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8218007 No.8218007 [Reply] [Original]

I've already had 4 shandys today and it's almost 3pm...

>> No.8218012

Manly aren't we

>> No.8218043

bump. turned 26 today so I am going to go home and drink all day alone like I always do on my birthday.

>> No.8218049


Currently on day 3 of not drinking having drunk at least half a bottle of gin a night for well over a year.

Sleep is better, motivation is better, I generally feel better, but the "brain fog" or whatever you call it is still there and I am finding concentration difficult. Hopefully this will pass.

>> No.8218053

It will. Just don't start drinking again the second you start to feel normal

>> No.8218079

what do you do at night?
How do you handle the boredom of not drinking?

>> No.8218082


jesus christ.

>> No.8218091


I don't plan to, aiming to have one or two drinks on the weekend and none during the week. Still want to enjoy it, but not do it all the time to excess.


That has been the hardest part so far. Started reading and playing video games, plan to start cooking some new things too. Might start going to the gym at night, but it is always packed and I don't like going when there are loads of people.

>> No.8218646

tfw can't be alcoholic because 24hr work schedule

>> No.8218699
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Happy birthday anon!

>> No.8218728

happy b day bro

>> No.8218730


I work 8:00am to 4:00pm and are on call 24/7 and I usually work every single night most often between 8pm - 11pm but it is not unusual for me to be operating power tools and even cutting concrete at 3 am in which at 2:55am I was fast asleep.

>I start drinking at 4:05pm and I am drunk all night and all my bosses know it
>i sleep on site
>tfw they just ask me how the hell I do it

Whats worse is that I have a friend who frequents the same bars I do and runs a similar schedule but he is a fuel technician for a major fuel company

>he is looks at me cross eyed with a big drunken grin at the bar when his phone rings and shouts "HERE WE GO AGAIN"
>he sleeps in his work van half the time because often it doesn't make sense for him to go home
>tfw he works with 10" fuel supply valves and million gallon tanks full of gasoline, propane, diesel, kerosene and whatever in this state.

>> No.8218821

Jesus Christ get some help you guys

>> No.8218892

bout to go grocery shopping and get wasted off of cheap vodka when I get back

>> No.8218909

Thanks. that means a lot to me ;_;

>> No.8218932

kudzu root pills. look into them. they won't stop you drinking but they cut the cravings OFF. they've probably saved my life even I'm still downing between a fifth and pint per night

>> No.8218945

you're not alone :)

>> No.8219029

Shandy? How many dicks did OP suck before 3pm also?

>> No.8219095

Ive been trying to cut down my drinking but its hard. I just like the taste of spice and wood, even if I only have a sip one day I'm getting too reliant that I could develop a serious problem.

>> No.8219106

happy birthday. I had a dream last night that everyone in my life forgot it was my birthday hopefully that didn't happen to ya. But I am 27 and have had quite a few years of drinking alone on my birthday so
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It's alright anon!

>> No.8219112

dont feel ashamed bro i turned 21 this year and drank a whole bottle of whiskey on my birthday. had to get my stomach pumped but it made me forget about my life for once

>> No.8219170

Pansy. I drank a 5th and went driving last night

>> No.8219177


Would people be able to smell if I chugged 2/3 colt 45s? I'd open email outside and chug em outside but I'm just worried about my breath (even after brushing/flossing) since alch comes out of your lungs or some shit

>> No.8219184

Was supposed to quit drinking on Monday and drank that day and every day since. Plus I went out and bought another fucking bottle last night, which I didn't even open so I clearly never needed. Fuck, I hate how poor my impulse control is, especially when drunk.

>> No.8219241

>responsible drilling.

>> No.8219359

wow you're really fucking cool dude
they could probably smell it on your breath yeah, but it wouldn't be super obvious if you don't breathe too close

>> No.8219364


What about the room, would it smell of booze from my breath as a breathe?

>> No.8219385

*As I

>> No.8219409

>day 3 of not drinking
>Sleep is better
what the fuck

when I stop drinking I can't sleep at all for 3 days. I'm shaking and shitting and the spiders start racing across the ceiling

>> No.8219418

I mean depending on the size of the room but you should be alright. maybe chug some water after and chew some gum or even brush your teeth if you can

I dunno in my experience slamming booze and then immediately joining people who you don't want to know you just slammed booze is usually a bad idea, unless you're a pro but it doesn't sound like you are

so like i dunno do what you gotta do good luck brother

>> No.8219425

What do you guys think about Bulleit Rye? Good shit or nah?

>> No.8219446

It's pretty good.

I'm not one of the aficionados, but I like rye whiskeys more than most. Bulleit is completely non offensive and quite good if you ask me.

>> No.8219500

Better than most

>> No.8219501

It's absolutely my favorite mid-shelf whiskey.
It's not going to impress any snobs but it's a great mid-range rye

>> No.8219505
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listening to New Order on the radio working my way through an eight pack of lucky, my drinking window is pretty much down to three or four hours a day during the week but I make it work.

currently concocting a plan to get my girlfriend back, trying to find my witch hat, trying to not drink too much but I only have eight 5% beers so I think I'm good.

>> No.8219524

i've woken at 1.30 am because of withdrawal. can someone please arrange a hitman?

>> No.8219535
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>tfw stuck in 3 day sober 2 day binge drink cycle for a month

>> No.8219551

still better than a 0 day sober 5 day binge drink cycle

>> No.8219560

this is true
but i am drunk now.
this almost killed me before. why do i stil do this?

>> No.8219562

sent ;)

>> No.8219581
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I hate this shit. Been drinking non-stop for like 8 years, but the past few months I've been trying to quit. I'll go for like a week sober and feel and look great and then something will trigger in me and I'll just go on a multiple day binge. Happens on and off and I fucking hate it.

Why can't I just stay sober? When I go for periods without booze, after the initial couple of days I feel on top of the world and proud of myself. I want that feeling to last forever.

>> No.8219592

Yeah I recently had one of my friends fuck some girl I was getting really close to and it sent me on some really bad binges where I basically destroyed most of my relationships.

>> No.8219597
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>drink all day long for several days
>can't even drink anymore and don't get drunk so stop
>horrible hangover
>feel great when the hangover goes away, start thinking about how i will fix my life and stop drinking completely
>couple of days go and i feel incredibly anxious about everything and can't get anything done so i start to drink to make it feel better
>repeat 47 times in a row

>> No.8219603

because deep inside you want to do what gives you the most pleasure
If the only thing left you enjoy is alcohol then it's pretty obvious what will happen

>> No.8219605

>tfw already halfway done with a can of bud light
>it's only 9PM

help me

>> No.8219610

just walk around, study something, write, think, watch movies, cook and eat something interesting, call or talk to someone.
Try to do something around the house or get a project started.

