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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8284496 No.8284496 [Reply] [Original]

I am driving down to Baja Mexico to spend the winter camping on the beach.
I am taking 50 pounds of rice and hope to catch fish for protein.
I will buy fresh vegetables when I can.
Will this keep me healthy till spring?
What am I forgetting?

>> No.8284508

Climbing gear

When you try to come back there's gonna be a wall in the way

>> No.8284518

As long as you get those vegetables, it sounds great. I don't see why you wouldn't be able to get anything else you needed down there. Sounds like a fun winter.

>> No.8284521

why not bring a few different grains in stead of just rice?

barley and oats cook up nice and are delicious

>> No.8284530

You retard. Why wouldn't you assume a person driving there wouldn't be bringing his driver's license and/or passport. That's a pretty lame attempt to try to squeeze out a lame joke.

>> No.8284541

Lighten the hell up

>> No.8284561

get some lentils too

>> No.8284562

t. Triggered Pablo

>> No.8284571
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>> No.8284586

dried beans to go with your rice. Together they make complete protein, making your fishing less necessary

>> No.8284596
File: 58 KB, 474x322, Juarez-today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brining beans and rice down to mexico???

they're called beaners for a reason.

>> No.8284601

>Baja Mexico

I just looked it up on a map. I always thought that was part of the USA.

>> No.8284609


>> No.8284637

i dunno. is the water safe to drink there?

>> No.8284651

Enjoy getting beheaded by the cartels.

>> No.8284864


>> No.8284890

Or take $50 for food and ride on a bus for safety.

>> No.8284950
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Probably a sizable weapon... Just in case.

>> No.8284963

Yeah, im sure there will.

>> No.8284965

You will be able to buy staples like rice for much cheaper there. Take things that you might not be able to find in a small community.

>> No.8284966
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take yourself a big bottle of one-a-day multivitamin. Take one with your first water of the day.

That way you'll know you're getting your RDA even in the lean times.

>> No.8284981

Triggered as fuark. That post was pretty funny. Certainly put a grin on my face.

Burn in Hell, Pablo.

>> No.8285047


>> No.8285076

Why the fuck would I be "triggered", dipshit. It just wasn't funny. It was a stupid joke. Why would an illegal alien take a vacation in Baja? (I'm a middle-aged conservative white guy. Just callin it like I see it, you retarded cock gobbler.)

>> No.8285082

You're a cunt.

>> No.8285087

Based god emperor

>> No.8285155

Nice sens of humor


>> No.8285162


>> No.8285163 [DELETED] 

That sounds pretty good.

>> No.8285168

Politics isn't food tho

>> No.8285178
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>I'm a middle-aged conservative white guy.
Sure, Gomez.

>> No.8285189

>I'm a middle-aged conservative white guy
It shows anon, it shows.

>> No.8285191


People were happy to treat it as a joke until you sperged out.

>> No.8285196

Im not the original poster who sperged out, im just pointing it out.

>> No.8285836

Buy yourself some multivitamins a vitamin c tablets to keep away scurvy

>> No.8285911


>> No.8287940

But is the rice any good? Mexican products sometimes suck a bit

>> No.8287963

Will you whiney cunts fuck off already? It's just a bit of banter but you SJWs always fucking whine about it. Fucking Americans.

>> No.8287972

This, most people are coming from mexico to the u.s. not the other way around. You got it backwards OP!

>> No.8288105

Sounds pretty cool, if this isn't fake. You'll be able to buy essentially anything you need cheaper than in the US. My concern, if I were you, would be avoiding the horrible tourist trap areas, which are pretty much ubiquitous in Baja.

Personally, I would go down the Western coast of Mexico proper, if I were you. You can find small fishing villages in between Alcapulco, Puerta Vallarta, Ixtapa and south, that aren't so touristy.

>> No.8288259

beans and lentils too. But it's cheaper there I guess.

>> No.8288808

Sounds like someone needs a safe space.

>> No.8288813
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>> No.8288829

Make sure to get a Baja Blast™ and and a Crunchwrap Supreme™ from your friendly neighbors at Taco Bell!

>> No.8288838

You're forgetting having a fucking 9-5 job in a cold climate you selfish cunt

>> No.8288867

everything worth living for.

>> No.8289129


Remember to pack some anal nitrate since you're such a huge faggot.

>> No.8289161

*Amyl. Dumb cunt, if you're gonna call someone a butt pirate, get it right.

>> No.8290371

This is the big reason to visit mexico

>> No.8291778
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>> No.8292665


>> No.8292670

Its food for thought lol

>> No.8293512

>What am I forgetting?

American hostages fetch big ransoms with the cartels. You should postpone your trip by a couple more months.

He could just use the big beautiful door reserved for legal applicants, assuming he's still alive if he gets back of course.

>> No.8293544

it's confusing because it has california in the name

>> No.8293724

California means mexican

>> No.8293907
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Adventure anon!!
So you have something to member when you are olden

>> No.8293952


>> No.8295699
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Pic Related.

