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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 1200x630, Subway_Logo_OG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8274251 No.8274251 [Reply] [Original]

so tomorrow I've got an interview for a job at a local Subway, figured I'd ask around /ck/ for stories and experiences from people who have worked for them to help prepare me for what's to come

>> No.8274264

You need to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.8274269

I'm 26 actually, although this is the first job I've had in a couple years

>> No.8274298
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> ages ago 2004. Still in high school working at subway in evenings.
> One night, big bro douche comes in with a friend, holding gym bags and protein shake.
> orders cold cut trio
> Put meat on ask what veggies he wants
> He leans in and says "chicken"
> Confused, I remind him that more meat is the cost of an extra sub
> He asks for BBQ rib on top of the chicken
> Then fucking asks for pepperoni. Meatballs. No fucking vegetables.
> Make sandwich.
> No veggies, just dead animals
> Wrap that shit. Ring it up.
> $47.95
> Gym bro flips out
> Starts yelling how i ripped him off.
> I open the sandwich and ask him to remove a few things
> Asks me to remove the bread.
> Just fucking slab of meat. Unsure if he's fucking with me
> Ring it up still $47.95
> He's pissed as shit
> Yelling and cussing. My coworker is eating cookies in the back and laughing his ass off from a distance.
> I unhappily unwrap the breadlesd sandwich and take off half of the shit
> New price $23.76
> He buys it and leaves
> Never saw him again

>> No.8274368

Favorite story from the four months I spent working at a Subway when I was short on cash a couple years ago.

> working drive-thru, busy dinner rush
> lady cuts the line in her giant SUV
> this means she drives AROUND the line of cars extending around the entire store
> comes up to my window
> "Do you guys have fresh avocados?"
> "Yes, ma'am, we do, but --"
> "Great, I'll have two 12 inch turkey avocado sandwiches with --"
> "Ma'am, I'm sorry, but you'll have to go to the back of the line."
> long pause, she stares at me like I've slapped her
> Her: "Excuse me?"
> Me: "Ma'am, do you see all those cars behind you? They have all been waiting to be served. If you go around the store and go to the back of the line then I'll be happy to serve you."
> she glances behind her at the line
> back at me
> Her: "You can't just serve me now?"
> Me: "No."
> Her: *screeches away in her enormous Range Rover, peels rubber in the parking lot*

Guess she didn't want the avocados that badly.

>> No.8274375

good stories so far, how would you guys rate Subway as a work environment by the way?

>> No.8274391


2/10, would not recommend.

Manager was a prick. His wife was even worse. They treated employees like slaves and wouldn't give us time off during the holidays.

I was in my late 20s and didn't need that job so I told them to shove it and quit. Manager's wife sent me a text calling me unprofessional. I lol'd and didn't reply.

Felt bad for the college kids and poorer people that were stuck there. Last I heard they worked Christmas Day at the fucking Subway.

>> No.8274394
File: 88 KB, 994x1012, 1478981515969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so almost $50 for a cold cut combo with 4 extra meats?

even $23 seems high especially in 04'

>> No.8274407

For that price, the motherfucker could've gone to the nearest grocery store and picked up $20 worth of meat and bread and had like, close to 15 sandwiches lined up for eating.

As a /fit/izen I seriously doubt this happened but it's funny as fuck.

>> No.8274413

I feel worse for the people who buy Subway on Christmas day.

>> No.8274420

double meat is $3/ footlong

>> No.8274422

Other ex Subway employee here - believe it or not, yes this kind of stupid shit absolutely happens.

We had a guy who used to order a 6-inch tuna, then criticize the size of the tuna scoops we gave him. Every. Single. Time.

You'd think dude would just buy a can of tuna and make it his own damn self if he was that picky, but nah. He got off on belittling his local Subway employees. Some people are just like that.

>> No.8274426

Don't. It's infinitely worse to serve those people.

>> No.8274428
File: 50 KB, 790x687, 1478514909282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cold cut: constant $5 footlong but lets say $6

$6+($2 x 4)= $14

>> No.8274432

Oh no, I can understand if someone is coming into a Subway and criticizing the portion sizes. Hell, when I'm starving and I eat at a Subway I can't help but internally judge the portion sizes you guys have to measure in terms of the protein.