>> No.8219634

were gonna make it
ive been in the place where you you are fucked every day, throwing up stomach lining
and now i can go multiple days away from it (when i was dying i was dry for 18 months)
it just never ends
fuck this drug

>> No.8219653

Anyone else here extremely well functioning while drunk? Drinking motivates me to do a lot of productive stuff I otherwise wouldn't do, the only problem is that at some point during the binge I'll lose control and drink enough to black out and become an asshole.

>> No.8219693
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Fuck. I love you guys, but I don't want this life anymore.

>> No.8219720

the anxiety can start between 4-7 days after stopping and may last a couple of weeks or even like a month. If it is an underlying condition it may come and go or just be there a bit for a while longer, also. But learning to cope with those feelings is part of becoming a stronger person who doesn't need to self medicate with alcohol-- so even though the anxiety or whatever may not totally go away, you will become better at coping if you keep at it.
You waste a lot more time when you are drunk all the time than if you are actively trying.

>> No.8219727

>You waste a lot more time when you are drunk all the time than if you are actively trying.
Yeah but being drunk feels better.

>> No.8219750

It's a scary feeling when you go days being drunk and realize it's like 5 days later and you barely remember any of it.

The worst fucking shit is finding drunk conversations with sober people and how ungodly cringey you were during them. Holy fuck I avoid reading that shit at all costs anymore and pray people don't bring up shit I said.

>> No.8219756

just drink vodca

>> No.8219762
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>get wasted as fuck and end up telling several girls that i want to spank them

>> No.8219770

Anyone else have terrible recurring hemorrhoids?

>> No.8219802

>be me functional
> very busy at my business
>slam a 375 ml 1 block from my house
> wife has no idea drink 6-8 beer at night
>kids are just getting into junior high
> afraid they will pickup on it soon
>get up every day work like a motherfucker
> earn lots of cash
>wife complains of drinking
> never miss any kids stuff ever
Anons, suggestions I need your help sick of being hungover and battling through it every day
Help faggots!

>> No.8219837

Why do you drink? Are you unhappy with your life?

>> No.8219844

rotate your compensation meds. aspirin, ibu, nyquil, dayquil, dramamine, milk thistle, kudzu, b vitamins, dont take any of them more than a few times in a row. powerade zero is your best friend, followed by vitamin water.

you're not that bad, i drink almost twice that and also have kids/high demand job and shit

>> No.8219853

>Why do you drink?

That's a stupid question amirite lads

>> No.8219858

I mean I know why I drink, but really, I was just wondering if you had a particular reason for it when you have a family.

I'm so lonely.

>> No.8219892

No anon I think I am drinking because of stress on job. I never speak of my job at home when I get home I am engaged with my kids but they are getting older and will notice soon. I compartmentalize as best I can with my job but I need to better without booze. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help anon
I come from /b/ this board is great I come from there cause there was only /a/ and /b/ when I found 4chan.

>> No.8219915

shandy? faggot

>> No.8219949

These threads are easily some of the chillest and friendliest on the board other than the random shitposters we get every now and then (best to not feed those). It's refreshing in between all the rampant shitposting and dickheads on this board these days.

>Any suggestions?

Well, your guess is as good as mine. I've been drinking for almost a decade now, but I have been cutting back a lot with sheer willpower and determination mostly. Tired of losing my looks, health and money to this shit when it only makes things worse.

>> No.8220108 [DELETED] 


I'm in Canafuck so our prices suck.

I can get a 200 ml bottle of vodka for 7 bucks. Would u recommend I get that and drink it quick OR get a 350 ml bottle for 13 bucks? I only want to get drunk one night and 350 ml ends up being overkill for me (go ahead and crucify me I'm lightweight) but I want to know if it's worth the extra money to get the 350

>> No.8220124
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Bought 350ml of Appleton V/X, 350ml of Bombay Sapphire, 2 bottles of red wine and a bottle of white wine yesterday. I haven't drunk for 21 days.

I have this week off, and enough liquor to drown in.

I've only had three ounces of the Appleton though (mixed it with coke).

>> No.8220132

Yeah, shitting is the worst part of my day, every day.

>> No.8220136

Exact opposite. Shitting is the most relaxing part of the day.

No hemorrhoids.

>> No.8220140

I sometimes just sit on the toilet for an hour because the process of shitting was too painful to bother whiping.

>> No.8220148
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> 9pm
Bedtime is 7pm for me.

> tfw had a sip of sangria before 5pm

>> No.8220172

200 never does anything for me but make me crave more. 375 is the perfect size for me, gets me as far as I need to go with minimal symptoms the next day. I used to buy fifths, and at my worst handles. In the end it didn't save me a dime of money, I just ended up drinking way more than I do now.

>> No.8220174

Not him, but 375 is usually enough to make me black out even after all the years I've been drinking. I'm a pretty small person though.

>> No.8220179

I'm 230lb, 6'4'', and 200ml of liquor is enough to nearly cease cognitive function.

>> No.8220181

Just get a 200 then if it's enough for you. In my experience buying excess booze is a recipe for disaster. Also jealous of your lightweightness. I'm a big guy so I either have to drink big or drink quickly on an empty stomach

>> No.8220194

Thank you anon good advise. I think I need to wean down. Yes once ina while there is a good response and not a shit post. Godspeed anon

>> No.8220233
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Buy the cheapest big bottle and drink as much as you need.

>> No.8220236

>there are no women on the internet

>> No.8220239

Careful, you'll trigger the lurking robots.

>> No.8220247

>Woke up at 6am
>Come 8am already drank half-litre bottle of whisky

>> No.8220249
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Anon that got me in rehab. Still not abstinent but drinking much less. Also take this as you like, but my shit didn't start imploding until I started day drinking. Rock bottom hit me amazingly fast once I started morning drinking.

>> No.8220251

Not all the time, and not all of being drunk feels better. The guilt, hangovers, anxiety, physical and emotional pain, unclear thinking, self-loathing, depression, morosity, suicidal thoughts, arguments, putting yourself and others in danger... all of those things also happen when you are drinking or because of drinking. Probably because drunk people do more stupid shit that is regrettable than not drunk people.

Just saying anon, you can feel good when you aren't drunk. When you are drunk, whatever feeling you end up with is not under your control and harder to get out of. And it's totally unpredictable (and often embarrassing).

However, drinking moderately and getting a little buzz on from time to time feels much better than being sober forever and restricting yourself. But you have to be able to feel okay sober to learn how to pace yourself. Otherwise you will keep failing.

