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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8286785 No.8286785 [Reply] [Original]

i fucking hate eating in the morning
but if i don't, i get dizzy and can't get anything done
ussually i'll dip belvita bars into my coffee and eat them
but that's only 200 calories and i'm hungry within 2 hours
sometimes i eat freezer waffles cooked in the toaster
but those aren't great either
i have no energy to stand at the fucking stove after waking up
what the fuck can i do for breakfast?
once in awhile i'll make overnight oats with almond milk and ovaltine, that shit's good but it gets repetitive fast

>> No.8286807

Order pizzas and keep them in the fridge specifically for breakfast. Everyone knows cold leftover pizza is the best instant breakfast

>> No.8286813

Eat fruit or some light shit before gorging on a 'uge lunch a couple hours later.

Learn2meal structure.

>> No.8286817

>get up at 6AM
>eat fruit
>2 hourse later at 8AM eat a huge lunch

Learn2logic fuckshit

>> No.8286848

Working construction we eat lunch at 10 AM and then another meal at 1 PM, what kind of pussy are you exactly?

>> No.8286849


>> No.8286856

Put a couple of Weetabix in a bowl
Pour on boiling water maybe add some sugar
Mix it into a pulp
Add some milk.

Thank me later.

>> No.8286879
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>He doesn't have shit to do between waking up and eating breakfast.

Your problem is time management.

Do some light chores, maybe?


Are you living the dream?

Seriously though, if you're not a breakfast person then make lunch your focus. It cuts down on afternoon snacking.

>> No.8286893
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might try

just ate a package of dollar general pop tarts now i have diabeetus and i feel like shit THANKS FAGGOTS

do you never wake up already FUCKING STARVING?

>> No.8286903

Every morning I have the same thing:
Overnight oats with protein powder, coffee, and a banana
I get a good shit in around 10am and I'm pretty set for the morning.

If I don't have to get to work early I'll make a simple french omelette. Takes what, 4 minutes to put together?

>> No.8286904

Only wake up starving if I've eaten too much before I sleep. Learn to portion control, tubby.

>> No.8286909


I just like to pound a protein shake for breakfast and then either eat a massive lunch or just suffer and eat a massive dinner.

>> No.8286923

>do you never wake up already FUCKING STARVING?

No, I have a great diet.

>> No.8286980


Faggot manchild detected.

My morning routine is so easy and I cook breakfast for me and the wife daily.

> Wake up
> Put kettle on
> Take a leisurely shit
> Kettle's done, add to french press for coffee
> Get cast iron skillet working
> Get dressed
> Cook eggs, toast, and sausage in same skillet
> Eat with delicious Vermont maple syrup
> Sometimes have quicky sex with wife
> All in about an hour

Seriously stop being a faggot manchild. While all this is going on my wife does morning chores...feeding our dogs and ducks, etc.

>> No.8286992 [DELETED] 

Can't eat scrambled eggs and bacon in the morning? You're in serious trouble.
Drink wholemilk, cheese and white bread? Idk

>> No.8286998
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I weigh 118 pounds SMART ASS
What brand do you use? Body Fortress tastes like fucking shit and I have 4 tubs of it I can't bring myself to drink. I bake with it.
>shitting before you eat or drink coffee
liar detected gtfo

>> No.8287007

I just grab 8-packs of my local store brand pre-made shakes for convenience' sake. I haven't experimented with actually making it from mix, although that seems much more economical.

A 180 calorie shake usually gets me through most of the day. I'll throw down a huge lunch if it's a training day or usually just wait till dinner on my off days.

>> No.8287015

Take two of those freezer waffles. Toast them long enough that they're browned and crispy on the sides. Spread peanut butter on them and make a sandwich. Makes a killer breakfast. Not too filling (won't make you all bloated and sleepy) but keeps me satisfied until lunch.

>> No.8287112
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I do this + occasional jam or syrup on it. makes a good on the go breaky. but i grow tired of waffles and bars.

thanks anyway, /ck/ i'm just going to fucking die

>> No.8287129

I agree, having to eat breakfast is shit. It doesn't help most breakfast foods are made to be sweet as can be possible (syrup, cereal, fruit, any breakfast bar that inevitably is smothered in chocolate). I hate sweet food, especially first thing in the morning. I wish they made salsa flavored cereal. That'd wake me up.

>> No.8287258

nigga you on to something

i fucking hate eggs and bacon is terrible for you, sausage, too
why is breakfast food so shit?

>> No.8287815
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bump for not shit breakfast ideas

>> No.8287826

You forgot to take a shower.

>> No.8288089


Fruit smoothie with water instead of milk energizes me in the morning. Cold black tea replacing water to get a real caffeine boost.

>> No.8288099


You could get more sex in if you get your wife's son to do the chores. Or does Jamal actually visit lil tyrone and take him to school and shit?

