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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 200x379, eggnog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8304872 No.8304872 [Reply] [Original]

Name a more based seasonal drink than eggnog.

>protip: You literally cannot.

>> No.8304875

mulled wine

>> No.8304878

>when you OD on the nog and fall into a hyperglycemic coma

>> No.8304879

apple cider

>> No.8304887

Love eggnog. But would that Long Island iced tea premix shit go well with it? I don't have rum or I'd use that

>> No.8304897


>> No.8304900

No idea, I have only drank eggnog with alcohol twice. I prefer it plain.

>> No.8304902
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Do you really drink alcoholic beverages out of 2 liter blastic bottles?

>> No.8304910
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>> No.8304915
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What is this like? I miss Germany hopefully I can go back soon.

>> No.8304924

you mix the rum in afterward

>> No.8304931

Tbh I like bourbon

>> No.8304989


>> No.8304999

Eggnog + Spiced Rum.


>> No.8305016

seconding this

>> No.8305021

>drinking seasonal drinks
>*insert pumpkin spice insult here*

>> No.8305068

you cant suck my pumpkin spiced dick

>> No.8305083

Mulled ale and buttered rum are both pretty great

>> No.8305085

Hot mulled cider and fireball whiskey.

>> No.8305109

What do y'all like to put in your mulled wine?

>> No.8305123

>you can't suck my pumpkin spiced dick
Nigger, are you trying to withhold your dick from me? I wasn't even trying to suck your dick.

But the fact that you say I CANT do it makes me really really want to.

>> No.8305126

Mulled wine ala Clarence in "It's a Wonderful Life."

>> No.8305309

Came to post this.

>> No.8305318

More like nignog
More like barfnog
More like shut-up-megnog

>> No.8305320


>> No.8305321

>peppermint schnapps
>hot coffee with Irish cream

>> No.8305322

>the fact that you say I CANT do it makes me really really want to


>> No.8305339
File: 1.03 MB, 2000x3008, Feuerzangenbowle_044-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all noobs
THIS is the only real christmas drink.
Tastes like heaven
Smells like Heaven
Looks like Hell
and most important:
it makes you buzzed as fuck

>> No.8305346

Not sure if it's actually seasonal or just seasonal for my family but cafe brulot is fantastic

>> No.8305401

chicken milk is based as fuck but at 3$/L it hurts to buy however on the 26th of dec last year provigo dropped the price to 1$ to sell off everything ended up getting around 25 bottles fuck gomad its all about nogmad

also its brandy you fucking savages not rum or whiskey you mix eggnog with brandy

muled cider is also nice however IF I wanna get blackout drunk nothing beats caribou

>> No.8305411

Sounds delicious, I will try it

>> No.8305435

I like almonds and raisins.
That's standard in my country!

>> No.8305442

>apple cider
jesus christ, how much weed do you smoke?
people drink that shit all year long

>> No.8306348

I don't even put alcohol in mine.

>> No.8306356

hot chocolate

>> No.8306438

and when do you think it's made, retard?
there's a reason it's associated with the harvest season.

>> No.8306631

it's literally done all year long. besides, this isn't about when something is done, it's all about when it's consumed and applecider isn't consumed seasonally.

>> No.8306636

>mulled wine
Anyone have a prefer spice mix for this?

>> No.8306642
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>the apple harvest lasts all year

>> No.8306645

Strawberry wine.
Home made lemonade.

>> No.8306646

Hot Apple Cider spiked with whiskey

>> No.8306666


1 bottle of Cabernet, 1 tsp Cloves, 1 tsp allspice, 2 TBSP brown sugar, orange peel and a cinnamon stick for flavor/garish

>> No.8306694
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>> No.8306734

>apples picked all year long

That's right. As soon as you pick one, 2 more pop up to take it's place.

>> No.8306753


>> No.8306772

BritBong Master Race here.

How do I make eggnog?

>> No.8306781

You are aware that eggnog originated in England?

>> No.8306785

Nope, never heard of it outside of AmeriFat TV programs?

>> No.8306800

You read a recipe. It's basically spiced custard you can drink.

>> No.8306802
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Through the ancient British wizardry of mixing milk with cream, eggs, spice and booze

It's as English as posset and butterbeer:

>> No.8306823
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I have made this nog recipe for the last 3 years and get constant compliments on it.
Its fucking delicious and if it weren't so calorie dense I would drink it all the time.

>> No.8306826

oops sorry.
specifically the Amaretto version.
I am sure the other one is good too, but the Amaretto is amazing.

>> No.8306842

Thanks broskis

I will try this myself. Alcoholic custard sounds awesome.

>> No.8306991
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Tangentially related, but anyone try Advocaat?

>> No.8307003

came here to post this. Also to kindly remind everyone that if you drink this before 1st advent you are a degenerate and should neck yourself

>> No.8307171

Påskmust though

>> No.8307174
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>> No.8307195

So much autists itt
none of you faggots beat eggnog

>> No.8307220

pumpkin spice eggnog hnnggg

>> No.8307244

I wish i was still in college :(

>> No.8307272

Looks good, but may I suggest getting it into a secondary off of that 3 inch layer of trub?

>> No.8307282

Gonna try making some this year. Just mix and simmer on stove?

