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8301835 No.8301835[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is your go-to driving beer?

>> No.8301838

Whatever one I just ordered and poured into a plastic cup on my way to the next bar

>> No.8301871

>poured into a plastic cup on my way to the next bar
wow that is smart, i'll use this trick next time

>> No.8301893

The best trick is holding it to your mouth at a stop and letting it pour into your mouth as you accelerate. I miss that.

>> No.8301902

there's nothing like driving on an empty highway with someone closing your eyes and pouring beer into your mouth from the backseat

damn i miss college

>> No.8301904

Yeah it's hard once you lose your license for the eighth time. I feel you bro.

>> No.8301907

roll tide, amirite?

>> No.8301916

I live in Oregon and my go to is a mixed pack of Session. Its a perfect middle of the road beer when I have 15 bucks to spend and I dont what to get a 24 pack of sour water but also dont want to just get a 6 pack of a fancy microbrew. So I get a 12 pack of session for like 13 bucks. And it tastes decent when warm too so I just keep it in my car all the time.

But seriously, dont drink and drive kids.

>> No.8301925

ITT: 17 year olds trying to be edgy.

When you experience loss of any kind you begin to realize how precious life is. But most of the grownups here were young once too, and we understand the feeling of invincibility and a care-free existence. Enjoy it kids! Or you could just keep on being retarded like the adults who actually end up murdering people, I guess... cheers.

>> No.8301929

if you're not supposed to drink alcohol while driving then why is it so boring

>> No.8301937
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Old E's 800, yeah that's mah brand.
Take it in a forty, quart, or can.
Drink it like a mad man, yes I do.
Fuck the police and the 5-0 too.

>> No.8302547

I'm more of a wino.

>> No.8302578

My favorite is redd's wicked apple ale. It's 8% abv and in a 24oz can. The level of sweetness is not too much for me like some other flavored malts. A 24oz of flavored malt with 8% abv and not to mutch sugar is the best for a 30 minute drive. I prefer high abv craft beers at home but I used to exclusively drink this stuff while driving. I've tried to pound a 22oz ipa while walking my dog before and it was miserable. Flavored malts have a place and that place is drinking a lot of alcohol in a small amount of time.

>> No.8302583

Actually drinking alcohol while driving isn't bad. It's BEING drunk while driving is what's dangerous.

I like to drink tall boys on my way downtown to go hit bars/parties/whatever the fuck else I'm doing.

>> No.8302613


>> No.8302617

one time I chugged some everclear then went driving in my 84 pontiac fiero. I chugged more everclear while crusing then ran abunch of kids over for the lulz. Chugged more everclear and ran a cop over and killed him so I chugged more everclear while blasting some Journey and Def leppard out of my Fiero then crashed into someone's house. Such a wicked time dawg.

>> No.8302716


>Things that never happened

There is always someone who tries to shit up a good thread.

But on to the topic. I tend to drink whatever local beer there is. Primarily because it is cheaper. The risk of spilling is too high when you are swerving all over the place trying to avoid idiots.

>> No.8302733

>the risk is too high when I'm swerving all over the place trying to avoid drunks like me.

>> No.8302740

this, typically with an unsweetened iced tea.

>> No.8302786

>When you experience loss of any kind you begin to realize how precious life is

Faggot detected, gas the kikes, race war now!

>> No.8303388

I like carling lager (Canada) because the can looks like a brisk iced tea can.

I also use a to-go coffee mug.

>> No.8303675

>drinking a low abv beer

>> No.8303687

canned corona, if I'm just going to get groceries or smth maybe a steel reserve

>> No.8303917
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for me it's bud diesel, the best road beer.

>> No.8303934

He fell for the session beer meme.

>> No.8303939

i am better at driving after having 2-6 beers, if you drive and know that alcohol has a negative effect on your driving then you are an idiot

>> No.8303944

Do you need the beers to calm your nerves before driving? Are you a woman? I hope when you finally fuck up you only kill yourself and not a family, you toxic piece of shit.