Still, you'd have to be a total dumbass to freak out over a $45+ sub when it's well known that they charge you extra for more meat. Not only that, but a total idiot to ask for it without the bread both financially and in terms of final product.

>> No.8274434

my apologies ($3 x 4)*


I would still contend that $50 for a sub is ridiculous

>> No.8274448

I wish the public knew how rigorous the sandwich making formula is at Subway. It's absolutely goddamn ridiculous. Do you know how many olives are supposed to go on a 6-inch sub?


6 olives.

If you get more than laughably tiny portions of anything at your local Subway, thank your "sandwich artist" when they ring you up, because they just risked getting yelled at by a supervisor to give you extra onions.

>> No.8274449

well I'm just doing part-time, not to mention if I need to I can just quit if it gets bad enough, as I already have some income(I get Social Security checks), I just want to increase it, and to change up my life a bit, plus have something to put down on a resume for future jobs(for various reasons my previous work experience is something I can't use on a resume)

also hopefully the management at the one I'm potentially going to be working at won't be dicks like yours was

>> No.8274459

Best of luck, broski. I hope for your sake you get one of the good ones.

>> No.8274465


>> No.8274495

A bit off topic, but I have worked at McDonald's and it fucking sucked. Management picked favorites for scheduling. You will get the worst hours imaginable. Unless you're a quick study, you will most likely fail in food service. I was also sacked from a small business cafe, but it wasn't entirely my fault. The owners were just dicks, and they're known throughout the area as cocksuckers.

Best of luck to you anon, but I couldn't stand it. I am never working in food service again.

>> No.8274551

I didn't even know that. It's a good thing that I get my subs from a place that's contracted, so they just put however much they won't and don't care.

>> No.8275021 [DELETED] 


>> No.8275051

Holy shit i am starting to work there tomorrow!

>> No.8275057


>> No.8275078
File: 17 KB, 340x373, photo_2016-11-14_15-16-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird shit is going on in subway. be careful my friend

>> No.8275192
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, this pleases me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for various reasons my previous work experience is something I can't use on a resume

Tell us about it. I know you want to tell the story, and I want to hear it.

>> No.8275843


>> No.8276201

long story short almost immediately after graduating High School I was enrolled in a "work program" that the school district ran for special needs people(I have high functioning autism so I technically qualified), as I wasn't 18 yet my mother signed me up for it without discussing it with me first, which led to about a year of unpaid internships at a Regal Cinema, a Sam's Club(which closed down about a year after I stopped working there), and a Ramen Factory(which I can't even remember what the brand name was), overall this was a huge waste of my time, and the only reason I didn't leave the program after a couple months was cause they held my High School Diploma hostage

so that's the reason I can't use my prior work experience on my resume

>> No.8276222

I went to subway one time and the kid in front of me had the sandwich artist put a shit ton of mayo on his meatball marinara sub

>> No.8276233




>> No.8276241

someone post the picture

you know, THAT one

>> No.8276248
File: 166 KB, 1035x807, 9a879616ff7158f502d86e94f3b36b9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's probably talking about this interesting piece of fanart

>> No.8276251

you can't just post it right away you tard

>> No.8276263

I can do whatever I want as this is lot le /b/-random ruse and the picture itself is great enough

>> No.8276337

It's pretty shit. I currently work at one, again. Thank fuck I'm good at it and most customers favor my commercial-worthy sandwiches. Anyway, here's a few things off the top of my head you should know:
>the niggers are loud, picky, hate lettuce, and go out of their way to make you miserable
>the children typically keep it simple, but a minority of them are retards who either cannot speak, can't decide without mom, or are picky little shits who will change their minds entirely while you're in the middle of wrapping their sandwich
>seniors are cunts
>teenagers in groups are cunts
>you will get burnt by the oven
>you will eventually drop a sandwich, soup, or a tub of vegetables by accident- but still get screamed at by either the customer or manager
>you will come to hate the smell of subway's bread
>don't actually follow the vegetable formulas for the smaller veggies, it wastes fucking time and the customer will ask you for more anyway
>learn your fucking meats and vegetables in spanish since mexicunts refuse to even make an attempt in speaking engliss.

