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8253378 No.8253378 [Reply] [Original]

Whisk(e)y thread.

Whatcha drinking?

Pic related, it's a beauty.

>> No.8253409 [DELETED] 

If I very much enjoyed glenlivet 12 yr, what should I try next?

>> No.8253411

Dude it's only 11:30 am

So I'm drinking bulleit rye with water

>> No.8253414

Jack Daniels seems right up your pleb tastes, laddie.

>> No.8253434

Sorry, I'll delete my question and stop drinking whiskey

>> No.8253465

Don't be a baby, son.

Glenlivet is a speyside whisky, which are pretty well known for being mild and inoffensive scotches. If you really want to step up your game, try something bolder like a good Islay such as Laphroaig 10yo or Lagavulin 16yo.

If you want to play it safer and step up to something closer to Glenlivet, go for a highland whisky like Glenfiddich 15yo or Glenmorangie 10yo Original. Don't bother with Glenfiddich 12, it's so inferior as to be worthless.

>> No.8253543


That stuff is really good, had a bottle of it a few months ago. I opened up a bottle of Ardbeg 10 this week, it is incredible. I find myself having a dram or 2 most evenings now that it gets dark around 5pm. Which means I am pouring one soon...

Have been enjoying Bulleit bourbon too recently, £20 in Asda and worth every penny. Tastes better with a bit of ice as opposed to water I find.

>> No.8253594 [DELETED] 

Highland Peak 12 or Glenmorangie 10

>> No.8253595

What are some good sherried whiskies? I've been thinking about getting a bottle of glendronach 15, but prices aren't too friendly.

>> No.8253612

>Laphroaig 10yo or Lagavulin 16yo
I've been considering picking up one of these, but Lagavulin is about double the price of Laphroaig where I live. Is the difference really so great between the two?

Which one do you guys think is the better scotch?

>> No.8253620


Aberlour 10 is actually pretty good and it is cheap as fuck. Don't bother with Macallan Gold, it is way overpriced for what it is and not great.

Glendronach 12 is really good, and a bit less than the 15.

>> No.8253625

If the gap is that huge, get Laphroaig. I have the pleasure of getting Lagavulin for about $65, which is between $5 and $15 more than the cost of laphroaig for me.

>> No.8253638

Unfortunately, it really is. I can get Lagavulin for about £55, whereas I can get Laphroaig for about £25. I have no idea why the gap is so huge, but I've heard they're similar in taste anyway. I'd like the lagavulin, but the difference in price is a massive turn-off.

>> No.8253641

Going to be drinking Ardbeg 10 later, wasn't a fan of the Islay malts when I had my first glass of Laphroaig but that was a few weeks ago, yesterday though I received a bottle of Ardbeg and since then I am on the peat train.

My friend has a bottle of Laphroaig 21 she thinks is absolutely horrible and will give to me as well.

>> No.8253648

Worst / Best scotches you've had?

Dewars worst. Glenlivets Founders Reserve best.

Though I prefer bourbons much more.

>> No.8253672

Lagavulin 16, easily. I was not expecting the iodine taste, but I was amazed at how well it complemented the peaty smoke.

Bell's or Grant's. I was experimenting with almost every bourbon I could get my hands on when I was in university, and my housemate bought me a bottle of Grant's for Christmas. I distinctly remember I was going through a bottle of Four Roses at the time, and by comparison, Grant's was like drinking a saw blade.

Teacher's was surprisingly good, though. I usually write off bottom shelf blends, but that one was a real dark horse.

>> No.8253680


Costco do Lagavulin for £45, but it is still a big gap. Make sure if you are getting Laphroaig to get the 10 and not the Select. It is ok, but not close to the 10.

They are quite different, Laphroaig is much more in your face if that makes sense. Try Laphroaig, and wait until Ardbeg 10 comes down to £35 on offer and get a bottle of that. It is more comparable to lagavulin than Laphroaig IMO.

