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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 670x568, 1478595018151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8259770 No.8259770 [Reply] [Original]

It is sad how companies keep doing shit like this.

>> No.8259773
File: 107 KB, 960x720, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts an image without a link to the article

>> No.8259781


Fucking jews man... everything gets smaller and also somehow shittier.

Fanta now tastes watered down and looks like it too.
Pringles are about 3/4 full and half the size, used to be you couldn't ecen get them out without tipping the container.

It's only gonna get worse.

>> No.8259782


>> No.8259785

Tribe made the bottom of their hummus containers raised. It was some major bullshit that they did, I don't think they even lowered the prices to conpensate

>> No.8259797

>getting upset over chocolate

fat fucks

>> No.8259903

>reduced quantity, same price

Yeah, this is essentially inflation, without being called inflation and it's happening with virtually every packaged product.

So, when you see these bullshit 1% inflation numbers yet you're spending 10% more than you did last year buying the same day to day shit, you know why. It's a real sham.

>> No.8259906



>> No.8259915

>buying packaged food
You deserve it desu

>> No.8259916

Interesting stuff.

Does this also explain why my tall can of Red Bull has only 0.47l instead of the usual 0.5l?

>> No.8259922

Everything in glass jars has done this.

>> No.8259924

Most likely, if you have an old can compare the bottom of the 2 the new one should have a higher raised bottom.

>> No.8259926

It's fake

>> No.8259927
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>Fucking jews man... everything gets smaller and also somehow shittier.

you realize that this is the 150g bar and it's still the 150g bar

>> No.8259928
File: 325 KB, 600x900, toblerone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks easier to break apart now, but there's less chocolate overall

>> No.8259936

Nice blog.

>> No.8259959

unless they're changing the actual weight of the bar you guys are getting trolled

>> No.8259969

How was that a blog post?
Explain the thought process behind your comment?

>> No.8259976

supposedly they are, where else is that chocolate gonna go?
lol are you new

>> No.8259978

They are changing the weight of the bar instead of increasing the price.

>> No.8259984

You just need to stop buying their shitty products.

>> No.8259994

>thinks packaged products are only food >thinks packaged food = processed with additives

Oh, I guess I should stop buying soap, detergent, hygiene items, clothing, rice, beans, oil, butter, flour, cheese, soy sauce, miso, vinegar, cornmeal, nuts, etc.

Believe it or not, some of us don't live off of fast food.

>> No.8259999


Are you implying that they did this just because someone at mondelez woke up one day and decided it would be cool to make the triangles smaller just for kicks?

There is obviously now less of the center filling and more plain chocolate.

>> No.8260000

That's pretty funny, good thing I'm not a britbong.

>> No.8260004
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Keep defending your jew overlords.

Praised be The great Shlomo Shekelstein.

>> No.8260006

Toblerone is shit anyway.

>> No.8260008


there is no centre filling

>> No.8260010

Do we not have toblerones in the US?

I've never had one, so i wouldn't know.

>> No.8260014

>good thing I'm not a britbong.
Its a Swiss chocolate owned by a US company, what have the bongs got to do with anything?

>> No.8260028


Doesn't matter, I'm still right>>8260004

>> No.8260031

>yfw you see the bear

>> No.8260038

Does anyone remember when coca cola purchased inncocent smoothies?

They went from 1litre to 750ml, but they took a little off of the depth of the carton as to not make it look like it got skinnier

>> No.8260051
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>> No.8260053

This manga looks pretty fucked up, holy shit.

>> No.8260088

Whats sad is peoples lack of understanding of economics. The US dollar is worth less and therefore can buy less stuff. Food companies do things like this to keep products at a stable price. The alternative is to increase the price which everyone would also complain about.

>> No.8260099

Or keep the product and price the same and reduce their profit margin
But we know that's not an option

>> No.8260110

Right, because people start businesses for the love of giving people chocolate.
Poor people are so fucking pathetic.

>> No.8260130

I find that my opinions drastically change when I'm a share holder. It goes from calling out a shill to "hey, maybe we better listen to this guy".

