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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 581x391, Vegan foods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8277418 No.8277418 [Reply] [Original]

I've become a vegan cuck recently. I've lasted a month but I'd like to know if /ck/ has any interesting or uniquely /ck/ vegan recipes or foodstuffs. Also, any advice for new vegans.

>> No.8277426

I'll bite so why vegan?

>> No.8277484 [DELETED] 

Why yes, yes I do. www.theradicalvegan.tumblr.com

And congrats on going vegan.

My advice - make going vegan fun. Try all the different vegan foods - if you're poor like I was, try the ones that are on clearance first. Don't be discouraged if you taste some bad ones - those ones I'm convinced only for first time customers. Different vegans like different vegan cheeses, but these are overall the most popular: Daiya, Follow Your Heart Vegan Mozzarella (the cheddar style kind is gross though just warning you, also do not eat Daiya or Follow Your Heart cold because it will be gross), cashew cheese is probably the all around best, but is more expensive if you're not making it yourself, and there are some new ones like Chao you could try.

Gardein is the best meat alternative I've tried - but I've been vegan for 7 years and still haven't tried them all. Tofurky has some good meat alternatives, but some meh ones mixed in. This completely depends on your taste preferences though so maybe something I don't like, you love. Just keep trying different vegan foods and experiment.

And keep reading labels. You'll be surprised how many things you wouldn't expect to be vegan, are.

>> No.8277527

for low calorie meals i make:

salsa from ingredients and red beans and black beans + corn

crumbled cauliflower and tofu scramble.

boil apples and cut around the core, blend in vitamix, add to cooked oats add cinnamon and artificial sugar. these three meals are low calorie and yummy.

french fries are always good... waffles with maple syrup... blend frozen bananas and frozen strawberries with almond milk for a milkshake (i add artificial sugar and could switch to soy milk if you don't mind the extra calories, real sugar if you really don't mind).. rice and beans is always an option, i got a bread machine and i make my own peanut butter from roasted peanuts.. i'm looking into making my own jelly. tortilla chips and guacamole.. bean burgers.. i'm always trying to improve my bean burgers. anyone share recipes?

>> No.8277691

Muh morality

I used to think most animals couldn't meaningfully suffer due to lack of preferences meaning. They couldn't have a preference against pain and view it as a negative. Changed my opinion now, so I think veganism is the only morally sound thing to do. I don't really have the intuition to care about animals. I still fucking hate the beasts, but I can't rationalise the suffering away anymore.

Thanks, these are some great suggestions.

>> No.8277705

So many soups or stir frys or curries or salads. Asian food is great for vegan.

>> No.8277718 [DELETED] 


>> No.8277788
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Newbie here

I recently took the Vegan Red Pill (3 weeks ago).
Also GOWAD (gallon of water a day).
Hoary chet, feelsgoodman.jpeg

My shits: SMOOTH and EASY
My congestion and stomachaches: GONE
My piss: CLEAR
My energy: GUD

Now, I do have one question though:

Is it normal for veganism to make your muscles hard?

To clarify, I haven't done any extra exercise than what I normally do (long walks and rarely moderate swimming in my college pool).

Also, I've never been jacked or ripped or shit, at my healthiest (back in HS as a wrestler) I was just an incredibly skinny 130-pounder.

To be clear: My biceps have NOT grown at all.They are exactly the same size as before.

They just feel VERY noticeably more FIRM and SOLID, if you feel what I'm saying.



Pls explain the mechanism causing this, Biology/Chemistry and Anatomy make me HARD desu.



>> No.8277905

That's interesting. Muscle density is a thing, so I doubt you're imagining it. I think it has more to do with genetics and how and when you work out (weight, reps, intensity, etc.). I imagine it's difficult to put on significant mass on a vegan diet without also gaining a lot of fat from all the carbs. There's no reason why you cannoty increase strength on any diet that has an adequate amount of protein though. But, shit I dunno. There's probably someone out there that does. If you go look up the kind of diet Steve Reeves (one of the last known natural bodybuilders) ate, you'll find it had remarkably less pure protein than a modern bodybuilder's. I guess you could make a thread on /fit/ if you don't mind that half of them will want to buttfuck you.

>> No.8277911

However, it's probably next to impossible to achieve your natural genetic muscle mass limit on a vegan diet. I'd wager it could be done on a vegetarian one.

>> No.8277931
File: 77 KB, 500x333, Happy potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~4 month vegan reporting in.

For anyone considering reading about Veganism, the links below contain essentially all the information that has made me turn vegan, with the exception for the morality/ethics part.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=McDougall%20J%5BAuthor%5D&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=27645350 ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27645350 )

>veganism is going to turn you gay

Considering that Soy-based products are the main reason behind such claims, please disregard the rest of the website content and just take a look at the article that was written based on the citations available RIGHT below the article: http://archive.is/w3qEe..

p.s I hate using the word vegan/vegetarian, and the amount of people that get obsessed with, in other words a diet "abstaining from the use of animal products"/"based on foods derived from plants", giving it a "pretty bad" reputation.

>> No.8277934

>gaining a lot of fat from all the carbs
Holy fucking shit mother of mercy
Do you understand why they call it FAT? Because it's FAT, it's literally FAT, not sugar, not starch, not cellulose, not glycogen, not carbs, it's FAT.
Honestly I feel like I'm in living in some joke parallel universe at this point.

It has to do with water in the muscle. You may have changed your carb and/or sodium/potassium intake while doing the vegan thing.

>> No.8277935

>>veganism is going to turn you gay

>> No.8277938
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I accidentally go vegan for months at a time. Any vegans here who can give me advice on things I need to watch out for? I have D-vitamin deficiency even though I eat enough D-vitamin, so I feel I'm doing something wrong. I also have a low iron count, which is typical. How can I counteract this?

>> No.8277946


>> No.8277947

There is no food on this planet that supplies enough vitamin D. Food is not a good source of vitamin D. Virtually everybody needs to take a Vitamin D supplement, typically around 2000-5000 IU/day, especially in winter.

Iron deficiency is very rare in men, including vegan men, because men have very low iron needs. So if you are male you are doing something very wrong. Iron is abundant in many vegetables, legumes, whole grains, certain fruits and nuts and seeds. However, there are some substances that interfere with iron absorption, especially oxalates (in spinach and some other vegetables) and phytic acid (especially in grains, seeds and legumes). To optimize iron intake on a vegan diet, it should be rich in green leafy vegetables and legumes, and it helps a lot to consume vitamin C rich foods with meals to counteract phytic acid. Vitamin C is present in the great majority of vegetables and fruits.

>> No.8277951

You could counteract by eating a healthy diet and not the absolutely retarded hipster trend veganism.

Vegetarian is just fine and perfectly healthy. Veganism is not, at all. Its just utterly retarded as anyone with some knowledge about nutrition will tell you.


>> No.8277958

I didn't say I'm vegan, I said I eat vegan for long periods accidentally. I eat fish when I get my hands on it but I avoid commercial animal products so I don't buy it. Since I have to fish it myself I don't get as much fish in my diet as I want.

I take a multi that has the daily D-vitamin requirement on top of foods with D-vitamin in them. I don't understand why I'm deficient. Are there foods that prevent the body absorbing D-vit?

In relation to iron, I already eat loads of fruit and veg and get a lot of vit C in my diet, so I don't think phytic acid is a problem. oxalates are mostly a problem in raw leafy greens no? So cooked spinach is not a big issue?

>> No.8277969
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I don't quit get it. We are animals,meat and animal products are part of what made all our civilization possible. Heck, is what made US be us possible. I don't live in the USA so we don't have that unnatural madness than is your meat industry but life and death are part of the same circle. Eat and be eated dude, a fucking squirrel will eat a mouse if he can get away with it.