>> No.8253714

the Caribbean cask is even better anon

>> No.8253723

>Bell's or Grant's

Fuck that brings back bad memories. How anyone buys that shit I will never know. Even JW Red is drinkable in comparison

>> No.8253735

Funds were low this time around so I decided to pick up some Old Pulteney 12. Surprisingly good. You can really taste the "mariners whiskey" in it.

>> No.8253804


i can get a J&B for 10 euro and a Jack Daniels for 18 euro
Or a Lagavulin for 50 euro

Since I'm poor which one should i buy?

>> No.8253862

>just purchased a bottle for Highland Park 12

Looking forward to exploring single malts, been mainly drinking Black Label

>> No.8253873

10 euro and start saving.

>> No.8253884

>tfw you just finished your bottle of Ardbeg 10
>tfw somebody gave you a bottle of Black Label
>tfw Black Label tastes like toxic pig swill

Whiskey's been ruined for me, lads.

>> No.8253889

>le ebin single malt meme
Ralfy pls.

>> No.8253899


That's a great whisky, you will enjoy that. Let us know how you get on!

>> No.8253905


>> No.8253926

Wow feel lucky I stumbled on this thread.

I'll preface this question by saying that I don't drink at all. Partied it up in college but realized it's not my thing and just haven't drank in years.

Alright - my stepmom went to Europe for a month and gifted me pic related. I think she forgot I don't drink so now I have this bottle of fancy limited edition whiskey and no idea what to do with it.

Would it be inappropriate for me to sell it to one of my coworkers? I certainly don't want it to go to waste but it's not doing anyone any good sitting in my cupboard and I don't want to just give it away since it's a pretty pricey bottle.

I suppose I could try to find something to cook it with? Any recipes you recommend?

>> No.8253930

Blends are fine if you're drinking Canadian or Japanese.

If you're drinking blended scotch, you're cheating yourself.

I agree Ralfy is a stubborn opinionated fuck tho

>> No.8253957

>pic related
Hate when that happens.

>> No.8253961

Fuck off ralfy is a treasure

>> No.8253965
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sorry dude here it is

>> No.8253970

It wouldn't be inappropriate at all. If it's a fancy limited edition like you say, it deserves to be appreciated. You'd be doing the right thing by letting it pass into the hands of someone who'd enjoy it.

You shouldn't cook with good alcohol. Any nuance in the flavour you might get when you drink it won't carry over to whatever you cook; you'll only get the broad strokes of whatever flavour that kind of alcohol has. Just use cheap booze if you're gonna cook with it.

Holy shit son no don't cook with that

>> No.8253975

Pls don't cook with that anon pls

>> No.8253979

Alright thanks anons. I really don't know anything about alcohol (or cooking with it, besides white wine). I'll talk to a few coworkers tomorrow and see if any are interested.

>> No.8253980

Ship it to me, I'll give you 40 dollars and I will appreciate it.

>> No.8253989

Just make sure you get the appropriate price for it. That's a £50 bottle.

>> No.8254135

Bulleit Bourbon for me. Pretty good stuff with a little bit more of a fiery burn than the rest.

>> No.8254142

Ever tried Bulleit Rye? It's good shit.

>> No.8254182
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Had some of pic related last week before I got sick. Its kinda overpriced but pretty solid.
Glendronach 12 is pretty good. Also Aberlour A'bunadh is a fantastic bang for your buck cask stregnth sherrybomb.
Only Balvenie Ive ever had was the 12 Single Barrel and it was great
Bowmore Laimrig, fantastic peat/sherry combo but sadly its out of production now.
For the money id say Springbank 15 is way too much. Worst overall would probably be Grant's, however the only blends I usually drink are Ballantine's (because it tastes like a cheaper Black Bush) and JWBlack (only mickeys because im not paying for a full bottle of that shit).
Also whats the tasting notes you got for the Glenlivet? Its always on sale here in Ontario and Ive been curious.
>single malt
>shitting on ralfy
Go back to /b/.
Hibiki is pretty good. If anything just keep it around for guests that appreciate it more then you do. Or if you'd be so kind send it to me so I can drink it up.
Bulleit is nice for the price, but I vastly prefer Buffalo Trace.

