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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8300471 No.8300471 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ BTFO

>> No.8300538

big macs are the shit yo

>> No.8300545

So I'm assuming Steve Jobs ate cancer and aids.

>> No.8300547

Can't say I blame him. Solid lunch right there.

>> No.8300551

Source faggot, do you has it?

>> No.8300554

so that explains why he looks like an embalmed corpse.

>> No.8300558

Why don't you try googling the title of the article? Idiot.

>> No.8300560

google the headline?

>> No.8300561

pretty sure he's vegan, militantly so

>> No.8300635

Does he have a shitting schedule too?

>> No.8300640


for nearly a year now, I've timed it so that I only have to shit right before I take a shower

>> No.8300645

Here you go. I'm not a useless flapping cunt, unlike >>8300558 and >>8300560


>> No.8300647


>> No.8300651


don't worry about it

dinner's on me, I'll cover it this time

>> No.8300659

no, you're just as dumb as the guy you're helping

>> No.8300660


>Steve jobs
>Major cunt, died of cancer

>Bill Gates
>Eats fucking big macs
>Real cool guy and still kickin

eat shit steve jobs

>> No.8300662

>w0w he ate a big mac one time right before an interview or something this means he does this evreyday wow hes just like us common people huh

>> No.8300664

You should always give references for your sources. You do not see scientific papers with

>After an examination of the levels of hexose and hexosamine during repeated preprecipitations of acid-soluble collagen, Kuhn, Grassmann, and Hofman (1) concluded that a small quantity of hexose, but no hexosamine, is covalently attached to the polypeptide chain.
>[1]: Google it, faggot

>> No.8300667

in the interview he says he eats everyday and likes to drink diet coke daily

>> No.8300670


it's almost always a lie

it's all part of maintaining a certain image, they even have people for that

>> No.8300672
File: 64 KB, 630x410, bur-bigmac-big_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for him, it is the big mac

>> No.8300683
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>he says he eats everyday

how luxurious

>> No.8300703
File: 117 KB, 500x334, McDonald-Happy-Meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big Mac
>Only 540 calories.

When it's just one it's actually not bad at all.

It's the fries and drink, or an extra burger, that turns people into ham planets. If you lift and/or watch your macros fries and soda are shit.

Super sizing your meal back in the day only resulted in a larger drink and more fries. The burger stayed the same.

>> No.8300709

microsoft eating mac

>> No.8300854

>schedules every minute of his day

What the fuck? What if he feels like just taking a day off or something, or going to the pub? Does he force himself to stick to his schedule? If so, what a fag.

>> No.8300864

>he thinks bill gates is spontaneous

he's the most boring man to ever live

>> No.8300875

people like him don't just feel like "doing nothing" or going to the pub. some people are just born workaholics. there is a reason he's one of the richest people alive. he needs to work to be happy just like most others need a day or two off from time to time

>> No.8300884

i have the same routine every morning. after i wake up, i drink two cups of coffee. this will make me take a shit. after that, i hit the shower. so you could say i have a shitting schedule

>> No.8300888

>If you lift and/or watch your macros fries and soda are shit
not if you're trying to get big. except fast food and soda are probably unhealthy

>> No.8300893

May I ask what your diet is like?

>> No.8300910

mainly carbs and enough protein. pasta every day. meat almost daily, but not in huge quantities. not much sugar. enough water, i always carry a bottle with me where ever i go

>> No.8300917

>Most boring

Except for the /ck/ fast food posters.

>> No.8300930
File: 428 KB, 421x448, reeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw you find out that Bill Gates spends his time shitposting on /ck/

>> No.8300995

I bet Steve Jobs did too back in the day, old fegs, both of them right?

>> No.8301784


>likening a 4chan thread to a scientific statement.


>> No.8301790


I wasnt born a workaholic but any minute i spend awake (even when shitposting) i start getting really stressed about how unproductive i am.

I wasnt like this until about 2 years ago and i am just breaking 30 now.

>> No.8301794


Jobs and Gates are probably reddit and 9gag fags.

Hawking is pure 4chan material. All that impotent rage has to go somewhere.

>> No.8301826

>Jobs and Gates are
You know Jobs passed away right? I doubt Hawking is using his eyeballs to type crap online. Naw.

I'm sure Wozniak hangs out on all of them though.

>> No.8301930


I'd do this if I had a separate bathroom with a toilet. I dont want to shower in poop smell that gets worse by the heat of the shower.

