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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8234298 No.8234298 [Reply] [Original]

al/ck/oholic general

>tfw already on my second tecate light
>it's only 9PM

please save me from myself

>> No.8234305

>tecate light
Is this a troll thread?

>> No.8234306
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get the old thread to 4 hunna u fagget

Just woke up, 1:42 PM, pouring my first drink.

>> No.8234324

Girlfriend's asleep, I'm on pint nr 3, went out and bought the beer after she fell asleep.
Literally just got paid right now, debating whether I should call up the coke dealer.

>> No.8235167

skip the coke. It's bad for your pocket book.

>> No.8235170

Hello newfag.

>> No.8235185

Told myself I'd be quitting today but now I find out I have a later start for work tomorrow and then a day off the following day.
Now I want to quit tomorrow but I literally say tomorrow in regards to everything with my life. I need to stop.

>> No.8235205
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listening to stravinsky symphony in three movements, grabbed a bottle of rebel yell from my brother that looks like he has ascites, his mind is gone when he's drunk on whisky like he's on DXM or something so I drank the rest of his booze because he's fucked.

>> No.8235209
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>woke up two hours ago
>already 7 beers and 3 shots deep
If you're not waking up with the shakes until you swig from your bottle, y not an alcoholic
I have been homeless after losing a job for being caught drinking on the job they don't like that when you're a teacher but when you're a line cook at Applebee's they don't give me a shit

>> No.8235214

Why can't I quit? Why am I such a fucking loser?

>> No.8235216

you were probably meant to be a loser, without losers there wouldn't be any winners in life, sorry about your bad luck.

>> No.8235222

You don't have to drink everyday to get the shakes, i've quit for months on end and had a binge afterward, still got the shakes/sweat soaked sheets the next morning.

>> No.8235236

>Planned to make things right when the week starts, call for jobs, exercise, self-study for uni entrance
>It's 9:22 monday morning
>I'm already slightly buzzed from my hangover cure, coffee and rum and am pretty sure it'll be another pointless day among countless others
At least my death is a little bit nearer, that would probably be the only way to atone for my freeloading ways

>> No.8235247

got a handle of kraken and a lot of coke zero right now, glad I'm off tomorrow

>> No.8235258

rly makes u think

>> No.8235266

Hey sarcastic asshole that's what my gym coach used to tell me, not trying to be deep...losers and winners balance of life whatever the fuck. My grandpa used to tell me that there was a cocksucker in every crowd...are you the cocksucker cuz I need my cock sucked ok?

>> No.8235357

I keep hearing in these threads that some people feel ashamed about going to the same liquor shop frequently like the person behind the counter is judging them. I buy a 6 pack from the same store and it's usually one guy or the other. Sometimes I come back the same night for another 6 or some tall cans and they're always cool even if I come back really drunk for some more. I've never been bothered buying alcohol unless I go to the provincial liquor store, never an off sale.

>> No.8235381

Ever loathed going back to a liquor seller, the only one for miles... Unable to look the smirking, foriegn dealer in the eye. Probably shaking from withdrawal and anxiety like some fucking invalid.

>> No.8235392

>I keep hearing in these threads that some people feel ashamed about going to the same liquor shop frequently like the person behind the counter is judging them.

They are. It's ironic because most of us are probably their best and most frequent customers.

>> No.8235430

Recently got a new job at a grocery store (deli cook.) I still have to serve customers from the display case. Shaking and anxiety is written all over my attempts to just get food into a container that I inevitably can't get a lid on without screwing the lid up. I may already be in line for replacement.

>> No.8236304

saw doc today about ongoing abdomen pains
went through usual how much you drink whats your job, any family history stuff
said barely drink (now), within government levels and all that
put me on course of some medicines
asked if anything else is wrong so i said groin armpits neck jaw throat feel funny dont know if glands swollen or not so he had a feel and...
didnt say yeah swollen or no your imagining things, just arranged for blood tests
thanks a lot doc

>> No.8236402

been sober abot 5 weeks now, yesterday i got a craving but the liquor store was closed so i got a dumb as dog shit idea and sucked down a bottle of cough syrup and got an uncomfortable buzz which was just enough to remind me of how booze felt and leave me frustrated and unable to sleep. woke up with no hangover or anxiety but still felt like crap from lack of sleep. gonna aquire a handle of vodka and nuke my brains with good old timey alcohol next weekend :D

>> No.8236748

For me it is Sambuca®. The best anise-flavored alcohol.™

>> No.8236750

I had this the other day. Wtf is that shit? I hadn't drank in 3 months and then I got smashed and spent two days sweating my ass off at night.

>> No.8236822

Been sober for half a month and I really feel like going to the store and bying a 24-pack of the cheapest shit the first thing in the morning and drinking the whole day.

>> No.8237097

>not waking up at 1:42 AM

>> No.8237360

staying at an airbnb and the people before me left this 4loko. finna crack it open rn.

>> No.8237438

Is it and old school one from when they had fun caffeine

>> No.8237504

ex-liquor clerk here, can confirm that the regulars are unfailingly polite

besides, most liquor clerks are at least medium-level drinkers themselves

>> No.8237585

i cant. but you can. you deserve to have a life. alcohol is not a life. many have come before you that have stopped. you will need to tap into some sort of spiritual center, and have support of others like you. AA can work for some. how about not drinking tomorrow? just for one day? you can do that! then, each day, just that day, dont drink. a day at a time....

>> No.8237618

Cool to hear. I always tried to be very polite to the liquor clerks. I guess cause I really didn't want them to judge me. It was just natural to me.

>> No.8237762

At what point does alcohol abuse start impacting your physical appearance?

I'm 31 and drink a bottle of rum, vodka or bourbon every day or so and have for about a year and a half. At the moment the only physical impact I've had is weight gain.

At what point does alcohol start prematurely ageing you or making you look like shit?

>> No.8237795


any alcohol period will age you anon

>> No.8237802

We're all aging, anon.
Every moment that passes is one step closer to the grave.
It's nice to be cheerful.

>> No.8237805

How come I don't look dramatically worse? Is my level of drinking not that bad?

>> No.8237806

closer to the grave than most.
weak willed faggot.-

>> No.8237831

What do you guys think of Tito's? Got my first handle today at Costco for $28

>> No.8238334


I know a dick who's in his early 30's and I'm 34. He looks great, drinks everyday and make fun of my appearance (bald + beer gut). I drink 1-2 times a week on average. I'm just biding time waiting for my revenge because once he get a bit further above 30 things will start to happen.

>> No.8238349
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>>8234298 hello anons
i am looking after two family puppers. i am of course getting slowly more drunk.
i have a stupid amount of beer in fridge.
i really appreciate these threads. they make me feel like i dont want to KMS as much.
ive had 6 beers already and it is 3pm
gonna be a bumpy one tonight
managed 5 days sober. on the plus side thats the longest ive been sober for 4 months.

>> No.8238355

I go through a pint of cheap whisky every day or two. Really don't trust having a full bottle at my apartment since I think I'll simply kill it.

And yet I work at a bar and am a massive cocktail geek. Yay for functional alcoholism, at least I don't do any drugs I guess.

>> No.8238358

I drank a beer last night.
Life is pure hell.

>> No.8238368

It's ok. Getting a handle for 28 bucks is a great deal though in my opinion. Handles of jack are like 40 bucks where I live. I drink Absolute if I drink liquor, but I haven't bought a bottle in an extremely long time because of how much liquor fucks me up after all this time.

>> No.8238392

Every time I think I might be developing an issue because I have a glass of wine or a beer every other night or so, I just come into one of these threads and instantly feel better about myself. Thanks /ck/

>> No.8238605

If you dont wake up in your own piss and have to rush to the shitter to vomit some blood from your ulcer your not a real alcoholic

>> No.8238844


The last time I had the shakes was 8 or 9 years ago and I currently drink significantly more than I did then with spaces of soberness during the day.

My only "withdrawl" symptom is a strong desire for more. But I can get through several days without drinking because I end up just being that busy and at the end of the day all I want to do is sleep and the beer I am sipping on doesn't even taste good at that point. But hours before I was really looking forward to it.