>> No.8288750

Drink a bit of coffee to wake you up a little then just fry up two eggs with a side of toast and drink the rest of your coffee. Take some snacks with you to eat while you wait for lunch time.
I'd suggest getting some cheez-its in a flavor you like and snacking on them whenever you get too hungry. It's honestly one of the more filling snack foods out there. I suspect you're not too much of a lazy fuck to cook lunch or dinner, but if you are pm me :^)

>> No.8288828

when do you eat dinner? If I eat a heavy dinner at around 10 it'll hold me over till noon

>> No.8288902

>i fucking hate eating in the morning
>but if i don't, i get dizzy and can't get anything done

I'm with you on that. I want to eat something filling that isn't some bullshit like breakfast bars, useless carbs or fruit. Every time I eat a traditional breakfast, I feel thirsty and groggy for the next 5 hours, completely fucking up my entire day.

I might just say fuck it and eat something like salmon for breakfast.

>> No.8289174
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interested in salmon
what's japanese breaky like?

>> No.8289284
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What's up with that bug OP?

>> No.8289319
File: 49 KB, 465x406, bug3-465x406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with that .gif Anon?

>> No.8289349

I soft boil 2 eggs every night before bed then refrigerate then eat over rye toast with butter and pan fry a small piece of thick sliced ham. With a banana. Literally less than 5 minutes for a well rounded breakfast.

>> No.8289405


buy a blender

add 1 cup milk (faggy almond milk with vanilla flavoring works best), 1/2 cup of yogurt, a banana, 1 tbsp of peanut butter, and a fuckton of spinach (chop that shit up ahead of time if your blender is shit)

it basically tastes like a peanutbutter/banana milk shake, you don't taste the spinach at all (although it does make the shake green), its fucking easy to make, and its extremely filling. if you need it to be even more filling, add a scoop of whey protein powder.

>> No.8289412

>not taking a shower

yuropoor detected

>> No.8289466

>shitting before you eat or drink coffee
>liar detected gtfo
people who don't drink coffee shit too...

>> No.8289472

I go to a place before work where I live that has toast with cream cheese, trout, and fennel. It's so fucking good. They're like $9 though so I only go once a week. You could probably easily make it at home.

>> No.8289552
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>what's japanese breaky like?

If you were guessing, how did you know I was Japanese? I used to eat breakfast like pic when I went to Japan. I remember the tofu, sausage, perfectly square toast and various kinds of fish.

Thinking now, this is exactly how I should eat breakfast.

>> No.8289591

i feel like i'm the only one that doesn't partake in this meme. the consistency of cold cheese and sauce is like chewing on a fat girls inner thigh in my mouth. hard bread isn't great either.

>> No.8289594

>miso soup, salmon, and rice for breakfast

there's something really off with japan

>> No.8290126
File: 92 KB, 694x642, MIRROR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. As I read this thread there are some really good ideas here (like spinach shakes, I used to do that) but I guess what my real problem is is that I'm a fucking lazy piece of shit who doesn't want to do anything in the morning. I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee and a packet of chocolate Belvita bars, like always. It's almost 8AM, I'll be starving by 10.

Just fuck breakfast.

>> No.8290163

get a nice husband to cook you meals
alternately keep yogurt clif bars and other no effort edibles around like cottage cheese or bagels- eating something a little bit trashy is better than feeling like youre about to pass out at 10:30 am
Good luck anon

>> No.8290174

Do Americans think everyone in the world eats American breakfast foods?

>> No.8290175

Just fuck you, you lazy piece of shit

>> No.8290176

Make something the day before. Grab and go stuff

>> No.8290212

Just eat a protein bar or a banana or something.
I hate eating after waking up too but usually eggs or a fruit drink is good.

>> No.8290234

I was in a similar situation for a while and i resorted to morning shakes
I read that most people find it easier to drink smth in the morning rather than chew through a steak and such

So anyway, a ~300 calorie shake for me was:
about 200ml full milk
30g oats
80g strawberries (like 5 of them)
40g grapes (6ish)
30g cranberries (a handful)

You can adjust the calories easily with the oats, the rest is really for the taste and some vitamins. You'll get about 100calories per 25g of oats that you throw in, so that's like a full tablespoon

>> No.8291597

His use of the word "kettle" gave that away.

>> No.8291673

That's a lot to eat for just one meal, even by American standards.

>> No.8292079

Every morning I fall into the same routine and make the same shit

>wake up
>use bathroom
>put contacts in
>get on bike machine in my room and cycle for 5 miles
>go to kitchen
>get a 1/2 cup of Bob's Red Mill Old Fashioned Oatmeal
>add 2 tablespoons of chia and ground flax seed mix
>add 4 packets of Stevia sweetener
>sift it around
>add cup of water
>heat up for 2 minutes
>Chop up banana into bowl
>Add in one 170g package of blue berries after washing them
>mix them around
>heat up again for 2 minutes
>make coffee after done eating

Then I just play vidya/browse internet/3D model for 30 - 40 minutes before leaving for work.

The meal itself comes out to around 500 calories or so, it's nice and filling and will keep you full until lunch, also helps you poop especially if you exercise.

Japanese adopt Western foods in weird ways. Pretty sure fried rice omelettes and pancakes/oatmeal bowls with fish/ketchup on them is normal over there.