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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 522 KB, 2592x1945, raspberries1-7816a90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8282687 No.8282687 [Reply] [Original]

what food item would you buy more of if cost wasn't an issue?

>> No.8282702

rib eye

>> No.8282705


>> No.8282706

Honestly it's probably tea, but good seafood is a close second

>> No.8282707

Wagyu beef
Snow crab legs
Beef jerky

I'd probably never buy chicken again

>> No.8282714

OP's pic related. A lot of fruit I like is too expensive for me, so I mainly get by with bananas and stuff like that.

>> No.8282732


Oh, and good cheese and wine.

>> No.8282741

sausages and high quality tea

>> No.8282742

Vodka that doesn't suck

>> No.8282744
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OP here. Same, I stick with apples, but berries are really more ideal for me both nutrition and taste-wise.

Also, sushi-grade fish.

>> No.8282754
File: 68 KB, 500x333, skirt-flank-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either of these.

I miss aracherra so much. Fucking beef prices, man.

>> No.8282770

high quality beef in general

>> No.8282773


>> No.8282777

Meat and avocados.

>> No.8282781

Scallops desu

Fucking £1 each where I live, even frozen. I like scallops but there's no fucking way I'd ever pay that much for what is literally 1, maybe 1.5 bites worth of actual food.

>> No.8282791

More ethically sourced produced and meats. Seafood in general.

Based berries. I only let myself buy them if they're on sale for 1.50, preferably a dollar. Spinach and mushrooms too.

>> No.8282792

buy chuck roast, butcher it yourself

half of it makes good steaks and half of it makes good cubes for stew or kebabs

>> No.8282793

Raspberries are fine frozen though and don't even cost that much where I'm from, like 1,5€/200g
My favored desert

>> No.8282794

>sushi-grade fish
seafood department manager here
there's no such thing as "sushi-grade fish", it's a marketing meme

>> No.8282799

ps if you're going to buy seafood with the intention of making sushi, please for the love of god buy the fish frozen
you really, really don't want to eat the fish that's been in the seafood case raw

>> No.8282809

>using frozen fish in sushi

Just no.

You use fresh fish not the shit that has been sitting in a display case for 6 hours

>> No.8282824

buddy you don't understand
I get retards coming up to me every day asking me if the tuna in my case is "ahi tuna" or "sushi-grade tuna" and I have to go on a whole diatribe on how ahi is a species of tuna and not a grade of the meat, and how there's no such thing as sushi-grade fish

then they tell me they're totally not buying the tuna for sushi ;))) no ;) wa;)y;)

use the fucking frozen fish, the freezers we use are much colder than home freezers and at very least kill most bacteria and parasites

>> No.8282835

Seafood in general
Wild oysters

>> No.8282842

>seafood department manager here

i'm very glad you finally made a management positon at 45 after dropping out of high school i bet your mom is thrilled you finally managed to raise your monthly room rent to $200 whole dollars even if it's a bit of a stretch for you, but please don't interrupt a conversation between adults who actually know what they're talking about

>> No.8282848

I'm actually 19 and still living with mommy
not much better though. Still, I just want to inform people to not buy into the sushi-grade meme

>> No.8282857


sushi fish is frozen on the boat that catches it with the exception of SOME tunas

>> No.8282859


>> No.8282863

How did you rise to manager so quickly? What store?
t. Deli department

>> No.8282866

What can you tell me about Fish Fraud. It is a global problem and it is your job to PUT AN END TO IT MR. MAAANNNAAGGGEERRRRRR

>> No.8282868

Really good seafood.

Also saffron, wild game and berries.

>> No.8282869

food cost isn't an issue for me

i make good money and it's one of my few expenses

>> No.8282871

wild game is free, bruh

>> No.8282873


>> No.8282875

it wasn't difficult when my competition wasn't putting in a single iota more than the absolute bare minimum required to remain hired
being personable, eager to learn, and not 100% shit didn't hurt either.

I can try my best to dissuade Pauline from Ohio and her little ray of sunshine Annabelle-ellie-rose from eating raw tuna that's been in a fish case for 6 hours

>> No.8282884

Quality steaks

>> No.8282886

Shrimp (and seafood in general), nuts, chicken and beef.

>> No.8282889

I will never understand people liking seafood

>> No.8282891

I live in a city and I don't want to eat rats, I need someone else to shoot a deer for me.