It's you.

>> No.8296262
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>> No.8296866

Can you take wine to mexico?

>> No.8297457

Why not buy the rice in Mexico instead?

>> No.8297650


>> No.8299280

Your face is lame, Paco

>> No.8299372


>> No.8299375

/pol/ autists are so cringy

>> No.8299385

pol/ack and sushi chef here. sit the fuck down moisha, you'll get to ride the oven like everyone else

>> No.8299562

He should also bring some sand to the beach! Smhq tbhq Famalamadingdongq

>> No.8299982

OP here again, I use espresso ground coffee in my aeropress , can I get this in Mexico or should I pack 10 cans of cafe bustelo?

>> No.8300775

No it's best to go now because all the deportations will boost cartel numbers

>> No.8300784
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It's so easy to spot the Mexican

>> No.8301122

dude, work at walmart for a week prior, and youll have enough money for 3 nice sit down meals a day for the next 6months

>> No.8303194

It's so easy to spot the /pol/fag

>> No.8303201


>> No.8303204

>/ck/ is not a board for jokes. This is serious cooking board on anime website only for the most serious cookers!!1!!

>> No.8303209

You are going to get really fucking sick of fish and rice
At least bring some dry pasta and spices and shit

>> No.8303213

Well then get all the food threads off of /pol/ that are 9/10 superior to a typical /ck/ thread. I swear this is one of the most whiny ass bitchy self appointed princess boards.

>> No.8303220

Yes. And you can bring back i believe up to 6 bottles of liquor back. May have changed in recent years though

>> No.8303223
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lost it

>> No.8303227

This is a hit and miss. There probably is someone happy to sell you a cup of good coffee but problem is they are someones grandma and dont actually run a business. And the businesses usually sell cheap instant coffee. You have to get to know a community and immerse yourself to get the full authentic experience that very few people can say they genuinely experienced.

>> No.8303244

better than a Mexi-mudskin any day, every day.

>> No.8303247

You are wrong, your anger is delicious

>> No.8303252

Hey esse can you give me a ride back? I'm carrying a lot of sugar for my cousin juanitos birthday

>> No.8304526
File: 198 KB, 1431x526, Screenshot_20161123-195604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on man, I'm Mexican I found that funny

>> No.8305950

the new wall wont let anyone pass. solid wall. no check points. no in an outs. just gun turrets and land mines.

>> No.8307471

Should be done by Wednesday

>> No.8307493

why are you taking 50 pounds of rice

they sell rice in mexico

>> No.8307506
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>> No.8307608


>> No.8307624
File: 21 KB, 460x259, dtrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can fucking stay in Mexico, Jose.

>> No.8307629

Because I'm a seriously dense mother fucker. Also, I like to suck cock.

>> No.8307633

I lived in rosarito for a year. Cafe bustelo is hard to find most of the time but it is there in some stores.There is a much more common Mexican brand called Cafe La Llave. It's espresso grind and it's not bad.

>> No.8309033
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x720, Trump vs Mexicans.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8309098

Wow anon, that is important information for me!

>> No.8309109
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Ahh, yes. I remember when I was as innocent as you.

>> No.8309886
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quality post

>> No.8311143


>> No.8311223

Hey OP I saw your thread on another board. Can you camp for free in baja just anywhere? How is crime? Sounds cool man. Personally I'd bring money to eat actual meals. You may or may not catch fish. I guess bring a pot to boil water in.

>> No.8312186

Free camping in the middle of nowhere on lonely beaches with plenty of fish available.
This is most of baja.

>> No.8312317

Dried black beans and red beans
You'll want some sort of seasoning too. Or at least some salt and pepper
Multivitamin for warding off scurvy

>> No.8312744

Seasonings will help you a lot. The anon who suggested one a day vitamins was probably right.

>> No.8313948

Bring some condiments honestly.
After a few weeks you'll be glad you did.

>> No.8314103

would a bazooka and duel claymores do??

>> No.8314116


>> No.8314276

You dare mock me?
Clamores at dawn.

>> No.8316244


>> No.8317266

alt-right autist

>> No.8317286

Take some canned vegetables with you, just in case.
And if you don't need them you can use them later or donate them.

>> No.8319226

I have heard that food from Walmart down there is more expensive than up here.
Fresh veg is much cheaper though.

>> No.8319233

Top keks

>> No.8319235

Wow, talk about being a stick in the mud

>> No.8319251

You'll probably want wider variety of food in case you have difficulty obtaining food in the way you plan.

Why would /pol/locks shit up /ck/? I never post on /ck/ and clicked on the board as a whim, but /pol/shits are the lowest of mouthbreathers if they nothing better to do than shitposting on the cooking section of an Japanese cartoon enthusiasts imageboard.

>> No.8320671

There is a taco stand every ten feet in Mexico and tacos are only a buck.