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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 264x260, IMG_3841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8231066 No.8231066 [Reply] [Original]

It's 2016 and you still aren't vegan? Try to defend yourself. Go on I'll wait.

>> No.8231069

Meat is good.

>> No.8231075

Literally almost everything I eat has some amount of meat, cheese, milk, and egg in it. Suck it vegan

>> No.8231086

I don't mind eating flesh of decaying animals and also the planet dying is inevitable anyway

I don't feel responsible for future generations

>> No.8231095

I hate vegans, they are pretentious fuckers and cunts. Why would I become one?

>> No.8231101

Sorry m8 I'm hetero and quite content with myself

>> No.8231102

I work with milking cows and calfs, day in and day out. They're dirty fucking animals, and the milk we process is always tainted and yes, it goes to commercial use.

I eat the shit out of beef because fuck cows. I make sure there's still a hint of steak on my breath, and I blow directly into their nose.

Also I flick their fucking tits. Goddamn I hate my job.

>> No.8231110

there is literally nothing wrong with killing an animal for resources or sport.

>> No.8231113

Soil is dead life and rock. Ultimately, life derives sustenance from soil. I am an animal. Ergo, I eat plants and animals, which ultimately derive sustenance from soil.

>> No.8231117

There are obviously problems with factory farming and sustainable meat raising, but on a theoretic level uneaten meat from animals outside of that system is wasteful.
Personally, I take full advantage of historically low costs of animal protein that we have currently for the very reason that we probably won't be blessed with abundance of meat in the future.
Vegans operate on feelings, not on logic, make unreasonable conclusions based on flawed studies about the negative health effects of meat, and do not get optimum nutrition.

Imagine how great vegans would be if they cared about human beings the same about that they cared about the killing and eating of animals which is fundamentally natural aspect of living on the planet earth.

>> No.8231119

consuming honey, eggs, dairy, and seafood is natural, healthy, ethical, and, when performed in the right way, does not hurt any sentient being. why do vegans even use electricity or bank accounts?

>> No.8231138

I like to eat an equal amount of neat and vegetables.

>> No.8231145

I eat as if I were vegan on a day to day basis because it's cheap, keeps me trim and allows me to drink alcohol without getting my cholesterol so high the doctor would want to put me on pills for it.

But when I go out to eat I eat animal products because I love good food and am not a fucking monk.

>> No.8231157
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scrawny vegan goofs

>> No.8231166

defend myself from what? eating food?

>> No.8231174

I'm neither vegan nor vegetarian and that looks gross. Was it made on a dare to make the greasiest dish possible?

>> No.8231178
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>> No.8231182
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eggs benedict bacon potato pie

>> No.8231186

This. I work at a "humane" hatchery and we grind the male chicks alive on their first day of life and I just love watching them get sliced up. People assume it's fast, instant death too. It's not. They pop around in there like popcorn getting bits chopped off a little at a time. Doesn't stop me from eating eggs. I also love wringing the necks of hens when their bodies go out from overproduction and illness from the layer of feces they live in.

>> No.8231192
File: 56 KB, 546x535, faggot vegans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8231194

You ever dissect animals as a kid?
Show antisocial tendencies?
Have trouble feeling empathy?

>> No.8231195

Yeah, I'd just take the egg and the top 1/4 inch or so of >>8231157 .

This one looks impossible to eat without dropping half back on your plate, but at least it won't give you a heart attack on the spot.

>> No.8231201

He just wants his (You)s.

>> No.8231204

i enjoy food and don't hate myself or my body.

>> No.8231215

I'm diagnosed with anti-social personality disorder but I'm no different from any of you fuckers who eat animal products. Don't pretend to be superior just because you enjoy the product and I enjoy the process of torturing animals that goes behind it. You are me, I am you.

>> No.8231217

Why should I defend myself? You are the one asserting something. Burden of proof is on you.

>> No.8231220

>I'm you, but stronger

>> No.8231221

I see no benefit in it.

>> No.8231230


100% this. I get that vegans think they've got the moral high ground, but it's no different than any other socially reinforced ethos:
>It's 2016 and you still aren't working for the glory of the DPRK? Try to defend yourself. Go on I'll wait.

To which the obvious response is 'fuck off you delusional Korean nutjob'. How is this any different (apart, obviously, from the fact that it's a vegan nutjob this time)?