>> No.8277970

>I don't live in the USA so we don't have that unnatural madness than is your meat industry
Oh you sweet summer child

>> No.8277971


>> No.8277972

>I take a multi that has the daily D-vitamin requirement on top of foods with D-vitamin in them. I don't understand why I'm deficient.
The daily requirement currently set by most governments is outdated and way way too low. In many places they recommend 400-600 IU, however most vitamin D experts recommend an intake of 2000-5000 IU per day as I said, so up to 10 times higher than what it says on a label. So you're simply not getting enough.

>> No.8277977

I would like to try to be vegan but living on a island in the middle of the atlantic ocean (Iceland). It is possible but i cant stand eating food that doesnt taste good or eating the same thing every day.

>> No.8278019

Ah, you made the assumption that I'm stupid. Sorry I wasn't more clear. Because vegan sources of proteins also contain a higher ratio of carbohydrates, it would be difficult to increase the proportion without those carbs adding significantly more calories, causing a gain in body fat. If you were to attempt to simultaneously counter this with intense cardio it would be very easy to defeat the muscle growth. It would be a very fine line. I do know a bit about nutrition since I've managed to reach 90% of my theoretical lean muscle mass potential without supplements on a very clean, fresh-foods omnivorous diet. But I'm just a normal guy, so whatever.

>> No.8278020

You're probably right. My multi says 800 iu, so that's not enough on it's own. Thanks.

>> No.8278324
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A dish I enjoy at least weekly is throwing together canned chick peas, stuff from my grocery's olive bar and finely chopped kale. It tastes better if you roast the chick peas and also mince some garlic, parsley, etc., but you still feel like you had a good meal even if you don't. The olive bar marinades and brines form their own dressing.

>> No.8278337
File: 70 KB, 480x640, 132723005694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but for example in my country meat industry is heavily regulated t. son of cattle ranch owner

>> No.8278351

Yeah but it's important to check the country you live in, not just take for granted that the industry is ok since it's not US. Knowledge is power.

>> No.8278368

Yeah you are right. It is also important to check where the meat is when you buy meat products from super markets.

>> No.8278371

God you sound like such a faggot. You sound like that insuffferable person that know one wants to deal with.

>> No.8278405

Vegans please leave CK and never come back.

You faggots should just fuck off to Reddit or Tumblr desu...

>> No.8278426

Variation never hurt anybody. It's a nice break from all the fastfood shitposting.

>> No.8278458

>industry is ok since it's not US

Yeah. If they have the similar lack of regulation the US does, and the added steroids and growth hormones, avoid the product at all cost.

>> No.8278630

How does being vegan affect your social life? Do you avoid situations in which vegan food wouldn't be served to you?? Just curious.

>> No.8278642

I find you can usually pic the vegan options when eating at a friend's house (vegetable sides and the carb source). And when eating out it's easy to choose a place that has at least one vegan option, even if it's just a collection of sides.

>> No.8278848 [DELETED] 

Actually vegetarianism is very unhealthy, but veganism can be very healthy.

Dairy is horrible for you, and eggs are really no good either.


(I'm going to be working on a new, more professional site with a lot more, and more organized information so please don't judge that the information is hosted on tumblr for now - it was the only free site that allowed me something similar to the format I wanted. And I'm not paying for a website til I'm fully prepared. It will be fully non-profit and I'll only be losing money off it, so no, I'm not a shill.)

>> No.8278906
File: 427 KB, 800x1000, 1471238749131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a shill

>> No.8278922 [DELETED] 

1. Animal products are unhealthy. http://theradicalvegan.tumblr.com/health
2. Even if the animals weren't tortured, animal products are still nasty once you think about it. You're eating dismembered corpses and mammary gland secretions from another species. And eggs come from a hen's menstrual cycle, and butthole. Pretty fucking gross.
3. Animals want to live, and there's no reason to kill them. Do you really want to align your logic and principles with that of a squirrel?
4. Mass bred animals, whether they're tortured or not, are destroying the environment. http://theradicalvegan.tumblr.com/environment 5. Meat may have been necessary in our species survival in the beginning, but now it's destroying us.

>> No.8278934 [DELETED] 

>A weeaboo telling me to kill myself.

>> No.8278937 [DELETED] 

I remember back when I was feeling really suicidal I would tell a lot of people to kill themselves. Maybe that's what's happening here.

>> No.8278939

>dismembered corpses and mammary gland secretions from another species

Vegetable products are ovaries, jizz and bulbous self-cloning lumps that grow in feces, corpses and gravel. How about you stick to the health argument instead of acting like a toddler who thinks his dinner is 'icky poo poo'?

>> No.8278941 [DELETED] 

I hope so.

>> No.8278955


>> No.8278962 [DELETED] 

Plants are clean. Animal products are filled with pus, slime, blood, that film that covers a chicken breast, veins, tendons, bone, fat. And they're also very often literally coated in feces.

Corpses are pretty much universally seen as gross. Plants - no. Nice try though.

>> No.8278975
File: 47 KB, 640x415, 1475422611392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then the psychos showed up. It was fun as long as it lasted.

>> No.8279242

Remember, every Spring you're completely covered in yellow jizz as the wind jerks off the trees and they delightfully cumblast everything.

>> No.8279262 [DELETED] 

How do I incorporate more meat into my vegan diet?

>> No.8279269 [DELETED] 

>I add artificial sugar for
Is anything in your diet not artificial?

>> No.8279273

I think we all know the answer to that one.

>> No.8279285 [DELETED] 

Most likely dehydration from lack of salt in your diet

>> No.8279298 [DELETED] 

>Please don't judge the information is on tumblr
>Vegans aren't gay you guyz i swear

>> No.8279361 [DELETED] 

I'm female.

And the only reason I know to say "don't judge" it for being hosted on tumblr, is because of you guys. I don't follow anyone except vegan recipe blogs and one friend of mine. You guys clearly are more involved in tumblr culture than I am.

>> No.8279371

>"teehee iamgrillguyz XDDDDDD
>no humour

>> No.8279381 [DELETED] 

Hey I was just thinking about this and saw your post, and am wondering if you could tell me...

Do they give medication to people with autism? If so I think you're due for your next dose.

>> No.8279508 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 340x504, 97908_japanese_fried_rice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food from the gods.

>> No.8279602

>any advice for new vegans
Yeah, fucking stop you dumb shit.

>> No.8279627

dont for get to take all your supplements

>> No.8279629

not >>8279371, but I have to agree with him. You seem to be a genuinely shitty person.

>> No.8279644

>Plants are clean
Yeah, with all the bugs, birds, worms, and other animals shitting, pissing, making nests, laying eggs and walking all over them. You know manure is an organic fertilizer, right?
Not even going to mention chemical fertilizers and all the genetic manipulation done to them. How do they make plants cold resistant?
>protip: is not with other plants genes.

>> No.8279674 [DELETED] 

I wash my veggies, you can't wash the feces off your dismembered corpses or animal secretions. And I eat a lot of veganic food.

My veggies might get gross stuff on them, but your food IS gross stuff.

>> No.8279683 [DELETED] 

How can you agree with someone if they're not even speaking a language?

Seriously what the fuck was that? I imagined they just had a seizure on their keyboard.

>> No.8279705

>you can't wash the feces off your dismembered corpses or animal secretions.
You're probably too retarded to know that you can wash them too. Or how to properly cook them.

>> No.8279711 [DELETED] 

It gets absorbed though - and most people don't wash their meat because what's the point of trying to clean something that is disgusting anyway? Also in the case of milk, you're fucked trying to clean that.

>> No.8279733

>what is boiling
>what is fraying
Yeah. Retarded

>> No.8279851

There are a couple really nasty, mental vegans on this board that like to shit up all the threads with their mean-spirited crazy talk. You'll get used to it.

>> No.8279862 [DELETED] 

I like it when tumblr gets so sick of tumblr they have to come here to interact with people who aren't completely insane
And then they act completely insane here anyways
And then they go back to tumblr to bitch about how bigoted we are only to do it all over again the next day

>> No.8279870 [DELETED] 

I only follow like 7 people and only one of them isn't a recipe blog....