Sometimes, even though this isn't always the case, it seems like people want to wallow in their addictions because they are literally too lazy to do emotional or mental work.

>> No.8220256
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Lmaooo like, how do you even get addicted to alcohol. It's the last thing I think of doing when I'm alone, what is even the point when you're not in a social gathering?

People who are alcoholics are weak-willed and weak-minded.

>> No.8220265

Yeah, when I was getting drunk almost every day most of my conversations that I can remember were these garbage confession verbal outpourings that at the time I thought were me getting closer to people. I cringe thinking about those years now, and get anxious whenever I consider trying to legitimately reconnect with people I used to be acquainted with when I was a complete degenerate.
Granted, spending more time alone and not leaving the house or socializing has helped me drink less, but the loneliness and boredom get me down. Trying to get more motivated to do things like leave the house or whatever is tough when I don't feel the need to run down to a bar and pretend I'm being social while getting blackout drunk as quickly as possible.
It eventually fell apart.

>> No.8220267

Anyone here ever drink arak? Any brands worth getting in the US?

I had it the last time I visited Iran ~13 years ago. I think it was a Lebanese brand.

>> No.8220281

>drink more than ever last night
>wake up today and feel like shit, tell myself i'll go to bed early (11PM-12AM)
>gets to 11PM
>order junk food delivery and slam a couple whiskey cokes
>will probably be up until 6AM

It will be fun they said

>> No.8220283

You are always alone and thus you would die from consuming too much. Go catch a pokemon and jerk off to pictures of anime children.

>> No.8220557

Those of you who still have your looks and are still young enough, please, please get off this ride now before it's too late. Shit isn't worth it, man.

>> No.8220755

goddamnit man, don't make this real

>> No.8220760


I think it is because I am exhausted from not sleeping properly for so long - never wake up refreshed after drinking and getting up for a piss a couple of times a night is really disruptive.

Day 4 now - slept really well last night but feel a bit crap this morning for some reason. Going to stay hydrated and go to the gym later.

Was really tempted to drink last night actually, didn't get a job that I really wanted so was very close to opening a bottle of wine and sipping away to the small hours. Glad I didn't though. Looking forward to a beer this weekend though.


I like it, but personally prefer the regular bourbon. It is really good stuff.

>> No.8220773
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I wish someone had told me that before I lost a good 50% of my hair (not MPB, both sides of the family have super thick hair), the skin on my face started sagging, dark circles started forming under my eyes and wrinkles started appearing at 28 years old.

Fuck this shit. I used to be fucking goddamn decent looking.

>> No.8220827
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It's my birthday today. I'm suspending all responsibilities until tomorrow. I am home alone all day today.

I have stocked
>30 0.5 liter cans of cheap 5% abv beer
>two liters of red wine, 13,5% abv
>a bottle and a half of high proof bourbon
>a bottle of Lagavulin
>about 1.5 grams of medical grade Dutch weed

I'm going to hunker down with a bottle waiting for Kim Dotcom to drop the 33,000 emails. Today is going to be a good day.

>> No.8220828

>>a bottle of Lagavulin

I recommend cracking that open after a couple of beers but before you lost the ability to taste. That stuff is seriously nice.

Happy Birthday anon

>> No.8220831

Thank you anon.

I might not even open that bottle, but just having it near is reassuring. Gonna take it easy for now.

>> No.8222514

bump for my alcbros to abandon the fake thread

>> No.8222737
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New thread:

>> No.8222820


Fuck off.

Anyway. I have some 151. I don't care. I'm drinking it.

>> No.8222833

Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.8222860

Classic /alk/ islamophobia.

>> No.8222863

Justified given everything going on.

>> No.8222910

Whenever I drink really heavily (a bottle of something between me and a friend, maybe a little more or a little less) these days my pee is orange the next day (usually only once, and then its mostly clear), even after drinking a lot of water. It also takes me forever to even need to pee in the first place. Also there's a vague/dull pain in the lower left side of my back

Is this just dehydration and hypochondria or should I avoid large amounts of alcohol for the foreseeable future?

>> No.8222927


My piss is always orange the next day, sometimes multiple times. I'm still alive

>> No.8222937

It's likely just dehydration. People underestimate how much water you need to be properly hydrated. Alcohol is a diuretic and even when you are drinking lots of water you can be losing liquid

But the pain in your back does sound like your kidney is mad at you. If you still have the ability to cut down on what you drink you definitely should

>> No.8222939

> I'm still alive
Not for long.

You have kidney failure.

>> No.8222943

It might Be a sign pancreatic pain if it radiates to your ribs. Your body needs a break. Medfag here I come from /b/ .

>> No.8222955
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Any liqour drinkers have a weird chaser you like? I drink vodka and the best chaser for me is chocolate milk. I think liquor in general tastes disgusting even mixed in a drink, but the chocolate milk completely neutralizes the burn and cleans the taste out. It also seems to help settle my stomach, orange juice and soda upset it.

>> No.8222957

Shoot I guess I should cut back. Although cutting back from this point is pretty easy

>> No.8223082

Yeah you should. I should take the same advise.

>> No.8223114

4 days sober. Gonna try my hardest not to drink this weekend but thats when the cravings really kick in

>> No.8223120

I've switched to my main drink being Busch Light recently. It means I can drink all night, 3 beers for every two of my previous, and wake up much less dehydrated.

I like it more, I've got to say. I mean, I still order beer at restaurants, but beer-water is my drink-all-night choice.

>> No.8223142

Loaded in the middle of the week and reading about the SS in a bar, lads. Just had a fat ginger milf try and spit game, I'ma get in it. Alcohol is killing me and it's rad

>> No.8223349 [DELETED] 


no, they're not raping, bombing, shooting, and being a fucking ratlike nuisance in otherwise beautiful European cities with rich histories and cultures!

oh wait

>> No.8223472
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>Comming down from 4 day drinking binge
>Hungover to the point where my hands can't stop shacking
>Can't stop throwing up even its really light food
Dose anyone else get this? Should I be worried? Im too ashamed to go to the hospital

>> No.8223483


you need water

lots of it

also deep breaths through your nose and out your mouth

>> No.8223495


What about electrolytes?

>> No.8223540

had like one shot of rum this evening to try and chase away some of the withdrawl. Now I can't sleep even though I took an ambien. Guess I'm going to be tired tomorrow. But hey 1 shot is better than the usual 5-7 drinks I do nightly.

>> No.8223544

Yes you need sodium, potassium, and water mainly. Eat a banana, drink some pickle juice / olive juice, and drink a shit ton of water. Best way to prevent a hangout I know. Also pear juice is good too. I always take a multivitiamin too, not sure if it helps though.