>> No.8231231


>> No.8231233



I'm going to eat meat whether you like it or not, and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.8231235



>> No.8231245

I don't have to defend myself. Vegans are too frail to sustain an attack.

>> No.8231281

Misanthropy is the hatred of humans, but what's the hatred of all living creatures? Fuck animals, and fuck you.

>> No.8231294


Meat is awesome
Meat is great
Whether pulled off the bone
or served on a plate.

Veggies can't do it
So why even try
As long as meat's around
We'll grill, bake, and fry.

Meat. It never left.

>> No.8231302

Thanks chicken sandwich and nugget supplier for your honesty.

>> No.8231305
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>tfw dinner last night was 50% steamed broccoli, 50% baby back ribs

>> No.8231313

It's because I'm straight. That is all.

>> No.8231315
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>caring about inferior life-forms
Im gona live almost +50 years from now so i dont care about chickens or shit dying.

>> No.8231362

I like killing all the little animals - and there are far to many on this crowded planet. They taste vewy, vewy good too.

>> No.8231601
File: 78 KB, 499x469, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegans operate on feelings, not on logic
We all must do this to some extent.

For example, I am a vegan because I grew up around farms, knew plenty of animals, and I empathize enough with them that I don't want to kill them any more than I have to. I don't have to, so I don't. Valuing sentient life and animal pain/full life-span - this is purely a "feelings"-based motivation, sure.

But look at some meat eater motivations:
>I like the taste of meat
>I don't really care about animals
>I feel like, as the top of the food chain, I should be able to eat whatever I want
>It's _natural_!
These are all personal values based on feelings as well. I've yet to hear anyone who has a purely logically-based reasoning on this that does not rely on personal feelings to at least some degree.

>make unreasonable conclusions based on flawed studies
Often true. But I've heard the stupid
>eating meat will give you cancer and you're necessarily die at 50 from heart disease
argument as much as I've heard:
>going vegan will make you a scrawny bastard with no muscles until you die of malnourishment or you get breasts from tofu
argument. There is plenty of stupidity on both sides.

>> No.8231636

i eat meat and vegetable. whats your defend?

>> No.8231641

>There is plenty of stupidity on both sides.
Sadly true of everything ever.

>> No.8231657

>I've yet to hear anyone who has a purely logically-based reasoning on this that does not rely on personal feelings to at least some degree.
thats pretty much because the burden of proof is on vegans, since they are the ones that claim that eating animals is immoral.

>> No.8231690

Just got done eating two McChickens and a small fry. Eat shit and die.

>> No.8231696

When mummy gets in, home from work
Her hungry good boy goes berserk
No time to rest her weary feet --
Her good boy needs a crispy treat!
His points were earned through honest toils
And now he lays claim to the spoils
A golden stack of sizzling strips,
Ketchup, ranch and countless dips.
But if he does not have his way
If mummy will not cook today
Then good boy surely will protest
In a manner mummy will detest.
Off comes his diaper, lifted tall
The contents go onto the wall
His cry reaches a piercing pitch:
Tears now stream from mummy's eyes
But had she only been so wise
And seen that good boy had his plate
She would yet not have known this fate.

>> No.8231705


I like the taste of meat and the tactile sensation of chewing through muscle tissue.

>> No.8231726

>The world has a problem with human overpopulation.
>The solution is to not eat meat.
Vegans, you are crazy. The solution is to offer people hard drugs in exchange for being made sterile. Eating animals is perfectly natural.

>> No.8231729

Muh, I'm a vegan and eat organically grown vegetables. An organic farmer uses blood meal (nitrogen), bone meal (phosphorous), and animal manure to supplement the soil in addition to plant residue for compost. You're eating animal byproducts when you eat your "oh so clean vegetables."

If you're a vegan and not eating locally sourced organic then you're equally culpable with the beefeaters due to you're enormous carbon footprint.

Your hypocrisy stinks even through this computer screen, you sorry ignorant evangelical.

>> No.8231733

I only abstain from eating animals that understand and practice revenge.
Crows, whales, dolphins, primates, maybe cephalopods, and a few others I can't think of right now.

>> No.8231736

Such easy bait. Thanks for replying guys.