You are desperate.

>> No.8279874 [DELETED] 

You clearly have never been to /co/

>> No.8279878 [DELETED] 


>> No.8279885

They also tend to over-share. It's like looking through a weird little window that makes the world really horrific and ugly. It must suck really hard to be them.

>> No.8279886 [DELETED] 

What the fuck are you doing in that shithole anyways? Who does that to themselves?

>> No.8279894 [DELETED] 

I just catch a glimpse here and there of the ones who wonder off, unless I'm on /co/ wich I don't do anymore
But based on that holly shit, one of those people alone is enough to make 100 normal people sick, I can't even picture what a couple thousand could be like
No wonder they get movie directors to drop the internet alltogether

>> No.8280511 [DELETED] 
File: 556 KB, 564x863, 14947928_1338145026219026_405783975535953320_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fall victim to peer pressure. Try not to become bitter from all the stupid comments you will get. A lot of people grew up being given misinformation and they're dealing with that on top of cognitive dissonance to it takes time to undo that - maybe some people will never undo that. Don't be discouraged.

>> No.8280514 [DELETED] 

so it takes time to undo that*

>> No.8280545

I'm sure you expected this comment but that thing looks so tender.....

>> No.8280551


If I were to go vegan I'd eat some Huel as part of my diet just to make sure it isn't total shit.

>> No.8280565

>Animal products are unhealthy. http://theradicalvegan.tumblr.com/health
keto begs to differ. I'm the healthiest I've ever been and have lost weight.

>> No.8280573 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 975x650, Walpig3-163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate that you knew I was expecting comments like that. Many meat eaters have no idea how unoriginal and predictable they are to vegans. It is very hard sometimes not to be bitter because of that, but it's refreshing at least that you're aware of how cliche you're being.

>> No.8280594

Fat retards shouldn't lecture healthy skinny people on nutrition. You fat ugly fuck

>> No.8280598

You say cliché, I say normal.

>> No.8280601

That's like saying a non-scientist shouldn't lecture a physicist on evolution if he doesn't believe in it

>> No.8280613

Fat people don't know even the difference between carbohydrates and fat, so immediately their opinions are worthless. And the scientific consensus is that a ketogenic diet is extremely unhealthy, so it would be on the fatty to prove them wrong.

>> No.8280620

>the scientific consensus is that a ketogenic diet is extremely unhealthy
proof? Have sources?

>> No.8280622 [DELETED] 

Truth. My brother has sworn by the ketogenic diet since high school (he's nearly thirty now) and he's only gotten FATTER and more unhealthy. He's morbidly obese now. But if you suggest another diet man will he get defensive. Ignorance is not bliss. Oh well.

>> No.8280628

doing actual research

>> No.8280660

Every science-based nutritional guideline on the planet emphasizes a diet based on starch, i.e. carbohydrates, rich in fruits and vegetables (carbs), high in fiber (plant products = carbs) and limiting fat and animal products.


A typical guideline like the one from the WHO sets a limit of 30% on fat, because 30% will allow you to keep saturated fat at a reasonable 5-6%.

Even with a high protein intake of 20%, you'll be left with 50% calories from carbs which is anything but ketogenic. 50% calories from carbs would be among the lowest in international comparison. Most people in the world get 60-80% from carbs and those are the populations that are normal weight and non-diabetic.

And many organizations have come out against Atkins and keto for many decades because the scientific consensus is that saturated fat, animal protein and dietary cholesterol are all unhealthy, and fiber, whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables (=carbs) are healthy. If you eat more animal products, inevitably you have less room in your diet for healthy food

>> No.8280763 [DELETED] 

>A lot of people grew up being given misinformation
yeah, thats why they become vegan
but in all seriousness, i hate the hollier than thou types that thnik that everyone either agrees with them or is stupid
first of all eating animals isnt inmoral
second i dont love animals, do you love humans? i love the animals i own and the ones i interacted enough with thats how love works
and thirdstop with all that projecting, you are projecting all the feelings you should have for other human beings into random animals and its sad and its creepy, thats what my grndma does with her dogs

>> No.8280778 [DELETED] 

if studies said the exact opposite you would ignore them completely or even go as far as protesting them
you dont give two fucks about science
and newsflash i need absoluttely 0 excuses to eat meat anyways and thats something you wont find link online to disprove

>> No.8280799

Not an argument

>> No.8280807
File: 35 KB, 336x720, 1478992616065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh "scientific consensus"

Animal products are not inherently unhealthy, at all. A hot dog? Sure. A chicken breast? No way.

Now- It's one story if you don't want to eat meat because you don't like the thought of consuming flesh. However, to deny the nutritional benefits is just ignorant.

>> No.8280812

Chicken breast is unhealthy, yes.

>> No.8280813 [DELETED] 

IGF-1, casein, heme, NeuG5c. Google these alongside "cancer".

They all almost exclusively come from animal products. All milk has casein. All meat has the rest.

Learn not to make absolute statements when you obviously haven't done any real research.

>> No.8280819


I am not vegan, but I've always told myself that if I were going to be vegan I'd try making a burger patty out of falafel. Put that on a toasted burger bun with some sliced cucumber, strong garlic tzatziki, lettuce, tomato, and a bit of chili paste, it'd probably be good. But since you're a vegan faggot I guess you could try replacing the tzatziki with hummus of some kind. I'd probably go for the black olive or roasted garlic variety.

>> No.8280822

This is why you should never breast-feed babies. The risk of cancer from milk is way too high. It's shocking to me that so many people have survived infancy. What horrible, horrible parents.

>> No.8280826 [DELETED] 

Casein (/ˈkeJs.Jn/ or /ˈkeJˌsiːn/, from Latin caseus, "cheese") is the name for a family of related phosphoproteins (αS1, αS2, β, k). These proteins are commonly found in mammalian milk, making up 80% of the proteins in cow's milk and between 20% and 45% of the proteins in human milk.[1]

We are not meant to be drinking milk past infancy. Definitely not cow's milk.

>> No.8280835

No, it's not. You nut.

I have something you might want to read, if you can escape your narrow pov for five minutes and learn something important (If not, no skin off my ass):


Trust me, the scientific consensus is that you're wrong. You know that expression about leading a horse to water? You're that horse. Here's your water.

>> No.8280845

>No, it's not. You nut.
Yes, yes it is.

>I have something you might want to read
>my B12 was so low
Stopped reading there.

>> No.8280858

only the sugar.. what are you talking about?

>> No.8280862

sounds like you are just getting leaner

>> No.8280867

>Said Mr. Ed

>> No.8280868

yes but modern technology and innovation has allowed us a choice. animals don't have any other options. we have advanced enough to be able to choose

>> No.8280873


>> No.8280876

people following that diet are likely to consume a lot of dietary cholesterol and saturated fats. you can put yourself in a ketogenic mode without animal products but i've read that its not common and considered by most to be very difficult

>> No.8280895

wouldn't you like to consider yourself above that as a member of an advanced civilization? as a human, can't we pride ourselves in knowing that we are a higher order of beings capable of having discipline regarding our food sources? are we not better than these dumb animals?

also consider this thought experiment: we make first contact with aliens. they make it clear that they are here to consume the planet, killing most inhabitants and enslaving the rest for their entertainment. is it then considered morally justified that this takes place because they claim to be of a higher order? is it okay for this vastly superior species to treat us in this way when they have the choice to sustain themselves differently if they chose? is it okay for them to torture us, rape us, enslave us and slaughter us for their convenience and satisfaction? i say that it isn't okay and that it is not morally justified for them to do these things.