>> No.8276466

OP here, unfortunately it isn't going to happen, it turns out I accidentally applied to a store that's too far for me to get to(I don't have a Driver's License, don't have a working bike right now, and it's too far for me to walk to or reliably get family to drive me to), so didn't even get to do the interview

>> No.8276472

Be glad. Apply at a restaurant instead as a dishwasher.

>> No.8276482

none around here that are hiring and are close enough, probably just going to try for the local Walmart or something

>> No.8276496

You manage to escape the frying pan and now you're going to toss yourself into the fire. You deserve what you get.

>> No.8276511

that sounds like work experience to me... why wouldn't you put that on your resume? just leave out the "worked for free 'cause I'm special" part.

>> No.8276531

yeah just put it on. it shows you were responsible and able to hold onto a job and shit for a year. that's better than some people

>> No.8276818
File: 86 KB, 805x467, subway-hawaii-five-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to get Subway almost every morning before work, and the lady that always served me was really nice. Maybe it was just because I was always the first person she saw in the day and she didn't feel like killing herself yet.

>> No.8276847

fuck this job, look up staffing agency ya fuck! easy jobs above min wage

>> No.8276857
File: 89 KB, 671x683, 1475543130410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8277018

well depends on the job, I can't earn over a certain amount in a year(or keep above a certain amount in the bank) or else I could lose my Social Security benefits

>> No.8277178

I have thousand of shitty people come in but one guy really spoke to me

>regularly had a homeless man buy single slices of cheese everyday
>would threaten to kill me every time he left
>would fine him busting nuts in front of the dumpster
>would always try to shake my hand

>> No.8277226

Wait, so your high school has a program to put retards to work while avoiding minimum wage and replacing it with no pay? So they literally have a short bus to slave camp program? And this is legal?

>> No.8277248

I have genuinly and unironically fapped to that image multiple times. It is incredibly hot.

>> No.8277389
File: 32 KB, 345x370, 1478630332256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck.

>> No.8277437

>all white people buy turkey
>all black people buy cold cut or whatever is cheapest
>all mexicans come in packs and get whatever the one with the best english gets
>indians get at least 8 different sauces
>asians never speak english and touch the glass

>> No.8277441

My favorite subway story wasn't from when I worked there, but when I ate there with friends. We went in with one friend who is pretty scruffy, long hair/long beard, usually long nails. There was some guy there applying for a job and trying to chat up the two teenage girls who worked there. When he saw my friend he went quiet and snuck over near him, sat down and started talking to him.
>"Dude, are you a werewolf?"
>"It's ok you can trust me."
And so on. We thought he was joking at first, but he really thought my friend was a werewolf. The manager heard us talking after he left and asked for the whole story. After we told her she told the girls "If he comes back phone security." I sometimes wonder what happened when he came back to turn in his application.

>You will come to hate the smell of Subway's bread

This, also you will always smell of fucking pickles.

>> No.8277448

I am white and I never got turkey.

Got a shit ton of double meat meatballs when I was in HS. Chicken or different beef ones when I was 20ish. Never eat that shit now.

>> No.8277494
File: 595 KB, 1536x2304, french stereotype likes his bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk into Subway
>I'm familiar with the guy working the counter
>politely tell him what I want
>he makes it correctly with adequate portions and acceptable speed
>upsells me on the chips and drink like every other Subway employee does and I accept
>eat my sandwich in the lobby while taking advantage of free refills
>enjoy my food and leave satisfied

Anybody else know this feel?

>> No.8277502

>Anybody else know this feel?
There is a Subway right in between two BIO classes I had. I'm talking it was in the same corridor. I had an hour to kill after one ended and the other began. I would always grab lunch, study and deluge my body with free refills.

>> No.8277503

What's your go-to sandwich, cu/ck/s?

