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8259024 No.8259024 [Reply] [Original]

Is Raw milk better than pasteurized? I've heard the bacteria is essential for getting the calcium to work (raw milk builds bone, pasteurized decays it) and that calfs will die if they drink pasteurized, and that raw milk is really only dangerous when the cows are fed shit.

Where raw milk is illegal though they saw it's all garbage.

>> No.8259031

I drank raw milk for a month until the farm owners returned from vacation and told me they only had a bull.

>> No.8259046

They actually sell bull semen in some restaurants as a novelty. Groups of whores often buy it.

>> No.8259187

milk makes my buuuutt itch

>> No.8259368


Raw milk is dangerous because shit getting on udders and e-coli being abundant regardless of what they are fed.

>> No.8259374

I get it from time to time. Im not sure the price really justifies any potential benefits over non homogenized milk that goes through the lighter pasteurization process. I forget the term but the brand "grassmilk" fits the bill.

>> No.8259876

>shit getting on udders
An then they sanitize the udders, just like people wash their hands after doing potty business.

>> No.8259884

Ho ho! Work at a grocery store and say that people wash their hands.

>> No.8259891

People in the food industry get fined and shut down if they don't. I don't care if your mother doesn't wash her hands before feeding you tendies, as long as laws are put in place preventing the people handling my food doing the same.

>> No.8259921

My granddad almost died from drinking raw milk when he was a lad. I almost never existed.

So yeah, I would say it's a great thing.

>> No.8259939

>muh law
it's good we have laws, but there will always be people who just don't give a fuck. law enforcement can't look at every (fast) food workers hands at every given moment to make sure they washed their hands. there will always be a few black sheep

>> No.8259944

True, which is why people need to be eat smart, educate themselves about food producers and expose people who break the laws. .

>> No.8259948

check back when you don't life in a dreamland anymore

>> No.8259957

Conscious consumers have helped straightened markeds before. I'm not an idealist trying to remove all faults, but for every faulty producer removed the better the food standard becomes. Note you, I'm not a burger so it's actually hope for the markeds here.

>> No.8259975

>raw milk thread
>some autist starts rambling about food safety
fuck this shit, saged and hidden

>> No.8259981

E. Coli is essential for the milk to be nutritious

>> No.8260017


They found that even the cleanest dairies have unacceptable levels of biological contaminants. About a thousand people a year die from drinking raw milk.
They pasteurize it to protect you.

>> No.8260042

Nice downvote, my fellow redditor.

>> No.8260054

>not a burger so it's actually hope for the markeds here.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe your basic meaning is the american consumer's safety doesn't stand a chance against corporate agricultural interest. This is true. The dairy industry is a perfect example. Growth hormones and steroids, known carcinogens, are permitted in US dairy, whereas every other 1st world country has banned them.

The oversight agencies and Congress have been bought and paid for by large agricultural/chemical/drug interests, so the US consumer stands no chance at having quality and safe agricultural products.

>> No.8260072


Thousands of people a year die falling out of bed, yet raised beds have not been banned. Checkmate atheists.

Stop having the immune system of a 90 year old cancer patient. Our ancestors drank raw milk for tens of thousands of years and somehow lived to breed.

>> No.8260074

If what you want is calcium just eat chards

>> No.8260078
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>Growth hormones and steroids, known carcinogens

>> No.8260097

I drank a lot on my Gramps farm when I was a kid, it was something else. Pasteurized milk with calculated amount of fat is nowhere as delicious.
If it's milk from your own cows which you know is handled properly then that's nice, but I wouldn't drink raw milk from someone else.

>> No.8260152


Sure, but it's easier to maintain the process integrity of pasteurization for hectoliters of milk than it is to ensure each and every udder producing that milk was cleaned properly and there is no pollution of the milking machine itself as the cows shit all over the place.

Keeping raw milk small batch, local and expensive is the best way to keep it relatively safe.


Even after all that, the odds of contamination are still significantly higher. If you think the numbers for raw milk are cooked because of politics just take a look at the number of recalls of raw milk soft cheeses in the EU.

>> No.8260166

>fellow redditor
faggots like you should be autob&

>> No.8260171


>> No.8260176


> Our ancestors drank raw milk for tens of thousands of years and somehow lived to breed.

Either nearly fresh or fermented in some way.

As for more recent history, in our grandfather's time they didn't have to worry about Shiga toxin. Food poisoning has become a lot more lethal in recent times.

>> No.8260197

fuck off

>> No.8260226

They put silver in the milk which prevents spoilage. It makes your skin silver over time though

>> No.8260266

At least it's a werewolf repellent.

>> No.8260272

What about breast milk?

>> No.8260273


>> No.8261541
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>that feel when you buy a bottle of whole raw milk from an old lady down the road and 1/3 of the bottle is cream
I hate my poorfag childhood but that freaking milk with some freshly baked bread man. And when it goes bad in a warm dark place it was the next best thing.

>> No.8261613


>in recent times

I dunno man, in my experience those issues are regional. For instance, I have traveled the world and eaten in the shittiest of shitholes with no legislation or gubberment interference and the only place i have ever gotten food poisoning was buffalo USA. There is something special about that country.

>> No.8261617



>> No.8261664

I think if you go to the farm and it isn't super concentrated agricultural operation and is like a clean farm and the clean the milker or the buckets hands udders etc you will be good...
but industrial farms aren't really like that they are way too productive to care about sanitation, so they just pasteurize instead

>> No.8262213

Is grassmilk a meme? Just bought a gallon of nom homogenized grassmilk and I really like the taste.