>> No.8280987 [DELETED] 

>not an argument
you are fucking arguing against the consumption of meat

>> No.8280995 [DELETED] 

im already better than a dumb animal, i have choice and you dont get to kidnap that
you dont get to declare x as good and y as bad based on a stupid arbitrary preference you have
anyone willing to submit to you fr a cookie and a pat in the back is a moron who doesnt deserve individuality and will eventually loose his identity and he doesnt deserve my time
human beings arent predictable like animals are, groups of human beings are

>> No.8281001 [DELETED] 

>is it okay for this vastly superior species to treat us in this way

it depends on what you consider human to mean
to me human is a standar of consience and everyone who achieves it is human regardless of genetic
so it would be a human eating another human but thas my philosophical view of it, animals in the wild certainly fight back or attempt to escape from hunters and i see nothing wrong with that, i also see nothing wrong with a wild animal who manages to kill a hunter and escape, he earned his freedom until the next hunter comes along

>> No.8281007

why vegan? I mean i can easily understand being vegetarian but I don't get being vegan.

>> No.8281012

Vegetarians eat dairy and eggs, from a health perspective that's dumber than eating only plants plus meat and fish but no dairy and eggs.

>> No.8281021

chosing not to participate in animal suffering and actively avoiding cruelty of animals as far as is reasonable isn't "a stupid arbitrary preference you have". "anyone willing to submit to you fr a cookie and a pat in the back is a moron who doesnt deserve individuality and will eventually loose his identity and he doesnt deserve my time" i'm not asking for approval from anyone, i'm arguing the case to reduce animal suffering as far as is reasonable. why do you argue against people trying to do this? i'm not forcing anyone to do anything, i'm not advocating for public policy decisions that uses the state to force you to adhere to my beliefs, for what purpose is your frustrations?

being human means to be both the most intelligent and top of the food chain. i would say that we are all earthlings but specifically you and i are humans that have a choice of sustenance. we have the option to not consume animals. anyway what is your point? it's morally justifiable for the aliens to enslave us because they are better than us?

its to reduce animal suffering. in order to make milk and dairy products they have to force semen in the vigina of a cow and take its calf away at birth to slaughter. after the cow is dry it is slaughtered. all while living a sad pitiful life. also all animal products have dietary cholesterol and saturated fat, their consumption is the most common way for humans to die.

if you don't mind watching anything by peta:

>> No.8281042

green and black tea is also very bad for your iron absorption

>> No.8281053

>take its calf away at birth to slaughter...
yeah if you buy milk from the shop but farmers don't actually do it. the cow is producing milk for the calf but you can take some milk for yourself without affecting the calf. You can just buy it local from the farmers, the same goes with eggs. I don't think living on a small farm is bad for theese animals.
Aside from that what do you think would happen if humans entirely stopped eating meat and products such as milk or eggs? Do theese animals even live somere in the wild?

>> No.8281075

Oat is your best friend in sports, alongside some veggies high in iron.

Of course, buy b12 supplements, don't believe that shit about "my own body creates its own b12".

Don't be lazy and buy veggies 2-3 days a week.

There should not be protein deficiency in a good vegan diet, you can buy quinoa, beans, w/e.

Whatever, if you feel tired or something like that, it's because you're not eating well, search about every vitamin and mineral your body needs (quantity also), and find the way to obtain it (supplies, some food, etc).

>> No.8281093 [DELETED] 

f course you are not asking for approval, you are asking for control wich makes you even worse
>im the arbitrator of morality, i get to decide whats good or bad
i dont belive you are an arbitrator, who gave you that power? i didnt
>i get to decide whats good and bad
and here is the problem, i dont aknowledge meat consuption as bad, i dont belive being able to suffer mens you deserve rights, as far as i know humans have rights because we are all born equal not because we suffer, do homeless people get the right to a ropper house and food because life in the street is suffering? do poor students working at starbucks get the right to a free iphone because they get discriminated by status and they suffer for it
rights never had shit to do with suffering, they are a way to ensure peoplein a democracy dont get opressed too much
so yeah animals dont get the right to not suffer i dont either

>why do you argue against this

i argue against all authoritarianism because i know the end goal is always taking away my rights

>being human means to be both the most intelligent and top of the food chain
to you, not to me, not to anyone else that hasnt claimed this

my point is obvious and anyone not indocrinated can see it, there is a point of consience where its no longer justyfiable to eat, if humanity evolved to the point of space travel and we reached a planet with creatures as smart as we are today i would refuse to eat them too

>> No.8281102

>humanity evolved to the point of space travel and we reached a planet with creatures as smart as we are today i would refuse to eat them too

how smart would they have to be for you to consider not to harm them?

"f course you are not asking for approval, you are asking for control wich makes you even worse
>im the arbitrator of morality, i get to decide whats good or bad
i dont belive you are an arbitrator, who gave you that power? i didnt
>i get to decide whats good and bad
and here is the problem, i dont aknowledge meat consuption as bad, i dont belive being able to suffer mens you deserve rights, as far as i know humans have rights because we are all born equal not because we suffer, do homeless people get the right to a ropper house and food because life in the street is suffering? do poor students working at starbucks get the right to a free iphone because they get discriminated by status and they suffer for it
rights never had shit to do with suffering, they are a way to ensure peoplein a democracy dont get opressed too much
so yeah animals dont get the right to not suffer i dont either"

>i'm not forcing anyone to do anything, i'm not advocating for public policy decisions that uses the state to force you to adhere to my beliefs, for what purpose is your frustrations?

>> No.8281111 [DELETED] 

right now as smart as we are but its a temporary standar until we get a grasp at what other species look like

>im not advocating for state inreferance
you are trying to grow on numbers until you are enough to start enforcing your will on others
you cant give a cow the right not to be eaten without taking away my right to eat that cow
authoritarians are always the same no matter how pretty they make their new flag

>> No.8281114 [DELETED] 

i can totally see you defining carnivorism and homnivorism as meat consumption plus power and claiming that only humans can do those things in 50 years

your methods supersede your message

>> No.8281120

Dairy cows are bred to produce large amounts of milk, a lot more than the calf needs, and on small farms they don't kill or separate the calfs when they're nursing. Bull calfs get separated later (after weaning) because they are temperamental compared to the cows not because they are meant for slaughter.

>> No.8281125
File: 517 KB, 147x162, 1442207791522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not enforcing anything! i'm not giving cows rights? i'm very against that. i'm asking that anyone reading simply consider a plant based diet wew fuck lad i'm a rothbardian i understand your skepticism but this doesn't have anything to do with the state nor should it.

so you don't have anything to add then? i don't understand your strawmen, i haven't argued about your definitions or claiming anything that you suggest

what do you think the percentage of dairy products these small farms produce that people consume? who here gets their products from these small farms?

>> No.8281137 [DELETED] 

your methods supersede your mesage
>what do we want?
>how do we achieve x?

and then obtaining and enforcing y becomes so important nobody cares about x anymore
thats how the left operates, thats how any left leaning movement inevitably ends up like

you claim you want peace and commitment from people, i dobut that, i dout that given the opportunity you wouldnt enforce power on others regardless of what you think of yourself

>> No.8281144

>who here gets their products from these small farms?
where I live quite a few, people mostly do it because they're better quality.

>> No.8281150

i'm only asking that you consider a plant based diet. i don't associate myself with the types that you assume of me but that doesn't have anything to do with altering your dietary choices.

>> No.8281153

I wasn't implying that dairy from small farms reach the majority consumers, but more that as long as people are wise about the source of their product, dairy doesn't have to come from bad sources. Small farms are more likely to promote themselves as local and organic through their own brands, so if people do their research they can find good alternatives to factory farmed dairy.

>> No.8281164 [DELETED] 

maybe then again its impossible to support you without suporting them and also you seem to have some ideas of what human beings should act like wich is wrong since human beings should only act like they want to
its nice that you are rothbardian, i started as an objectivist myself but then realized labels mean shit and i would rather pick and choose what works out of every philosophy i stumble across than to commit to one
i recommend you make a clear divide between you and what peta vegans want
i recomment you evaluate why exactly you oppose meat consumption and talk about that instead of using every common place manipulative argument you heard from others, that only cheapens you
i recommend you spend 0 time talking with other vegans and as much time as you can talking with people who oppose them
that is all

>> No.8281174

i've never met another vegan. i don't associate myself with peta or any organizations. i oppose meat consumption because it is unnecessary cruelty to animals. i'm not being manipulative at all don't be silly. its not hard, i'll recommend that you learn some recipes.