>> No.8238866

im 34, health deteriorating, but ive been drinking heavily since undergrad.

slow your roll

>> No.8239895
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I'm military and live on base. Booze is hella cheap due to no taxes. The clerks at the shoppe know me by name and comment on my differing purchases ("gin today? lookin' classy!). I know it's out of awkwardness of selling to an addict, but I try to enjoy it and not get paranoid about it.

>me at a party

>> No.8239934

so you stopped drinking? It may be pertinent to bring up past history in further visits. Your past behavior is who you are. If I ate cheeseburgers deep fried in lard and shot up heroin for 10 straight years, I'd probably mention that to my doctor. Or you can be prideful. At least you'll die feeling like a winner but knowing you're a failure. Best of luck to you, friend.

You ever read Infinite Jest? About 1/5 of that book is about AA, dogma/spiritual center, and to get on the final point of your message: no one second is unbearable. It's when we look at an accumulation of seconds (one day of sobriety) that they start to get scary. You gotta break it down, man.

>> No.8240016

its the same with opiates. once youve had withdrawals it just takes a binge of a few days to get you back to that spot again

>> No.8240109

Drank a 12 pack a day for 6 1/2 years.

Thats average sometimes more or less. My liver still tests fine so I stopped. I figured if it's still working I need to cut the shit. It's so hard. At night all I want is a Dos XX dressed with lime and salt. I want to hammer bears and watch a movie, read a book, play a vidya.

I've never had any problems with alcohol destroying my live. I got a masters and a solid job while drinking and have been in zero legal trouble... but man... that beer just losers my brain, stress, etc like nothing else.

It's like being able to exhale for the first time all day. I miss that shit bros.

>> No.8240113

just losers my brain*. Sorry I've started working out to make me tired at night and I'm pretty beat.

>> No.8240117

losens* never mind its autocorrect on this new computer

>> No.8240147

>milkaukee's best ice upgraded to 6.9% abv

they know

>> No.8240149

This has to be a troll unless you meant 9am.

>> No.8240183

What did you teach, anon?

A former math professor of mine was always drinking modelo in his office.

>> No.8240267

Good deal, I've seen 750ml go for about that much where I live. I'm drinking titos tonight. It's good clean vodka.

>> No.8240321

>that beer just just losers my brain
>just losers my brain*
fuckin al/ck

>> No.8240338


Nice, didn't know about the change. I'll be on the lookout for the new recipe

>> No.8240468

lessens? is that what you mean?

>> No.8240496

Kek, this

>pass the fuck out hard
>wake up disoriented after at least 8 hours sleep
>look at the clock, 1:42
>well it isn't that late, maybe I'll go outside today and buy groceries today
>get dressed still smashed from the night before and walk outside
>it's dark outside
>can't remember what day it is, what happened to yesterday
>starting your day at 1:42 in the morning
>getting drunk again and calling it a night at sunrise
>wake up at the 19:00 sunset and thinking it's a 7:00 sunrise
>what fucking day is this, where did all my rum go

>> No.8240530

Havent ate or drank in two days. Been shitting clear pus and blood. How fucked am I?

>> No.8240567

You can't eat? Alcohol withdraw is potentially deadly and its supposed to really set in around day 2. You might need a couple of benzos or something, you should see a doctor

>> No.8240618

Ill take one of my girls kolonopin. Been having the sweats since last night. No shakes just disoriented. The only thing ive been able to hold down is ramen. I really want anoyher drink but i dont think that will help in the long run.

>> No.8240672

When you thought you were an alcoholic because you were enjoying your desk bevs every night a little too much.
Stopped desk drinking with no issue apart from struggling to relax after work sometimes, been 3 weeks or so and haven't had an issue.

>> No.8240700

What base?

>> No.8240707

Wew fuckin lad.
That shit has led me to some bad decisions.
It affects me how tequila affects sluts.

>> No.8240735
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Wheres Smirnoff bro at. I cleaned my room todat brother.

>> No.8240751

Fucking amateurs. Try getting up at 130 am with only an hours sleep and pound'em until 2 or 3 o clock the next morning

>> No.8240807

You must be new here. Let me explain the op to you.

Theres normally two alc threads. One for us (seasoned alcoholics), and the ones for you, (mad faggot).

We do the op to know which one is which; i.e. "JUST HAD TWO WINECOOLERS AND ITS ALMOST 4PM". Enjoy the @you

>> No.8240850

you mad(e) me giggle

>> No.8240853
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I am middling. I drink every night, but I function, I don't get hangovers, I don't do stupid shit or get in trouble. I don't get trashed. My dad was full tilt alcoholic. Hadn't talked to any of us in like 13 years. He died this weekend. I feel nothing, except sad for my grandma. So it's 1:30. I got shit to do tomorrow, I am buzzed. Maybe I should be re-thinking my life, but mylife is fine. I was afforded a substantial nap today, partially because my dad died, and partially because someone likes to get in a couple hours of Witcher. So whatever.
Bottle is low, just got paid. Should I finish?

>> No.8240998

Ladies and gentlemen...never trust a fart.


>> No.8241355


kek my life in a nutshell when I am not in uni.

>> No.8241398

>tfw hungover and can't drink it away because I'll just puke it back up
God fucking dammit just let me take myself away from this misery

>> No.8241407


>Getting hangovers

Come on now amateur it's the year of our lord Jesus Christ 2016

But on a serious note what's bothering you my dear friend?

>> No.8241413

I've been drinking hard for over 4 years. I don't know why I'm suddenly like this

>> No.8241436


It'll be ok. Shhhh it'll be ok. Find a happy place. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UQdeJ7qzyg

>> No.8241682

I chuckled heartily at this post

god bless you anon

>> No.8241720

Used to be awesome because it was cheap non-shitty vodka. Now the price is going up, so it is the same as any not super cheap but still okay vodka. Just average now, deal-wise.

>> No.8241730

I recently was sober basically for three weeks (had two drinks over the course of one saturday and one drink the next saturday, but sober from monday to friday three weeks in a row) and realized it was the longest I have gone so many days collectively not drinking or not drinking to the point of being drunk in several years... maybe 8 years or more!

>> No.8241736

however, I did swallow mouthwash instead of spitting it out after gargling last night. I haven't done that in a long time :( but I figure one 30ml amount or whatever isn't going to hurt me.

>> No.8242156

Anyone here take oxycitin? Thinking about trying to get some 15mg

>> No.8242161


Oxycotin fuck

>> No.8242172

i started getting really bad hangovers again when I switched meds

>> No.8242346

This is my weekends in a nutshell. I swear, my job is the only reason this shit hasn't killed me.

Still feeling like my body is failing though. I haven't had less than a 12 pack a night in about a year.

>> No.8242377

Basically emotionally dead after life grinding me under and no gf for 12 years. Drink at least makes me feel something but I'd rather just take a light benzo dose instead of slamming a daily 6 pack and bombing myself out on weed. Once I get insurance I think I'll see a shrink to try and get meds.

>> No.8242396

Dude ok so like Ive been on two day binge and within that time I've been in a fight, drunk text/called people and left work because ive been too drunk and fucked up

My thoughts are to not do a lot of the things I've done again,and just try to be better. I have some weed in this time also which I find to be a bad combo with alcohol because I get too fucked up. Plus I notice sometimes during the holidays I am notorious for getting very drunk.

What though is that I bought two half gallons of alcohol and then my brother bought this bottle of everclear which is 95% and I was trying to help him finish the bottle. Bad experience with that drink. Why I was drinking with my brother was because he bought the bottle kind of on accident and I didn't want to just drink it by himself, or it goes to waste

>> No.8242421
File: 108 KB, 308x308, AA-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not the ideal spot to ask, but, is AA worthwhile? Any of you tried it?

My gf quit drinking and is struggling. Shes got therapists and counselors telling her to go to AA.

She wants me to stop drinking around her (which is fine I don't really drink anyways) and her friends too (thaaattt might be a bit unreasonable)..

>> No.8242432

hahaha does mouthwash actually give a buzz??

>> No.8242433

My brother did AA and went to another local group meeting, so 2 meetings a week and still going. He's been sober since August 2014.

However, it did take him a handle of Captain Morgan, being high on heroin, knocking over a street light in a residential area and a DUI to get him to take the steps.

