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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.05 MB, 426x240, girledcheese.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8243506 No.8243506 [Reply] [Original]

As a lover of grilled cheese, this is revolting

>> No.8243511

My future wife

>> No.8243515

I'm not the only person who wants to fuck that sandwich, right?

>> No.8243516

The bread is way too fucking thick and doesn't have anywhere near enough crispness and colour, cheese/bread ratio is way off and it looks only one kind of cheese:processed american shit

2/10. Wouldn't eat.

>> No.8243517
File: 17 KB, 400x388, 1477747856674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw nobody will ever pay as much attention to you as she did to that grilled cheese

>> No.8243518

rather eat drywall

>> No.8243534

>not actually grilled
>not actually cheese

>> No.8243536

Probably more flavour in it.

>> No.8243538

Looks like they used greasy Wisconsin cheese too.
That shit's nasty. I don't know how every kind of cheese produced in that region is such an oil-soaked mess. Is it what they feed their cows?

>> No.8243541

>drywall has more flavor than bread and cheese

What third world shit hole do you live in? Lol holy fuck

>> No.8243544

At least dry wall picks up fucking seasoning over time, you Americans don't even season your bread or cheese.

>> No.8243548

vagoo spread like a grilled cheese

>> No.8243551

>Not wanting to eat some bland, over-sized awful looking sandwich means you live in a 3rd world country

American sensibilities.

>> No.8243555

>not keeping mustard in your drywall
fucking hell lad

>> No.8243556

is that fucking velveeta?

>> No.8243559

It would be good if she had used real cheese.

>> No.8243749

This is either Burger-material or Mexican

>> No.8244123



>> No.8244129

Here's the video.


>> No.8244430

>you Americans don't even season

Have you even heard of the south?

>> No.8244441

Add some goat cheese in that shit and it's fucking on.

>> No.8244458
File: 179 KB, 508x494, You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a yuredditor gets mad at freedom episode

Getting sick of this repeat 2bh

>> No.8244460


the bread looks like fucking cake

>> No.8244470

>bigger really is better
What exactly did she mean by this?

The bread looks dense as fuck and the cheese is just revolting.

>> No.8244534

That looks fucking disgusting the fucking bread can't stick together

>> No.8244553

>Toaster oven
>Electric stove
I could have guessed the content of the video from that alone

>> No.8244836
File: 558 KB, 300x169, 1462221517972.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don diggity done it

>> No.8244871

Probably tastes more like a soft pretzel with nacho cheese
Rather have a real grilled cheese, but ai'd eat it

>> No.8244923

>he doesn't have flavored dywall
What third world shit hole do you live in?

>> No.8245379

>made with singles
>no tomato

>> No.8245415

That made my arteries clog just by watching it.
Fucking pig disgusting. Would not eat. Would shame anyone around me eating it. Have some fucking respect for yourself. The bread and cheese look revolting, and when she breaks it apart and holds it, it looks like she's draining a pocket of cellulitis.

>> No.8245434
File: 1.87 MB, 400x400, 1477229856424.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No friend, this is.

>> No.8245443

I want to watch her forced to sit and eat every last scrap of that abomination. I want to watch her plad to be allowed to stop. She deserves nothing less.

>> No.8245457

That actually made me throw up in my mouth a little.
"...they were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, that they never stopped to think if they should...."

>> No.8245484

I'm pretty sure that's custard not chease

>> No.8245500

What the fuck have you been doing to your custard to make it stringy?

>> No.8245504

Oy vey

>> No.8245518

This is why capitalism needs to die and people should have as little time on their hands as possible

>> No.8245589

They feed there cows the dead fat people that die from eating to much dairy.

>> No.8245592

Drywall sandwich is delicious. With some caulking and creamcorn FUCKING amazing

>> No.8245638

Oh God
Oh God
The bread the bread
The bread's not done
It's not done AT ALL

You can't eat that
When she pulls the halves apart
When she pulls them apart
The cheese should stretch

>> No.8245722

I have been lurking on this board for more than 7 years
>I have never been so angry before

>> No.8245748

>ebil capitalist may may
Could you be even more of a redditor?

>> No.8245783

this has to be an april fools joke or something right
no one would actually think to themselves that throwing grilled cheese in with vodka to infuse it would make a good drink right
this world isnt as fucked as I think it is right

>> No.8245819

>Quick, post the pretentious grilled cheese video!

>> No.8245863

mmm delicious I love grilled cheese so naturally I'm gonna salivate over several pounds of nasty american cheese on underbaked bread

>> No.8245935


>> No.8245939

it actually looks pretty good to me. I think I'd like that

>> No.8245975


Fuck you

>> No.8245981


shit, I forgot to save it last time

>> No.8245986

it looks like ass

>> No.8245996
File: 95 KB, 273x288, 1408229424290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well no shit it's revolting, dumb cunt just ate raw dough.

>> No.8246004
File: 463 KB, 500x375, large angelica.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8246012

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8246051

This is like being at a formal dinner and the host suddenly begins to profess his love of child pornography.

>> No.8246132

Circle of (American) life

>> No.8246137


No it's real.

>> No.8246302

Fucking kek

>> No.8246392



>> No.8246426

I've said this before and I'll say it again. The most important part of a grilled cheese sandwich isn't the cheese. It isn't the bread.

It's the butter. You need to melt the butter into the bread, and then grill it until it becomes brown butter in situ. If you don't do that, all you've got is toast and cheese, which isn't the same thing.

This abomination is all wrong. I suspect they didn't use butter at all. Way too much bread. You've got about an inch of baked but otherwise uncooked bread on either size, yet the cheese is melted, which means they used some sort of velveeta shit and microwaved it. It's disgusting.

>> No.8246895

this is a war crime

contacting the hague, brb

>> No.8246907

I have pictures of mutilated babies in clown costumes on my hard drive and THIS is what makes me physically cringe?

>> No.8247264

It's a regular Sandwich, the girl is just really, really small.

>> No.8247407
File: 1.59 MB, 300x225, Lloyd sick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually fucking gagged

>> No.8247440
File: 119 KB, 980x754, castlevania_clasic_trevor_belmont_meme_by_rubens77belmont-d7uv6px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not keeping chicken/turkey in your walls

>> No.8247462

You can see the plastic of the american cheese.

>> No.8247483
File: 500 KB, 500x273, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8247875

If this stopped at "Slice 'Em" it wouldve been a good webm

>> No.8247896 [DELETED] 

>le THIS xD
>le ebin "add nothing to the conversation" meme
Fucking faggot.

>> No.8247909
File: 260 KB, 368x512, canned horror story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8247927

how is middle school

>> No.8247931

sucks Mrs. Martin won't let us play Oregon Trail or watch Bill Nye

>> No.8247966
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 1420193482697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a global rule 2 violation

>> No.8249569


>> No.8250146

The cheese doesn't even look melted. It just looks liquid.

Like a gallon of cheese whiz between two slices of bread.

>> No.8250190

I had a science teacher named Mrs. Martin in 7th grade. We rarely watched Bill Nye. that bitch.

>> No.8250277


looks p R e C i s E L Y like pretentious white people sh-t

>> No.8252105

but it's communism that's all like DO WUT YOU WANT BRO FUK THE MAN XD

>> No.8252661

No shit. 99.9% of foods are disgusting when you scale them up to an absurd amount.

I bet after seeing it you wanted a grilled cheese anyway.

>> No.8252676

You don't know what the word pretentious means, do you.