>> No.8303952

t. Serious alcoholic.

>> No.8303955

>make myself better at driving, increasing the safety of myself and everyone around me
>piece of shit

>> No.8303962
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>lives in oregon
>picks session over dozens of better options

>> No.8303975

You sound like a pussy. If you need to have some drinks to feel safe behind the wheel, you shouldn't be driving in the first place. By the way, how does your mom's Corolla drive?

>> No.8303992

fast food cups work better. You can just drop the whole can down into most medium cups,and put the straw and lid back on.

>> No.8303996

I usually just ask the bartender for one. If you tipped well they don't give a shit.

>> No.8304032

Until you get pulled over and they find out where you just came from. That's how bars lose their liquor license.

>> No.8304186

>why is it so boring
You need to either
A: Get a better car
B: Go live in a better place
C: Get a better brain
D: Listen to more eurobeat

>> No.8304324

>>Things that never happened
>he thinks that poster was being serious
Anyway as someone who got a DUI a few years ago and learned my lesson, this dude is correct. >>8301925
$10,000 and a year of probation will cure your ass of that shit real fast.

>> No.8304332

My sister got convicted of it twice lol

>> No.8304409

Had a friend who got 2 DUI's in a month. It's cool though cause he's dead now so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.8304499

>Listen to more eurobeat

this is more dangerous than 10 shots of vodka

>> No.8304576

Did she get raped by a bull dyke in jail?

>> No.8304883


Only alcoholics get DUIs

Having a single tallboy on your way home from work is hardly dangerous. Considering I drive much safer than most, the only thing I worry about is if someone hit me while I was drinking or I had a couple. I try not to drive while I have a BAC but life happens.

>> No.8304980

Yeah, I thought that too when I was young.

>go crappie fishing and catch a cooler full. No alcohol. Driving back home buy a qt of Bud. Take a swig on the highway home and see a cop fishtail after me. Shit. He's cool, writes a ticket for open container and wants to see the fish. We talk about fishing for a bit and I think I'll have to pay a fucking fine, allright. Court date gets like a week away and I still haven't received an invoice for the ticket. Call the Prosecutor and some jackass assistant says, "Get a lawyer, shitstain. You're going to court". 40 hours community service and a $1500.00 fine.

>> No.8304988
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>Only alcoholics get DUIs

>> No.8305018

ever since my DUI 4 years ago i dont drink and drink anymore, that shit is stupidly expensive

>> No.8305031

eurobeat is fantastic

>> No.8305036

root beer

>> No.8305039

>i dont drink and drink anymore
Give me your keys; you're drunk.

>> No.8305052

You would have to have been a repeat offender. I'm talking 4th DUI here. If your ass hasn't learned by DUI #4, it's all on YOU. But don't pretend like everyone's gonna learn after that. You obviously haven't.

>> No.8305063

I don't think anon is referring to the actual court fine. That number is thrown around because of impound/towing, bail, loss of work, classes, testing/monitoring, probation, interlock, etc

>> No.8305065

well that was a typo but im not going to pretend im not drunk right now

>> No.8305090

Hamm's, it's the beer for the road.

>> No.8305110

Can confirm. I was seriously considering buying a car to learn to drift just so I could play eurobeat in a car that looked like it should be playing eurobeat.

I ended up not buying said car and got a much nicer (used) honda accord instead.

>> No.8305116


>> No.8305125

I'll probably try to justify it again during my mid-life crisis. Then I'll learn to drift and drive some shitty Japanese car from the 1980s while listening to music from the early 1990s.

>> No.8305201

Some of the good eurobeat is from the early 2000s.