>> No.8231747
File: 53 KB, 680x567, seriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying your OP
>implying it was a troll rather than you getting BTFO
>implying implications

>> No.8231770

>a few others I can't think of right now.

>> No.8231786
File: 44 KB, 620x372, whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll never get to practice if you don't give them a reason to, anon.

>> No.8231790
File: 159 KB, 900x690, 1398840867336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love meat

>> No.8231939

>if you don't save 100% of all lives, then being a vegan is hypocritical and pointless

As I said, I grew up in farm country, so yes, I understand that a lot of animal products go into the farming process.

A) I'm not saying I can or would save every animal out there. I just don't want to kill any that I don't have to.

B) All that applies multiple times over to livestock production, because you have to use the animal products that go into producing the grain for feed (which is a lot more food than if you ate the plants directly), and then you kill the livestock animal on top of it. So when you say:
>You're eating animal byproducts when you eat your "oh so clean vegetables."
I'm not eating anywhere near the amount of animals as if I directly supported livestock production.

C) Yeah, I do support local farmers as much as I can, for reasons besides carbon footprint, but I suspect that my carbon footprint is notably smaller because of it.

>you sorry
you've failed to invalidate any of my reasoning so far
you've failed to provide me with any information I didn't know
and I'm not telling anyone to eat like me, or that I am perfect, so you're making baseless (and incorrect) assumptions about me

But I understand why you're doing so. As I said in >>8231601 there is plenty of stupidity to go around. You are probably used to seeing anyone who calls themselves vegan be a bit stupid, and you probably don't realize how stupid you are. It's a rough combination.

>> No.8231958

fuck me..!!

>> No.8231978

Post a picture of yourself and I'll consider it.

>> No.8232012

Animal products are tasty, nutritious and culturally great.

>> No.8232020

tfw I've eaten all of those kinds of meat in the picture, including horse.

>> No.8232055

I suddenly realized I don't know if horses understand revenge. I'ma have to look that up.

>> No.8232067
File: 14 KB, 225x169, ATHF_Carl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would actually consider veganism if not for vegans. Vegans are the most insufferable assholes I have ever met. Every single one lives for drama, nothing is ever good enough, and they have perpetual victim complexes. They are cultists, plain and simple. Wish they'd just drink the koolaid and martyr themselves already.

>> No.8232097

Shoo redditor.

>> No.8232116
File: 10 KB, 260x166, 260px-I'se_so_happy_-_postcard-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huurr duurr, animal byproducts make my vegetables, but the blood meal, bone meal and manure were gathered one pile by one pile in a beautiful spring fed field by Alice in Wonderland and we all, including all the little animals, lived in one happy embrace. I tell you, it's the garden of eden!

You sanctimonious evangelical hypocrite, go spew your filth somewhere else. You're so pathetic, you can't even make a coherent arguement.

>> No.8232118

>I would actually consider veganism if not for vegans.
Dude, you don't have to join a community or anything.

If you are considering doing it, it doesn't matter what anyone else does. Most of us don't really give too much thought to what other people eat, or make annoying youtube channels, or write a blog or anything. Just do what's right for you. Most of the vegans you've crossed paths with in real life - you probably didn't even know because they are not the vocal minority. You don't have to wear a badge or anything.

>> No.8232122

I can't tell if you're trying to troll me, or if you're really this butthurt over the fact that someone eats differently than you for their own reasons.

Get bent, jackoff.

>> No.8232132

Nah, the vocal minority is way too vocal. Even if they weren't, I'd still only be considering it.

>> No.8232138

Eat however you want, but no one wants to hear about your deviant behavior.

I have a size difference fetish, but I don't go to every thread with porn in it and tell people how much happy they would be if they only jacked off to porn with partners of contrasting size.

>> No.8232142

Because I'm not a picky eater

>> No.8232148

I'm not concerned about your feelings or your sexual deviancy. Go cry about it elsewhere.

>> No.8232149

>These are personal values based on feelings as well. I've yet to hear anyone who has a purely logically-based reasoning on this that does not rely on personal feelings to at least some degree.

Sure I"ll bite then. Humans are capable of expending large amounts of energy. Now I admit that many of the soft city dwellers these days rely on a caloric intake of 1800 to 2000 Kcal a day to maintain a zero-sum energy intake. Fair enough, the conventional diet that is totted these days measures up.