>> No.8260133

Kill yourself, you know nothing about economics.

Inflation statistics are the AVERAGE increase in price of all goods and services. Just because your food rose more than 1% does not make it the case for everything else.

>> No.8260146

I don't see too much wrong with this

>food companies shave cost off every bar, profits increase
>consumer eats slightly less chocolate but likely feels like it's the same
>less sugar, less diabetes, less weight

Everybody wins

>> No.8260182

everybody loses actually

>> No.8260189

This is semi-related, but my friend noticed that the larger cans of Red Bull (I don't drink it, so I can't confirm) seemed to be watered down. He prefers the smaller ones because he thinks the bigger ones are just the small ones + some water to make up the difference in volume

>> No.8260190

Sir Idiot to the rescue! Now, go back to mammy Neanderthal's titty and clean up the scrapes on your knuckles from dragging them through the rocks.

>> No.8260201

If this kind of shit bothers you vote with your dollars and stop buying these products. I only buy products I'm happy with.

>> No.8260202

Wiiiith triangular honey
from triangular bees,
and triangular nuts
from triangular deez.

>> No.8260203
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>he fell for the jewoverlord meme

>> No.8260205


or just buy it marginally less to reflect its marginal decrease in value for money

'vote with your dollars' is such a fucking annoying overused phrase

>> No.8260228

yeah loses weight

>> No.8260245

Did you think of that all by yourself?

>> No.8260249


>> No.8260252


>> No.8260347

Excremental Apologist detected!

>> No.8260351

>annoying overused phrase
True, but I see it like this: I have options when it comes to who gets my money. If something about a product, retail establishment, restaurant or giant fucking corporation displeases me I can adjust my spending patterns so as not to support them. In some situations this might cost me a little more in terms of time, money and effort, but more often than not it has me saving money because I'm buying less shit. For example products mentioned in this thread include Toblerone, Sarbe hummus, Red Bull and innocent smoothies. Not one of those is a product I'd every buy. Not ever buying shit like that saves me a fuckton of money. So "voting with your dollars" works great for me by narrowing down the category of Things I'd Actually Spend My Money On. It's hard to be a good little consumer if you ask yourself before any purchase, "Am I actually happy about buying thins thing at this place?" Not really is usually the answer, and that'll leave a lot more money in your pocket if you pay attention to it.

>> No.8260358

>Paying the same or more
>Getting less and less


Keep supporting corruption at its finest, you living cáncer.

>> No.8260378

good. people who eat that shit are too fat anyway

>> No.8260384

>everything gets smaller
>*orders another xxl jumbo burger with a big coke and a large serving of fries*

>> No.8260397

An XXL Jumbo Burger is the same size as a medium 20 years ago.

>> No.8260407

This is not true. Fast food is one place where portion size and calorie content has generally increased over time, because customers have gotten fatter and need to eat more to feel full and get muh money's worth.

>> No.8260499
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>mfw it's actually true


>> No.8260514

We do. I saw it at a QFC last night in Bellevue, Washington. You should see them in Kroger or QFC, whichever store is in your region.

>> No.8260521

Literally the opposite. The price of a big mac has tracked inflation but has consistently reduced in size. Same with the size of sodas.

>> No.8260554

That's not what corruption is you fucking idiot.

>> No.8260559

you gotta crack the tips together, not apart

>> No.8260571

Is food getting DLC too?

>> No.8260580

If you're unhappy with a product but you keep buying it then it's your own damned fault. And you really only see this with established brands where brand loyalty is so high they know people aren't going to stop buying it if the undercut the product itself just to squeeze a little more profit out of it.If this bothers you as a consumer it's time to drop your loyalty to that brand.

>> No.8260627
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Any other food related manga you guys have

>> No.8260635

Wrong board, weeb-anon.

>> No.8260676


Yeah, but isn't that also connected with the obesity outrage?