>> No.8223737

Who's that Ryan guy on the other al/ck/ thread someone tried to start?

>> No.8223816

So, are you drinking for the drunk, or are you drinking for the pleasure of the drink itself. for me it is the latter one, and never wanted to quit in the 8 years or so that i myself have been doing it. getting shitfaced once in a while can be super theraputic, but i much prefer a litre of wine over the course of 12 hours than a bottle in 3 every night. though, i always take the latter option over going dry.

>> No.8223823
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Sup bros

who here /heartburnconstantly/ ?

>> No.8223824

I drink to get drunk. I actually don't enjoy it much at all. I might for like the first hour or so while I'm conscious and can play vidya or something, but I always go overboard and get blackout drunk within an hour or two after that. I literally cannot control my intake once I start to drink.

>> No.8223833

how good is your self-control? I usually drink around 10 bottles of wine a week, and i try not to buy anything under 5 or 6€ often times i spend much more when i eat out. so around 100€ per week just for the booze isn´t somthing that is too rare. and i don´t make too much money, so even if i wanted to REALLY step it up, i couldn´t stand the cheap shit for too long.

Maybe you can just try to gradually up the quality of your libation and thereby cross from drunking to drinking?

>> No.8223837

what thread do you even think youre in

>> No.8223842

alcoholism can be measured both quantitatively and/or qualitatively

are you a nigger?

>> No.8223844
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have to take antibiotics and cant drink till monday, have not drink almost two weeks, longest time for a while..

Its pretty nice, but I have lots of weed so its not so bad

>> No.8223847

I'm trying not to drink at all honestly. I'd rather not even try to give in. I've been dry for a little over a week now and I'm intending to keep it that way.

It's just working through the random depressive spells that's difficult for me now. And the cravings and, dare I say the word, "triggers" of course.

Being sober feels nice for a change. It's nice not waking up, looking in the mirror and seeing a fucking zombie everyday.

>> No.8223851

FUCK! when i got out of the hospital a couple of years ago after a hand operation the first meal i made for myself was a deli sandwhich and a glass of cremant while still on antibiotics. FUCK if it did not make my liver hurt. Never had that problem with alcohol alone...

I feel for you, brah

>> No.8223856

well, good luck with that then, mate
it´s not for everyone. but if you started drinking for reasons of escapism, you prolly still have to look at the root cause for that, or you´ll end up back on the a carousell before long

>> No.8223880

are you an autist?

everyone here is obviously a qualitative(almost a given quantitative) drunk

those textbook definitions are just way too rigid

>> No.8223894

my main (short term) fear of alcoholism is getting fat. chocolate milk might be nice, but it's not that good for u

>> No.8223900

don't know where ur from, but try buying rehydration treatment for diarrhoea. it essentially just a sachet containing electrolytes. the best one in the uk is called dioralyte

>> No.8223903

the guy from this doc on alcohol - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrTlI6seM0A
sad stuff, he seemed like a really nice guy but i suppose it also serves as a warning

>> No.8223912

naked fish which is in the background occasionally is a super good sushi place btw

>> No.8223917

Oh, I'm a retard. I watched that a while ago but didn't recognize his face for some reason.

>> No.8223924
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>tfw you've been potentially talking with some of the same cool people from these threads for what might be years now and you'll never know who any of them are
Anonymity is pretty bittersweet sometimes.

Stay safe, al/ck/ gen.

>> No.8223928

anyone know any ways to help deal with increased caffeine sensitivity?

when i used to just drink socially if i was really hungover and tired there was nothing better that drinking a nice coffee to wake me up

now, i literally just have a few sips and sure enough my heart eventually starts racing and i can't focus and i feel really anxious

i miss drinking coffee :(

>> No.8223933

If you're an alcoholic chances are you've not only done some damage to your nervous system, but you also have a higher risk/sensitivity to anxiety. Caffeine fucks with all of that and enhances them I'm afraid.

I remember when even the weakest coffee would send me into fits of jitters and heart palpitations. Sometimes full blown panic attacks where I'd have to go for walks. I couldn't even imagine trying to drink an energy drink or something, my heart probably would have fucking exploded.

>> No.8223968

5 days sober. The longest it's been in 2 years.
The first 2 days were hell but I'm actually feeling pretty good now. When will my sleep go back to normal?

>> No.8223971

I take 225-450mg of ranitidine a day.

>> No.8224000

Always lurk, never post, but I feel as if it may be time.

I'm 22 with college in the morning at 8am every day. Usually drink about two pints (or a few swigs of whiskey) at around noon to take an hour nap before work. I will either secretly drink around 3-4 pints or 200ml of liquor at work (co/ck), then proceed to drink about 5-8 pints after work, usually cutting off liquor consumption as that is what makes me feel the worst in the morning and/or make me sleep through my alarm. I've taken one week off in the past 4 years, albeit my tolerance used to be considerably lower and I'd just have 2-3 pints on a given week day. I'm really just worried about what I'm doing to my brain. The physical symptoms are livable.

This is all because of depression. I need alcohol to get shit done and realize my true will.

>> No.8224005


I am on day 5 as well, feeling pretty good! Felt like shit yesterday but I think that is because I haven't been eating any more than I normally do and obviously haven't had additional calories from alcohol + snacks when drinking.

Sleep has been the best part so far actually, guess it depends on the individual. How have you been dealing with the boredom?

>> No.8224076
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hungover as fuck as avoiding the world and all human contact (which i do anyway)
i want to die

>> No.8224322

What's a good way to manage the anxiety that comes from quitting? It's driving me literally insane. Ranging from worrying about dumb tiny shit in my relationship (literally anxious over shit I'm just making up in my head and I know it but can't stop it), to my family, future, to my mental health, to panic attacks, worrying about this and that. Once I get over one thing, my mind will immediately find something else to worry about.

Can't sleep, can't eat. Kill me please.

>> No.8224339


Been holding off for the past 4 days. Have 2 exams coming up (one tomorrow one on Wednesday of next week) and just trying to get this shit done. Afterwards I am buying a big bottle of gin

>> No.8224506
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I've been drinking heavily for 9 years now and at this point it's impossible for me to get wasted enough to say/do something like that.
But then again I am extraordinarily inhibited around anyone but my closest friends. Also I'm 27 so it may just be that I'm getting old.

>> No.8224529
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750ml of 90 proof whisky in 3 hours last night + chew some clonazepam.

-made an ass of myself with the best looking girl i even know by far, says she wishes me the best but that's over, the regret is unbelievable.
-msgd people i haven't spook to in 5-10 years with requests to hang out, no response yet but that is awkward

you guys do this shit too?