>> No.8242436

It's 25%+ alcohol. The joke about homeless people drinking mouthwash isn't a meme. It's cheaper than liquor some of the time, so they get that.

>> No.8242444

great teeth too

>> No.8242451

Thanks. She's had two DUIs now, almost went to jail, but got off on probation and some mandatory counseling. Hoping that's enough.

>> No.8242454

She's way off base. The first thing aa will tell her is it's on her, no one else. What or how much someone else drinks has nothing to do with her sobriety.

>> No.8242475

Okay, thanks.

I think that would be good for her. She's going to drive all her friends away with this "don't drink around me" stuff. I mean I understand not going to nightclubs or bars, but, she's going to have to learn to be at a dinner table and be the only one not having a drink.

I don't mind being her sober buddy since I don't really drink much anyways, but, I'm a bit concerned I'm setting up an impossible expectation of people.

>> No.8242485

I never got hangovers until I turned 27. It was like a lightswitch.

>> No.8242489

She should at least try AA. With 2 DUI's she's setting herself up to really fuck up her or someone elses life really bad because she'll most likely get behind the wheel drunk again.

Having said that, AA only works if you work it. And she may have to avoid socializing with her drinking friends for a while until she can get a grip on herself.

>> No.8242495

>tfw alcohol doesn't make me do stupid things
>tfw health issues

I love to fucking drink.

>> No.8242524

Yeah. Thanks anon.

>> No.8242543

>18 rack of miller lite last night all but two beers gone
>18 rack of bottled coors tonight
I hate how much I drink but I love being drunk.

>> No.8242545

Been drinking 4-5 years every night, most times blacking out/passing out. I thought it wasnt a big deal, that everyone has their vices...I hurt someone very close to me by saying some awful shit last night and i dont know if the relationship is going to recover. Ive tried to quit before and failed.

Has anyone had any success with naltrexone? Or other pharms?

>> No.8242763

why do al/ck/ites have the best musical taste?

>> No.8242800

Pays to have a family that does not give a shit about you. I was blackout drunk the majority of the last two years, but have been sober for the last four months thanks to having a lady who I don't want to fucking it up with. Everything my family said made me want to kill myself; all of a sudden I have a sweet lady and a decent job to give me affirmation, and a new apartment that others would kill for, and a generally decent life. you can do it, sweet little anonbabbies

>> No.8242811

I appreciate your satire, OP.
I drank an entire fifth of Bird Dog Spiced Whiskey last night. I've had Bird Dog before and their blackberry is pretty good, but it feels kinda heretical to drink flavored whiskeys.

But this shit. Oh my GOD it's fucking good.
Picked up another bottle today after I left work. It's on clearance even.

>> No.8242826

I've never completely quit but I used to guzzle half a bottle to a full bottle every night, sometimes half a handle.
I started forcing myself to only drink at most half a fifth. Then a third. Then I started drinking 40oz instead because the time it took me to drink all of it meant the alcohol would hit me, so i'd overall drink less.
Then I started making myself skip nights of drinking.

That last part sucked the most. Sobriety is so, so fucking boring. But you just gotta force yourself to do it. Once you can manage two days in a row without getting sloshed you'll actually to start to appreciate going to bed (mostly) sober because you've probably forgotten what a truly good nights rest feels like. You'll start voluntarily taking sober days more, and you'll start finding ways to pass the time.

Again, I've never fully quit, but cutting back and taking sober days has really helped me. I'm trying to work my way up to a week straight but I've been using booze as a coping mechanism so long that after the third day I'm just completely miserable.

>> No.8243455


thank you for that. I think going to bed sober is one of the hardest things I've done. I don't know why.

it's just so.... feels so weird to just lay there with all the little aches and thoughts from the day.

>> No.8243496

well the cubs finally won

what do i do now

>> No.8243510

tryna down this bottle of sweet riesling
This shit is too fucking sweet its disgusting.

>> No.8243560

Went to rehab for drinking 2 years ago. I'm an alcoholic and former benzo addict. Shit will ruin your life. I quit liquor and now just drink beer. Things have been stable for me for around a year now. Hope to never return to my old ways. Wrecking cars, going to jail all while ruining all friendships is not the way to live. My life still sucks but not as much

>> No.8243727

Glenmorangie 10 is $10 off at my supermarket. Never had scotch before should I go for it?

>> No.8244207

Most shops that sell beer also sell cola you numpty

>> No.8246054

ok i need to stop. like 3 days ago went to my friends house and we got rekt hard

after a while suddenly we remembered that he had some anti depressant pills or whatever shit ex alcoholic/druggies have his friend sent him cuz he had a prescription and doesnt drink them at all, like 4 packs of pills and we went fucking party, no idea how many we took

> woke up god knows when in his bathroom suddenly falling down, no idea where i was, smashed half his shit
> took me 20 minutes to get to his room 3 meters away
> he is sleeping on the floor, cant wake him up no matter what
> dont remember where the rest of us went
> blackout again, wake up around 12 yours later in his other room
> still drunk, stil have no idea what went on
> somehow made myself walk home and sleep for another 8 hours
> wake up fucking afraid

i do drink alot, usually almost every other day but this way, well

i need to fucking stop, but what do you do to make you sleep ?

i cant sleep no matter what when im not at least buzzed, and no matter how tired i am i just spin in the bed for hours

>> No.8246450

Just woke up at 10 pm, not pouring a drink.

Being sober really messes with my sleep cycle. I've stayed up at least 24 hours every night I've been sober so far. A couple more days and I'll be back on regular schedule.

>> No.8246480

Sleep is the worst part. But after a few days of breaking the cycle, you will start sleeping from exhaustion.

However, when I was really bad, breaking the cycle took too long and I started getting chest pains and feared for my life if I didn't get some sleep. I vowed to quit 5 or 6 times and gave up after a few days of no sleep so I know it sucks.

My suggestion is to gut out the first night. You'll be tired the 2nd night so go buy a 10 mg melatonin from CVS or somewhere. Stay up until your as tired as your schedule allows, then pop a pill and try to get some sleep. Even if you can only get 3 or 4 hours, you can function on that.

I'm getting 6 hours or so every cycle now without any melatonin. The night sweats only last the first 2 or 3 days for me. You've just got to break that barrier.

>> No.8246571 [DELETED] 

> did a shot of miller64
> it's only 4 pm
Bed time's in two hours, and I'm drunk. That's my rem sleep gone for the night.

>> No.8246717

Same here. All I do outside of work is drink and smoke. I'll stop as of tomorrow.

>> No.8246739

Am i becoming an alcoholic?

>drink 4 times out of the week
>usually 40z with some liqour
>tell my self i wont drink tonight
>still drink

>> No.8246756

>3 alcoholic threads
my niggers. Gonna pop down to Tesco this afternoon and check if I can find some Yuengling.

Haven't had a drink since Sunday, passed out and found a bunch of dead midges in my poitín, just poured it through a sieve and finished it anyway - I was a mess.

>> No.8246765

Honestly what are the protocols for being a drunk? I never get my liver checked out but is there anything wrong with drinking copious amounts daily if you're regularly getting a check-up?

My uncle suffers from liver failure and has been on the verge of death for 5 years, we and the doctor were expecting him to pass away within a couple weeks a month ago but somehow that poor fuck is drudging on still drinking.

>> No.8246768

has she tried supplementing with other drugs she can get away with taking daily?

>> No.8246769

>4 times out of the week
By definition.

>tell my self i wont drink tonight
>still drink
You already are one

>> No.8246774

that's a meme anon. Only problem drinking causes is moobs possibly depending on how your body reacts. Other than that it's just normal weight gain, and if that's a problem just restrict your caloric intake while making sure you hit your protein and micronutrient intake.

>> No.8246789

anyone know any good documentaries on the production of alcoholic drinks? I only know the difference by taste but it would be interesting to see what the actual differences are in production that produce the different taste, like different ingredients and distillation methods.

>> No.8246862

Does anyone else think Bacardi White Rum is the most underrated drink available? Honestly, the warmth it provides in your stomach & chest is unparalleled, feels so comfy. It's dangerously heart warming, especially in winter on a cold, snowy night.

Double rum and coke tonight for me, lads.