>> No.8260720

the fat fucks that eat that shit could use a lower dosage anyways

>> No.8260754
File: 99 KB, 718x1077, tumblr_o0tu7gOxJF1s9f0iro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>candy bars have fans

>> No.8260755

>But we know that's not an option
it's literally not for publicly traded companies

>> No.8260769

Bummer. I like to buy one of these from time to time since they're kinda expensive here, but I might try a new chocolate bar now.

>> No.8260771

>tobelrone won't hurt my hands anymore
What a time to be alive.

>> No.8260806

wait, are you actually saying that 150g doesn't weigh 150g because of shape?
cause that's some high level physics right there

>> No.8260916

Remember that when you have the choice to by from public vs privately held companies, large corporations vs smaller businesses.

>> No.8260919

It feels like Washington gets a ton of stuff that's rare or unheard of in other states. I just recently found out that vanilla coke is apparently pretty rare in the US outside certain states like WA.

>> No.8260928

Noticed that most chocolate bar manufacturers have done this since around the mid 2000's. Same price (or higher price), less product. Only companies I don't see it with are the European imports I get from the Polish store down the street. Always the same size, always the same price.

Food is getting more expensive too, but can't say if I notice it overall, or if it's just because I live in a cucked state where everything costs more than it does in the rest of the country.

>> No.8260945

>because will surely only affect chocolate bars and not other products the parent company and rivals own


>> No.8260947

a word to the wise: anything that says "premium" in cursive letters on it's packaging is going to suck.

>> No.8260960

everything gets shit with time. whats new?

>> No.8261111

Also when the packaging changes you can be sure the quantity has decreased unless they just flat out raised the price.

>> No.8261149


because there are so many private companies in my local area

>> No.8261154

You don't always have a choice. Just keep it in mind for when you do.

>> No.8261283


>> No.8261301

...like every product ever?

>> No.8261308


thank you capitalism

>> No.8261343
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Wrong website, normalfaggot.

>> No.8261357
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>> No.8261635
File: 40 KB, 500x333, publixpremium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bite your tongue, heathen.

>> No.8261674
File: 58 KB, 600x592, Greed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what brit-bongs get for Brexit.

>Currency Devalues
>Don't want to increase price
>Reduce amount instead

>> No.8261686

Think about it: a premium is something you get for free, a bonus or something that sweetens a deal. In the case of beer premium beer was making a second beer out of the not quite spent grains used to make another batch of higher quality beer. It was a bonus to the brewer. In business paying a premium means paying more than something might really be worth or giving something away (a premium) as a thank you to the seller for buying your product.

Labeling products premium as an indication of superior quality is playing of the fact most customers don't have an understanding of what the word means.

>> No.8261708
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I knew this day was coming.

>> No.8261735

So you now face the same crap we've been living with for 30 years in the US. God help you, he doesn't help us even with our overwhelming number of jesusfags praying ceaselessly.

>> No.8261747

This really makes me think

>> No.8261753
File: 27 KB, 550x535, 3211321513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never had a classic toblerone

>> No.8261797

nice meme nigger-chan

>> No.8261894

thank you telling people to stop buying packaged products is basically telling them to move to africa

>> No.8261898
File: 4 KB, 160x90, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds good to me

>> No.8261918

>Fanta now tastes watered down and looks like it too.
yeah wtf

>> No.8261922

toblerone suck anyway

>> No.8261929

You utter imbecile. My point was, unmeasured inflation due to corporate manipulation has ramifications far beyond just paying more for a particular product. You illiterate, uneducated fagfuck.

>> No.8261930

There's no filling in Toblerone. Just small chunks of nougat throughout.

Perhaps, you know, they did some market research and found out that little old ladies and kids had trouble breaking the pieces apart. Now it's easier. It's still a 150g bar.

Morons. I'm surrounded by morons.

>> No.8262015

>he counts the bar

>> No.8262072

Thanks for this. I was struggling to remember what they used to look like.

>> No.8262239

but i do

they just don't want me since i'm fat

>> No.8262255

it's not cursive so you're fine

>> No.8262267

Consecutive quads?