>> No.8254217

Thanks anon.

Might try the Glenmorangie 10 next, but I prefer something with a little bit of kick.

Tempted to pick up Nikka From the Barrel, tried a glass and it was pretty decent.

>> No.8254249

>Glenmorangie 10
Nah don't, its a major waste of money and its watery as fuck, even worse then standard Glenfiddich/Glenlivet.
If you want a Glenmorangie go for their 46% bottlings.

>> No.8254253

Not that anon but the whisky exchange has decent tasting notes for most of their stock.


>> No.8254456
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>drinking whisky with ice

>> No.8254518

What's the best single malt for someone inexperienced with Scotch Whisky?

>> No.8254522

Anything else you'd recommend for entry level under ~£30?

>> No.8254562

Balvenie 12yo from OP's pic is good. It's the most comparable scotch to a bourbon I've ever had.

Glenlivet is a good jumping off point as well. Speyside scotches in general are pretty good entry whisky.

>> No.8254570

Johnnie Walker.

>> No.8254576

I think it's safe to assume he wants a good experience with scotch, anon.

>> No.8254613
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I don't exactly know how many bottles of this I've had...but it's good enough to get another.

>> No.8254616
File: 180 KB, 1260x1534, Green-Spot-Irish-Whiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are both fantastic.

Pic related is one of my favorites

>> No.8254626

I've been really wanting to get more into irish whiskey. The only ones I've ever had are Jameson and Tullamore Dew, and the only other one I can readily get where I live is Bushmills which I've heard is garbage.

>> No.8254629
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I'm just so poor I'm sorry.

>> No.8254631

The founders reserve was full bodied with nutty tannins and mildly sweet, very subtle on the citrus which I appreciate. Nice smoky finish that isn't in your face like black label for example. It's a sipping scotch for sure.

If anyone wants a picture from pic related about a specific whisky, let me know.

>> No.8254634
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Rip pic related.

>> No.8254636

>pic related
Hate when that happens.

>> No.8254649

Let me give you a little bit of advice, anon.

Always buy the best your money can get. If you're too poor for anything more than Johnny Walker, there's still alternatives that will blow a few more expensive whiskies out of the water. If you can get your hands on a bottle of Teacher's Highland Cream, you're made. That's good shit for less than the price of fucking Red Label.

>> No.8254667

I'm allergic.

>> No.8254675

Why are you here?

>> No.8254705

Johnnie Walker Red with 3 ice cubes...

I don't know a thing about whiskey, considering I have a Jim Beam bottle tattooed on me with the words "Hangin' out with Jim." I only know how to drink a lot of it.

What are some of the good 'classy' drink-some-now-and-then whiskeys?

>> No.8254709

Because I like whiskey.

>> No.8254712
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>I have a Jim Beam bottle tattooed on me with the words "Hangin' out with Jim."

>> No.8254728

There's this great one called Clorox that comes in a neat white plastic jug. It'd be a good starting point for someone with your tastes.

but seriously if bourbon is your jam try bulleit or buffalo trace

>> No.8254744

Just ignore the toxic fucks

Consider the Laphroaig Quarter Cask. Should be a bit more than the Laph 10, but way better. Lagavulin is my favorite of the three but Quarter Cask is a great deal too.

Never saw a bad review of a Glendronach, still need to try them though.

First time I had an islay I didnt know much about whisky and thought that shit was spoiled. To be 17 again... Fucking lucky on the 21yo too.

Best? No idea. I love Ardbeg Uigeadail, if I had to choose one Id go with that. Worst, definitely Grant's and Red Label as a close second.

I know right. I got a 1L bottle of Grant's and it was so bad I decided to shot it all in one go. It was horribly nasty but I got way drunk off of it.

"Surprisingly good" - Ralfy all day every day

If youre that poor, none.

I cant drink grain whisky anymore. See my Grant's experience above.


Just... dont cook with that. Keep it in case you learn to appreciate whisky some day.