>> No.8247552

Ernest Hemingway everybody

>> No.8247576

Just drank around 10 oz of crown royal black, have half a bottle of benchmark. Feeling good

>> No.8247580

good job anon

>> No.8247635

"Your" is correct there denoting the possessive. You, sir, are illiterate.

>> No.8247774
File: 181 KB, 300x390, 0Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got a case of yeungling and an old english
>Drank 10 out of the 12 beers in one sitting
>passed out
>woke up and drank the other 2 and the old english

>> No.8247779

>have self enough control to do what I say I'm going to
>life is still shit
it just doesn't work the way you think it does boys

>> No.8247782

you do know that yeungling endorsed Drumpf right...???

>> No.8247786

That's why I bought it. Been my favorite beer, and this makes it even better :)

>> No.8247788

>16 beers

How long does it take you to drink anon? 10 is my limit before I'd just end up vomitting.

>> No.8247813

ummm i guess its fine as long as you know ur a bigot :-)

>> No.8247826

>get a bottle of bourbon made locally that I haven't tryed before because it was on sale
>it fucking sucks straight so just mix drinks with it
>pour a bourbon lemonade
>put 4 shots in my glass instead of just 1
>have to go to work in an hour

>> No.8247862


Do you know where you are? Fuck off and go be a nu male faggot somewhere else

>> No.8247874

>>pour a bourbon lemonade

never heard of that, any good?

>> No.8247897

Yeah its just lemonade, bourbon, and ice put into a rocks glass, with a slice of lemon to garnish if you have it. I dropped and smash my last rocks glass a week ago so I was just using a regular glass I usually put craft beers into, and I wasn't paying attention and my yellow-white lemonade was almost shitwater brown. Still tasted good though.

>> No.8248389

Is it safe to remove the spill control thing in the bottleneck of my Jameson? Does it have filters or something or is it just for that bartendering pazzazz and doesn't affect the taste?
I like to sip from the bottle occasionally.

>> No.8248402

take that fucker off man

>> No.8248413

Wait, did you uncle's liver fail 5 years ago? Surely we're talking limited function and not complete failure? I don't believe that anybody could survive without a liver for any decent length of time.

>> No.8248445

I tried, and after breaking some of the plastic it seems the alcohol flows a bit more freely and I don't have to shake the bottle like a tard to get some whiskey out. I'm too scared to take the whole thing out though because it's lodged really fucking tight and I don't want plastic in my whiskey.

>> No.8248508




Sounds tasty. I'm having Arnold Palmer Arizona zero with some whisky

>> No.8248543

I hear yah. I go through a 1.75 L every four days but I'm always up in the morning and ready for work (I teach). Rarely get hangovers but nothing a little tomato juice and water can't solve.

>> No.8248815
File: 404 KB, 567x433, Omission_Lager_393536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally bought gluten free beer. I'm still drinking it because it has alcohol in it.

Am I a cuck now?

>> No.8248825

No. You're a normal alcoholic.

>> No.8248836
File: 153 KB, 314x352, 098097969578 (300).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drank myself sick again last night. Over a fifth of vodka in less than two hours. Can't sleep, can't eat, can't get out of bed.
Why do I keep doing this to myself?
It's pretty much all blackout, so I can't say I had a great time.

>> No.8248839

What exactly is your definition of cuck? Cuckold is a guy whose wife cheats on him. What does that have to do with beer?

>> No.8248845

God damn, that 7pm sunset sunrise is right on it

>> No.8248846
File: 180 KB, 500x333, userloser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 year sober lads! I had one major relapse over a week six months ago and other than that I had no more than 10 alcoholic drinks in the past year.


I live in the socialist republic of Canada so care was free. Ativans and rehab made it possible for me.

>> No.8248847
File: 47 KB, 1037x340, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you actually want someone to explain addiction science to you or is this more of a rhetorical post?

>> No.8248852

Get help my friend! Where do you live?

>> No.8248853

No one would count that as a year sober. You have a drink, your counter resets.

>> No.8248858

Oregon. I hate AA meetings. I have some books to read and speaker tapes to listen to.

>> No.8248862

So you've been six months sober

>> No.8248863

You need people men. AA sucked for me too but it helped a lot in the begining. WHen you feel like shit, instead of staring at a wall in my shitty kitchen, I'd go to a meeting.

>> No.8248865

oh man, it sounds like you need some ocitocin

>> No.8248882

...it's beer

>> No.8248892

Fuck AA. See a doctor, look on the sidebar of www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking if there are other support groups, atheist ones maybe, if you need one.

>> No.8248904

AA is what it is. It's a direct application of the Christian ethic, without the requirement to declare Christ as the higher power. Bill W. was smart enough to ensure that.

It works for some, it doesn't work for others. But the fact is, if you're a real alcoholic you won't achieve sobriety without some kind of structure to work within. The whole framework of your life has to change. That shit's tough.

>> No.8248910

AA isn't for everyone.

More than anything you need a reason to live. If AA becomes your reason good for you.

>> No.8248946

Left my second stint at detox a few hours ago. Got there last night. Hit up the liquor store on the way home

I want off this ride. My skin feels like its going to fall off. I have to drink just to make my stomach not hurt

>> No.8248958

I feel like someone pummeled my torso. This heavy drinking is not good for me.

>> No.8249038
File: 82 KB, 588x490, risky-business-costume-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a problem right now. Parents don't know about my problem, and I literally only started to notice withdrawl symptoms. A week ago I noticed when I wake up I get the shakes in my hands and a feeling anxiety. So I'm two days clean now but my mom gifted a bottle of wine and my brain is trying to convince me that i'm okay and that I should drink some.

>> No.8249042

I have trouble too. You know what drinking the wine will lead to.

>> No.8249057

I know I'm just at the beginning of all the problems, but why is it so easy to hear the brain give excuses? Inb4 addicted dopamine brain

>> No.8249060

>Cuckold is a guy whose wife cheats on him
That isn't what a cuckold is though.

>> No.8249064
File: 7 KB, 646x139, Screenshot 2016-11-04 at 6.24.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8249075

I was that guy who made >>8244931
drinking my gin and tonics rn

>> No.8249078
File: 221 KB, 479x552, 098097969578 (170).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not here. 4chan has turned it into a vague insult of just about anyone. I can't imagine how many times I've cringed to 'literal cuck' on here. Just like autistic, or the non-word 'autist'. Or when people write name a better ____ protip, you can't. That's not what a pro-tip is at all.

>> No.8249151

What is the best way to drink Southern Comfort? Most of a bottle left at my place by a friend so needs to go.

>> No.8249154

have a beer

>> No.8249162
File: 276 KB, 1600x1067, you must be new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. pass-cuck

>> No.8249302

check the third your, faggot

>> No.8249331


I love the cig smoking from the wrong end in this pic.

>> No.8249816

pass cuck

>> No.8249898
File: 119 KB, 695x642, yodarage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a night of drinking I always end up sleepwalking and pissing on the floor somewhere in my house. Every fucking time. The only question is where. A puddle of piss in the middle of the floor can easily be mopped up, but last night I pissed on my shoes.

>> No.8249967

Hey do y'all wanna no a good way to stop drinking? Run out of money! I've been mostly sober for 2 weeks. I feel great!

Seriously, the onset of crippling poverty stopped my drinking and made me go find a job so I'm not gonna be homeless hopefully. Now how long can I last?

>> No.8250209
File: 72 KB, 714x495, gc5-714x495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you change shops so the sales people don't think of you as a drunk who comes and buys the same thing everyday?

>> No.8250212

What's a stronger liquor to drink straight? I've been drinking rum straight every day for a few weeks now, and it's becoming very hard to get as drunk as I need to be from it. I hear Vodka does the job better, but do you guys know anything even better?

>> No.8250218

Bottom shelf ass vodka in the plastic bottles. Either filter it if you want or do what the rest do, pop the mofo in the freezer and drink it ice cold

>> No.8250224

How bad could it really be at room temperature?

>> No.8250267

I drank two days ago. I'm off to buy a weak 4.5% British ale and case of weak 4.7% abv lager. Inb4 why? I can't get any stronger tonight according to the law.

>> No.8250336


Yeah been doing this for a while, got quite a few shops nearby so I tend to rotate and stock up when the stuff I like is on offer

>> No.8250371

No, because I tend to try new things as much as I can.