Pretty neat

>> No.8262290

do you understand how counting incrementally works?

>> No.8262300

You're a retard. It went from 170g to 150g.

>> No.8262302

Shit chocolate imho fami. Too hard to bite

>> No.8262325

I can tell you are both women seeing as you resorted to the male hate attack because you got proved wrong.

Kill yourself!

>> No.8262350

toblerone should have been smart and skimmed from the bottom. and maybe decrease the size of the triangle by a hair. nobody would have noticed or been upset.

>> No.8262370

its neat that its in the same thread
maybe less so because this is one of the less active boards though

>> No.8262390


That would force them to change the packaging and manufacturing process.

>> No.8262575

Name a better chocolate within a similar price range.

>> No.8262596
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>> No.8262604

You ever eat one of these triangular fuckers? It's not like someone saying "oh, I really like Snickers bars". Toblerone is a way of life.

>> No.8262616

Ritter Sport Cornflakes.

>> No.8262655

You can still buy them outside of Bongistan.

>> No.8262676

I prefer the dark one

>> No.8262814

It's a Nazi drink so of course the Jews aren't going to try to destroy it

>> No.8263390

>tfw Mr. Big is now Mr. Average

>> No.8263434

Less chocolate for a higher price.

>> No.8263489

>good goy
>0.5 shekels deposited into your account

>> No.8263526

Huh. When I first thought it I thought somebody turned the setting on the machine to the wrong position and ended up with all these defective bars.

>> No.8263602

Strangely enough, and I'm not Jewish, I think it's going to get worse. I've read enough of Orwell's essays from the '30's to see the parallel with our times.

I also hold firm to the old addage about yadda, yadda, yadda, "and when they came for me, there was no one left to fight."

>> No.8263627


>> No.8263777
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>> No.8264024

The BBC article states that they are downsizing the product from 170g to 150g.

>> No.8264057
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>> No.8264058


>> No.8264133

how do you keep the oceans from spilling when you cook earth? my oceans are always watery

>> No.8264142
File: 18 KB, 550x313, BxZWOgyCAAAF8DR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely disgusting.

they have better not change the giant ones you get in airports.

>> No.8264157


>> No.8264159

don't be lazy

>> No.8264162

it gives me "material design" search results lol

>> No.8264165

The company must have been bought by Jews.

>> No.8264213
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>> No.8264216

>It is sad how (((companies))) keep doing shit like this.

>> No.8264300

So you have a word with contradictory meanings. It can mean superior, overpriced or bonus. No wonder it's used so heavily in marketing. In that context it's pretty close to meaningless.

>> No.8264310

Do you have any idea how hard it is to find the original versions of these?

>> No.8264313

no because I found it in 1 click

>> No.8264822

Taking a wikipedia screenshot as indisputable truth.

No. The quality changes a few months after the new packaging (that says SAME RECIPE SINCE 1xxx), so that consumers don't go all new coke on them.

>> No.8264836

No. Just no.
They issued a press release. They wanted to reduce the weight of the product but not the overall length, so they put large gaps in between the triangles.
They'd have been better off raising the price, simply making the proportions smaller or putting less triangles length.

>> No.8264838

This is the most accurate answer. It's for UK sale though;
"We carry these costs for as long as possible, but to ensure Toblerone remains on-shelf, is affordable and retains the triangular shape, we have had to reduce the weight of just two of our bars in the UK, from the wider range of available Toblerone products."
However; "A spokeswoman for Mondelez acknowledged that the foreign exchange rate was currently "not favourable", but added: "This change wasn't done as a result of Brexit."
Which is partial bullshit because GBP is struggling.

>> No.8264955

Fuck off.
toblerone is one of those products that people buy so infrequently that they could increase the price and no one would have even noticed.

>> No.8265099

Simply do as I and take your business elsewhere.

>> No.8265290

I need more of these

>> No.8265952

/fit/'s leaking... lmfao

>> No.8265958
File: 14 KB, 400x267, 21aec04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should be grateful they're not cutting staff or switching to a seaweed wrapper