>> No.8305413

>he actually drinks while he drives
ITT alcoholic degenerates

>> No.8305468

wahhh wahhhhhh wah

>> No.8305498

>tfw just wanna nightride your motorcycle
>tfw you know you can't because drunk fucks like you guys would turn me into a bright red smear on the pavement

>> No.8305604

>hate motorcyclists
>genuinely hope I kill one that pulls out in front of my F250 or blows a red light doing 80 in town

>> No.8305614

Around Boston we call alcoholic beverages that you drink while cruising "roadies". What is the local vernacular for your area?

>> No.8305627
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Central PA bumfuck, we call it "one for the road."

>> No.8305986

not everyone is riding a liter peter
why are you in such a rush anyway?
got a sister to fuck or something?

>> No.8305992

I use a steel water bottle so it stays colder

>> No.8305998

>not steel reserve
>not drinking union made

>> No.8306000

the liquor store here has a special every friday that when you go through the drive through you get a cup of coors for $1. Pretty hard to beat that one the way back from work. it's at least like a mcdonalds large

>> No.8306002

>tfw my cozy war used to have $1 16 oz coors light mondays
>tfw they died because they only had a beer and wine license in their new place after they moved

>> No.8306071

Back in the 80's, everywhere I went, I had a beer cooler in the back, arm's reach through the sliding window. Always had a beer between my legs. Lived in an area that it was just not a big deal. If you "get caught" you just have to go home and leave your beer or dump it out. Even on my motorcycle I would have a six pack handy. Beer can in a McDonald's cup with a straw in a cup holder mounted on my handlebars. Sadly, those days of responsible drinking and driving are over.

>> No.8306132

>a liquor store which offers open drinks to drivers at the drive-through
Now I've heard everything.

>> No.8306181

There's loopholes that make it legal. No state allows open containers, so what they do is they put a plastic lid on it. Ours uses the starbucks style sippy cup lids.

The catch? They put a piece of tape over the drinking hole. Bam, it's legal.

Once you take the tape off, that's all on you

>> No.8306185


>> No.8306209

I drove blackout drunk several times back in my 20s and many times i drove around central London pretty lit. Even when they had police checkpoints due to the IRA. Luckily nothing bad ever happened and now the worst I do is drive after a couple of beers

>> No.8307050

plastic handle of vodka

>> No.8307059

Road Soda.

>> No.8307075

Bitch got good taste in root beer but she's tempting fate by drinking out of brown glass while driving

>> No.8307083

>fast food cups work better. You can just drop the whole can down into most medium cups,and put the straw and lid back on.
True Story...
About 15 years ago, Taco Bell drive through in Coconut Grove FL, policeman works security at drive through window (as usual for the neighborhood, where they make enough money to warrant being open and paying for security both). Forget we had just opened beers to predrink, and to go with the quick taco snack before going into the Grove for some clubbin'...oops. Policeman in the drivethrough hands empty cups and lids out the window to discreetly transfer to hide the drinks :o and says to "Have a Good Night!"

>> No.8307096

Cheap vodka poured into a dollar-store energy drink.

>> No.8307131

16 ounce Colt 45 or a couple Pabsts are great on my evening commute home. Gets you right where you want to be.

>> No.8307719

gin & tonic with extra lime in a mason jar

the only real option for the patrician motorist

>> No.8307726

>a good thread

>> No.8307993

>taco bell security
was it is a dindu ghetto?

>> No.8308257


>> No.8308264

tfw see this shit happen as i work gas stations
try to curb it as much as possible
scared that one day the guy i sell beer to who grabs a cup on his way out is gonna be the one who kills somebody
If this is anymore than an elusive troll its fucking disgusting

>> No.8308268

This. A coffee thermos works better. My Dad taught my brother in I how to pour him beer in his thermos so that it wouldn't foam over the top on trips.

>> No.8308284

lmao one time i dranks 18 gallons of 1000% alcohol and hijacked the spaceshuttle yo! sped off and we'z partied at Mars, Jupiter, and picnicked on the Sun yo! Made it home in time to ace my SATs and save the family business the next day

>> No.8308337

how exactly do you curb it?

>> No.8308563


Roadmaster, but that infers at least a 24 ouncer...