However, you get to more rugged locations, that caloric expenditure throughout the day goes up. Thus, the human being must be able to intake more calories in order to keep from wasting away. (Vitamins and nutrients are a whole different thing, not getting into them, going just off of energy for the sake of this argument.)

Now a logger, commercial fisherman, roofer, and any number of high intensity jobs could easily burn close to 3200-4200 Kcal a day. They need more dense forms of caloric intake that releases throughout the day. That's where meat comes in. Meat gram per gram contains within it more energy than any vegetation of the same mass. The human stomach only has so much space, and having to supply that much caloric intake would be an enormous feat under a vegan diet (possible, but unlike professional athletes, a logger is probably only going to get the chance to have a meal in the morning and at night. While a fisherman could go as long as 18 or so hours without break.)

That's my logical stance. People depending on their work still need highly concentrated forms of energy, and meat provides it.

>> No.8232151


>> No.8232160

Also the "overpopulation" line is fucking liberal dogma. The world isn't over populated, it can probably support twice as much population as it does now, three times as much if we're willing to terraform to that point. Hell my state has the capacity to feed the entire united states alone, but most of its production goes to fuels and synthetics.

Hungry africans are hungry due to the barbarism of their overlords and tyrannical leaders. Their greed keeps people hungry.

>> No.8232188

This is a fair point - that the average vegan diet contains far fewer calories than the average non-vegan diet.

However, that's not really the whole story.
For example, look at the number of high-level vegan athletes out there - it is certainly possible to get a high calorie diet on vegan food, if you wish.

If you want to go whole foods and be relatively healthy, grains, nuts and sweet fruit are an easy way to boost calories. A diet high in, for example, rice, peanuts, and dates could hit 3.5-4k calories a day without having to stuff yourself. If you aren't considering nutrients and overall health, adding refined sugar and oil to things means you could reach 4k in a single vegan meal.

But, more importantly than that (to me, anyway) is just as you said - for most people, that level of calorie intake is far from necessary. I have no care to push my diet on anyone else who doesn't hold the same values as me, so I'm mainly worried about what I get out of a diet. I'm more physically active than the average person, but I really only need about 2500 calories / day, which I easily hit on a vegan diet.

But I will give you credit - that is, perhaps, the most logical and least emotional response to the vegan question that I've ever read.

>> No.8232200

>it can probably support twice as much population as it does now,
No no. I don't care how many people the Earth can support. I care about how many people I have to live near. I personally want about 60% less people on Earth, it just so happens that it would solve a lot of other problems without any additional effort.

I just want to live in a word with less neighbors, more wilderness, and no mega cities.

>> No.8232201

One of my favorite things in these kindof threads is watching an argument where some vegan is being pretty calm and not telling other people to eat like him/her ... and then have some outraged anon come in and yell at the vegan about preaching and get super emotional.

i usually can't stand vegans/vegetarians, but this shit is always funny when it happens.

>> No.8232206

How's about you kill yourself then and bring the world closer to your ideal? What, you're not willing to do that? Shut the fuck up then.

>> No.8232208

>But I will give you credit - that is, perhaps, the most logical and least emotional response to the vegan question that I've ever read.
What about 'A cow would kill you and everyone you care about if you gave it the chance?'

>> No.8232212

Because I'm not an estrogen filled faggot.

>> No.8232214

People aren't made to live in cities. I was clarifying a point, if you don't want me to then don't talk to me.

>> No.8232221

So, what... should I base my behavior and ethics on what a cow would do? Should I base my diet on revenge?

It doesn't really seem like a logical reason to base my behavior on.

Even though there are cannibal humans out there who would you, you don't judge that as a good reason to eat humans, right?

>> No.8232222

People aren't meant to drive cars, wear clothes, or use electricity either. Better stop posting on the internet, since we're not meant to have that either.

>> No.8232234

I'm a flyover so knowing the thing I'm eating was a living thing that suffered gets my dick hard. I'm gonna need that hard dick to beat my wife and rape my daughter. Cheaper than viagra.

>> No.8232255

Hey no problem. I've used this argument in the past, and I'm glad someone actually took the time to debate me on it.