>> No.8301996


>> No.8302019

yeah man fried starchy vegetables and HFCS are the best for getting big

>> No.8302551

I knew an autistic guy who would only eat burgers

>> No.8302573

post kek
pic related kek

>> No.8302576
File: 1.54 MB, 500x281, 1420596911397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he also drinks sewage water

>> No.8302577

a meal fit for a king

>> No.8302602
File: 107 KB, 905x505, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do you.

>> No.8302620

nah i only drink coke

>> No.8302626

>Not drinking only distilled water, or rainwater, and pure-grain alcohol

It's like you want your bodily fluids to be sapped & impurified.

>> No.8302659

>I doubt Hawking is using his eyeballs to type crap online.
how do you think he's coming up with his theory of shitposting?

>> No.8302688


This is simply not true. He is probably fucking with everyone or getting paid by McDonald's to tell stupid people what to eat to be successful.

>> No.8302697

>getting paid by McDonald's


>> No.8302703


>Corporations don't advertise and bribe


>> No.8302704

you can't buy good taste, it seems.

>> No.8302708

>Bill Gates, one of the richest men in the world, would entertain the notion of accepting a few sheckles from McDonalds for mentioning a Big Mac

Sure he probably clips coupons for the Bi-Lo, too.

>> No.8302712


>Bill Gates can be lured with money

You fucking idiot

>> No.8302713


Absolutely. Never underestimate a persons greed. That or he is friends with someone at McDonald's corporate and is doing them a favour. He does not eat that garbage.

>> No.8302715

Ah I see; this is all part of some strange fantasy you have to concoct about "rich people" and what they do and don't do, so that you can set them apart from yourself? Because obviously it's not your fault you're poor: "rich people" just do things completely differently.

>> No.8302718


Haha I am not poor. At all. Keep makong baseless assumptions though and feedong into everything you read in the tabloids.

>> No.8302719

>Keep makong baseless assumptions
>Says the guy making baseless assumptions


>> No.8302720


Bill gates just does shit like this for populairty and to appeal to the lower class. If you legit think he regularly eats Big Macs for lunch you're the epitome of the "poor people are stupid" stereotype.

>> No.8302723


>The news said it therefore it must be true!

>> No.8302726


No one is denying he doesn't eat burgers but he probably has his own chef to make them from scratch.

>> No.8302727

>The news said it

Or here's an idea: somebody said and it's being directly quoted in the article.

>Joe Cerrell, a managing director of the Gates Foundation, says the hallmarks of a Gates tour include ‘hotel rooms full of Diet Coke. And cheeseburgers for lunch, no matter who you are. If you get the lunchtime slot with Bill, you’re eating burgers. Someone will always be sent to get bags of McDonald’s. I don’t think Melinda lets him have them at home.’

>> No.8302731

>he probably has his own chef to make them from scratch

Again, stop concocting fantasies in your head. Just because somebody is rich, it doesn't suddenly make them an alien who can't interact with the real world. See >>8302727

>> No.8302732


>Managing director of joke charity that does not help anyone

Are Americans really this stupid they think billionaires eat their garbage fast food? Everyone knows fastfood is for poor people too stupid to cook.

>> No.8302747


I don't know where you keep getting this notion I am implying rich people are alien from the rest of is because they have money. There are billionaires and millionaires who assemble their own furniture, drive older cars, wear cheap clothes, etc. But eating fastfood burgers regularly? Nah, they are not that stupid. Most have their own private chefs.

>> No.8302815

>schedules every minute of his day

is he autismo??

>> No.8302871

fucking reptile people everywhere

>> No.8303069

Yeah, and you eat what was once dinosaur poop.

>> No.8303100


>> No.8303133

real retard if I've ever seen one

>> No.8303142

>Rich people cant like convenient commoner food meme again

>> No.8303169
File: 215 KB, 1080x1420, 1478818505080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill gates is a retard

>> No.8303205

>worth $80 billion
Wew, is this what giving to the poor does to you? was it worth it gates? do you realize you've had more than twice this? I bet he's bitter as fuck now that he's a poorfag.

>> No.8303455
File: 51 KB, 598x448, absolutley IWD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>showering as the smell of your shit seeps into your copious amount of adipose tissue

>> No.8303699

>falling for the most monstrously conceived and dangerous Communist plot we have ever had to face

>> No.8303725

Why would /ck/ be btfo? This board worships mcdonalds.

>> No.8303870

Better the Big Mac than the BK's Big King.

>> No.8305229

i wish i did that shits funny