>> No.8282895

Deep freezing doesn't kill bacteria

It only stops it from replicating

>> No.8282908


>> No.8282911

Beef jerky. Macadamia nuts.

>> No.8282916

Salmon,crab, shrimp, all kinds of nuts, endless sushi rice, tomatoes and beef.

>> No.8283038
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>Blow all your money on ingredients for a dish
>Could've just said fuck it and bought a frozen pre-made version for a fraction

Fuck veg, fuck fruit, fuck cheese

>> No.8283106


>> No.8283119

Salmon, quinoa, strawberries.

>> No.8283134

But quinoa isn't even that expensive. Neither are strawberries, if they're in season.

Pardon me if you live in Iceland or something though.

>> No.8283159
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i wouldnt need another food

>> No.8283170

Don't think I would buy more of anything really, just much higher quality versions of things I already eat.

>> No.8283189
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>> No.8283217


I'd need to buy a whole lot less food, and it'd be purely for entertainment so there would be no pressure. Maybe cook something once a week.

>> No.8283234

It might be worth getting frozen fruits. That's what I've been buying lately. Good amount for the price and you don't have to worry about it going bad. Fruit cups, applesauce and the like are good too.

>> No.8283253

Those Brookstone dark chocolate covered berries.

>> No.8283254

Pure maple syrup.

>> No.8283292

Great wines
Fine pantry goods
Mailorder meat & poultry
Every spice I can get my hands on, even if just to taste them
A hydroponic garden professionally specced and installed
Stuff delivered: freshly baked bread, freshly roasted coffee, freshly laid eggs
I'd pay somebody to go to the farmer's market for me

Also if money weren't an issue, I would build a proper kitchen for myself as most generic home kitchen designs are inadequate

>> No.8283305

desu the soylent clone you can buy in the netherlands (and yourop probably) called joylent costs €150 for 30 bags/days, not that bad honestly

>> No.8283321

>most home kitchen designs are inadequate
Holy fuck are they ever. The more I work in restaurants the more I loathe cooking in home kitchens. I would absolutely put a custom kitchen at the top of my list.

>fine wine/spirits
>top tier ingredients in general (spices, proteins, veg etc)

I also think your idea of a hydroponic garden is cool but I like my regular garden too much I think.

>> No.8283398

First investment would be a freeze dryer. Then a high quality dehydrator.
Then a well equipped laboratory to test my own game for parasites, to molecular meme experiments, and grow fungi and bacterial colonies.
I would buy a well kept orchard, then more land to plant my own. I would also buy land in a tropical zone to experiment with fruit and vegetable growing. I would dedicate a whole hill to durian trees.
I would get my own dairy, and keep a variety of animals to get different types of milk for cheese and other fermented products.
A brewery and distillery, both close to the dairy because of land for pasture and grain crops, and because the lab needs to be close to all three to experiment with fermentation.

I would need slaves/goons to work on the establishments, and hire hunters to get game from the woodlands connected to the estate. A fishing boat would also be beneficial to get a huge variety of 'bicatch' to experiment with. Gatherers needs to be on payroll to get mushrooms and wild food plants, and at least two specialists who spend their time traveling and bringing back local foods, recipes and ingredients from around the world. I would also invest in traveling there myself, bringing with me a hunter companion or two to do some hunting in each area. A private jet would be necessary to avoid wasting too much time in transit. A good chef and kitchen on board the jet would be needed.

And don't forget the civet farm in Indonesia where I would get my coffee.

And the Antartic base where I would breed penguins for food.

And the vinyard in Italy.

And the date orchard in Turkey.

Et cetera.

>> No.8283494

Leeks, more varieties of fruit, better mushrooms, cuts of meat that aren't shit

>> No.8283512
File: 70 KB, 640x640, 1478742610431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How poor are you if you can't afford leeks? They're like 0.10 for a big one and that lasts you for 4 meals or more.

>> No.8283520

Three bucks a pound here.

>> No.8283524

Where do you live?

>> No.8283662

Eastern Washington

>> No.8283683

1.80 $ a fucking stem here in canada

so yeah, >>8283494

>> No.8283715

One giant Leek at the local supermarket here is about 40 cents max.

German anon here.

Id buy shitloads more avocado. Because the nice kind are about 2 euro a piece here which is fucking theft.
And id probably buy some more decadent coffee instead of the 500gramm pack for 5 euros.
Oh and Beef, quality beef, id buy shitloads of that.

>> No.8283722

that sucks.

