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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 54 KB, 704x444, jacques-pepin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8265740 No.8265740 [Reply] [Original]

Even if it's considered "low quality" by the average French person it will still be way better than anything American. I just finished trying some imported French canned goods and holy fuck they were just delicious and it comes out of a fucking can.

>> No.8265755

What a pathetic bait thread.

>> No.8265774


Not even baiting. Check out French school lunches vs American school lunches.

>> No.8265784

>now he's talking about school lunches
Seriously. /b/ is for acting retarded and trolling. If the janitors weren't a bunch of post-2010 cucks, they'd delete your thread.

>> No.8265791


>Murrica #1!!!!11!

Sorry, French food>American "food"

>> No.8266924

A culinary based culture and and standards expecting fresh, high quality ingreidents. Last year, on french national news, there was a 6 minute story on how pastry shops are increasingly selling pre made croissants (with conservative agents, shock) and danishes rather than fresh baker ones, and they were talking like it was both 1)scandalous and 2) something new for them.

In the US and Canada (where I live), everyone just assumes that to be the case, and has for over a decade now.

>> No.8267099

You misspelled "Italians".

>> No.8267108

And you misspelled "Japanese". Them little fuckers make Italian better than the Italians, French better than French, and Indian better than the Indians. Too bad a decent burger is almost impossible to find there.

>> No.8267119

>Has never eaten decent italian, french or indian

>> No.8267124

>Ketchup noodles
>Better than italian food

>> No.8267128
File: 233 KB, 560x481, tmp_31181-The Man from Fran-1356518077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just say it now, Jacques Pepin is THE MAN. No matter what he's making I always stop and watch for a minute, he is an artist who uses food as a canvas.

>> No.8267134

Are you kidding? I lived in Japan. They put ham in the spag-bol. Fucking ham! And then this stupid fucker cracks a raw egg into my chocolate milkshake like it's a perfectly normal thing to do and gets super offended when I don't want it. Anyway, their idea of what farang food is like is way off, and if you think it's better then you're just as weird as they are.

>> No.8267147

Not American. Oldfag and have lived/eaten all over the world. Go to any
mid tier Italian, French, or Indian joint in Japan and it will be better than the similarly priced place in the home country.

Got me there. That shit is sick. However, I'm taking about actual Italian restaurants, not the fast food/conbini Italian.

Maybe I'm just spoiled then. My best friend in Japan owned an Italian place that rocked the house.

>> No.8267153

it's because all Americans are halfheads.

>> No.8267168

Yeah, well, if you had this cool buddy who knew what he was doing, that's completely different. But in my experience (and I've been living in various parts of Asia for about 24 years now due to my line of work) most places in Asia just look at pictures of "western food" and then guess how to make it because they can't be bothered to translate the recipes or find the right ingredients. Also at the time I was in Japan, Sylvester Stallone was endorsing a particular brand of ham and they showed him (I shit you not) cooking spaghetti with it. It's harder to forgive this than the fact he made 3 Expendables movies. I guess Japanese people are really strongly influenced by celebrity endorsements.

>> No.8267197

Weird, I had a totally different experience. Most of the chef's I talked to (friends of my buddy) had studied cooking abroad in the country of their chosen cuisine. Most of them were extremely concerned with authenticity.

>> No.8267272

It's market economy at work, anon.

The market has high demands due to a long lasting and widespread culinary culture, any food provider with subpar quality is quickly ousted.

Even our meals on board of Air France planes are better than most companies. Or our MREs have consistent good reviews compared to other countries.

We just fucking like to eat.

There are two different categories of western restaurants in Japan.
1/ the restaurants with Japanese chefs dedicated to their craft. These guys can make crazy good food and very authentic. Like the best pizza maker and the best baker a few years ago were Japanese. But these guys are rare.
Think about these European American sushi chefs in LA. Some can be really good and authentic, but they are not your usual sushi joint by far.

2/ the "western"-themed restaurants, which are a bit the equivalent of our westernized "chinese" restaurants. They serve western-ish food with no regards to authenticity, simply to have that exotic flavour. They're by far the most common.

Japanese are a bit different to the rest of Asians in that regard. Other Asians are not as autistic about getting the food just right (see category 1 before). Personally, I think I prefer the non-Japanese way, it's for the best because it can bring some nice fusion ideas to the table.

>> No.8267618

Just means you've got deep pockets. Those are upmarket places (and upmarket in Japan means *really* upmarket). Eat in places not aimed at tourists or local rich showoffs, and you'll find things very different indeed. For example, in Thailand, french fries are nearly always served cold and soggy, and you usually get exactly 10. And let's not even get started on what Thai people think pizza is supposed to be like. Burgers in malls in Malaysia are served so rare they fucking moo at you, which is not a good thing in tapeworm and liver fluke central. This is not the same as burgers served from street vendors who usually do a reasonable job, but their burgers are typically not kept chilled before cooking and again a little more rare than they really ought to be, but better than the mall vendors. My view is stick to the cuisine of the country you're visiting instead of their lame attmepts to imitate our food, unless you are in a 5 star place. Then again, the best pizza and pasta I ever tried was in Mexico, and the best Mexican food was in USA, so there's that...

>> No.8267896



>> No.8268133

Because the French are literally autistic about food, the same way the Japanese are autistic about manners and conforming to society