>> No.8281186

Not him but could you write up what you eat in a week, or what staples you eat most days? Any vegan lifehacks to offer?

>> No.8281190

also just want to say that you make it sound so difficult lol, as long as you know what you're doing its ezpz. i'm not delusional though, meat and dairy are the most delicious things on earth. its just that i have discipline and i understand where it comes from.

>> No.8281196

i have things to do now but if this thread is still up i'll post everything i know. i'm always learning new things everyday it just gets easier and easier

>> No.8281206 [DELETED] 

>i have never met another vegan
but you use your arguments?
you clearly heard that somewhere right?
i did, then i thought about the alien dilema and came up with my own personal answer i never heard from anyone
as long as you think for yourself and you let others do the same i have no issues with you

>> No.8281210 [DELETED] 

*but you use their arguments

>> No.8281279
File: 97 KB, 929x895, vegetarianna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'icky poo poo'?
kekkerinos :D

>> No.8281526

If the meat eaters cut out carbs they'd probably be healthier. Find people on strict ketogenic diets to compare to vegetarians.

>> No.8281548


>> No.8281565 [DELETED] 

Agreed. The meat eaters would probably be a lot healthier if they drank bleach too. Everyone should do it. After including bleach in my diet I've already lost 30 lbs.

>> No.8281571 [DELETED] 

>so yeah animals dont get the right to not suffer i dont either
>i argue against all authoritarianism because i know the end goal is always taking away my rights

So you argue for the right to frivolous desires that make everyone else suffer, but argue against any rights for animals or yourself to be free from suffering.

Solid logic bro.

>> No.8281613 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 346x270, imagesphotoscowslaughterjpg___346.270_0__70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> on small farms they don't kill or separate the calfs when they're nursing. Bull calfs get separated later (after weaning) because they are temperamental compared to the cows not because they are meant for slaughter.

Yes because they're meant for slaughter. And yes calves do get separated on small farms, unless maybe you're talking about a farm that feeds a SINGLE family.

Basically, unless you own the farm yourself, your farm doesn't exist.

I worked with small farmers for three years. You are wrong.

Also overproducing milk causes serious health problems for the cows and they go lame relatively quickly. And guess what happens after that?

>> No.8281620


There was a study that showed children who attend kindergarten have a higher chance of going on to attend college.

Well it turns out that parents who gave a fuck about their kids and had money would send their kids to kindergarten. They also tended to be the types of parents who would ensure the kids did well in high school and applied to colleges etc. There was nothing intrinsically special about kindergarten that made kids more likely to attend college in the future.

It's the same with these studies. The average vegetarian is going to be from a higher social class than the average meat-eater. They will likely be white or asian. Consequently they will have access to better medical care and will live longer.

>> No.8281627

>unless you own the farm yourself, your farm doesn't exist

>> No.8281636 [DELETED] 

No, they can't. There are a ton of issues with labeling from "local, organic" producers. 99.999% of them still severely abuse their animals - and I'm only leaving .001% out because I'm an optimist. But I would give a higher percentage of chance that mermaids exist.

I've worked with these "local, humane" farmers and in private, they hate animals and abuse them, but to the public: "We raise animals because we love them and want to ensure a quality, humanely raised product for families who care!"

There are many standard practices that severely abuse animals even in "humane" farms - one example - killing the male chicks on their first day of life. Gasing, suffocating, macerating. Macerating is the most popular method and no - it isn't instant death. Bits of them get chopped off little by little.

Then there are the environmental issues that are unavoidable.

And it's not healthy at all.

>> No.8281644 [DELETED] 

your hypothetical farm*

>> No.8281652 [DELETED] 

So you are like one of those born again Christians who can't shut up about Jesus because you got brainwashed into believing that stopping other people from sinning is the only way to save yourself but with meat instead?

>> No.8281667 [DELETED] 

Yes all my rights are absolutely necessary because they are all that protect me from people like you I need all of them and you don't get to take away a single one

>> No.8281671 [DELETED] 

My instant reaction was "um...no..."

But if you replace "born again Christian" with "sane people", "Jesus" with "facts", "brainwashed" with "educated", "sinning" with "fucking the entire planet up and torturing animals for trivial desires at the expense of public health". Then yeah, kinda.

>> No.8281673

Talking about vegan stuff just sounds gay

>> No.8281681 [DELETED] 

Saying "talking about vegan stuff just sounds gay" makes you sound beta as fuck.

>> No.8281683 [DELETED] 

So I'm absolutely right but should have also added narsisitic?

>> No.8281686 [DELETED] 

But it's mega gay tho
Unless you are a chick then its chick stuff

>> No.8281696

>I worked with small farmers for three years.
You obviously haven't. I recommend getting a psychiatrist. You are very delusional.

>> No.8281702
File: 28 KB, 413x395, 1451863662114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've worked with these "local, humane" farmers and in private, they hate animals and abuse them
Jesus christ

>> No.8281703 [DELETED] 

psychatrists cant treat borderline personality disorder tho

>> No.8281707


I know from where vegans get their proteins, from where do they get their B12?

>> No.8281711

they also post mean things about them animals on the internet
and talk shit behind their backs

>> No.8281718 [DELETED] 

the same way you hate and attempt to opress poor low middle class working america?

>> No.8281732

Psychiatrist are the ones that give out meds. Someone needs to get that girl an off switch.

>> No.8281735 [DELETED] 

maybe she would be happier living in the wild among all those animals she lves and away from evil capitalism

>> No.8281738 [DELETED] 

Yeah I'm a chick but you're still beta as fuck.

I wouldn't be caught dead with someone as beta sounding as you. Any man who equates eating meat with manliness is the epitome of beta and honestly makes me gag.

So chicks don't like you and you're saying all this to try to impress other men. Sounds pretty gay to me honestly.

>> No.8281744


bumping for interest

>> No.8281749 [DELETED] 

LOL what? I am poor low middle class working America. I grew up being homeless periodically. What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.8281754

You're right. We should capture her and release her back into the wild somewhere. It's abusive to force her to live in civilization.

>> No.8281758 [DELETED] 

did you also do a lot of drus and had an abortion?
where is yout tattoo and how many piercings are you wearing right now?

>> No.8281761 [DELETED] 

well she is clearly unable to adapt so..

>> No.8281764 [DELETED] 

well i wouldnt want to date a crazy chick let alone risk getting her pregnant so as long as i trick you into a one night stand im perfectly happy

>> No.8281766


still interested...

>> No.8281767 [DELETED] 


Fortified foods like plant milks, cereal, protein bars, energy drinks. At least that's where I get mine from. Then there are supplements, and some vegans get their B12 from unwashed organic veggies (B12 is sourced from bacteria which is in healthy soil), but I personally wouldn't rely on that. Everyone should supplement with B12 btw, not just vegans. Meat eaters are often deficient too. https://www.ars.usda.gov/news-events/news/research-news/2000/b12-deficiency-may-be-more-widespread-than-thought/

>> No.8281775 [DELETED] 

No, I only smoked marijuana in the past, and rarely. I haven't had an abortion. No tattoos, no piercings. I'm a goody two shoes. Straight A full time college student and working full time.

>> No.8281784 [DELETED] 

You wouldn't be able to trick me. You ooze beta. And I have to know people for a long time before having sex with them. I wouldn't be able to speak to you for longer than a minute before excusing myself to go vomit.