>> No.8307284

This comment is so funny to me idk why

>> No.8307293

Fruit beers in summer

>> No.8307297

I was traumatized by eggnog at a young age when a grocery store sample I though was just milk gave me a VERY unexpected surprise. Maybe if I had known it wasn't milk, I could have been prepared. But I've always hated surprises when I take a drink of something, thinking its supposed to be something else. Super unsettling.

>> No.8307424
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>taking a drink of water only to find out it's Sprite
That shit is the worst.

>> No.8307474

Thats pretty bad, and I had a similar experience just the other day. I often buy two big bottles of club soda at the grocery store. Accidentally got one of club soda and one of tonic water this time. Didn't even notice while opening the tonic one since the text on the label is yellow instead of blue and I wasn't looking, poured it into a glass of ice and took a big gulp. WOW. For a second I actually thought there I was having a serious medical emergency of some kind out of panic. I thought I was having a stroke or some shit, as dumb as that may sound. I don't do well with panic so my paranoid mind made my adrenaline release and I was uneasy for like 20 minutes at least. Sounds so dumb now, but yeah... I fucking hate drinking something I expect to be something else.

One of the worst ones in my life was when I woke up hungover. I'm not one of those "hair of the dog" fixes me up types. When I'm hungover, the last thing I want to smell or taste are alcohol and cigarettes. I drink every day for months sometimes, but NO for the morning activity. So I went to the fridge and just started chugging some orange juice. ...It was spiked from a previous little party or something. Stomach did a fucking 360 and I just heaved hard. In bed all day, which I would have been anyway, only this time I was in shock for hours. And angry.

>> No.8307499
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A little hot doc ? Anyone?

>> No.8307517

I'm trying to find a recipe someone here posted last year. I made it for a friend's family last year and they loved it. I want to make it again, but I lost it. All I can remember is that it had a lot of profanity in it. It was a damn good recipe.

It wasn't either of these. Oh and the recipe didn't call for a bunch of alcohol either.

>> No.8308174

just isn't the same thing. Feels wrong to drink but I suppose it's acceptable during easter. Maybe

>> No.8308185

No they dont

>> No.8308190
File: 82 KB, 628x444, 1382418479672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 6
>eat something spicy
>reach for mom's glass of water
>it's actually Zima

>> No.8308192
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>> No.8308206 [DELETED] 
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Eggnog tastes like shit mate

>> No.8308208

Champurrado and atole and I'm white bitches

>> No.8308725


>> No.8308734

>not frozen hot chocolate

>> No.8308983

That is so impressively tacky.

>> No.8309018


Rather than a spice mix, it's way better to buy the whole spices and then strain the wine when pouring.

Whole star anise, whole cloves, whole cinnamon sticks, whole allspice berries, fresh sliced ginger

>> No.8309408
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>> No.8310529
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Hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps is the best holiday drink. Tastes like Christmas cheer

>> No.8310531

since you left the door wide open with seasonal im gonna go with frozen lemonades in the summertime, Del's in RI pretty decent

>> No.8310541

Enough with this fucking picture

>> No.8310545

>go to bed for literally 2 days
>my thread is still here

i love /ck/, really comfy board

>> No.8310555

>not chianti
nice try, super satan

>> No.8310670

It's the best board on 4chan imo. Very relaxing and still has it's moments.

Got a good recipe for eggnog?

>> No.8311693

If you're making an eggnog with all yolks in it like some recipes are, you can always coddle the eggs, and then you don't have to worry about the raw egg thing. Same goes for homemade mayo etc- just whack the whole eggs in boiling water for 2min, pull, shock in an ice bath, then crack. The whites will be partly set but the yolks will be raw, but pasteurized. No worry about using them raw in dressings or eggnog, plus they're actually more stable in emulsions.

I've always found the eggnog recipes I've tried with beaten egg whites in them end up being WAAAAY too thick for my liking. Maybe I just haven't been putting enough booze in.

>> No.8312126
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More like "you literally canNOG"

>> No.8312216
File: 6 KB, 261x193, ShamShake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's where you're wrong

>> No.8312218

is it

is it fire?

why would I drink fire anon

>> No.8312255

> eggnog recipe

>> No.8312256

where can i buy egg nog in the uk?

>> No.8312269

Shamrock shake.

Where's my prize?

>> No.8312669

You should make homemade eggnog with unpasteurized eggs and then start a new thread in a week to prove you didn't die from E-coli.

>> No.8312681

Not from the UK, so I couldn't tell you. But eggnog isn't too difficult to make at home if you can't find it premade!

>> No.8313871

cool i'll check out some recipes

>> No.8313877


You can't, it was declared racist under the Sharp Spoons Act of 1387.

>> No.8313881

The proper production of an anglais would make e coli poisoning an insignificant risk.
Plus there should be enough alcohol to keep the bacteria down and it should be served hot.

>> No.8313893

Literally not as good as just wine.

>> No.8313899
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>spiced rum
>at all

>> No.8313904
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Bong here

We dont drink eggnig, we drink this

I think its the same sort of thing?

>> No.8313938

You can get (extortionately expensive) eggnog at waitrose/ocado and tesco

I've had it a few times.
Some restaurants/bars here in bongland also serve eggnog variantions seasonally