>foot long ham and turkey on wheat
>pepper jack cheese
>spinach, lettuce, tomato, onions, green peppers, banana peppers
>brown mustard, occasionally switching chipotle southwest instead of mustard
>unsweet iced tea to drink
>Garden Salsa Sun Chips

>> No.8277508

Same here. When I was in college the local Subway was right across the street from the football field. I walked everywhere and was lifting weights back then so I liked to keep hydrated, so I'd go in for lunch or dinner and get a foot long sandwich and fill a 32 oz. cup three or four times with an Arnold Palmer made with the lo-cal lemonade and unsweet tea.

My mouth is watering right now even though it's mundane as fuck.

>> No.8277530

It's probably the best fast food job, the entire job is prep, sandwich making and cleaning the restaurant

>> No.8277896

Holy shit this is 100% true.

>> No.8277913

what is that little yellow thing coming out of spyros hand?

>> No.8277917

Note to OP every Subway is different.

I've had a boss that let me eat cookies and then another boss that threatened to fire me if I was ever late for a shift. We always had the holidays off.

>> No.8277924

>Two years ago
>Go into Subway
>Lunch time
>3 people waiting in front of me
>one of them is black
>"Uhhh yeah can I get a footlong subway melt on Italian bread? Pepper cheese!"
>The sandwich artist obliges
>The sandwich is toasting and the colored man moves along sideways to look at the vegetables and the sauces
>"What salad would you like with that?"
>The person of color takes in a small intake of breath, pausing slightly
>"Yeahhh uhhhhh can I get everything except pickles olives and jalepenos?"
>The salad section man obliges
>"Any sauces with that?"
>The African American individual is taken aback, clearly he had ot thought about this
>He hesitates
>"i'll have Chipotle South Weat sauce please, plenty of it"
>The man obliges
>"Eat in or take out?"
>"Take out"
>Alrighty, that will be $6.99
>The redguard reaches to his waist slowly
>Pulls out his wallet
>Hands over a $10
>Gets his changes and leaves

I have many more stories like this too

>> No.8277944

Maybe an onion?

>> No.8277949

>Unless you're a quick study

If you're not a teenager and working in fast food you're not a quick study.

>> No.8277963
File: 497 KB, 1000x873, Honey Bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the first subways is opening in my town soon ? what would my first sandwhich bee ?

>> No.8277985

Fucking more

>> No.8277988

fuck off

>> No.8277991
File: 645 KB, 1179x1252, 1478035736500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you pham.

>> No.8278320

Actually, it's cheese. Looks like our american slices.

>> No.8278447

I got a slight case of food poisoning from the meatball sub on the day before a massive interview with the law firm I work at.

I spent all night cradling myself on the floor, begging whatever god there was that I could make it to the interview.

I shoved a redbull and a cocktail of whatever drugs I had in my cabinet and sweat myself through the interview. After the interview, I threw up all over myself in the parking lot.

I got the job and admitted to my coworkers a few months after. Surprisingly enough, none of them caught on during the interview.

>> No.8278452

Oh man is that the left arm spinner that was in a few world cups ago?

That guy could toss it up

>> No.8278463

I think it's a chip; he's using the shit as a dip.

>> No.8278495

It was me, I'll fucking shank you fggt

>> No.8278498

>all white women get turkey
>all white men get steak or meatball


>> No.8278527

My autismo brother gets $600 per month and spends half of it on anime figurines

>> No.8278532

Thanks for the correction it's been a while>>8278495

>> No.8278588

Taxpayer money well spent

>> No.8278601
File: 8 KB, 326x306, 1452320829332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you're a sandwich artist huh?
>I guess so.
>If you make a wrap, does that make you a "wrap artist?"

Every time. Have fun working at Subway OP.

>> No.8278606

Always wanted to try this

>> No.8278621
File: 1.07 MB, 446x270, 1474630158282.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working night shift, all the clubs get out
>Pass through the usual rush without major issue
>Half hour till closing time, massively drunk bloke appears and orders a steak, cheese and bacon sub
>Asks for a free cookie
>'Sorry mate, can't do it'
>Bloke becomes EXTREMELY aggravated
>Starts banging on the plate glass and demanding that we give him a free cookie
>Has to be escorted out by the bouncer
>Keeps trying to get back in, shouting and making threats
>Lock the door and call the police
>He sits outside on the fucking pavement shouting through the letterbox until the police arrive and take him away
>I eat his sub

Was a good night

5/10. My coworkers made it bearable, and it's relatively quiet in my town so it was EZ work EZ life, but my manager was an asshat and his manager was even worse. The former used to sit in the eating area on her laptop with fucking facebook open during the lunch hour death march, then endlessly bitch when we asked her to help us. The latter, as far as I am aware, was a ghost. He would leave sticky-notes on the whiteboard with incredibly anal complaints and requests, which became increasingly erratic and verbose the longer those complaints and requests went unattended to, but I only ever saw the man in person like three times in the two years I worked there.

