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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 211 KB, 620x415, 54ffec52236b6-cheeseburger-lgn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8283441 No.8283441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is American food so bad compared to almost the rest of the world?

>> No.8283445

Why are europoors so obsessed?

>> No.8283448

Because America never had thousands of years nor been through any kind of food scarcity to discover anything.

Burgers are just efficient.

>> No.8283449

>be American
>get shot
>smoke weed and eat fast food all day
>get diabetes and cancer
Omw to that last step wish me luck lads

>> No.8283451

do amerifattieclaps really eat this?

>> No.8283457


v This

I've had great food on both continents. Stop being so obsessed with shaming one another. I wouldn't care if it was funny but it's just tiresome.

>> No.8283478

America has the best food out of any country. We appropriate everything.

>> No.8283480

We have had 400 years. What are you talking about?

>> No.8283492

because we don't. flavor triumphs tradition. Our fast food pizza is better than the most masterful tomato sauce and basil pizza in italy.

>> No.8283553

American culture lacks history contemplation and subtlety, it is no surprise its people eat the human equivalent of pig slop. Americans are what Nietzsche described as the "last human" in the downward trajectory of humanity.

>> No.8283556

holy shit what a fucking faggot you are

>> No.8283557

t. Amerifat

>> No.8283559 [DELETED] 

There is a saying: you are what you eat.
You can also flip that statement around.

>> No.8283586

You've never had pizza in Italy have you?

>> No.8283593

America has some great food. It's just not nearly as common as the shit peddled by largest american corporations.

Try some Cajun cuisine. Or some good tex-mex. Or a hearty apple pie.

They just don't have billion-dollar advertisement industry behind them, so you hardly hear of them, while shit like KFC and McDonalds invade the whole world.

>> No.8283594

Oh look. It's this thread again.

>> No.8283596

>Or a hearty apple pie.
Oh yes that great America classic, which is actually British.

Are you going to tell me that it is boiled and bland now?

>> No.8283609

about the only genuinely american food that is strictly american is drinking chocolate. Originally called xocolatl. About all the rest can be traced to origins off the American continent.

>> No.8283610

>compared to almost the rest of the world?
>America never had thousands of years nor been through any kind of food scarcity
>American culture lacks history
>Oh yes that great America classic, which is actually British.
So much ignorance in this thread. I don't even know where to begin. I'm actually sort of overwhelmed.

>> No.8283616

They're the spawn of the Brits and I'd honestly rather eat a burger on Christmas rather than eat the shit on a plate that is the traditional Christmas pudding.

For fuck's sake, the most 'Merican food is the worst fast food they serve - the hamburger.
But they're really just copying their pops whose most well known food is the worst fast food he serves - fish and chips.

Like father, like son.

>> No.8283782





>> No.8283801
File: 219 KB, 1440x458, Screenshot_20161118-000232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the delusion of this post is amazing

>> No.8283810


the unending obsession with america is painful and concerning

global UK ban on /ck/ when? They have nothing to offer culinarily

>> No.8283820

>They have nothing to offer culinarily
I think the reverse is true.

Americans have NOTHING outside of fast-food and this is what this thread is about.

I have NEVER seen a thread of real American food, it's just fast-food and candy. Prove me wrong?

>> No.8283829

>I think the reverse is true.

>Italians have NOTHING outside spaghetti and this is what this thread is about

>I have NEVER seen a thread of real Italian food, it's just spaghetti and pizza. Prove me wrong?

>> No.8283833

Welcome to 4chan newfriend.

>> No.8283836

It was founded by Britain, what did you expect

>> No.8283857


>I think the reverse is true.

>British have NOTHING outside boiled eels and this is what this thread is about

>I have NEVER seen a thread of real British food, it's just boiled eels and incest. Prove me wrong?

>> No.8283861

Yeah, burgers are so bad that's why every europoor has a sandwich shop selling burgers in their food districts. Even the asians love them.

>> No.8283895

Is this a /bsg/? (Boiled steak general)

>> No.8283899
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no bully pls i luv u :o((((

>> No.8283903

French fag here. I do not know too much about the American food but nothing is worse than English food.

>> No.8283908 [DELETED] 

Well, even plebs here, like that burger stuff. We got the big chains also, I would guess 75% of the guests are tourists.

>> No.8283926

mon ami, english food is bad food but it is still food. american 'food' is not food. thats what makes it laughable.

>> No.8283956

You definitely have good dish but compared to the rest of europe .... sorry my friends, it's just not your speciallity.

>> No.8283963


>> No.8283966


>> No.8283967


What makes you think it's not americans trolling other americans?

>> No.8283973

you spelled based wrong

>> No.8283978

To consoler, I think your breakfast is better than ours. In France we do not eat in the morning and too much in the evening.

>> No.8283984

But the burger is originally German.....

>> No.8283991

if you fat fucks would stop delivering your disgusting fast food all around the world, we wouldnt have to complain every day about it.

Never seen a thread complaining about thin crispy italian pizza or sauerkraut.

I hope trump builds a wall around america, so nothing can get in or out

>> No.8284013


We don't deliver it to you. You ask for it. If you don't like it (and I don't blame you!) then blame your countrymen for creating a market for it.

>> No.8284023

I don't understand these threads at all.
>lol the same fucking picture of fast food with american flags in it
>lol american food is shit

What kind of nonsense is that. I mean I get that you're trolling, but try to be believable next time. These threads are so old. There are countless high end restaurants throughout the United States. Not to mention we would have more Michelin rated restaurants if we didn't have reviewers in only 4 cities. That's right only Vegas, San Francisco, New York, and Chicago have reviewers available. So with a combined population of 13 million we have more michelin rated restaurants than the UK and almost as many as France. They are only now talking about sending reviewers to DC, and DC. Currently Michelin covers less than 5 percent what we have to offer and we still smoke you guys. Case closed.

