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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8216873 No.8216873 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8216880

This. I eat my wife's creampie after I come home from driving her son to his game.

>> No.8216882
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Has anyone masturbated with food before?

I tried with pic related once, didn't do anything for me.

Still ate it afterwards of course.

>> No.8216902

Try some good beer

Try some white anchivoes

Try my sausage

>> No.8216939

it's certainly more essential. I have a way of looking at it.

sex you finish and then are completely disgusted by what you did and the thought of having more

food you finish and if you ate enough, are also disgusted at the thought of more food

music you can listen to an album and be ready to listen to another album right away.

I get similar levels of enjoyment from each, but in terms of total enjoyment available they go
1. music
2. food
3. sex

>inb4 someone calls me autistic.. actually I'm drunk if you must know.

>> No.8216947

those're some big baps

>> No.8216951

>sex you finish and then are completely disgusted by what you did and the thought of having more

project more :^)

>> No.8216955

Why not both? At the same time?

>> No.8216957

You have fuck while listening to an album, but you can't fuck while gobbling down calories.

>> No.8216960

I never feel that way after eating or after sex. Probably because I don't eat to the point where I feel like I'm dying and I'm actually with a person I like. Who knows?

>> No.8216961

>he hasn't doggy styled a girl with a plate of hot wings on her back

>> No.8216990

That's some low intensity sex if you managed to keep that plate from falling off.

>> No.8216995

Well it's more of a deep dish and it's tied around her stomach

>> No.8217000

I imagine there would be a strap of some kind involved.

>> No.8217009

You eat to survive
You survive to have sex
but you need to eat to effectively have sex
so I guess eating is more important, since you couldn't have sex without eating

>> No.8217011

And what if you decide to change positions?

>> No.8217017

Reminder of that small rodent (forget the name) that once it enters its sex season it keeps finding females to fuck, and not bothering with feeding itself, so it ends up fucking to death

>> No.8217018

You finish the wings, make her lick the residue off your hands, then switch positions.

>> No.8217020

You take the bowl strap off and put it either on your or her stomach depending on what the next position is

>> No.8217026


certain bugs exit their larval stage with no means of consuming food, thus they literally only live at that point to mate. we are not rodents or bugs, however. we are closer to gods than we are to them

>> No.8217042

>depending on what the next position is
suspended congress

>> No.8217044
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>not eating while having sex

>> No.8217046

>tfw to intelligent for sex

>> No.8217048

I get too into music to enjoy sex and i get too into sex to enjoy music. if that makes sense

>> No.8217053

Depend on the song, I subconsciously feel I have to keep the beat while fucking

>> No.8217072
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>tfw fuck with classical music on
am i an autist

>> No.8217139

You change positions, then later on, lick the buffalo sauce out of her hair. This is basic shit.

>> No.8217193

motorcycles are better than both tbhfam

>> No.8217364
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>Can't live without eating
>Can live without sex

>> No.8217418


>> No.8217843
File: 37 KB, 1024x576, bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ain't nothing beat a piece of pussy cept maybe the indy 500

>> No.8217853

This. Honney bjs are the best
Also peanutbutter on my pussy so my dog licks it off grrrr

>> No.8217855

Listen to what you want if it gets you going

>> No.8217856

I have to disagree,
3.-music flow
4.-exhausting rewarding experience
5.-fresh (not cold) water
6.-restful sleep, specifically the waking moment.

>> No.8217862

Yes, and? Air is even more essential to life, do you think air is better than food?

>> No.8217873

You can go a day without food.

>> No.8217986

I vaguely remember sex. For me, every time was better than any food I've ever eaten. I've eaten a lot of good food. I wonder if people who think food is better than sex have had good sex. Or maybe they have had too much so that it loses its value to them.

>> No.8217997

You must not be sexing properly

>> No.8218015

1.-music flow
2.-exhausting rewarding experience
3.-fresh (not cold) water
4.-restful sleep, specifically the waking moment.
5.-beautiful nature and interaction with it
6.-changing seasons

I don't understand how either is pleasurable. IBS makes food a nightmare, and I have never been interested in sex.

>> No.8218057
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After a long line of failed relationships makes the idea of sex just not worth the trouble; I'd rather have a fancy and delicious meal that took time to prepare and get drunk afterwards than tear up pussy. The sex was good in the relationships I had so perhaps it's conditioning, or perhaps I've become so numb that all that matters anymore are the most basic pleasures.

>> No.8218075

I would like to eat her cunt out, if you get my meaning.

>> No.8218274

1 : sex
1 : food
1 : music
1 : fresh water
1 : cold water
1 : hot brown bean water
1 : stoned masturbation
1 : succeeding in playing a hard tune with your favorite instrument
1 : catch a shooting star from the corner of your eye when you have something to wish for
1 : the breath of a child falling asleep in your arms
1 : comfy TV shows
1 : when your doggo is being fun

Enjoy everything like it's your favorite thing.

>> No.8218300
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x794, mcguiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of things on my bucket list are sexual things I want to try and dishes I want to make/eat. I could get it all done in a long weekend if I had a redhead, an eastern european girl and visited a costume shop and a farmer's market.

>> No.8218308

i was eating a twinkie while fapping.
does that count?

>> No.8218333

It's weird, the biggest thing that I notice in that pic is the knife and how it's in a dangerous spot, she could really slice her left arm up badly on it if she moves wrong.