>> No.8224538

9 year guy back again, I'm 27 now but don't have any wrinkles, hair loss, etc.
I still get carded in places because I look so fuckin young in the face, and I don't lift. It's like my face is fine but my upper body looks pretty fucked up when I'm not wearing a shirt. Ultra skinny fat.
I guess I got lucky unless I completely fall apart next year. Did 28 seem to be a magic number for you in that regard?

>> No.8224792

endoscopy monday for abdomen pains that may or may not be drink related (diagnosed fatty liver cleared up, no pancreas or other issues except abdomen pains)
glands in throat armpits' and groin swollen up recently so yeaahhhh
maybe fucked because drinking, may just be fucked because nature's a bitch

>> No.8224806

You might have colon cancer

>> No.8224807

Do drug addicts have a place here? I don't drink that heavily, largely because I'm under 21, but I'm psychologically addicted heroin, and smoke more weed than I should.

I've been doing lines all day since I woke up at 9, and I just got a half ounce of weed. Haven't smoked in a few weeks, looking forward to lighting up.

I wish I had a Manhattan or some cream sherry, but I don't like when I need to rely on alcohol as my primary drug, I get sick of hard liquor when I have a lot, and if I get drunk on anything weaker, I need to piss every 3 minutes.

>> No.8224814

Usually by drinking several days 24/7 without eating.

>> No.8224841

I know how it feels to lose control like that. For me benzodiazepines were involved as well as alcohol. I was blacking out for days at a time and acting incredibly erratically and being an asshole. I remember my mom trying to talk to me about how messed up I was and I yelled at her, ran upstairs, and took a bunch of pills. Somehow she still always forgives me.

Did you at least get to spank any of them?

>> No.8224896


>Since I started growing my beard I have looked a little rough
>On a tired day I can look 45
>still have more energy, strength and can party harder than all my /fit/ friends
>Women of all ages hitting on me

It's not so bad bruh.

>> No.8224933

Must be weird getting approached by such a variety of people. Would make getting involved with MILF's less awkward.

>> No.8225177


>> No.8225269


more than likely
no regrets ive had fun, ive been off me tits on drugs, ive seen shit loads of bands, ive even had some sex, i had a good life

>> No.8225303

i used to take similar dosages of that plus 60mg dexilant, which is now linked with DEMENTIA.

i was on it for 5 years.... i am not looking forward to dementia.... hopefully will die in my 30s

>> No.8225314

I've been thinking about trying to get into beer. Which ones should I try? I'd like to try a few different kinds and at least one common brand.

>> No.8225324

Said I wasn't going to drink after I shattered most of my relationships but I started playing that Finnish car making game and now I'm drinking homemade beer.

>> No.8225326

where are you located
if united states, give us a region at least motherfucker

>> No.8225336

>Must be weird getting approached by such a variety of people.

It has actually been like that my whole life. Probably is just my character

>Would make getting involved with MILF's less awkward.

This is true. Being approached by MILF's in my late teens and early 20's was awkward because I felt like a child next to them. Now it feels alright.

>> No.8225344

My grandfather had dementia, and desu i'm thinking of getting a gun when i'm old so i don't have to die slowly like that.

>> No.8225410

i'm assuming he's deceased. so are both of mine.

provided we arent invaded my islamists and russians during WWIII, suicide by gun is the only cure for dementia. you are such a burden when it happens, so sad.

>> No.8225418

my = by

>> No.8225603

What's a good mixed drink for Halloween?

>> No.8225607

Whats the deal with Jack Daniels? How much does a bottle cost in the US? Here in yurop it costs 25-27 euroshekels for 7dl (little less than a fifth). What I cannot understand is why. Is 10bucks just for the brand name of classic americana? I tried it at a bar and it tasted absolutely vile, and I like bourbon in general (hurr tennessee whisky, muh charcoal mellowed). Why do their better (still NAS) offerings cost as much as a 10y/o scotch that is comparatively on an entirely different level in terms of quality?

>> No.8225612

How have you faggots been able to drink so much for so long? I haven't had a sober night in over 2 years and my body feels so fucking awful I can hardly concentrate. Plus, a 12 pack hardly gets me drunk anymore. I need a 12 pack and a little bit of weed just to sleep through a night.

>> No.8225614
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happy birthday m8

>> No.8225615

>Whats the deal with Jack Daniels? How much does a bottle cost in the US?

It would vary by state. Each state has different liquor laws and taxes. In my area a 750 mL costs about $20.

>> No.8225619

That's not hungover idiot, it's withdrawals.
>Being ashamed of anything in front of a doctor
They see people with stuff stuffed in their ass. They see illegal drugs addicts regularly. They don't give a flying fuck about an alcoholic.
They haven't studied medicine for years to judge people like uncultured bigots.

Time. It can take months.
Pot could help, or worsen if you overdo it.
Look into meditation

Welcome aboard, friend.

Take a few random cans/bottles at your local supermarket. The more common ones have a larger stock on the shelf.

>> No.8225626

>Tasted vile

It's called an acquired taste.

>> No.8225709

Peated scotch is an acquired taste, JD a.k.a. acetone moonshine is not.

>> No.8225749


What should I get for lunch?


>> No.8225783

>Is 10bucks just for the brand name
Jack Daniel's isn't bad, but it's mediocre at best. Its quality is arguably even a little lower than that of Beam White or Evan Williams, depending on how sweet you like your drink. There's so much better whiskey at the Jack Daniel's pricepoint, you're really paying for the meme.


I'm drinking Jack Daniel's Single Barrel 100 Proof right now, which shows that the company can indeed produce a fine whiskey.

>> No.8225788

I don't have an issue with alcohol but I'm also a failure, can I hang out here?

>> No.8225798

sorry, I forgot
I'm in Michigan, near Flint
I work at a grocery store and they have all kinds of beer, I think a few are local? I know they sell some wine made in the UP.

>> No.8225813

>people like uncultured bigots

I had one evangelical dr. try to pull that bullshit on me when I went in with a dripping dick.

I simply told the mf, "I'm not paying you to hear your moral preaching. Fix it and keep your mouth shut". He did, but it helped that I'm 6'3 and 210lbs, and I refuse to take shit from pretentious hypocrites.

>> No.8225896
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>mfw im day drunk marathoning the simpsons and that episode "duffless" comes on

>> No.8226067

Alcohol here. Do vitamin supplements do any good ?

>> No.8226082

>alcohol can talk now
the fuck did I drink?

>> No.8226086
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Have any of you guys ever had to stop drinking before?

I'm taking this psychiatrist medication that makes it pretty much impossible to drink because when I do I don't feel shit...I miss it but I want to see if this medication will help me get my shit together

>> No.8226127

>tfw like to buy alcohol but afraid of it shrinking my brain so I just amass alcohol and never drink it

>> No.8226442
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>> No.8226483

>the fuck did I drink?
The colour purple.