Glenmorangie and Macallan are [the] overpriced brands. Ive yet to try a Macallan but the Glen is... alright? Dont have much to say on those. I think the bottles are terribly feminine though.

Nikka has way more kick, way higher abv. The prices around where I live are going up, not sure if its just here or everywhere.

Balvenie, see OP. Nice whisky with easily discernable tasting notes.

When I want to get drunk I get Jack Daniels and mix it with coke. Are you saying Teacher's is a good and cheaper replacement?

>> No.8254748

Just isn't worth it to off myself. Got too much energy to let it go to waste. :)

I was gonna buy Bulleit. The last time I gave it a shot I liked it, however for some odd reason I couldn't bring myself to buy it today. I have no idea why. I'd like to try any whiskey. Not too much into vodka or other spirits.

I drink mostly at bars, if that gives any sense of what kind of drinker I am. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.8254764

>Are you saying Teacher's is a good and cheaper replacement?
It might be. Quality may vary from bottle to bottle as it always does with the cheap blends, and it's a scotch so it's a very different beast from JD by nature. Still, it's easily the best cheap whisky by a landslide in my opinion, so it can't possibly hurt to give it a try, right?

>> No.8254765

One that spends too much on drinks!

I've got a flask I carry around with me now, at the bar I get one nice bourbon neat and throughout the night refill from the flask. Sorry, if you're going to charge 12 for the bulleit you can go get fucked.

>> No.8254775














>> No.8254778

>and it's a scotch so it's a very different beast from JD by nature
Not like I get JD because its such a good drink, haha. Ill try it next time its on sale.

I dont give a fuck

>> No.8254779

Yeah, I get what you're saying. I think I pay mostly for the social aspect and such more than the alcohol. I live in Las Vegas, if I'm going to drink I may as well do it socially since all I have to do is throw a rock and find somewhere to go.

I don't know if I'd carry the flask around. That's pretty hilarious, though and I wouldn't fault you on it if I saw it. Probably just think you were some sort of genius.

>> No.8254786

My go to bourbon is bulleit now, but Buffalo trace is definitely value.

Try some Woodford reserve if you want to splurge, the double oak was godly. Also if you want -the- best bourbon experience under 100 get Bookers NOE. I fucking love it, but can't buy it regularly.

>> No.8254801

I'll give BT a shot next time I'm shopping for a bottle since that's the one I've never had. I had WR on a deployment a lot -- but us being plebs we mixed it with coke. And not even the fun stuff, either. I should give that shot again straight. I'll see if I can find any local LV distilleries and try some whiskeys out and let ya'll know if they're worth anything.

>> No.8254848

If I still went to bars, I would definitely do this. I'm only going to drink premium whiskey and with their exhorbitant and absurd markup, after 3 drinks I've fucking paid for the bottle. Screw that.

>> No.8254849

>What's the best single malt for someone inexperienced with Scotch Whisky?
highlands - north:spicy/full body south:light/fruity
speyside - most complex/sweet aromas/richest flavors
lowland - most light body
islay - peaty/strong flavors/briny/smoky
island - in between islay and highland
campbeltown - salt/brine/peat

Campbeltown: Springbank 10
Highland: Glendronach 12 (because the 15 is gone until 2018)
Speyside: Balvenie 12 DW
Lowland: Auchentoshan 12
Island: Highland Park 12 or Talisker 10
Islay: Ardbeg 10

>> No.8254856

>3 drinks
I thought you only went to bars to taste.

>> No.8255262

I just don't enjoy bourbon as much as scotch. Don't deport me.

>> No.8255272



>> No.8255282

Everyone gets something different out of different styles of whiskey. It's probably erroneous to even say "I prefer scotch" because of how vastly different the six different regions of scotch can be. You can hardly even compare speyside to islay.

Enjoy what you enjoy, my man.

>> No.8255289

Drinking Laphroaig 10YR.

Smokey as shit, fantastic for sipping.

Personally I like it on ice.