I didn't get too far into the athletes out there on vegan diets, which I should probably had. They have scheduled feeding times and such, and I believe I mentioned that certain professions you can't hit those times, so you need a slow burn caloric intake which meat provides. Whole grains and nuts are high in energy, yes I agree with that. However grains are quick fire energy and you're likely to dump more energy rather than actually absorb it. As to nuts, many have quite a lot of oil in them, and in my experience too much oil sorta wrecks havoc on your digestive system. When I did field work I once chomped away at a bag of almonds instead of eating anything else and I paid for it.

Also, you have to look at the more remote locations of some of these places. A ship is more likely to carry meat instead of twice as much weight or so to replace it with nuts and grains.

>> No.8232256

It was a Simpson reference.

I don't want to talk about this and you don't want to read anything I have to say. So why the fuck are you responding to me?

>> No.8232258

>should I base my behavior and ethics on what a cow would do?

Maybe you should. Why not? Is the cow automatically a bad moral template because it's different from us and smells kind of weird?

>> No.8232262

Hey man, I'm with you. I was the OP you responded to. However sadly our society has very little opposition to keep population in check these days.

I'd love to go to a time when I live in a remote location, join a hunting party and nail myself an auroch for the year. However sadly, aurochs are extinct, danger comes from within human society rather than outside it, and probably 90% of favorable wilderness locations in the world have been transformed permanently by humans.

>> No.8232263

And that's where the offensive hypocrisy comes from, imo. The people who actually make the world work, and through their sweat provide for everyone else are treated to lovely moral condemnation.

It is funny. You know what else is funny? The ideal vegan farmer only fertilizes his crops with human feces. Vegan feces, of course. There's a pandemic just waiting to happen in Vegetopia.

>> No.8232265

>I don't want to talk about this

Then why the fuck did you bring it up, dipshit?

Also, that was my first and only reply to you, you baby.

>> No.8232273

>Also, that was my first and only reply to you, you baby.
>there's more then 2 people on /ck/

>> No.8232276

>implying there's more than 1

We're all the same schizophrenic talking to themself.

>> No.8232291

Holly fuck Flash, I might be off my meds!

>> No.8232351

Because I live far from civilization most of the time and the best way to feed myself cheaply in winter is to hunt. There's nothing wrong with meat and going the way of the panda would cause a lot of people to disappear.

>> No.8232401

Eat everything that isn't poison.

>> No.8232417

>Ex-vegan here
Vegan is expensive
Vegan tastes like shit
Vegans are mentally ill control freaks

>> No.8232426

>What is non-renewable resources
>What is power consumption
>What is human waste
>What is deforestation

Producing enough food isn't the only problem with overpopulation, my friend

>> No.8232427

If you can't even kill animals how are you going to kill people when WWIII rolls through.

>> No.8232429

Because god created animals so we can eat them

>> No.8232436

What happened? Are you a vegetarian now?

>> No.8232453

1. It's not at all expensive. How the fuck are beans and grains expensive? Fuck outta here.

2. Correction: YOUR vegan food tastes like shit. See: >>8215344

3. So obviously arguable depending on the vegan it isn't worth responding to.

>> No.8232459

Got a mentally ill control freak right here

>> No.8232534


When the chickens raise up an army, I will kill them without hesitation.
When the grocery stores are empty, and I need to hunt to survive, I will hunt animals without regret.

When HRC starts WWIII and foreign troops are on my lands killing my fellow countrymen, I will kill them without hesitation.
When the social structure collapses, and I have to fight for my family to survive, I will kill who I need to, if I need to, without too much regret.

But I'm not at either of those points yet. So I try not to be responsible for any more human or animal deaths than I need to be. I hope that answers your question.

>> No.8232582
File: 52 KB, 640x414, vegan-peanut-butter-cups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat and dairy alternatives could be less expensive, but my problem is mostly convenience foods. Couldn't have muffins or pierogies because of eggs. Couldn't have lots of soups and sauces because of cream and cheese. Then there's modified milk ingredients in everything else, like oatmeal, chips, biscuits, dressings.

I'd have to give up a lot of Halloween candy too. And other seasonal treats (danish butter cookies, imported chocolates, fruitcakes). I don't feel like I should have to jump through hoops to make my own, but the right thing is never the easy thing I guess.