>> No.8226758

Tequila fucking sucks. It's absolutely disgusting.

>> No.8226766

vodka is for slavic peasants

>> No.8226971

only drink yellow, clear is shit

>> No.8227046


Used to do shit like that yeah, after a few embarrassing text conversations with sober people when I was blackout drunk I don't do that any more.

Dont really use Facebook much these days, or have that many friends for that matter. I think accepting that I am a fairly introverted person that is very happy in my own company helped a lot, I just chill and do what I want to do. Play video games, listen to music, watch films etc.

A few nights ago I turned my headphones up as loud as they would go and listened to one of my favourite artists new albums while just staring at the wall, I swear at the time I found some deep meaning in the lyrics but the next day I didn't remember shit and my ears hurt. Good times.

>> No.8227051

>you're really paying for the meme

Thats what I think. In the UK a 70cl is about £25, sometimes down to £20 or so on offer. To put that into context, Jim Beam white (which I much prefer) is £13, Bulleit is £22, and Buffalo Trace is £20. You can even get a good bottle of single malt for £20 - £25 easily.

I used to like JD until it skyrocked in price and I tried some other American stuff, now I can't see myself ever buying a bottle. Shame, as Gentleman Jack and the Single Barrel are good.

>> No.8227058

got back together with my gf (never properly broke up to be honest)
it's probably pretty irresponsible and bad in the long term
but it feels sooo right right now :D, will have to cut my drinking down a bit though

>> No.8227568
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is he "our guy"?

>> No.8227665 [DELETED] 

Fuck i can never have enough booze to be satisfied so I guess I'm quitting. I'm not going to spend my whole life trying to stay drunk. I'm drinking vodka and the buzx only lasts like an hour or 2. Fuck

>> No.8227848

If you find coffee wrecks your shit, definitely try having theanine to go along with it. It's a relatively natural supplement, safe (look it up on examine.com), cheap and OTC.

The stuff is great at taking the edge of caffeine and potentiating the energy boost, a lot of people use them concurrently. I just take caffeine pills with theanine added already.

>> No.8227942
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>hungover as fuck
>people in my house that I dont even know because of some party or some shit
>have to socialize
oh god I can't do this

>> No.8227980


i hope your liver survives

>> No.8227990


>> No.8227996

What game, summer car or something like that? Sounded like one of the most autistic games in history if it's the one I'm thinking of

>> No.8228415

>tfw have to drink just to maintain my feeling of being normal
swear when i'm not drunk I just dont feel like I belong in my own skin

>> No.8228418


listen to this while you drink and it won't be as tragic!


>> No.8228421

I significantly cut down on my drinking over the last few months. Now if I have one little drink, my liver feels a bit tender/swollen within a few minutes. Should I just never drink again?

>> No.8228432

I mean if you start drinking again you'll probably going to get used to it but im not going to say you should that would just be madness

>> No.8228434

I've watched that documentary at least three times (always when drunk) and it scares me to death every time. What a terrible thing to happen to anyone. He seems like such a nice guy too, he didn't deserve all that suffering. :(

>> No.8228444

Happy birthday, hombre!

>> No.8228449
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>Fuck i can never have enough booze to be satisfied
I seem to have this problem too.
>wake up with horrible hangover depression
>not going to drink tonight I swear
>later, realize I have a delicious bottle of a liter of cheap red wine handy
>"okay, I'll only drink that one, I'll start early so I can at least go to bed on time"
>tfw it's now almost 12:30am, the wine is mostly gone, I feel great and I have a case of beer in the fridge
here we go again

>> No.8228464
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cheers m8

>> No.8228700

>friday night
>shitload of beer
>shitload of wine
h-here i go

>> No.8228822

>doing good all week
>had only had a couple shots one night, otherwise dry
>one little fucking thing gets to me and I can't stop thinking of booze
>give in and go buy some
Why does this happen. Why can't I just go fap or play vidya like a normal person

>tfw vidya autocorrected to vodka

>> No.8228840

I'm in my early 20s and I wish MILFs would approach me specifically for that reason

>> No.8229099
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I'm having a Sam Adam's Winter Lager and doing pulls of Pinnacle between each drink. I'm quite drunk after 3 beers and 3/4 of a 750.

Anyways, I just wanted to share that the last time I had this beer was on tap. I remember specifically going to the bar to watch the Ferguson Riots on TV. I was giggling to myself and the turmoil happening. It was all quite edgy, and I feel differently now about the riots than I did back then.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know that I associate the warm, spicy character of this lager with watching black people burn down buildings.


>> No.8229167

I'm open with my therapist about almost everything in my life, except for drinking. I'm so ashamed of it. I hate that I rely on it. I don't want them to know. It makes me paranoid. I take out my trash at night. NOIDED

>> No.8229216

Considering what it takes to become a therapist, plus their experience as a therapist, they probably already know

>> No.8229375

Stop drinking so much for the sake of your kids unless you want them to turn to booze when something upsets them

>> No.8229531
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So I hit a new low today.

>Back home, staying at parents house for the weekend.
>meet up with old school friend (only friend left)
>I can handle this.com
>wake up
>5.30 am
>on the floor (wtf)
>literally wake up outside on parents door step
>Thrown up all over the drive way
>Have shit myself

I'm a loser
Pic unrelated

>> No.8229559
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Thinking about all these beer recipes and the gallons of mostly high quality and unique ale that I'll never make. Just watching my kegerator collect dust while I drown myself in store-bought vodka and cigarette smoke. Those damn potatoes.

>> No.8229692

8:45 pm and the temptation to go buy some booze is strong.

Got to hold firm. Can't keep saying I'll quit tomorrow.

>> No.8229714

Im drunk as fuck tonight and tomorrow there is a huge gathering at my house like at least 40 people
Im an intovert so this is going to be quite the fucking challenge
wish me luck bois

>> No.8229725

Good luck, matey. Start drinking as much water as you can between drinks. If you stay hydrated enough there is no hangover so you'll only be as socially retarded as you usually are.

>> No.8230737

instead of drinking water I just drank more alcohol
its not going well

>> No.8230924

How do I become a functioning alcoholic? Do you just start drinking every day?