>> No.8255306

>Personally I like it on ice

>> No.8256525

Off to pick up a new bottle today, narrowed it down to Old Pulteney 12 for £24, or Highland Park 12 for £25.

Any thoughts? Haven't had either in years but I remember them being good

>> No.8256552

My go to drink

>> No.8256557

Asked for my usual Christmas present today of a bottle of Lagavulin. Only time of year I don't feel guilty about getting one as a gift.

>> No.8256560
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>drinking whisky

>> No.8256561
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Cunt ass mother fucking posting system not posting my image.

>> No.8256562
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>drinking ice

>> No.8256610

Went to NOLA and got some local New Orleans Rum and I bought HellCat Maggies Irish Whiskey. Pretty good stuff

My go to is Canadian Hunter for drunk and my favorite Whiskey of all is by far Jameson Limited, I can down Jameson all night.

>> No.8256665

nikka pls

>> No.8257219
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picked up pic related last week.

this shit is god awful. only paid 30$ for it, but it tasted harsh and whack like teachers highland or other cheap blended whisky.

any of you guys recommend any scotch for a bourbon/rye drinker?

i usually drink george dickel 12, knob creek, evan williams bottled in bond

>> No.8257319

OP's pic related is the most bourbon-like scotch I've ever had. It's still different, but similar enough that it should bridge the gap well for someone branching into scotch.

>> No.8257632
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So are Spirits one big meme, or do they ever start tasting decent?

I just finished one of these. I kept trying to have it neat, and I get hints of fruit and spice and all that, but it's overwhelmingly just an unpleasant boozy-alcohol flavour.

It went down really well with coke though.

>> No.8257676

You get used to them first. Then you start noticing more flavors. Then you enjoy the experience of the flavors.

Personally I don't like rum, and this is a whisky, scotch, bourbon thread.

>> No.8257710

I was thinking of getting Canadian Club next, that's why I posted here.

I clearly am not used to 40%+ yet. I can handle 20-30% (cordials), but spirits taste far too much of alcohol to be palatable, unless mixed.

I'll probably just have to get used to it.

>> No.8257814

A high alcohol content does pose a challenge to tasting. I know it's not uncommon to dilute 1/3rd water into a drink, in fact to nose (identify smells) some whiskeys it is recommended to cut down the alcohol.

You can do 1/3rd for 40-45% and twice that much for 60% or higher.

Now ideally you want to use water with low mineral content sourced from where the distillery gets theirs, though Scottish spring being great, or clean tap water otherwise.

Personally I just started drinking it straight, and my first bourbon was Wild Turkey 101, then Knobb Creek, and it was painful at start, and my mouth was usually numb before I could pick up all the flavors and characteristics. Now I can safely handle a 60% ABV.

>> No.8257932

Spirits, at least decent quality ones, are almost definitive examples of acquired taste. The only way you'll get used to them is repeated exposure.

I've been drinking bourbon for almost a decade now and I'm only just now getting a taste for single malt scotch. Don't forget that your palate constantly changes as you get older; you'll develop new tastes and lose interest in old ones all the time as the years go by. Appreciation of spirits tends to come with age and exposure.

>> No.8257944
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I wonder what's in this box...

>> No.8257962
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Seems to be pretty well packed

>> No.8257967


whiskey or dildo

>> No.8257968

Nice Fazoli's.

>> No.8257969

Is it dragon dildos?

>> No.8257972
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>> No.8257989

Old Pulteney.

>> No.8257993
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>> No.8257997

at least you can still shove it up your arse and gain some enjoyment from it

>> No.8258000

God DAMMIT why am I so fucking retarded? Stupid stupid stupid.

>> No.8258107
File: 132 KB, 540x720, abgob.non2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ardbeg 10
Just you wait till you try Ardbeg Uigeadail. It will be your favourite whisky from then on.

>> No.8258243

Can someone rec me a whiskey thats good and sweet for under $40? I'm new to this and have no idea what to get in the store

>> No.8258257

Glenfiddich 12. Nice subtle, not sickly, sweet pear taste.