>> No.8278628

So in the spirit of being a good customer, what's the most annoying thing Subway customers do that they don't realize is annoying?

>> No.8278637

>Foot long garlic and herb
>Added bacon
>Pepperjack cheese
>Red onion, gherkin, extra gherkin, cucumber, lettuce, tomato
>Ceasar dressing

Well aware that it would be considered a blight upon sandwiches by most people, but it was the greatest thing ever for me

>> No.8278714

Eat at Subway

>> No.8278722

>Go to subway
>Buy a 30cm sandwich, garlic bread, bacon, ham, peppers, ask it well cooked for a 10/10 crunchy bread
>get free cookie
>Buy jarritos because thirsty
>lunch done

What else is there to talk about subway?

>> No.8278909

>Spicy Italian on Hearty Italian
>Cheese and toasted
>Hot chilli sauce
>Double choc cookie
>Apple tango
what can I say, spicy food is fucking delicious

>> No.8278924
File: 475 KB, 691x801, 1479230086947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Foot long Tuna on white, not toasted
>White Cheddar (best cheese)
>Lots of Spinach, Tomatoes, Lots of Pickles, Lots of Jalapenos
>Horseradish sauce
>Can you add a bit more Horseradish sauce please
>Just a bit of salt and pepper

>> No.8279446

Story from years ago when I was a student:

>Manning the tills while co-worker is making sandwiches
>Guy comes in and asks for a veggie delite BUT with bacon on it
>Somehow thinks he's gaming the system by getting the cheapest sandwich and then adding meat to it
>Co-worker tries to explain that paying the extra meat price on a veggie sandwich doesn't actually make it cheaper because the extra meat option only allows for about 2 slices of bacon or so
>Refuses to listen
>Finally co-worker gets mad and yells at me to charge him for the sandwich he wants
>He gets his veggie sandwich with 2 sad slices of bacon on it

>> No.8279709

fucking niggers

>> No.8279710

>Footlong Turkey Italiano on Herbs and Cheese bread
>Toast it with just meat, bell peppers and jalapeños
>Add Swiss and toast it again
>Lettuce, spinach, olives, banana peppers, parmesan, oregano, Chipotle sauce and brown mustard

>> No.8279895

>work in a sub shop
>some faggot walks in and starts ordering like he's at subway

>> No.8279956

Order too many sauces, or overstuff weak bread types. Wheat is one of the weakest.

So, a true criminal would get a meatball sub on wheat with many sauces. That will become a disgusting soup and make for an uncomfortable wrapping experience.

Also, please throw away your trash. If you feel like being extra awesome, don't sin against god and man by throwing your full drink cup into the trash. Drink it, or pour it out into the drink machine grate. What, where did you think the liquid could go?

>> No.8279963

I don't work at a subway, but I feel like these are consistent deli complaints.

>> No.8279970

Literally anything

Stay the fuck out of the store, the employee is probably trying to read in the freezer.

>> No.8279978

>trying to read in the freezer


>> No.8279983

>pour it out into the drink machine grate

Sounds like a health violation

>> No.8279998

is it a good neighborhood and are the owners white? That makes all the difference.

>> No.8280003

Do me a favor don't comment on people's sandwiches or ingredient choices.
That shit fucking burns me up and I want to walk the fuck out and go somewhere else.

>> No.8280004

They have a book or are on their phone, and have found a blessed blind spot from the security cameras and foh.

>> No.8280011

Not really? It drains into the waste water, doesn't get near the drink nozzles, and I, at least, bleach the almighty shit out of the drink station fairly often.