>> No.8230989

Just stay away from booze and go for the low alcohol by volume drinks like beer and cider. You gain an appreciation for the relaxing and uplifting zone just after the second beer. Do this every night for years and then switch to booze because you now have a beer belly and drinking is part of your daily routine, so your only option is to absolutely minimize caloric intake from alcohol. Then you find yourself getting totally drunk every night from the hard stuff. After a few months of being can-barely-move hung over in the morning at least 3 days a week, you realize (if you're lucky) the consequences of even buying hard liquor and you taper back and incorporate diet and exercise to burn calories and you take up social drinking for a while. Then life happens and you slip again, only to pick yourself back up and go back to maintaining a healthy equilibrium with the goal to drink but not be so hungover that you can't function the next morning.

>> No.8231023

you just need to slow down on the beers. try drinking one less every couple of days.
once you get to 6 per day, you're good.

>> No.8231024

oldfag here. i've quit several times. it was really, really fucking boring. not worth it.

>> No.8231039

>embarrassing text conversations with sober people when I was blackout drunk
This is a such a thing.

>> No.8231158

>to drink but not be so hungover that you can't function the next morning
this is the dream

>> No.8231326

I've come to the realization that Dale's is my go-to

>> No.8231408
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I'm finishing up a liter of red wine after coming home from dinner and drinks with friends.

Going into the beer next.

Currently watching the Trump rally.

>> No.8231440

oskar blues ipa, when fresh, is really fucking something

>> No.8231490

Happy birthday man. I wouldn't worry about the birthday specifically. People get busy and people forget. Doesn't mean they are bad people or they don't care. I hope there are people in your life that would go out if you asked. In which case you should. If not I am sorry but it is never too late to go out and find friends. Probably not a speech you wanted to hear, just drunk and hoping somebody finds this positive. Hopefully if I say it enough it will come true for me too.

>> No.8231760

I drank so much at s Halloween party. That I threw up lads.

>> No.8231803

happy birthday bro. That doesn't sound half bad actually, I'm at a point where I'll only drink by myself. Aint depression, just cheaper and less external cacaphony.

>> No.8231823

>tfw drinking and driving more and more. I need to stop. Not going long distances but still i feel like an idiot the next day.

>> No.8231852


If you live in a drunkards island like me then you are normal.

If you live in a first world country then you are a cliche and should stop right away.

t. Alcoholic

>> No.8231872

Any of you prescribed benzos? Be it for withdrawals or anxiety, etc.

How do you guys weigh that? Do you have trouble deciding what you need more? I'm on/off of them. I don't need them daily but I get paranoid if I take barely a 5mg of diazepam and have a beer.

>> No.8231875

I'm not drinking at the moment because every time I have a beer or a small glass of whisky, I get bitched at. Fortunately this thursday, they're away for three days and I plan to spend that time on a considerable bender. I've got a fresh bottle of single malt and I'm going to buy a whole variety of beers on top of it and I'm going to have a great time on my own. Maybe even pick up a glass of red wine because I haven't had that in years.

>> No.8231905

>TFW you can't have a drink for another week due to family pressure and it's keeping you awake at night because all you can think about is how much you want a crisp lager, a nice ale, a bottle of whisky and a glass and no one to tell you to stop or to interrupt you.

Once I move back out I'm buying a whole minibar of booze.

>> No.8231942


Use their opposition as fuel to quit. You don't really need it.

>> No.8231955
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>grab random cheap wine off shelf at liquor store
>get home and read label
>7.5% alcohol by volume
fuck, at least it's tasty. guess I'll just have to drink the whole bottle to get drunk (I'm skinny as fuck).

>> No.8231968

I only drink once every other week. I start at four or five and end around 3 AM on a friday or saturday night. I'd like to start earlier so I'd end sooner, but they bitch about that. It's been over a month since I've had a drink and I feel lifeless. Sterile. That fortnightly binge was what helped keep me sane and I feel like a zombie without it.

>> No.8231979

>once every other week

Why are you here then?

>> No.8231987

Because all I can think about is drinking. I'm not sleeping because I want to crack open a bottle and start drinking. On those binge nights, I'll easily make it through 10 pints of beer and a bottle of whisky or gin.

>> No.8232015

I take 4mg etizolam 1-3x a week, if I take it 3x a week I cut back to 1x/week for a month or two before doing that again (only happens 1-2 times a year anyways).

Only way I can consistently keep a sleep schedule for work that sometimes has me getting up at 4 am and sometimes as me working until 12 am.

>> No.8232049
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>Be 20 y/o in the USA
>Cant find anyone to buy you beer anymore because you don't hang out with normies.

Fucking MLDA. The Jews did this.

>> No.8232087
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Rakastan Soumea.

>> No.8232096

reading these posts has helped me more to stop drinking than aa meetings.

anyone else got aa stories to share?

>> No.8232355

I started having the shakes for the first time today. Super anxious, all i thought about when i woke up was when i would have my next drink. Tried really hard to stay sober, but i can't keep any food down and i know i wasnt going to be able to sleep if i didnt get drunk. Drank a pint of whiskey and now im good, about to go to sleep. What the fuck do i do?

>> No.8232393

>Wake up.

I fucking hate that feeling. I hate having to survey my surroundings and evaluate any possible damages and then revive my phone and travel into that parallel drunk universe.

>> No.8232399

shitting yourself is pretty bad

i've puked all over myself and kept drinking but i have never lost control of my bowels

>> No.8232441

I'm 25 and still get carded every fucking time too. A couple months ago, I went to liquor store I'm a regular at to buy a fifth of vodka and the other clerk made a comment to the new one "yeah, he looks young". Well fuck me then. Better start shaving my head and getting hair plugs.

>tfw being mistaken for a 16 yo at 25

>> No.8232449

Hey I got an idea for you guys
Just drink less lol

>> No.8232483

i love this meme. seriously though, it's hard to explain to someone that doesn't have the issue. it's a combination of denial and narcissism. you notice yourself slowly drinking more but bullshit yourself with stuff like "haha, nope, that's not me, i'm definitely the exception to the rule. buying a pint of vodka at 8 am is totally normal behavior, definitely no problem here." and then you are shaking and sweating and don't know what went wrong and realized about 6 months ago that you weren't drinking because you wanted to, it was because you had to. by the time you start being honest with yourself you're already in too deep

>> No.8232520

Don't want to be that preachy aa guy but I'm go aa do it anyway

Guys ever since I quit drinking, my life has seriously improved, from my heartburn, my digestion my shitting and vomiting to my mental health I feel faaaar less anxious and depressed, I'm literally more social and comfortable around people now than I was drinking

It's amazing to not wake up feeling nuclear levels of anxiety / borderline panic attack and needing the nearest alcohol to relax enough just to get out of bed. And I can now eat breakfast , whereas before I couldn't eat unless I had a few first

It really is incredible how badly alcohol destroys your life, and you become blind to its effects, because you're either hungover, craving or drunk, your life revolves around the drug. Money liquor stores place to drink etc