>> No.8258328

>70 fucking euros

>> No.8258354

>70 fucking euros

I'm so sorry.

>> No.8258436

What country are you from because I can find it for 56€ including shipping fees.
It's absolutely worth it even at 70€ imo. If you think Ardbeg 10 is good, this is on a completely different level in terms of complexety, taste and smell.
It is one of the best whiskies I ever drank and can't recommend it enough.

>> No.8259705


This will be my next purchase I think, got a bottle and a half of Ardbeg 10 to get through before hand though.

The regular 10 is incredibly good, infinitely better than the "standard" offerings from other distilleries (Laphroaig 10, Lagavulin 16 etc) so I am really looking forward to trying Uigeadail

>> No.8259717
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It's a bit of a minefield for me.
Still developing my taste for single malt.

>> No.8259721
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The patrician's choice

>> No.8259731


That is a really good price for Old Pulteney and Aberlour 12, can't go wrong with them.

Where was that taken?

>> No.8259937

I'm also this anon >>8258436.
You will definitely not regret it.
If you didn't like Laphroaig 10 then may I recommend you Laphroaig Quarter Cask? I think it's a fantastic whisky with a unique character and almost, if not on par with Ardbeg 10.
I must say I was terribly disappointed with Lagavulin 16. After all the hype I heard and read about it I decided to get myself a bottle only to find a rather bleak and washed out dram. Maybe I got lucky and nabbed a bad bottle, but I'm definitely not going to buy it again. It's not worth its high price, not even for $30.

>> No.8259945

>I must say I was terribly disappointed with Lagavulin 16. After all the hype I heard and read about it I decided to get myself a bottle only to find a rather bleak and washed out dram.
Really? It's probably my favourite, I found the Ardbeg a touch medicinal for me. Haven't tried the Uigeadail yet, but I can't find a bottle for less than £55.

>> No.8259974

good for car
bad for liver

>> No.8260193

Dude wut. You can get that shit at any local liquor store, why the fuck would you have a $40 bottle of scotch shipped via UPS?
Ardbeg 10 is $99 here in Canada and I still think that's overpriced, its just not worth the money. However the sherried Ardbegs are ridiculously expensive too at duty free since the liquor board doesn't carry them anymore because they're too expensive and don't sell.

Laphroaig is probably my favorite currently, I'm still annoyed that the store doesn't have the Three Wood because that was the bottling I want to try the most.

>> No.8260207

Well that was a real letdown

>> No.8260210


Oh I do like Laphroaig 10, I just think Ardbeg 10 is much better. Haven't tried the quarter cask, but I thought the Select was a bit of a letdown.

Lagavulin 16 is nice but I agree it is too expensive for what it is. Costco sell it for £38 which is fine, but the £50+ they try to charge in supermarkets is pushing it.

>> No.8260276



>> No.8260360

Drinking Yamazaki Distiller's Reserve.
It's bit disappointing for the price. I'd rather buy 2x Nikka from the Barrel.

>> No.8260515
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>Ardbeg 10 is $99 here in Canada
Ok, that's way too much. Not too much for Uigaedail though, that stuff is really fantastic and if I had to pay that much for a bottle I would still buy it for special occasions.
The Three Wood and Select are not as good as the Quarter Cask imo.

>> No.8260524

Uigaedail pricing is even worse
They only have it as 70cl at Duty Free and its $150, Corryvreckan is $170 but its a 75cl.

>> No.8260526

Holy shit I'm in Finland and even here it's not that bad.

>> No.8260535

God, this is crazy. I guess this is what happens when your country elects a DUDE WEED LMAO XDD as your prime minister.
I feel sorry for you, man.

>> No.8260537

Granted, Ardbeg has gained popularity together with Laphroaig and Lagavulin. I consider all three overpriced today.

>> No.8260556
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x1840, WP_20161108_10_46_58_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went cheap last night

>> No.8260581

Its not even because of him, Provinces are in charge of liquor. I blame that dyke Kathleen Wynne and her Liberal Ontario Parliament.