>> No.8250444

I honestly do not understand how you guys do it. The taste or smell of alcohol makes me super nauseous

>> No.8250459


i only have 3 shops nearby. used to have one right behind my shop so it was worse then.

don't fix what aint broke i say. cheap efficient gordons vodka does it for me

>> No.8250460

Threads like these are more effective than any after school special at the rollercoaster of self-hatred and addiction boozing brings on.

I wish you all had the opportunity to go back in time and stop yourselves

>> No.8250461

There are sweeter drinks which literally taste like soda, then some which taste like soda with a little alcohol mixed in, then a little stronger, then there's wine and hard cider, etc. It's pretty easy to work up a tolerance to the flavour that way. I wouldn't say I much enjoy the taste of beer or most spirits, but I can tolerate them enough to get drunk, and I'm now pretty accustomed to cooking with wine such that food sometimes feels lacking without it.

>> No.8250476

Practice makes perfect. I used to be able to taste alcohol in all alcoholic drinks but now I can't taste it in 6% beers. If stronger I can taste a little. As someone already said you build a tolerance it's that simple.

>> No.8250494

it's called kindling, look it up

>> No.8250509


I bought Smirnoff Ice because people said it was the most soda-y beer. Ended up giving four of them to my roommates because the alcohol aftertaste was too nauseating.

Why keep drinking it when it's disgusting? Cuz I'm hearing that at some point it was this disgusting for you guys, too.

>> No.8250521

it's a choice. like anything else. keep your pity

starts out disgusting, sure. but you don't care about that. the high it gives you is the whole idea. keep at it and if it doesn't click, pick something else

>> No.8250524

enjoy your fentanyl overdose

>> No.8250545

So about what point in alcohol withdrawal should one consider medical attention?

>> No.8250755

A cuck is someone who is knowingly letting his girl fuck around and tolerates it. It's not just any man whose woman cheats on him.

>> No.8250876

You can't contest the actual definition. He posted the actual definition. That ENDS the argument.

>> No.8250883

You are referring to a cuckold fetish.

>> No.8250897

jus cracked a four loko, got another in the fridge. Gonna order a pizza later maybe, tuck in for the night and play some video games.

its 4 pm

feels good man

>> No.8250966

Hahahahaha oh no

>> No.8250969


>> No.8251107

After several days of hard drinking, that happens to me too. It's kind of scary actually. I've awoke in the middle of pissing on a wall or on a chair,
before. Once I woke up in the middle of my next door neighbor's yard; that was really fucking scary, especially since I'm in amurrica and could easily have been shot.

>> No.8251111

My dad used to have that problem, guy would piss out of the bedroom window in our old house.

>> No.8251116

i usually just wet the bed so youre doing better than me

>> No.8251220
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Chuunibyou_Demo_Koi_ga_Shitai!_-_OVA_(BD,720p)_[83E712B6].mkv_snapshot_10.39_[2015.04.13_07.38.22].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was watching a debate about whether or not free will was real and someone brought up, "If free will doesn't exist, then what are you supposed to tell addicts?" and then a bunch of philosophers fumbled over each other for five minutes trying to work around it. IIRC most of their conclusions were along the lines of, "Just pretend you have free will so you get off drugs/booze then realize you don't really have free will once you're sober."

>mfw watching them struggle

>> No.8251281
File: 34 KB, 600x454, 03a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to a wedding
>didn't get totally shitfaced despite the free beer
>didn't drunkenly spill spaghetti
>didn't fall down

>> No.8251285

who /quittingforgoodreasonbutyoungandrelativelyhealthyandsoexpectingacompletelackofsympathyorkindnessfromthepeoplewhoshouldunderstandthestrugglebest/ here

>> No.8251289

>Approximately 3 percent of people who are alcohol dependent experience psychosis during acute intoxication or withdrawal. Alcohol-related psychosis may manifest itself through a kindling mechanism. The mechanism of alcohol-related psychosis is due to distortions to neuronal membranes, gene expression, as well as thiamin deficiency. It is possible in some cases that alcohol abuse via a kindling mechanism can cause the development of a chronic substance-induced psychotic disorder, i.e. schizophrenia. The effects of an alcohol-related psychosis include an increased risk of depression and suicide as well as psychosocial impairments.

>Repeated acute intoxication followed by acute withdrawal is associated with profound behavioural changes and neurobiological alterations in several brain regions. Much of the documented evidence of kindling due to multiple detoxifications regards increased seizure frequency. Increased fear and anxiety and cognitive impairments are also associated with alcohol withdrawal kindling due to binge drinking or alcoholics with multiple alcohol withdrawal experiences. Impairments induced by binge drinking or multiple detoxifications of alcoholic individuals cause a loss of behavioural inhibition of the prefrontal cortex; the prefrontal cortex is mediated by subcortical systems such as the amygdala. This loss of behavioral control due to brain impairment predisposes an individual to alcoholism and increases the risk of an abstaining alcoholic relapsing. This impairment may also result in long-term adverse effects on emotional behavior. Impaired associative learning may make behavioural therapies involving conditioning approaches for alcoholics less effective.

Jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.8251297

btw I am one of those people who doesn't drink often but when I do I always get shitfaced

>> No.8251300
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, [WatchableSubs] Gugure! Kokkuri-san - 08 [3064CD84].mkv_snapshot_00.29_[2014.11.23_22.18.33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this and thought of you guys.

>> No.8251305

>third moscow mule
>its not even 7pm yet.
Feels good man.

>> No.8251313

Interesting. I'd like to see that.

>> No.8251338

Oh, good job spotting it.

>it's a choice.
Not really, no. I'd prefer not be miserable if I had a simple choice.

>Why keep drinking it when it's disgusting?
For the effects.

>> No.8251341


I had a philosophy professor tell a story about how when teaching some areas of Buddhist philosophy on lack-of-clinging, or maybe it was Epictetus who outright said "If you are a parent and your child dies, don't grieve, you had them for as long as you were meant to, and they were never yours to begin with" which is similar. After class a mother in the class came up and said that her son was terminally ill and hospitalized and she didn't understand how she could earnestly take those kinds of beliefs as fact in that kind of situation.
His response was "Why are you here listening to me? Go be with your child!"

At the end of the day you do still have to be a person.

>> No.8251370

Found it. That specific section:

For some reason I remembered more of the panel participants leaning towards believing that free will doesn't exist. I still think the brown guy's answer is shit though. There are time stamps for different topics in the description, so you can skip around and see what interests you.

That'd be the Enchiridion.

>11. Never say of anything, "I have lost it"; but, "I have returned it." Is your child dead? It is returned. Is your wife dead? She is returned. Is your estate taken away? Well, and is not that likewise returned? "But he who took it away is a bad man." What difference is it to you who the giver assigns to take it back? While he gives it to you to possess, take care of it; but don't view it as your own, just as travelers view a hotel.

>> No.8251407

I don't even like to cook but I'm taking a liking to this board

>> No.8251433

yeah, just cursh that pill before you swallow all of it and you'll be mad trippin' good for like 5 hours. Its awesome

>> No.8251435


I know he said that, but my point was that he's about the closest a well-known Western philosopher came to a reasonable approximation of theravada buddhism (as I understand it). The logically-based stoicism is what I believe he was teaching but I don't have nearly the same ingrained understanding of Eastern thought that I do of Western. A lot of it seemed to be interpretations of interpretations, I really liked the ways it was explained to me, but I have a hard time squeezing the juice (y'know, that real primo good shit) from the texts themselves as a result.

>> No.8251450

When you're a drunk shut-in you have lots of time to read, especially when you're between jobs. Same for when you're trying to stay sober and need something to occupy your mind with something other than the cravings gnawing away at you.

Admittedly I am a total philosophy pleb and only started getting into it within the past year and a half. My backlog is long and I keep adding more books even when I know I should work on the ones I have.

I know fuckall about Eastern philosophy. Any suggestions for primers?