>> No.8281791 [DELETED] 

oh so you are just rebellling against daddy because he worked hard to give you a home and everything you needed growing up
fine then enjoy being insane but also utterly boring

>> No.8281794 [DELETED] 

>I wouldn't be able to speak to you for longer than a minute before excusing myself to go vomit.
i guess vegans do that a lot

>> No.8281809 [DELETED] 

My dad was a drug addict who abused my mom and got a restraining order against him when I was 5. My brother physically abused me nearly daily from around age 8-18, except for the times I chose to be homeless to escape it. My mom's the one who worked hard. My dad stole from her and forced us into homelessness.

>> No.8281815 [DELETED] 

The ones you know do I'm sure.

>> No.8281829 [DELETED] 

oh i dont associate myself with crazy people
i hope you manage to control that votiming every couple of minutes tho, you should visit a doctor but we both know you wouldnt listen to him anyways tho
you just change your story more often than you change your underwear dont you? you are completely borderline, i feel sorry for te people that have to listen to you and dont get to close the tab and do something else

>> No.8281849

This is always so depressing. Why do I read these threads? They usually start out relatively civil and interesting. There are talks of food and recipes, some good-natured banter about diet-based faggotry. Then our special friend shows up for attention and it turns into a trainwreck shit show. Why can't I just look away? Is it because all the other shitposting threads are too ironic?

>> No.8281857

You really need to stop over-sharing on this site.

>> No.8281975

what does capitalism have to do with animal cruelty? under the current popular flavor of socialism there would be the same exact suffering

>> No.8281976 [DELETED] 

And you realized all of this through regression therapy, right you special snowflake?

>> No.8281980 [DELETED] 

Since when is veganism supposed to make sense?
Just throw some buzzwords around like child slaves and global warming and act really over the top when challenged

>> No.8281985

what does any of this have to do with animal products? you guys must feel really threatened to have been throwing around this many strawmen

>> No.8281991 [DELETED] 

>What does it have to do with animal products?
How much of it can you refute? Veganism isn't about animals, it's about marketing

>> No.8282019 [DELETED] 

>global warming fake

When you have 95% of scientists agreeing on anything, I assure you the evidence is there. Scientists are similar to /ck/ in that it's really difficult to get agreement on anything. However, with independent scientists, not industry shills, when agreement is virtually unanimous, there is no "edgy" conspiracy.

Of course it's more convenient to believe it's god's will or the UN is attempting to ruin the world, so be content.

>> No.8282111

Hahaha get rekt vegan m8. This post was so funny it made me want a fat juicy steak.

>> No.8282141

Friendly reminder than veganism=satanism

>> No.8282168 [DELETED] 
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>Trying this hard to pretend to be a different person and laughing at your own unfunny joke.

>> No.8282266 [DELETED] 

You realize the 95% of scientist claim is bullshit right?
They made a study with college students with under 3000 people calling only people they knew would agree and then claimed it represented 95% of scientists wich kept being repeated by the media for so long the goverments dropped tons of money into research and business where built around the lie and eventually there was so much money involved nobody could try to study it to know if it was actually true because they got blacklisted

>> No.8282282 [DELETED] 

But there are multiple studies?


>> No.8282287 [DELETED] 

There is a lot of money involved, look at who is backing those studies, follow the money

>> No.8282293 [DELETED] 



>> No.8282297 [DELETED] 

Right and I'm sure there's no money involved in trying to claim climate change is a hoax.

No, the animal agriculture industry, oil and coal industries would have no reason to try to confuse people on the subject. That would just be absurd.

>> No.8282306 [DELETED] 

Who is winning tho?
I don't remember much anti climate change movement, looking back it seems like a race to capitalize on it
Gas companies came up with environment friendly fuels, the car industry came up with useless electric hybrids, there where eco and organic labels in everything

>> No.8282491

Yes, how did you know? We're all one person, all against you. No bullshit. Totally.

You vegans are fucking geniuses!

>> No.8282494 [DELETED] 

I was being optimistic that there was only one mental cripple here.

>> No.8282507

What's with the self deprecation? You're not THAT MUCH of a mental cripple. Besides, I have faith you'll come to your senses someday... with some delicious bacon, perhaps. Mmm... bacon. So good.

>> No.8282674 [DELETED] 

You really need to stop trying to be funny.

>> No.8283280 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8283303

And you really need to eat a little meat.

Your point?

>> No.8283334

Just so you all know, a friend of mine got banned from this thread for linking to studies on NASA's website, in response to someone else's comment. They also deleted every single one of her posts even though they were completely related and not breaking any rules, and they left all the meat eaters comments who were actually breaking rules.Just thought you all should know, vegans citing inarguable facts are being censored here.This comment will undoubtedly be deleted, but I'm taking screenshots. 4chan is censoring your information so you all will stay ignorant and retarded.

check dis fo moe facts:


>> No.8283349

Yo vegan for a year now.
I'm simple rice and beans with salsa guy as well as fruit smoothies. Eat oats, eat rice, and eat your fucking greens.

>> No.8283382



>> No.8283390

Congratulations on your blog, and your newfound veganism. Sorry about your friend, who I'm sure is not secretly you. Here's a vegan recipe for your troubles:


>> No.8283509

can't tell if bait, or actually this stupid

>> No.8283538

What is sentient and sapient?
Get an education.
Also we shoot back, cows don't seem to own shotguns.

>> No.8283544

No, our special friend was inciting a non-topical flame war and revealing far too much personally identifying information involving childhood abuse. Deleting those posts was a good call. This is a blue board for food and cooking.

>> No.8283815

Bitch went far beyond discusing food that is why, go find some hugbox where you can talk about that stuff. This is just a blue board about food, not a place to whine about abused kids.

>> No.8283856

That's funny because a friend of mine wink wink got banned too even tho he was arguing against her

>> No.8283942

What is the difference between vegetables and veggies? Is there one or is it just so Americans can have another annoying-sounding word that end with an "e" sound?

>> No.8283951


No difference. It's just a figure of speech.

>> No.8283980

I thought they called prepared vegetables veggies.

>> No.8283989

Sounds like you would fit right in among Americans, anon

>> No.8283996

WOW.....What a shitty and tasteless life you have chosen ....

>> No.8284009

How on earth did you come to such a silly conclusion?

"Veggie" is just a childish way of saying "vegetable". It applies equally to raw or prepared.

>> No.8284079

[7:41:48 AM] : I got banned from 4chan for replying to people
[7:42:02 AM] : now theyre claiming they banned me because I was talking about kids being abused
[7:42:10 AM] : the "kids" were just me
[7:42:42 AM] : and it was in response to someone else claiming I was essentially brought up with a silver spoon or whatever that expression is
[7:43:00 AM] : and it was only one comment
[7:43:08 AM] : they deleted everything of mine
[7:43:15 AM] : all the studies, inarguable facts
[7:43:20 AM] : food
[7:43:40 AM] : I didn't start a flame war
[7:43:54 AM] : i just responded to it politely as i could

>> No.8284091

This is an awful awful thread

I wish I could individually break everyone's bones in this thread, one by one

>> No.8284100

Seriously go do something else
Ck bans last only a day anyways
You are being pathetic

>> No.8284138


Who else here /no mammal meat/dairy/eggs but eat seafood still/?

I think it's the best balance of ethics and health. Crabs and fish and shit don't really experience suffering in comparison with factory farmed animals. I'd probably eat meat that I hunted myself too, but I've never done that.

>> No.8284140

Made my day
Crying this much about a shit thread on a food board.
Phew I almost forgot how autistic this place could be.

>> No.8284141

Opinion about eating insects?

>> No.8284158

You better be pro-life as well since fetuses can react to external stimuli and have a preference against pain.

>> No.8284163
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>you almost forgot what happened a few weeks ago
wew lad, let me refresh your memory

>> No.8284164


Ethically fine I would say. I'm grossed out by it though.

>> No.8284178

I read a book about the longest living humans and not ONE was vegan. In fact they had seafood based diets, mostly.