I'm far more productive, my mood has lifted I don't think about suicide at all now I don't get panic attacks, I've finally got my license back and got a car after 18 months disqualified god damn the freedom and independence

I feel clear headed and healthy , not a wretched cretin

You aren't really sober sober until you've stopped drinking for a month at least IMO, so don't just stop for a couple days because the benefits take a while to come

Think of it like this, it took you years to get into this situation so you're not just going to all healthy and well after a couple days. Because what I usedto do is quit for like 3 days and think holy shit my life is just worse without drinking, I'm bored I'm horribly anxious at least when drinking there is some reprieve josi have nothing, and so I'd start drinking again

Seriously just quit, become a teetotaller you cannot control this drug look at the mess you're in, you're ruining your life and you could be feeling so much better

I'm not even in aa btw, this is genuinely my experience so if I felt a million times better not drinking I don't see why you can't improve as well, human bodies are fairly similar

>> No.8232535


Just in your head remind yourself that the anxiety is from the alcohol, either withdrawals or rebound, and it will wear off eventually

Try to realiZe that this is not how you really are, you have far less anxiety after a month or two of sobriety

Don't just think that the anxiety is not related to alcohol and you're self medicating that pre existing anxiety

The truth is almost all of the anxiety yu feel is due to alcohol and you wouldn't be feeling it if you never drank

>> No.8232540

For me the problem is the first week. The insomnia is terrible and i can't function being that tired and anxious while having to deal with responsibilities. If I could take a week off work to sober up that would be dandy but i can't

>> No.8232549
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I work at a bar. I can't remember the last time I went home sober.

>> No.8232585

Don't just give up yu gotta find a way

There's plenty of things you could do like get some benzos, a doctor might even script them. Or there's over the counter sleeping pills like Benadryl, promethazine, or codeine/a pap although that's for pain, also Robotussin helps, just drink about 100mgworth you'll sleep nicely

If the problem is just sleep then just take Benadryl it knocks you out if you take enough

And it's cliche but going to the gym helps

Always remind yourself that alcohol doesn't actually help you sleep or improve your anxiety, maybe just for a few hours but then your anxiety is worse the next day and you sleep like shit so you'll be even tireder because drunk sleeping is not truly restful

Best advice is honestly get some valiuM or Kpins to last a week or so and then never drink or take benzos again

Get a script for disfulrum if you can't control and take one every day no excuses or exceptions

You don't even have insomnia it's purely a side effect of your drug (alcohol) use

>> No.8232751

>tfw 23 and wasn't ever carded at liquor stores when I was 18-20 due to sandnigger genetics.

>> No.8232756

i keep seeing "shandy" in the OP.

let this one die .....

>> No.8232808

Happy birthday, hope you enjoyed.

>> No.8233654

I realized the same thing and looked back and i couldnt remember a month i hadn't drank anything since i was 17 (26 now) so I did a sober october now and haven't touched a drop yet. Feelin pretty good but im craving a nice ale at the moment.

>> No.8233820

>Two weeks dry.
>Twitchy, restless, irritable and bored.
>Been smoking, drinking super strong tea and coffee, exercising, anything to try and get that same mental shift.
>Can't get drunk because I promised someone close to me I wouldn't drink anymore after a bad blackout.

I am seriously debating moving away to the otherside of the country so I can have a drink because this is starting to kill me.

>> No.8233831

As long as you're doing it for someone else, it won't last. If you're irritable and restless maybe layoff all the stimulants. Find an activity you enjoy and do that instead.

>> No.8233832
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>be sober for the last november
>"welp i can do this definitely no problems with alcohol"
>been drunk more than sober for the year after that

>> No.8233882

Only me and puppers in house for a week
Planning one last night of loads of beer in various varieties. Ice cold in fridge because I won't have to hide. and pizza and entertainment.
>4 days sober and already lost 7lbs
>torn between my habits of the last 3 months and old skellymode ways

>> No.8233924

If you blacked out and people are getting pissy about something you did how do you know they're not lying? do they have any proof

They prbly give you guff about your drinking because they're worried in that case just tone it done infront of them, but if someone guilt tripped me into never drinking after blackout I'd prbly just start cutting them out of my life

>> No.8233958

if you are from MA, I will buy you booze anon.

>> No.8233975
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>be me
>mom and stepdad own a pupper
>pupper-sit for a weekend
>Do nothing but drink and play with pupper
>10/10 would do again.

>> No.8233995
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I'm wondering if there's much difference between an American who consumes enough alcohol to be labeled an alcoholic and an normal Irish person, supposedly here

>the average Irish person aged 15+ drank 10.93 litres of pure alcohol, a slight decrease from 11 litres in 2014.
>The Health Research Board (HRB) has pointed out that our per capita alcohol consumption in 2015 is equal to 41 litres of vodka, 116 bottles of wine or 445 pints of beer per person aged 15+

but that's a very conservative estimate, it's only about 8 pints a week

>> No.8234035

Puppers are labs as well
Will be fun
They will help also with my crippling depression.

>> No.8234109

Sober for a good week, but got drunk tonight.

Forgot how much fun this is, the fact the clocks went back doesnt help. Was very tempted to go for a drive and get more whiskey.

>> No.8234133

I swear to God that everyone in the UK under reports how much they drink. I'll go out and have ten pints and go back and drink half a bottle of whisky while smoking like a chimney but I'll never tell my doctor that and I know the people I was with don't tell their doctors how much they drink either. It's six pints a week and no smoking that he or she hears.

>> No.8234137

usually over 10 drinks a day which is around 7.5 pints

>> No.8234255

Read the Bible. Don't drink too much. Iiidiots

>> No.8234270

Havinga couple mickey's tallboys. Trying to cut back.

>> No.8234349

These threads actually help me more than anything else there is out there. I'm still totally killing myself with alcohol right now but Fk me I'm on par with a lot of the bad posts.

>> No.8234438

hang in there man. i just fucked up this weekend after almost 4 months of sobriety and i regret it so bad. sobriety after a little bit is so much better

Its terrible how this shit plays tricks on us. Managed to convince myself that i wasnt an alcy and sure as shit found myself not able to stop after a few.

i hate alcohol

>> No.8234484

who /drunkfortwd/ here?

>> No.8235465

Same. I felt so alone before I found these generals. It's unbelievably comforting knowing you guys are there, even if we'll never really be friends.

>> No.8235495

Want to get some Jagermeister. Is it better to drink it cold or room temperature? Does it matter much, and I should jut taste and decide what's better for me?

>> No.8235555

Cold. Jagermeister really is a digestif and should be drunk quite sparingly. It's essentially a miracle of marketing that it got picked up by the party crowd.