,..While I'm complaining, canned vegan soups are so boring oh my god. It's nothing but vegetables and lentils. Is it really so much to ask for like a vegan clam chowder, or vegan beef stew.

>> No.8232680

>Try to defend yourself.

I'm not doing anything illegal.


The only things being upset are your own feelings and moral code which is not legally enforceable or mean anything in the real world.

>> No.8232904

I was raised vegetarian and then vegan for seven years from age 11. The first point is false. The second is somewhat true. The third is 100% true, I do think most vegans suffer from mental disorders which is why they become vegan. I include my parents and one of my sisters in this category.

In my first year of Uni I basically ate a whole cow's worth of meat.

>> No.8232925

Because my wifes son loves meat, i can't do this to my beloved child

>> No.8233284

Glad you were able to be deprogrammed, anon.

Evangelical vegan parents should be charged with child abuse and have their children remanded to state custody.

In many instances the authorities are doing just that when the vegans kill or brain damage their infants by stupidly feeding them only a vegan diet. Unfortunately, it's too late for the victim who was killed or injured.

>> No.8233430

I don't care about the pain and suffering of animals unless them living a better life will make them taste better.

>> No.8233439

I like meat

>> No.8233441

because I am not a shitty picky eater that arbitrarily limits what I am willing to consume

>> No.8233498

I need B12. I can't get the bulk of my calories from just fruits and veggies unless I wanna have constant diarrhea. I hate kale. God I hate kale. Cheap as fuck but tastes like shit. Spinach is better tasting. I like variety of everything.

I went full vegan once for 6 months. I lost 40 lbs and had constant diarrhea for the entire duration. So it was a pretty bad experience losing most of my gains and having my lifts go down as well as energy levels.

>> No.8233507

Oh please, everybody arbitrarily limits what they are willing to consume for all kinds of reasons.

You have things that disgust you. There are things in the world that you would take an ethical stance against killing and eating.

Your lines are just at different places than vegans', and that's all.

Used to live in farmland, so I can confirm -
Livestock doesn't produce B12. If they live naturally - if they are grassfed, living on clean grounds, etc. - they will consume enough B12 from nature. However, if they are like most farms these days - living in penned up areas eating grain feed - they do not get enough B12, and their meat/milk only has it because they are getting B12 supplements. B12 shots are one of the most common shots given to cattle.

So, unless you eat nothing but organic grassfed meat, you are getting your B12 from artificial B12 supplements. Just the same as a vegan taking a B12 pill.

I got nothing to argue about the rest of your post, but the B12 issue isn't a vegan issue.

>> No.8233522

I'm not vegan because I'm not mentally ill. Veganism should be classified as a mental illness.

>> No.8233526

>Your lines are just at different places than vegans', and that's all.

Sounds like a perfectly good reason to not have to be a vegan.

>> No.8233554

That's fine. If you are comfortable with where your lines are, and aren't comfortable with where vegans' lines are, that's plenty of reason to eat the way you want to eat.

But don't act like
>I have a superior palate which I allow to eat and enjoy literally anything, while vegans eat in a fundamentally different way where they
>limit themselves from eating certain things

>> No.8233563

I eat a lot of eggs and tuna once a week which contain b12. But yeah never knew about the grass fed part. Good info.

>> No.8233891

I live in a small part of space and time in the experience of the human race where I can eat meat every day

Like hell I'm not taking advantage of that

>> No.8233905

I can't digest your planet's disgusting green vegetables. What kind of backwards fucking civilization eats shit they dig out of the ground? Your legumes are delectable, though they go best in chili, with meat.

>> No.8233970

This quip might be late to the party but I'm not reading an entire thread to check.

IT IS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE TO BE TRULY VEGAN. Nearly every plant we eat undergoes pollination by bees and is therefore the product of animal labor and taboo for vegans.

Get out with your shitty b8.

>> No.8234617

Most vegans I've met usually feel a need to display superiority over people who don't follow their diet.

Most of them that I met don't even have a high school education under their belt.

Something about their diet clearly makes them fucked up.

>> No.8234650

God was given plants and fatty lamb cuts from 2 people and he only accepted the lamb. Be godly

>> No.8234657

Good for vegans, I enjoy eating meat too much and feel like my life would be noticeably harder if I tried to not eat meat.