>> No.8251467
File: 1.06 MB, 2560x1920, 1105161457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started drinking again after taking a break for 5 months because of medical reasons

now I just drink on the weekend and it is really fun looking forward to and getting drunk is euphoric again when I drink like 1/4 a handle

I'm trying to do only a fri & sat drink now though cause by sunday I just end up passing out before getting euphoric and don't remember much

>> No.8251494

>That'd be the Enchiridion

Damn, that passage is hellish good. One can see the seeds of a lot of different movements in that. But the thing is, it tells you the attachment to the movement itself is transitory. Great stuff. Thanks.

>> No.8251498


I really wish I could help, but I can't. I found a lot of solace in it, in the short term at least it felt like... When you've been taking a medication for a problem and you tell your doctor "this is the usual prescription for my problem, but it just isn't helping". Then you get a different medication and in a snap it fixes it. Coming at concepts from a perspective entirely removed from the judeo-christian western culture we're raised in really helped to address some issues that traditional wisdom taken as fact just didn't reach.
But as I said, what really got through to me was a specific professor's interpretation of a lot of aggregated concepts from Eastern thought. And when I've tried to explain the concepts themselves to other people, I got to see hard-proof that I don't understand them well enough to pass them on to others. And I look at the texts the ideas came from, and something there is missing, too. We read a lot of Ajan Chah, some J. Krishnamurti, some Lao Tzu. I don't know. My final paper was on Buddhist concepts in the works of Louis CK, you can find a surprisingly accurate explanation of the danger of clinging and the Four Noble Truths in "Louis CK Hates Cell Phones", there's other bits of his ("We're all just dead people who haven't died yet" is a line that comes to mind) that encapsulate the Three Marks of Existence, somewhere.

>> No.8251562

I'm not overly enamored with the Enchiridion—I don't care much for the anti-ambition parts in particular—but I do appreciate a fair amount of the concepts in it. It's not too long and it's a fundamental Stoic text, so it's worth a read.


I appreciate it all the same. Even a couple names is fine for me. I have heard people mention that Louis CK comes across as a more philosophical comic, intentionally or otherwise, but I haven't seen anything of his aside from two of his stand up specials. Are his TV series worth the time?

>> No.8251589

Comedy at its greatest can be like that. I think he's about the greatest at burying deeper thoughts into comedy. Other people openly try to be more philosophical, but you can tell that if they had to choose between philosophy or comedy, they wouldn't really choose comedy, and it suffers for that. Hilarious is his best special. Louie is a great show that, as the series goes on (and as the joke goes,) stops being "comedy" and starts being "jazz". Horace and Pete is a bleak, engaging, though not primarily funny, stage-play more or less. You can tell as his career went on he's become more interested in evoking emotions that are as strong as laughter but not necessarily positive. He's fascinating. I'd say there isn't one thing of his that isn't worth watching, though his earlier series Lucky Louie is a much more traditional multicam sitcom, and not as interesting as his later work.

>> No.8251621

He means loosens

>> No.8251635

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.8251641

>not overly enamored with the Enchiridion

But it seems to me it has great relevance to the life of an alcoholic that might want to quit. Alcohol as an ephemeral tool whose only hold on you is the one you grant it. I like it. And the tie to eastern philosophy is significant. I mean, I don't get quite the same powerful feeling from Marcus Aurelius's, Meditations as I do from the passage you quoted.

>> No.8251648


I cosider myself one - hair falling out, teeth chipped from puking for years, go on benders for weeks or months, sores all over skin from not showering for days, pisses myself in traffic.. more than once
. Been to detox for months. Drink in the morning, drink in traffic, drink at work, paranoia, the shakes, hear things that arent there. The absolute thirst.. youll end up with a thick layer of shit on your tounge. Water is never cold enough. I have to run my tounge under water just to get rid of the thirst for a few seconds. The confusion. Your skin crawls. You cant taste shit

Dont end up like me man. Im only 27

>> No.8251662

Good job.

>> No.8251695

What do you like to do when you're drunk, but not drunk enough to be passed out? Listen to music? Watch movies/television? Eat food and stare at the wall?

>> No.8251720

I quit drinking 2 weeks ago and am still equally as retarded as I was.

There is nothing to lose by quitting drinking.

>> No.8251723

I think one of the greatest scenes in "Infinite Jest," is when the old long term AA guys are driving to a meeting and they see a staggering stumblebum that they recognized from previous meetings. Cruelly, ( they were crocs) they shouted to him, "live it up! It's party time."

Shit makes you think.

>> No.8251726


Never heard of it but they sound nothing like the people Ive met at meetings. Ive shown up very drunk and people are nothing but nice
Maybe its a Canadian thing

>> No.8251731 [DELETED] 

> drink moderately every night for two weeks
> feel like shit and depressed all the time
> quit drinking for a month
> feel exactly the same
I was pretty sure the weird feelings I was getting in my guts was from alcohol, but apparently my guts usually just feel weird.

>> No.8251762

Been drinking ten or so beers everynight for the past five years with an occasional night where i drink liquor and get a little crazy. Im trying to get a better grip on this shit starting today, bought one 24 oz beer and im gonna take a couple bong rips and call it a night

>> No.8251793 [DELETED] 

WTF? What do you do for a living? I can't drink that much unless it's Friday or Saturday, and even then I don't want to.

Don't you have to be sober to go places/get to work? Or are you a walking embarrassment?

>> No.8251801


Not the one you quoted but the 27 year old. I drink almost a liter of vodka a day. Im a walking embarrasment. Or a stumbling one

>> No.8251838

Yeah, I know, right? AA is generally cool, exept in the south where I am, and you have an intense pressure from the jesusfags, who refuse to even accept my choice of a higher power unless it's jesus, contrary to the founder Bill W.'s intent. Shit drives me away, man. I tell them the groups the higher power, and I'm swarmed by evangelicals saying that's not enough. It has to be Jeeyuzzs. Get down on your kees sinner. Fuck that. Bill W. is turning over in his grave.

I think in the book he was pointing out, the oldfags were pissed that the guy turned away from it and was just a broken down drunk like they were before and if they hadn't stayed with it. Or maybe they were pissed they couldn't be that way again.

>> No.8251842

My body is accustomed to it, ten beers over a couple hours just makes me relax and gives me a mellow buzz at this point. Luckily I've been in a pretty good place financially up until this point so being sober for work hasn't been an issue but now I need to get some kind of job

>> No.8251861


Thats fucked. Ive had speakers say theyre atheists in group. Another speaker at detox said youre higher power can be a bird, it doesnt matter. Ive also heard God as group of drunks

Im a christian and i think any mentioning of religion would make me uncomfortable. Definitely a different culture here

>> No.8251870


>> No.8252056

quitting sucks, I'm only 24 hours sober and every time I'm halfway asleep I get those weird delirious dream-state thoughts but like 5x more vivid than normal and it jars me awake

feels bad man

>> No.8252578

I got something similar near the end of my drinking. Everytime I was about to fall asleep I'd get jarred awake from that feeling like I was falling off something high.

Would go days/weeks without sleeping

>> No.8252583

All of those types of God is mentioned here in Toronto but vast majority of people basically tell you they don't care what it is so long as it's not you.

Also, nobody really takes true atheist AAers seriously. It's fundamentally flawed to having a successful program.

>> No.8252599

>normal lower middle class childhood
>No problems
>Mom dies of cancer at 14
>dad dies of heart attack 8 months later
>move in with way older sister (normal household)
>anger, fear, confusion, resentments, anxiety, depression, hoplesness, etc develop and get worse
>gradually start drinking as I get older
>Don't drink often but suffer from cravings when I drink and a need to drink more to feel comfortable
>bad shit typically happens when I drink
>friends tell me I have a problem when I'm 18 but generally ignore it and just say I'll drink less next time
>never do
>life gets very complicated and challenging and all I can do is my best to cope
>as a result I get more and more hopeless and afraid and eventually get the fuck its
>realize that alcohol and isolation are my best friend
>drink 40o hard liquor a day for 2.5 years between 21-23 old
>try to function like this but eventually completely give up and hit rock bottom
>isolate in motel rooms for months on end
>eventually become a missing person
>go to commit sodoku all alone rather than ask for help
>be compelled to call 911
>get taken to psych ward
>go to treatment and discover AA.
>now almost 2 years sober and my life functioning and has lots of good things in it
>genuinely hopeful and reasonably happy and sane

I don't know what your journey is but it can get better. Seek help.

