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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 213 KB, 1300x866, 26630035-a-traditional-Italian-cheese-used-to-season-the-pasta-The-Parmisan-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8216795 No.8216795 [Reply] [Original]

Explain in 100 words or less why parmaseion is essential to the itialian cuisine. go.

>> No.8216813

It's actually only essential to a handful of dishes and a lot of the things you think it should be used for actually call for pecorino.

>> No.8216816


>> No.8216827

Pecorino and parmesan are nearly identical.

>> No.8216850

When I buy pecorino romano I always just eat it straight since it has a milder flavor and is easier to cut in relatively small slices. So salty and so delicious

>> No.8216875

yummy yummy in my tummy

>> No.8216885
File: 84 KB, 638x515, parmaseion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8216886
File: 35 KB, 300x445, 1473049886255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8216890
File: 137 KB, 800x800, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8216940

Top fucking kek

>> No.8216984


it's essentially melty salt. add it to things you want melty and salty, which is most italian food.

>> No.8217156


I've always found parmesan to be more mild than pecorino

>> No.8217172

It is essential because
>Can't find salt in your village but the cheese monger is your friend and will sell you cheaper cheese than getting actual course salt?

>> No.8217177

they dont put salt in fucking anything so they need it to give whatever dish it is flavor

>> No.8217192

>Pecorino and parmesan are nearly identical.
you're talking out of your ass
parmesan is nearly identical to grana, because these are the same exact cheeses produced in different places - cow milk (I think it's cow at least) "aged" for some 30 minths
pecorino is goat cheese instead, and it's usually aged for less, but the main thing is it tastes different and much more salty because it's made from goat milk

>> No.8217205

>accusing others of talking out the ass
>much more salty because it's made from goat milk
k bud

>> No.8217393


>not knowing goats have a higher salt content in their blood so the milk is basically salted already

your first day in the kitchen, bud?

>> No.8217413

You're right, it's in the name. Pecarino sounds like picanté, which is spicy

>> No.8217421

Parmesan has a nutty, earthy flavor. That's the reason fake parmesan is so horrible, it's overly pungent and artificial.

>> No.8217500

Since the middle of Italy had fertile lands to grow crops/grass/pastures/cows and lots of milk but no way to store such a thing, the salty cheese was a good way too keep milk from going to waste and the Italians didn't want to waste anything, they made a salty preserved dairy product and incorporated it into daily recipes.

>> No.8217506


i incorporated my salty product into your mom last night.. like the italians, she never likes to waste product ;)

>> No.8217509

aww...i wuz just tryin te b nice and u go and shit on me mum like that.... shes a nice lady, she texts me too much but shes lovely

>> No.8217674


you know you fucked up a spelling when your thread is the #1 result

>> No.8217680

Nah.. pecorino is fuckin ewe's milk

>> No.8218066

You're a goddamned true pleb.

>> No.8218561


>> No.8218686


Not just #1, the ONLY result. The rest are suggestions.

>> No.8218986

because pasta is plain as fuck and that parmesan makes Italian food respectable

>> No.8220387

Pasta Putanesca is the only "seafood" dish where it acceptable to include parmesan, or any cheese for that matter.


>> No.8220647

italy is on earth,
eartling cuisines uses parmaseion, see:

>> No.8221136

What is a tuna melt

>> No.8221144

What is Cod Mornay?

>> No.8221146

Caesar Salad contain anchovies and cheese.

>> No.8221151

What is the Filet-O-Fish?

>> No.8221158

What is Fish Pie?

>> No.8221159

What are Caviar and Gruyere blinis?

>> No.8221161


cheese goes with most fish and meats

it doesn't go with lamb or beef though

>> No.8221165

ever had a cheeseburger, anon?

>> No.8221167

What is Mannicotti?

>> No.8221168


I find that the two flavours don't go well together

>> No.8221170

What is lamb kleftiko?
/ck/ is very poor about making arbitary decisions.

>> No.8221172

You see how personal opinions work now?

>> No.8221179

What is a steak and stilton pie?

>> No.8221180

What is a Reuben?

>> No.8221182

What is a beef melt?

>> No.8221188

Let's just come up with a list of things cheese doesn't go on instead

>> No.8221190

What is a burrito?

>> No.8221194

What is a philly cheesesteak? (although arguably this doesn't contain cheese).

>> No.8221201

because cheddar is too strong on a pasta, and overpowers the rest of the dish.

parmesan is more mellow but still has great texture

>> No.8221289

Ahah dats some nice bait pham
(You) for you

>> No.8221290


>> No.8221295

Parm is to Italians as butter is to Franks

>> No.8221302


>> No.8221311
File: 41 KB, 306x480, IMG_1182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even Parmesan encrusted with some ground up walnuts?

>> No.8221735


>> No.8221746

crab cheese wontons

>> No.8221931

>the cheese monger is your friend

the cheese monger IS my friend? :) :) :)

I need to meet him!