>> No.8262228

Dietary calcium absorption is primarily regulated by Vitamin D levels not bacteria.

Source: http://www.niams.nih.gov/health_info/bone/bone_health/nutrition/

>> No.8262246

You wanna know what raw milk is? Imagine your mother's tit, covered in mold and mildew and pus and dirt, squirting right into your mouth. The milk industry is disgusting. Drink pasteurized milk, for the love of god. There is nothing lost in the pasteurization of milk.

>> No.8262277
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x1705, cheetalaugh11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8262287

People that like raw milk get it fresh in small batches. Id like to see them compare to local small batch pasteurized

>> No.8262291

This is the worst thread I've read in a long time. I hope you are all baiting and not actually this fucking dumb.

>> No.8263174

Friend worked at a large regional milk processing plant for one week. Said the raw milk that is received is full of hair, blood and clumps of nasty shit.

>> No.8263201
File: 1.78 MB, 1200x680, giphy (6).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8263229

I drank raw milk once

I've never been that sick in my whole life, and it lasted one full week

Never again

>> No.8263244

Thank you, USDA for your proper oversight. That shit's just gross.

>> No.8263295
File: 428 KB, 450x679, cow taxodermy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bacteria is essential for getting the calcium to work (raw milk builds bone, pasteurized decays it)
No idea how stray bacteria suspended in the milk would have any bearing on your intestine's ability to absorb nutrients after the acidity of your stomach kills off nearly all the bacteria. I guess if the milk was high in estrogens it could lead to bone loss if you already had a shitty diet and biochemistry or were at risk for osteoporosis.

>calfs will die if they drink pasteurized
Humans are not calves. The only thing calves eat/drink is milk and their metabolic demands and digestive system are completely different from that of a human. I'm not 100% what would make that lethal but it's not hard to imagine. Pasteurization heats the milk to a point where bacteria die so it will definitely change the chemistry of the milk by denaturing proteins vitamins and other organic polymers that the calves need to survive. The microbes in the milk may also be the myriad of species necessary for the digestive system of any ruminant animal to function. (I forget how calves become inoculated with them. It's probably contact with the udder, regurgitation, or cacophagy.) Without those bacteria it's impossible for cows and other ruminants to digest plant matter and they'll starve with a full stomach.

>that raw milk is really only dangerous when the cows are fed shit
No. Raw milk is generally safe no matter the cows diet. Unless the cow is fed feed laced with bioaccumulating poisons like mercury or DDT. So long as the cow is not itself infected or a carrier of a zoonotic disease you shouldn't get sick from drinking raw milk. People have been drinking raw milk for millennia.

The point of pasteurization is to eliminate any possibility of a human getting sick from consuming pathogen contaminated foods and drinks. That's it. Factory farms and canneries are far from sterile.

>> No.8263296

just your toxic body reacting to all the goodness

>> No.8263307

>i'm gross, so other people must be

you fuckin degenerate

>> No.8263363

I live in Poland and my family has a summer house in the country and you can just buy milk there straight from the source. Raw milk is in my opinion fucking delicious. Its not better or worse compared to pasteurised, it's almost to different to compare. It has a strong taste of milk like it's more concentrated. I never once felt bad after drinking it, dunno why people sometimes bitch about it, something about genetics I guess. Also there is a fuckton of stuff you can only really do with raw, like some cheeses,curdled milk that kinda shit.

I personally like raw better,but it's not like it's possible to get in a big city,so I don't drink it often

>> No.8263367

That is simply not true.why would you go into the internet and tell lies?

>> No.8263369

So what about something like Brucellosis? That seems like simply a component of the fauna within raw milk, not improper processing.

And, do you think the attribution of the contraction of TB to consumption of raw milk was bad 19th and early 20th century science?

>> No.8263376

Pasteurisation also makes it spoil slower I'm fairly sure.Raw milk is awesome as long as the cow is clean,is milked normally and does not suffer from spacecanceraids. So don't drink raw milk in America is what I'm saying.

>> No.8263616

Former dairy-farmer here, there are benefits and disadvantages to raw milk. Fresh milk tastes delicious, like on a whole other level to what you buy in the store. But, the risk of contamination is definitely present. Even with disinfectant sprays, filters, whatever, shit gets in the system and although filters catch it, its only a paper filter. Micro particles probably get through no problem. But, the amount is very small, so personally I don't see too much of a problem with it.

>> No.8263633

Cool. Can you answer the questions in >>8263369?

>> No.8263680

I'm not sure about Brucellosis in particular, i'm not even sure about what health regulations exist in other countries in regards to dairy milk (i'm from australia).
What I can say is that milk here is tested very rigorously, once a month at least, and is even tested upon pickup sometimes. Factory farms are also absent, almost all cows in Australia feed on pastures instead of in sheds, so cross contamination of animals is probably less likely. The risk of infection is miniscule, and I would feel completely comfortable drinking raw milk for the rest of my life.

>> No.8263726

>If you think the numbers for raw milk are cooked because of politics just take a look at the number of recalls of raw milk soft cheeses in the EU.
So, essentially you are saying raw milk is fine, because us Europoors eat raw milk cheese all the time and dont die from it and there are almost no recalls on them apart from the occasional fuckup like "dont eat our ketchup because our machine fucked up and now there is glass sheards in them" that are the "background noise" of food production?

>> No.8263750


(((dr.eric berg))) claims raw milk is much better. recommends eating raw milk yogurt and cheese to get around the ban