>> No.8253461

Ya man. You are a pretty severe alcoholic if you are having symptoms like that. You should really try to taper yourself off. It will be hell for about a week, but there is no reason you should continue to love like that. I've been there. You can do it!

>> No.8253668

Part of that third day misery is withdrawals. I thought I was drinking alcohol to cope with my anxiety and depression until I really cut down on alcohol (like drinking once every two weeks or so), and in that time, even though I didn't do anything else differently, my anxiety and depression have gotten much better. It did get worse during the first two weeks, but after that it has been slowly lifting.

The harder part for me is not drinking too much when I do drink... I still will get blackout drunk when I decide to drink if I'm not carefully watching myself. I hope someday I will be able to relax and have a few drinks and still remember all of my conversations, without having to constantly remind myself "okay only two more" "only one more" "you can't stay out any longer" "you can't do a shot" etc.

>> No.8254124

>tfw i go to the pet store asking for cleaning product to get "cat" urine out my shoes

>> No.8254143

>true atheist AAers not considered serious

Well, that goes against the founding principles. Your higher power doesn't have to be a supernatural being. As long as it's something outside the self, for example the AA group, it satisfies the requirement.

>> No.8254244

>fell off the wagon last weekend
>already on beer 6 on a sunday and not gonna make it to church

thansk genetics, I love trying to convince myself I can drink like a normie only to wake up craving and hungover.

>> No.8254271

>can go long periods sober
>once I start drinking I tend to keep trying to get more, almost not even a decision.
>usually nurse a few beers the next day for the hangover

am i an /alcy/ ?

went to meetings for a little bit, but I think I just smoked too much pot and convinced myself I had a problem

>> No.8254290

if you can go long periods sober, youre probably fine for now

>> No.8254308

I think what he is saying is that when people don't believe in anything being a higher power.

ya know, all existential and shit

>> No.8254313

Damn, you put it better than I could. Sometimes it's just like that, other times I'm reflecting internally and I just realize the last few moments of reflection made no sense, like a sinister thought loop of pure nothing.

I thought it only made me anxious due to drug-induced derealization disorder, which makes me hyper-aware of my conscious state at all times, causing me panic attacks when I can feel my mind being altered in real time. It started when I looked too deeply into mind/body philosophy while being a chronic stoner, and I've suffered near constant anxiety ever since (unless I'm drunk) and it started pretty much a couple days after looking into that stuff.

Dies any of that relate to you, out of curiosity?

>> No.8254347

It sounds like you have what predisposes people to alcoholism, yes. I'm very much the same, the come-down from being drunk is unbearable. I feel hopelessly dissatisfied, and inexplicably anxious. I feel like I'll never be happy again if I continue to come down. I have to constantly stay drunk or get more drunk in order to remain remotely content, otherwise it's despair. I can't bear to feel myself returning to normal.

I'm the same with any and every drug, with food, and with masturbation/sex, but worst with alcohol. I feel happy going any length of time without any of those things, especially if I'm kept busy, but the depressing nostalgia immediately afterwards is unbearable.

>> No.8254375

I think the term he used, "atheist," means "without god," not without a higher power. Of course AA requires you to identify a higher power than yourself, just not a theistic one.

>> No.8254660

Am like both of you. First anon, I am further down a path than I would like on this. Not as bad as others in the thread. Started off exactly like you.

Second anon thanks for putting into words what I have always felt.

Best to you both.

>> No.8254671

Also it's nice to know there are people who are like me, negative affirmation of some sort.

>> No.8254766

thanks man you too. what scares me is the reality that i may never stop. It's not even really a choice when i'm drunk. I'm tipsy now after a party yesterday and I'm afraid that one day I'll lose the ability to tell myself no.

I have a job, girlfriend and pay my own bills but when I get drunk I'll do every sort of math equation to figure out how I can still pay those and get drunk even if it means I'm eating ramen for the next week.

>> No.8254789

I did 1 month without drinking, think I'm going to have to do another.

You sound like you have most things in your life sorted although a tad stretched, don't lose them.

Hope you have a good life anon.

>> No.8254797

>tfw you kinda wish you were a single alcoholic again instead of with a loving gf who berates you about drinking whenever you do

>> No.8254817

>tfw gf who accepts my alcoholism and is slowly becoming one because of me
My skin crawls whenever she says she feels like drinking, and we're at home doing nothing.

>> No.8254825

>"this could lead to the end of us"

goddamnit i know that kathleen but shit

>> No.8254830

thanks you.

I did almost 4 months, went to meetings etc. Felt like I never fit in because I only really experience withdrawals once and I was not a daily drinker. I definitely outdrink most people I know and can't really stop when I get going but if I have work I can pull it together and either white knuckle it the next day or just not drink.

For me it's a cycle, the drunk is great. Have a bunch of drinks make friends, everyone is receptive, get into political discussions and really feel like myself but then i wake up the next day and it's like the walls are coming in. I can stay sober, but it's terrible. I need a few to keep that feeling away.

I was in a fraternity in college which may be part of the reason I am the way I am. We used to call it "The Fear". Normie drinkers won't understand this. They'll feel nauseous, maybe puke, and eat some greasy food. They'll feel better in a few hours.

Us al /ck/y's we feel broken. It's like waking up with out your legs. You can crawl around and get the basics done, but you can't really function at your prime. Man, I wish I could better describe it. Waking up after a big night out feels death, eternal torment, hopelessness. It's sounds like some faggot shit but man anyone that really drinks knows what we're talking about.

sorry this post is long, was a little cathartic for me.

I hope you have a good life too anon. I wish you the best of luck. I love and hate alcohol. I t makes me love life and hate it at the same time.

>> No.8254959

Godspeed anon Godspeed

>> No.8256143

I don't know what to do sometimes. I was cutting down on drinking after getting out of rehab (for heroin) but i've gotten back off track. I dont't know if i can trust myself to stop. It's all so complicated but I may have a chance at a better future. I just dont know if i can do it sober. and if im drunk as shit all the time then there is no future at all

>> No.8256148

Hit up a Death Grips concert on tuesday, what should I sneak in?

>> No.8256152


>> No.8256154

lots of booze

>> No.8256193

Was thinking about pregaming a 18 pack of budweiser with a friend and sneaking some yukon jack shots in.

>> No.8256338

>Smirnoff Ice
Nigga literally WHAT

>> No.8256347
File: 739 KB, 1572x2362, Amarula_auf_Eis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, listening to Ramriddlz, feeling bitter about something that happened months ago but was in my best interest but b/c i'm an ultimate contrarian i went against, waiting for this year to end even though things won't get any better (likely more complicated) cause of all these fucking papers and Christmas and family trying to act like family

oh sorry thought this was the blog thread

Amarula >>>> Kahlua > Irish cream

>> No.8256497

>Quit drinking
>Always hungry

Is it because my body has become accustomed to all the calories I'm usually getting from alcohol?

>> No.8256515

Bought Tesco Value gin last night, what a fucking awful idea that was. Tastes really bad and gave me a hell of a hangover today even though I didn't drink that much of it.

>> No.8256535

Yes, and also because you need a dopamine hit.

>> No.8256703

Is Smirnoff vodka guy still alive?

>> No.8256720

hi guys im new here

how alcoholic are most of you guys? are you already hiding it from your family and coworkers?

>> No.8256734

I feel envious of you guys. Sure, alcohol fucked up my life in a huge way, but now I'm on to heroin. I can barely function without it. At least with booze, I'd be myself a few days abstinent. Fuck life

>> No.8256941

Did El Chapo hold a machete to your neck forcing you to shoot up? You dun goofed.

>> No.8257001

My father in law died on Thursday and my relationship has been on the rocks for years, so shit isn't going great. He was a big drinker(so am I ) and I've been over his house every damn day and missing work, and basically lowkey drunk for 5 days. I can feel my body breaking down, I think I need to detox but frankly I will probably cave and do a shot around lunch time, it's better than the shakes.

there's literally a case of scotch at his house, it's a little terrifying

>> No.8257420
File: 46 KB, 800x800, Ron-Botucal-Reserva-Exclusiva-40-07l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys do something useful for once?
I need the diameter a bottle. Bottle in question is Ron Botucal Reserva Exclusiva.
Where could I find info on that?