>> No.8261067

Holy shit that looks absolutely amazing and terrible.

>With a fruity and creamy finish, it's, according to their website in 2013, the second best selling whisky in Brazil.

>> No.8261359

A "Highlander" from the Bachgau Destillery (local destillery in Germany).

The bottle is almost empty, soon I'll have to drink the lowest shelf fire water from Ja again....

>> No.8261384 [DELETED] 

titos because it was on sale and I didn't feel like spending real money

>> No.8261390

why can't you buy that at the store?

>> No.8261417

Old grand dad

Gone completely off scotch this year for whatever reason and am only drinking bourbons

My favourite is Blantons Gold
Then Elijah 12
Four roses single barrel
Then Old GD

What other good ones are there?

Jim Beam Signature is surprisingly good

>> No.8261421


Lag 16 was my intro to scotch, boy was it a disaster.... already hammered drunk and depressed on St. Patrick's Day at a small pub in London (Canada), I ordered a lamb pot piue and the Lag. I then proceeded to eat the whole pie in minutes and [try] to enjoy that hallowed drink. Instead of puked in their less-than-private washroom and post up at the stool again to finish my drink, I had no plans to waste that liquid smoke in a glass :)


currently enjoying Mcallan Gold

>> No.8261430

> best
Caol Ila

> worst
Haig Club
Its literally undrinkable

Would rather drink bells or grouse than that overpriced shit. Wouldnt buy it for a fiver let alone the 50 quid or whatever it costs

>> No.8261445

I hate multi-reply people like you

No memes, literally kill yourself you fucking fraggle

>> No.8261453

I've never had it, but I've seen it in the supermarket. I'd never touch it solely on the basis that it looks like a fucking perfume bottle.

>> No.8261469

My mate bought me a 12 quid double one night when we were dusting and it made me gag
I tried it again a different time just to make sure, and it was even worse

>> No.8261477

Ih and when i say double i mean a shitty 50ml double

>> No.8261487

im having some nice stranahan's diamond peak. Fucking fantastic

>> No.8261622
File: 90 KB, 1000x1000, bulleit-straight-american-95_-rye-whiskey-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rye Whiskey, Rye Whiskey
Rye Whiskey I cry~
If I don't get Rye Whiskey
I surely will die~

>> No.8261837


Was cheaper on Amazon than the local supermarkets (I'm in the UK).

Already have a Prime subscription so waiting a day for it to get delivered isn't a hassle.

>> No.8261997

Enjoying one of the last bottles of Pikesville white label.

Apparently they are targeting the hipster market with a new high end variety at like >$40 a bottle.

>Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now? Your gambols? Your songs? Your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar?

>> No.8262001
File: 200 KB, 579x2048, bcp-rye-whiskey-is-back-baby-20150310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgotted pic

>> No.8262040
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Excellent choice OP. Had a glass of that in Scotland a few weeks ago. 8 was thinking of making a whiskey thread myself. Right now I am drinking markers mark bourbon. I alternate between that and wild turkey 101. As you can tell I shoot for the fairly cheap stuff. Any other recommendations for whiskey under 50 bucks? I've had Buffalo trace, bullet, angels envy, Jonny Waller black and double, and monkey shoulder. Cheers!

>> No.8262067
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>being comprised of 60% "on the rocks"
Wa'a... Pyeurr wa'a.

>> No.8262070
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>> No.8262085


>> No.8262145

Gonna try Laphroaig for the first time once this Ardbeg runs out. Should I skip the 10yo and go straight to one of those specialty releases?

>> No.8262148

I like Knob Creek because it's all sweetness and oak, very little rye spice. Rye is nasty.

>> No.8262237


For me, the Select is a lighter version of the 10. I buy it if its on offer (£20) but otherwise I get the 10 as it is much more full on.

It divides opinion, but if you like Islay stuff you will enjoy it.

>> No.8262243
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This and shame. Pretty soon I'm going to Redbreast cask strength

>> No.8262245

Protestant whiskey is good with soda...