>> No.8283759

>40 cents
How much do they weight though?
Here it's about 2.3€/kilo

>> No.8283786

agree on all points, another kraut here.
also the generally expensive stuff like truffles, caviar etc, i love i but way too unaffordable

>> No.8283791
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>> No.8283799

Avocado, watermelon, mango, almonds, walnuts

>> No.8283813


>> No.8284000


>> No.8284082

Islay whiskies <3

>> No.8284109

Lamb and duck
Oh, and gram flour

>> No.8284130
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I'd use shallots as much as onions if they were the same price. I like using a little onion or shallot in most things that I cook for two, and usually 1 shallot is the perfect amount, while a whole onion might be too much and I have to store half an onion in the fridge.

I'd also buy a lot more berries, cured salami/charcuterie, fine cheeses, red wine, duck, nuts, Sherry and Balsamic vinegars, jerky, nice cuts of beef (ribeye, tenderloin, strip, skirt, etc.)

I live in NYC, so I have access to almost anything in the world, but it all comes at a price that I may not be willing to spend. Fuck Whole Foods for gouging New Yorkers. It sure as fuck wasn't nearly as expensive in DC and Baltimore when I lived there, and those aren't cheap towns either.

>> No.8284131

Pizza. $20 for a pizza is insane.

>> No.8284147
File: 86 KB, 1000x647, fresh-salmon-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fish, especially salmon. Is this stuff expensive everywhere?
You can get a steak for less where I live.

>> No.8284172

I fish it for free. Gotta love living next to a salmon farm. The little shitheads keep breaking out :)

>> No.8284198

Wine and cheese. Fresh bread and coffee. Spirits and liqueurs. Quality beef and seafood. Fresh fish. Game meat and forest mushrooms. Saffron and other spices. Good butter and eggs. Nuts and quinoa. Quality vegetables.

If I was just rich Id eat out more though.

>> No.8284220

make your own, it's not hard

>> No.8284224


>> No.8284414


So much this.

>> No.8284449

>fresh bread
fresh sourdough is $2.99 where I live, and honey wheat bread is probably the same

>> No.8284459

Sup, Califag
no difference between those and blueberries

>> No.8284478

I'd stop buying processed cheese and get the good shit. I'd also buy a lot more lamb and non grounded beef

>> No.8284497


>> No.8284578

Pine nuts. Those bastards are delicious but like $20 a bag

>> No.8284608


>> No.8285010

Prawns and calamari, all day long.

>> No.8285016

Seconding pistachios

>> No.8285022
File: 170 KB, 1100x733, cherries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These beautiful, expensive, fuckers.

>> No.8285023


>> No.8285029

fresh herbs

>> No.8285036

...but fresh herbs are cheap as shit. Grow your own. A packet of seeds costs pennies and will last you for fucking ages.

>> No.8285044

this though also pinenuts and feta

>> No.8285067

Macadamia nuts
Fresh seafood
Fresh herbs

Pretty much

>> No.8285405

Good artisan bread aint cheap, even supermarket bread can be baked on site.

>> No.8285570

grass fed beef. it's so delicious. eight dollars a pound for ground is too much for me and the steaks are even more $$.

good dark chocolate.

quality cinnamon. i can tell the cheap sticks are different.

almonds and pistachios

i enjoy raw dairy but it's expensive where i live.

>> No.8286067

Turkey. Here, whole Turkey is only sold by pre-order and costs between 40-60 USD.

>> No.8286191

>just manage a garden on the side in you nonexistent yard!


>> No.8286197

Where's that?

How many kg is the whole bird you pay 40-60 freedom bucks for?

>> No.8286226


>> No.8286232

You only answered the first question famalam

>> No.8286276


This is a thinking man right here.

>> No.8286282


That's weird, I rarely see them for more than $1.50 a pound. I live in Seattle and usually produce doesn't cost that much different on either side of the mountain (except cherries you lucky fuck).

>> No.8286286


That's a good thought about shallots, I'll try that. I get unreasonably butthurt about having to store half an onion in the fridge.

>> No.8286394

About 7 kg

>> No.8286658

This not too bad desu, I would probably pay only slightly less than that for a 7kg bird here in aus

>> No.8286665

I'd just hire a chef in that case

>> No.8286672

You and I think alike.

I hope we get there someday.

In addition, my castle would have a large pipe organ and I would play a harp in the foyer.

>> No.8286674

Dried mangos are best mangos