>> No.8257586

That guy sounds like a prick. Cut him out of your life.

>> No.8258346

I think im ready to admit to myself that I'm a goddamn drunk
also were going to need a new thread here soon

>> No.8258358

i fuckin love drinking

>> No.8258434

sadly this. be careful out there, faggots.

>> No.8258441


>> No.8258463

its a malt liquor beverage. its a type of beer

>> No.8258497

>are you already hiding it from your family and coworkers?

>> No.8258616

thats an honest question
people who just get shitfaced every evening a little dont have to hide shit, but if you start to do it in the morning and at broad daylight while working, its getting real

so how bad is it?

>> No.8258620

This is exactly what I meant.

>> No.8258631

I can heavily relate to that in the final year(ish) of my weed smoking. Ultimately I decided to stop (which was easy) but my nature of trying to escape reality drew me into alcohol as my true drug of choice.

I never experienced anything like that with my alcohol abuse. It basically allowed me to "feel" and forget.

>> No.8258636

Go to an AA meeting in the afternoon or at night. I'm not saying it will cure you but you won't have a drink for that hour and you get out of the house.

Hell, even go drunk if you want.

>> No.8258655

Alcohol abuse doesn't seem to worsen the derealization long term, but it really hits hard with the anxiety if you're hungover or withdrawing. Although I still suffer the derealization, sometimes as strong as ever, I've become somewhat accustomed to it and the anxiety has lost its edge. The hardest part about it now is the loneliness, the longing for connection to the outside world, but that's something I combat by reflecting on recent moments in which I've forgotten all about it and actually shared something with the world.

>> No.8258970

I was kinda in that position three years ago. And three years ago to the day, my gf broke up with me. She didn't know how bad I had really gotten, or how bad I would end up getting after the break up. But a year later, I was in the hospital going through some pretty bad withdrawals. The single alcoholic life was not worth any of the losses that I took. Please get your shit together.

>> No.8258979

Currently chasing Jose with PBR.


>> No.8259027

Do you drink to forget, anon?

>> No.8259032

Yes. Every day is a deep sinking depression that alcohol helps relieve, and brighten my mood. It helps me sleep. I keeps the night terrors at bay. It gives the world color. I drink because I watched my best friend die, slowly, over three days from cancer. I watched him take his last breath, and I saw him the moment after he passed away. I was asleep when he passed, but was woken up by a friend. I'll never forget that weekend. I drink because I want to forget what I saw, but the images are burned into my eyes.

>> No.8259033

I'm a few days sober and have had shocking diarrhea and an outbreak of pimples around my nose despite being 30.

What's the deal with that?

>> No.8259047

Picked up a 12 pack of the new Milwaukees best ice (6.9%)

Shit is surprisingly smooth, will definitely buy again.

>> No.8259053

I'm so sorry about your friend. I want to say it'll be okay but it never really will be, realistically. Tell me about your friend if you don't mind. You must have been very close to him.

>> No.8259064

I was. We hadn't known each other long, maybe about 2 or so years, but when we met it was like I found my brother from literally another mother. He had already been in regression of his cancer when I met him, just doing mantinence chemo. We never really thought about it, or talked about it, but we did always share this unspoken bond, that if one of us was down, the other was supposed to cheer them up. That's how we worked. If I had a bad day, he would make it better. If he was having a bad day, I'd go pick him up, and let him drive, do stupid shit, just to get him going. One day in June of 15 I was at his house, and cracked a joke about him looking like a ehtiopian child (with the bloated stomach) turns out his cancer had come back, in full force. I watched the entire month of Jun and July take its toll on him, and finally, on the 26th of July, I was at the hospital when he passed. from the 24th to the 26th, he fought, and fought, and just wouldn't let go. I never got to tell him bye. I just remember telling him how much I loved him, and that I was going to take a nap. I woke up and he was gone. Since that day alcohol and marijuana have been my go to mind numbing systems.

I drink because every time I walked into his room, I watched him vomit this black tar out of his body into a bag. Every. Single. Time. That's the image that I see when I go to sleep at night. I drink to block that and to be happy.

>> No.8259085

why don't you alcoholics just cook with alcohol all the time? it will burn away the alcohol and you will have the illusion of getting it.

>> No.8259089

I had some cheeta indian beer. Mango flavored. Couldn't taste the mango but it was cheap as fuck and smooth like a german craft beer.

>> No.8259101

That's an intense story. I'm so sorry you wound up losing him. You may have not been able to say goodbye but you were there for him as much as you possibly could. You sound like you were a great friend to him, and made his life much better. Not spiritual or anything but maybe you two met for a reason. It sounds like you both needed each other. Did this happen not too long ago?

>> No.8259107

he died in 2015.

>> No.8259120

The thing that's missing in those texts is the understanding of "not-self," or just nothingness. That's the most abstract/flimsy aspect of Buddhism that I think Western science and medicine has picked up on (cognition, neurology, entropy, all struggling against the time it takes to explain something and have the listener learn and understand).

Ironically, the sort of "sitting within the contemplation of not-self" that takes place during meditation is the only thing that rids the initiate of karma over time, which is the ultimate goal of Buddhism. While there is a fundamental element of a sort of subjective relativism in Buddhist philosophy, it is primarily goal-oriented at absolving one's self of karma through the active, habitual practice of meditation. Without meditation, it's just sort of socio-political verbiage. And all Christian philosophy comes out of active conversations with God via prayer. It's not all institutional dogma.

>> No.8259121


Lost my best friend 5 years ago to suicide. Not the only reason I'm a drunk but it definitely plays a part. I try to stay positive and not dwell on it, though I do cry like a bitch sometimes over it

>> No.8259126

I haven't cried in a year or so over my friends death. I think I've succeeded in numbing the pain.

>> No.8259127


By the way we're all gonna make it my friends

>> No.8259144


Yea now that I think back, it's been a good while since I have too. Don't know if that's a good thing, probably not.

>> No.8259151
File: 8 KB, 183x182, 1475011522288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i honestly teared up a bit at your post.

Im sorry anon

>> No.8259181

probably isnt that good.We're going to survive though. I haven't been coming to this gay ass board for years to watch my fellow alcoholics die around me.

>> No.8259183


we both did a ton of drugs back then. First report was that he overdosed. Then I found out he hung himself. Shit changed my outlook totally, dude was my other half

>> No.8259189

I don't like drinking. It impairs my judgement and I break shit. I've never really been drunk around anyone else and I'm not sure what I'd do.

>> No.8259190

im glad ive been sober.

one of these days you will drift out of the haze

>> No.8259191


Quit forever and don't look back

>> No.8259209


I'm a lot better nowadays by far. Best I've been in a couple years.

Anyway someone should make a new thread soon. These threads are somewhat therapeutic for me at least

>> No.8259235

Anon who's friend died from cancer here: I love you guys. Just know it gets better.

>> No.8259262
File: 6 KB, 344x90, ss+(2016-11-07+at+11.37.52).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a real comment

>> No.8259271

Yeah probably. Now I'm hungry and can't drive to get food. Fuck drinking.

>> No.8259290


I was given the same advice long ago. DWIs later thank Jesus for delivery. Don't be like us.

>> No.8259314

Favor doesn't have whataburger. What the fuck

>> No.8259377

same for me

>> No.8259385

>I need the diameter a bottle.
>the diameter a bottle.
What? Why?

>you will have the illusion of getting it.
Not even close. And you don't trick a physiological need for ethanol like that anyway.

Being drunk all the time really doesn't help with the bereavement/mourning process (I mean the psychology thing of letting go that also work for break ups and the like. I'm not sure about the name in English.)
Of course, it's a snake biting it's own fail, since losing someone you haven't mourned yet makes you drink.

>> No.8259387

but I cant

>> No.8259394

not him but the anon who talked to him some. I love you all as well. I only lurk mostly but I really hope it does get better. its the little things that make life feel better sometimes, even if its only on a taiwanese knitting board

>> No.8259408

New thread

>> No.8259931

I'm not a physician but your hormones could be a little out of whack from the alcohol abuse.

Then again, I'm 29 and not even in you guys' league drinking-wise, and I still get pimples now and then.