>> No.8284040

I suppose the Great Depression never happened in your text book?

>> No.8284041

Yet some how those companies are incredibly successful in other countries, in certain cases more so than in the states. We exported out most shit tier food and the world gobbled it up, how is that out fault. Seems like you guys need to get your shit together.

Atleast in the US it costs $1-5 for a meal, in Europe I would walk past advertisements charging 8 euros for a fucking big mac. It's outrageous that anyone would pay that amount, yet theres a fuckin line out the door. You guys got cucked by fast food and you can't fight back with your shitty one dimensional no variety cuisine. That's the best part about america I live in the goddamn midwest, and in the dead of winter I can get what ever cuisine I desire from all over the world at a decent price.

Not to mention if you are willing to splurge you can get the highest quality of any ingredient flown in to you. That's how we have 3-starred Michelin Restaurants in the middle of the desert in Vegas.

>> No.8284051


>> No.8284056


>> No.8284061

>picture of a normal burger
>le Amerika bad food maymay!

Every time

>> No.8284062


>> No.8284063

>choice of eating a juicy and fulfilling burger with toppings that cover all the major food groups
>or a snail

Yeah I don't know OP.

>> No.8284078

Basically the US has an insane amount of high end restaurants, and believing we only eat fast food is moronic.

>> No.8284110

Most Americans aren't eating at high-end restaurants and you know it.

If you remove the top 1%, the GDP-per-capita of America wouldn't be so impressive. There is A LOT of harsh poverty in America, you guys are just blind to it or say "lol niggers".

I go to the US a lot for conferences and business and the poverty in most major cities is shocking.

>> No.8284113

>if you don't count the richest people the country isn't as rich
Great analysis!

Even beyond the super high end expensive restaurants, there are an incredible amount of great restaurants in any halfway decently city, and the industry is booming. You don't need a $100 tasting menu or $50 steaks to be a great restaurant

>> No.8284114

It's because half our country's homeless and poverty stricken citizens is literally all located in the half dozen or so largest cities in america. If there is a sky scraper there are a dozen homeless people getting free handouts from the liberal large cities.

>> No.8284120

Our middle class is now lower class, struggling to stay above the poverty line.

I'm not a /pol/itician, but I hope President Trump's plans really do work. It's a serious problem.

>> No.8284133

>I'm not a /pol/itician, but I hope President Trump's plans really do work. It's a serious problem.

You don't have to be from /pol/ to hope that people in your country do well. I despise Trump's staff but I hope he does well. Like it or not he is my/our president and his success is our success. I mean, unless he wants to kill most of us off that is.

>> No.8284237

>never had thousands of years
>had 400 years


>> No.8284244

I have, its ok.
nothing to write home about

>> No.8284258 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8284277
File: 159 KB, 1017x579, 1469003740206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, it's the hourly obsession thread

>> No.8284280

its like car crash tv you cant look away

>> No.8284284

Yeah man.
Starts out as a simple thread and before you know it it's full of Americans watching Europe's every nuance.
It's cringey as fuck.

>> No.8284297

I don't find there to be anything wrong with classic American food. Big business Fast food is a little nasty, but you would t complain about grits & hash or blackened catfish or American iced tea.

>> No.8284301

Creamed sweet corn is pretty nice too.

>> No.8284304

Didn't you know? lol is the new normie meme here

>> No.8284306
File: 25 KB, 413x395, 1478116205787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these buttmad Yuropoors
Have fun when your government forces you to share your house, wife, and daughter with Ahmed. They'll be eating nice and thick kebab all day.

>> No.8284314

>Damn those Americans and their unculturedness!
>Proceeds to eat beans on toast with bangers and snappers with a side of ganja before riding the automobile to his job at the tickytock factory

>> No.8284620


>> No.8284646

Wrong barbeque traces its traditions to colonial America, George Washington ate barbecue.

>> No.8284666

Even cavemen put their meat over a fire but Americans like to claim they invented everything.

>> No.8284831

Better than a bloody "toast sandwich" that's for sure!

>> No.8284854

If you think American barbecue involves cooking directly over the heat, you're not in a position to share your opinion on the topic.

>> No.8285109

>Comparing the fast food market to actual cuisine.

Are you fucking retarded friend?

>> No.8285175

how cum america is like a way i dont like cant they just be smart lik french?

>> No.8285217

You're making the assumption that every Michelin rated restaurant serves wholesome American cuisine.

>> No.8285282


too much freedom

>> No.8285550

>Oh yes that great America classic, which Britain claims even though it stole it from asians along with everything else.

>> No.8285591

>American food is only burgers and fries

nigger we have created more food types in the last few decades than yuropoors have over the past 100k years

>> No.8286529

Sugar in everything

>> No.8286534

Because America lacks a common cultural root to develop any food that isn't bland crap

>> No.8286540

>great depression
>being even remotely close to parts of the middle ages
ameritards lol

>> No.8287088


>> No.8287109
File: 451 KB, 788x831, nigger-math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French fries are French
Hamburgers are German (Hamburger / Hamburg)

>> No.8287111

Top tier southern food.

>> No.8287114

>French fries are French
No they're Belgian nigger.

>> No.8289141

Stupid obsessed Yuropoors

>> No.8289148

Your a fat American

>> No.8289152
File: 3 KB, 465x108, OBSESSED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
