>being a beardlet

>> No.8317855
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>> No.8317891

dont you dare mock carbolicious toastwhiches, coon

>> No.8317896

>It's likely that the kid asked for a grilled cheese, and rather than be pretentious and create some elaborate dish, he just gives the kid the comfort food he wants and does his best to make it well.
That's the subtext I got from the scene. The man is a pro, but still has to feed his son who is at an age where most kids have absolute shit taste. So he's giving the kid what he wants, but as a pro anything he does in the kitchen is going to be done in a professional manner, even though he's in a domestic situation. The point of the scene is the dissonance of seeing someone cooking like a pro in a domestic kitchen, and that dissonance extends to the father and son relationship - dad is so far off in his chef's world that it creates a distance between the two of them. Even at home the guy couldn't stop being a chef and just be a dad.

>> No.8317912
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they're made of cast iron for a reason family

>> No.8317930
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>> No.8317975

What is that picture attempting to communicate?

I don't speak nigger.

>> No.8317977

The Obsession is strong in this one.

>> No.8318453

I did to much ldx in the 60's level.

>> No.8318535


It fits more meat than two pans. The surfaces are on opposing sides, I experience no issues.

The hugeness is kinda the point. One side of my stove becomes a cast iron griddle. And you see, I can have one part be hotter for the initial searing then move the piece back so it cooks a bit more while I sear a new one. At least for burgers or smaller cuts this is what I've done. I rotate the gridle 180 for the next time I cook and always clean right after just with its heat and water.

It's wonderful. You suck.

>> No.8318768

Oh okay, sorry for being a completecocksuckingfaggot.

>> No.8318950


>not completely on board with November 2016 trends

You should deadass kill yourself my guy B

>> No.8318970


All he did was make a grilled cheese with a bunch of unnecessary hand jive and way more fat than was needed.

>> No.8318974


>> No.8319003

You people are more inbread than a toast sandwich.

>> No.8319159

The samefag strong here

>> No.8319174

Seems like social media and bullshit like that are pretty important when your a chef in a metropolitan area

>> No.8319180

HaHaa lameazz bichboi niqqa. :o brush yo teef yo mouf smell lyke doodoo lmfao

>> No.8319198

Nah nigga it's butter. You don't add mayo to a grilled cheese.

>> No.8319204

This so fucking much. If you don't have an instagram and twitter you aren't reaching any young customers.

>> No.8319219

Some people use mayo instead of butter for frying grilled cheese. It's not a new thing.

>> No.8319231
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>oil and butter


>> No.8319239

you realize you can check for samefag right?

of course not, fucking newfaggot

>> No.8319259

I wonder if Americans eat pain perdu, I eat it since I was young and is really healthy, granny will make 99 years in 2017 and since eating is as her breakfast.

>> No.8319272

Proof that one grilled cheese sandwich can be a meal.

>> No.8319327

Shit tier plastic cheese, white bread covered in grease.

It's the plebest sandwich possible.

>> No.8319340

Can you ask her what life in the olden times was like?

>> No.8319349

That's Merkin 'food' for ya.

>> No.8319352


Yes, but we call it french toast.

>> No.8319353


holy kek

>> No.8319355


>> No.8319368

mfw I just had a delish fish fingers sarnie five mins ago

>> No.8319490

has no one here ever eaten a grilled cheese? cause this is how plenty of them get made

might be a bit much butter, but the mix of butter and oil wile frying is fine...butter for flavour and oil for standing higher temps, means the surface esentialy fdeep fries and crisps

>> No.8319602

I tried the mayo thing the other day. Nothing earth shattering, but it turned out good and I like the fact that mayo is always soft and spreadable whereas you kind of have to plan ahead with butter unless you keep a butter bell or something.

>> No.8319627

Said the guy from Butthole, TN, who fucks his 13 year old sister

>> No.8319632

Duh. How the fuck can you FRY **grilled** fucking cheese, man?
The name of the food is in the words, fag - geddit?
G R I L L E D C H E E S E . It's cooked under a G R I L L .(Broiler to you, maybe)

>> No.8319636

Or eggy bread.

>> No.8319706

I don't understand why you made this thread again, are you autistic? It's just a guy making grilled cheese with a bit of care.

>> No.8320306

>How people who can afford butter make sandwiches:
fixed that for you ;)

>> No.8320316

why is he rubbing the bread in circles like that

its like hes the bread dj, mixing up some bread jams

>> No.8320409

Why are we discussing a movie about how fed up Jon Favreau became with Marvel Studios?

This is /ck/, not /tv/.

Seriously, you idiots! You'll discuss anything that has food in it? Where's the god damn standards!

>> No.8320417
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>> No.8321424

surprisingly clever

>> No.8321445
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>> No.8321472
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>American, work-hazard orange, pretend cheese


>> No.8321477


A new fragrance by Yurop.

>> No.8321484
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>Fish Fingers sandwich

Someone should introduce the land down under the ambrosia that is Danish type Remoulade sauce

>> No.8321485


>> No.8321503
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