>> No.8262247

And upon further review, I'm almost out of cask strength. This means either larceny or Middleton and I dragster not run out of middelton

>> No.8262251

Had a glass each of laphroig & ardbeg (both 10 year)

Drinking ketel one now to fall asleep

>> No.8262457
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So what did you guys drink to the God Emperor's victory yesterday?

Had some of this with the m8s.

>> No.8262476

probably should have had some kool-aid instead tbqh

>> No.8262479


britbong here, got up at 2am and currently 2.30pm. Most of the way through a bottle of Talisker Skye, very pleasant. This has been incredible from start to finish, I can't wait to see Hillary concede.

What is the 12 like? Had the 10 a good few times and it is good

>> No.8262482

Nah, 10yo is good, also very good value for your money . You will also get that specific distillery character which every good whisky has. I.e. Ardbeg tastes like Ardbeg, Talisker like Talisker, Laphroaig like Laphroaig, etc. pp. So if you like it you can explore the brand further from then on.

>> No.8262483

I'm a britfag too, had a glass of Laphroaig to celebrate the end of the fucking circus.

I couldn't celebrate the victory of either potential candidate. You've got a crook on one hand and a reality TV star who can't keep his mouth closed long enough to weigh his words on the other. A shakeup of the political system is needed, but I dearly wish it could have been someone with more sense and restraint than him.

Ultimately, though, I'm just glad it's over.

>> No.8262524

Why? Scots fucking hate Trump. The kind of man who sees an unspoiled wilderness and thinks its missing a golf course

>> No.8262533

>Scots fucking hate Trump

No, we don't

Your supposed unspoiled wilderness was literally a field in the middle of nowhere that no one went to, he didn't tear a forest down

>> No.8262539

a field in the middle of nowhere that no one went to
I don't know if you realize this but that's how forests are made.

>> No.8262544

Well the Cairngorms are just fields and mountains, so lets sell it to some Dubai businessmen to build a fucking garish shopping centre on.

>> No.8262554


The area where he built his golf courses was dead space before he invested and built his course.

The Cairngorms have been a year round tourist attraction for years and years - the field he built on was not.

We mostly like him here (I.e. not Glasgow) because he brings a lot of money and tourism in.

>> No.8262557

>dead space

>> No.8262561
File: 165 KB, 540x720, ggoob.15yov2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SCOTCH. Who here /Glengoyne/?

>> No.8262583

It was on sale and it was to share with people who can't into peat or else I would've gotten some Laphroaig.
Its okay. Oak, sherry, temperate fruits, cinnamon, small hint of ginger on the palate its simple but effective and full bodied for a 40% scotch.
Well it was more a drink for either scenario so yeah.
Are you a Scot? How would you know what a few million people think?
I'm thinking about getting their Cask Strength, is it worth?

>> No.8262589

>Are you a Scot? How would you know what a few million people think?

Lived there for a few years.

>> No.8262631
File: 1.29 MB, 1952x3264, col-eh-taylor-barrel-proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a flask of EH Taylor Barrel Proof that's been going in my coffee all morning to kill the pain.

Not that I'm particularly mourning the failure of Hillary - this was arguably the worst match-up in American history, and certainly in my lifetime. Just glad the whole thing's over and hoping for a return to some sort of equilibrium.

>> No.8262634

crown royal

>> No.8262703

Didnt he straight up boycott scotch a while back? I rememer Ralphy saying a few lines about it.

>> No.8262716

He boycotted William Grant and Sons after they attacked Trump over pressuring some landowners to sell because he wanted to lot to expand his golf course. Ralfy is not a fan of Trump, he's probably a little sad to see he's now the big cheese.

>> No.8262802

I would definitely say Cask Strength is worth it yeah

>> No.8262947


I have an old bottle of that in the cupboard, no age or anything on the label so I have no idea what it is.

Tastes incredible though, almost proper Macallan (i.e. not gold) like and very different to the 15 I had a few months ago.

Lovely stuff

>> No.8263289

its a whisky and coke kind of whisky. Not a sipping whisky.