>> No.8284180
File: 186 KB, 396x594, 605385194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my advice try to eat as much of your food RAW and uncooked with no grains

fruits vegetables nuts and seeds

you must have enough protein and enough fat in your diet or you will go nuts and you will quit cuz you will never feel satisfied

you want to go on a low carb high fat diet

which comes from nuts and seeds and avocados and coconut and olives those are your healthy fat sources that you need to survive and not go crazy because your brain cant really run without a fat intake you will be running too and fro and wondering if veganism works and you will relapse if you have no fat

>> No.8284187

Considering their abysmal calcium intake, you probably did just that by breathing in their general direction.

>> No.8284191
File: 165 KB, 750x937, 14280545_1115059188530796_7702831009934344192_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as far as b12 goes

you can use nutritional yeast or like almond milk has it
almost all vegan products put it in there

and then you want to eat some seaweed for your iodine and other minerals like 2x a week probably

>> No.8284232

fish experience suffering

>> No.8284243

sounds like a mediterranean diet

thats not nice

is this a false flag? its very very difficult to get enough calories if you are only eating raw foods and it limits your diet for no good reason. Also what is wrong with grains? as long as you are getting your macros and micros, why should you not consume grains?

>> No.8284245

What a stupid fucking post.

>> No.8284259

yeah just as b12 is artificially supplemental to meat, it is also artificially supplemented to vegan products. i don't understand why others use it as any sort of argument against veganism it doesn't make any sense.

there is far more calcium in vegan milks than in cow milk, that's a myth by the dairy industry that gives your public schools some posters and pays celebrities to take lewd photos. also "dark leafy greens" have a ton

>> No.8284748

>inarguable facts

Like how chicken breast is unhealthy? You might as well be trolling intentionally, if you aren't doing it on purpose.

>> No.8284790

Everytime I think I found an easy mode way I to trapdom, someone pulls a rug from under me.

>> No.8284916
File: 161 KB, 576x386, meringue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my experience vegan baking is for the most part absolute shit. However, I want to try making vegan meringues from aquafaba. Has anyone here ever tried this type of meringue? Can you use the water from legumes other than chickpeas? How does the taste compare to an ordinary meringue?

>> No.8285107

Was this the same person as that vegan babysitter with PTSD?
Veganism seems to make one a bit touched in the head. I've been wanting to try it, but the community makes me nervous I'm going to set myself back mentally.

>> No.8285119

Are vegans allowed to cook me meat?

>> No.8285149

Vegans need to be gassed.

>> No.8285284

I consider myself "plant based" rather than vegan, as I have not followed any moral path to get here.
I just prefer not to eat meat and milk and egg products gross me out and adversely affected my digestive system.

>> No.8286235
File: 1.51 MB, 2250x3150, popcorners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm this guy: >>8277788

Fuck, I got really high off a blunt tonight and now I just polished off a bag of pic related.

How badly did I fuck up???

Does this mean I'm back at square one in terms of the health benefits of becoming vegan?

Do I have to be full vegan for another 3 whole weeks to re-obtain the same health condition that I am in right now?

Or is this just a minor bump in my road to improving health via veganism that can be easily corrected in just a couple days of clean vegan eating?

>> No.8286265

Just keep going.

>> No.8286289

Really wasn't me. I don't write like that. And I'm not tech-savvy enough to get around the ban. Tried a VPN but 4chan still knew it was me. Not sure if it was a cache issue or what but I swear I cleared it. Whatever. It was a longer ban before - I think it lasted to the 29th or something. But it changed. So that's why I got a friend to tell you guys because I was really peeved that they deleted everything and wanted to let people know they were deliberately keeping you guys ignorant. It's just pure censorship because they weren't problematic posts at all and I was literally either talking about veganism or responding to someone else as politely as I could... Really surprised they didn't delete the posts my friends made - but I guess that's probably because they didn't have the inarguable facts listed and merely linked to my tumblr, which people here don't take seriously even though it's exclusively studies, undercover investigations, and recipes, and no opinion except on the economy section.

Anyway thanks for the recipe, looks good.

For vegan mac 'n' cheese my favorite so far isn't a recipe, but is Amy's dairy free mac 'n' cheeze. A bit pricey but so worth it. Tastes like the best mac 'n' cheese I ever had.

Also I've been vegan for 7 years.

>> No.8286291

Even though it had cheese though?

It won't mess up my health gains from taking the vegan Red Pill for the past 4 weeks?

>> No.8286294

You're really good at manipulating people, I'll give you that.

I'm back though now and can call you out on your bullshit. So here it goes:

No. And no.

>> No.8286299

The "kids" were just me, and I wasn't whining, I was literally just responding to someone else insulting me for the upbringing they assumed I had. And the same argument could be applied to you guys. You're not talking about food. And you're definitely whining more than I was.

>> No.8286304

It told me I was banned til like the 29th, before. Then it changed. And people here should know that vegans are being censored when they make inarguable points.

It's not right.

>> No.8286313

The longest living people actually are the people closest to eating a completely vegan diet.

Also worth noting that most fish today is contaminated.

>> No.8286323

People beg for my brownie, cookie, pie, and cupcake recipes.

And not just to be polite either. I brought brownies to work one day and this lady I don't talk to and was actually usually borderline rude to me walked up to me after she tried one in the break room and begged for the recipe.

Secret ingredients were black beans, Earth Balance, and semi-sweet chocolate chips. Black beans give the brownies a fudgy texture but they can also be cake-y if you add more water).

And cupcake recipe: http://chefchloe.com/recipes/sweets/chocolate-strawberry-shortcake-cupcakes.html (Using coconut milk - makes it super moist and rich, and you don't taste the coconut with the chocolate.)

And I haven't tried aquafaba yet. I don't bake or cook much anymore because I live with a family who is often in the kitchen, so I don't like being in there long.

>> No.8286333

PTSD wasn't from going vegan and my mental function has very significantly improved since going vegan. Vegans might have higher rates of depression/anxiety disorder but they're usually pre-existing conditions, and the conditions contribute to their decision to go vegan likely because they have suffered/been abused and can't ignore the suffering of the animals. Then if you're an activist that's the only reason really you'd have to worry about developing depression or anxiety disorder, or if you watch a lot of undercover investigations. Or if you live in a goat fucking shithole and everyone treats you like shit for being vegan.

The diet itself actually may improve mood. My computer is lagging so I can't get the direct link for you but if you go here: www.theradicalvegan.tumblr.com/health
You should see a study titled something like: "Restriction of meat improves mood in omnivores: A Pilot-randomized Controlled Trial"

>> No.8286359

but strangely not fully vegan, it's almost as if some lean meat is required for health and longevity

>> No.8286380

It's almost as if there weren't enough vegans to study 100-200 years ago and all the modern science concludes that vegan diets are healthiest and best for longevity. And the fact that the people closest to vegans living in that time frame are also the longest living and healthiest.

>> No.8287108

Wew lad

>> No.8287159

You didn't get censored you stupid cunt, you where arguing with me and i also got a day long ban and all my posts deleted
Nobody gives a fuck about veganism and nobody gives a fuck about you, get over yourself, you are a fucking joke

>> No.8287183

Plus, in Europe, they like to add a touch of spongiform encephalopathy to their meat.

>> No.8287184

No problem dude, just remember to light some incense and recharge your christals twice

>> No.8287197

In wich ways does vegan math differ from regular science?
You realize that having the church imposing some Christian science on everyone set the world back a good couple hundreds of years right?
Also since when do vegans care about science, you guys pick and choose truths and lies according to your convenience you can't do science

>> No.8287215
File: 104 KB, 358x292, you talk like a fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>They couldn't have a preference against pain and view it as a negative.

>This is the most basic of responses; insects, even some plants could be construed as having this response.

>> No.8287229
File: 34 KB, 480x367, we're all mad here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Iron is abundant in legumes, whole grains
>substances that interfere with iron absorption are phytic acid in grains and legumes.

>> No.8287251

>supplements are a vital part of human diet, every human needs supplements
>even tho supplements havent existed for 99.999% of human history

>> No.8287323

The body makes vitamin D from sunlight. As long as you are in a sunny environment you get enough vit D without supplements. This is why countries with dark winters have chronic D vit deficiencies and have recommendations of supplementing it.

>> No.8287555
File: 30 KB, 252x238, vegan christal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out mine, bros.

>> No.8287588

Lots of foods like grains are even being fortified with it now

>> No.8287928

All my opinions about veganism are backed up by studies and undercover investigations. And yes, I read each study thoroughly (not that you'd know to ask that, but just saying. Except for my opinion that vegan food tastes better than animal based food but honestly that's essentially an objective fact.

Pretty much all the vegans I have on Facebook are really into science and making sure all their sources are valid. Many of them are literally scientists... For some reason like 1/5 of the vegans I meet are physicists. Physicists, veterinarians, geneticists, Olympians, activists, and chefs. Then there's one guy who brags about going to "one of the top research schools in the U.S." but to be honest he's a fuckhead who believes he can control energy through crystals and the only reason I haven't deleted him is because he has some dirt on me and I don't want to make him mad and spread it.

>> No.8289188

Willie is that you?


>> No.8289251
File: 9 KB, 236x236, happy piglet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, sorry. I'm a girl.

>> No.8289283

post feet.

>> No.8289295
File: 94 KB, 430x600, FFF May 24 Little Pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8289300

I went pescetarian 6 years ago and will probably never stop eating seafood, but just want to say good for you, OP.

>> No.8289327
File: 82 KB, 634x360, 2BA1467F00000578-3208969-Petpiggies_said_that_micro_pigs_make_the_most_wonderful_pets_for-a-97_1440431740950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pigs can be optimists or pessimists, depending on personality and mood, study finds

>> No.8289335
File: 61 KB, 711x533, 020415_gardein_Fishless_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know Gardein makes fishless filets and crabless cakes now? I haven't tried the crabless cakes yet but the fishless filets are really good.

>> No.8289340
File: 112 KB, 650x1080, sweet cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a farm just so I can cuddle with all the animals. I would give them regular baths and have a nice warm separate house for them that sometimes I would have sleepovers at.

>> No.8289348
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>> No.8289354
File: 1.77 MB, 1023x681, Animal-pictures-of-the-week.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. Maybe you could ask one of these pigs?

>> No.8289360

Why are they wrapped in newspaper?

>> No.8289365
File: 80 KB, 640x539, 1469751397973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lifelong vegetarian here.

TVP and gluten are good.

I'm in the process of developing a cheap DIY-able meat substitute for the masses.

>> No.8289367
File: 44 KB, 358x500, 2ce49b40bc8e385054bfdd57b555d64c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. Why is this pig in a washing machine?

>> No.8289370

>Has anyone here ever tried this type of meringue?

Try using agar for a thickener.

>> No.8289383

>to deny the nutritional benefits is just ignorant.

Depends on the type of meat 2bh. You can't just make a sweeping statement like that.

Personally I would stay a vegetarian even if it were discovered that it's harmful to your health. My reasons are on an entirely different level.

>> No.8289403

your feet, tubby.

>> No.8289415
File: 85 KB, 640x480, T9ylpmP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um alright I guess since I already have a photo.

Now show me yours, okay?

>> No.8289420


>> No.8289436
File: 418 KB, 629x616, tumblr_m0isk3cU1t1rr5f7co1_500-e1348602048628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather go back to posting pictures of piglets.

>> No.8289439

no one is going to masturbate to piglets, though.

>> No.8289442

Do people actually fap to feet or is this a meme?

>> No.8289446
File: 98 KB, 605x605, little-girl-piglet-friendship-libby-and-pearl-3-605x605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, forgot the piglet pic.

>> No.8289449
File: 225 KB, 667x1600, TheVeganStoner-WatermelonCurry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this :^)

>> No.8289452

post more feet and i'll let you know.

>> No.8289555

-Don't eat fake meat, fake cheese, and the like. It tastes like shit, usually avoids the health benefits, is overpriced, and you'll probably just end up craving the real thing.

-Processed foods in general don't give you the health benefits of being vegan. There are some exceptions, but not as many as you think there are.

-Easy guidelines for determining if something is healthy: no added sugar (honey, high fructose corn syrup, anything that ends in -ose), fewer mg of sodium than calories, and less than 10% of calories from fat. Go ahead and look at some nutrition labels. 95% of stuff you find outside the produce section fails this test.

-Don't worry about protein unless you're a bodybuilder. You have to have an astoundingly fucked up diet for getting complete protein to be an issue and the same applies to getting enough protein in general.

-Starches are your friend. They'll make you actually feel full for more than an hour and will stave off cravings for junk food. Of course, the more of these that are whole grain, the better.

-It doesn't matter if it came from a plant, olive and canola oils are still pure fat and will make you a fatass if you overuse them.

-If you screw up your diet, don't beat yourself up or intensify your diet to make up for it. Think about how you're not going to do it again and just keep going.

-Going vegan and gluten free at the same time is misery. Don't do it unless gluten legitimately gives you serious health problems.

>> No.8289579

Addendum to telling if something is healthy:

Close still counts. If something barely fails a test or if you're going to be eating very few calories of it (like a condiment or leafy green) then don't worry too much. Like I said, it's really hard to find stuff that actually passes everything.

>> No.8289595
File: 42 KB, 400x370, Follow Your Heart Vegan Mozzarella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Don't eat fake meat, fake cheese, and the like. It tastes like shit, usually avoids the health benefits, is overpriced, and you'll probably just end up craving the real thing.

Stopped reading here. You've obviously never tasted Gardein. I have many meat eater friends who prefer Gardein to meat and have freezers stuffed with Gardein. And you get all the health benefits like protein, iron, etc. without all the negative health effects like: www.theradicalvegan.tumblr.com/health

And there are cheap meat improvements like Boca chick'n and beefless crumbles that are delicious and nutritious. And I've definitely never craved meat after eating them...been vegan 7 years. Cheese improvements like cashew cheese, Daiya, and Follow Your Heart Vegan Mozzarella are also great.

This person is obviously not vegan, disregard everything they're saying please.

>> No.8289606
File: 76 KB, 634x421, article-2635754-1E18713900000578-838_634x421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind I just read the whole post and the rest of their advice is actually good except maybe the processed food comment. My bad. But yeah tons of perfectly healthy foods are processed.

>> No.8289607

>linking to theradicalvegan

Is this a meme or really some cocksucking shill posting every single day?

>> No.8289624

I think it's obvious I make no money from that blog.

I post it because it's way fucking easier than copying and pasting all that information every time one of those subjects comes up.

I'm going to be working on a more professional website with better organization and way more studies/undercover investigations. I'm actually saving up money to be able to run a proper website. And I still won't be making any money from it once I do that. Purely a public service.

>> No.8289775

People like you are revolting. I hope the mods get their shit together and permaban you.

>> No.8289942

Gluten sensitivity.

>> No.8290009

I call it the vegan surprise

Pour sliced cheese onto a pizza dough base,apply ketchup.
Bake it til golden brown
Add 5 slices of bacon on it
Add 3 chicken patties
Add another 5 slices of bacon on top of the patties

There you have it,serve it to your vegan friends

>> No.8290013

I don't have gluten in my diet

>> No.8290020

an you stop fucking linking to your tumblr for 5 fucking seconds?

>> No.8291349

You're the epitome of cringe.

>> No.8291426

thats veganism tho

>> No.8291550

I've made chickpea meringues. It really works. The finished meringues taste slightly like chickpeas, about as much as regular meringues taste like egg. They're really good! What you gotta remember, though, is it takes like twice as long to beat chickpea water than egg whites. Don't even bother using a rotary beater. If your electric beater is cheap crap, have a second on hand to alternate so you don't burn out the motor.