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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 30 KB, 460x287, steak-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8215184 No.8215184 [Reply] [Original]

Steaks are incredibly overrated.

Prove me wrong.

Protip: you can't

>> No.8215192

Yeah well, that's like, your opinion man

>> No.8215236

No no no
You prove to use how it's overrated.
Protip: You're a cunt

>> No.8215264


Explain to us how, exactly, you've come to this conclusion.

I suspect it's because you're some vegan cuck that is starting to have second thoughts about your girl being dicked down by a big black cock so now you're trying to lash out on a cooking board over based steak. Your life makes me sad.

>> No.8215270

You need to seek help, anon.
Not even joking, you're seriously a fucked up mess.

>> No.8215277

He's right, though. What's gone so wrong in your life that making a bait thread about steaks is your only solace?

>> No.8215303
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>troll thread turns into an intervention

>> No.8215313

You need to seek these nuts, nerd.

>> No.8215482


>> No.8216791
File: 101 KB, 1920x1200, Safeshutdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not OP but I'll give it a shot. Steak is too simple. Period. It's the easiest thing in the world to cut from a section of meat, it's the easiest preparation, and it's the easiest cooking method. It's the epitome of Day 1, Cooking 101 bullshit.

And don't try to tell me that dressing a steak up with sauces, other foods (I'm looking at you mushrooms), or fancy slabs of pink salt makes it better, because in each of those cases, it isn't the steak that singing, it's the accoutrement. If steak were really the holiest of holies that some people make it out to be, then it would be:

1) hard to acquire & fabricate from a section of meat
2) hard to prepare
3) hard to cook properly

Steak is none of those things. It is "babby's first food I can cook all by myself" bullshit. You want to make an impressive, simple dish? Make a tartar with truffles, quail egg, and aged parmesan. Use difficult to acquire ingredients to make a difficult to perfect dish, and then we can talk about your food prep skills, faggot.

>> No.8216796

Furthermore, if you want to impress me with your cooking skills, cook a soup.

>> No.8216797

i got some low grade steaks the other day because they seemed like a good deal

bad idea, probably won't make that mistake again

high grade steaks though, are a heaven

>> No.8216818

it tasty

>> No.8217056

Well you can't change the minds of those who won't listen....

Seriously you need to find better things to do with your life than try and rile up itnernet people over the flesh of dead animals

>> No.8217065


>> No.8217066

just because your mom overcooked every steak she ever made, resulting in both you and her getting beaten by your alcoholic dad, doesn't mean that steak is overrated anon. It just means that you have a whole new world ahead of you to look forward to.

>> No.8217102

Overrated? Sure, probably. But I think bacon is overrated, yet all memes aside, it's pretty fucking great.

There's something to be said about a slab of meat being simple, yet still having a multitude of different ways to prepare it. I don't see why >>8216791 was complaining about adding mushrooms and whatnot to it. That's exactly what you need to do to change a recipe. You're arguing about a piece of meat being too simple, yet chastising the different ways there are to make it?

I see so many people here looking for recipe ideas for chicken breast, or ideas for pork shoulder. And while there are plenty of things to add on to a steak, it's not necessary. The only thing you see on this board pertaining to steak is the cooking temperature/ doneness of the meat. We've already come to the agreement that steak in and of itself is perfect the way it is. Perfect in its simplicity.

I don't think it's overrated. I just think you're upset that there's no reason to hate it.

>> No.8217838


>> No.8218688

Learn 2 subtle bump, you twink.

>> No.8218710


Good post

Steak is great. I don't have it all the time and I honestly think the expensive cuts can be overrated.

I can buy a nice inexpensive shell steak and cook it on the stove with just pepper and salt and it'd be a bangin dish. Very few foods can be so simple yet delicious.

>> No.8218741

I can't. Some people act like eating a steak is the greatest achievement a human can complete, while most others act like it's the single most rewarding thing they can get on a normal basis.

It's seriously overrated. I don't care for this bullshit "exclusivity" or difficulty in preparation crap that >>8216791 is going on about. It's just food, and yet people legitimately treat it like some kind of life altering experience. It's the quintessential definition of overrated: an utterly mundane experience treated as significant beyond its actual value.

Yes, steak is delicious, but so is ice cream. So is pasta. So is fish. So are a multitude of other foods. This idiot's idea that >>8217102 steak is perfect because you just eat it doesn't stand, either. What about muscles? Or bacon? Or tenderloin? Fried chicken? Caviar? People grill/barbecue/smoke/fry all kinds of singular meat items every day. How is that any different than grilling a steak? (Disregarding that some of the best cuts of steak are intended to be served with horseradish or a kind of gravy, like prime-rib).

So that's it. There's literally nothing special about a steak, but simple minded idiots treat it like it's something special because, at one point in time, it was a delicacy or it was a specialty item that the common man didn't have access to. Now anyone who lives in a developed nation can have their little bit of pomp and circumstance, and thinks themselves kingly for eating some charred mammal flesh.

Steak is delicious, but it is absolutely overrated.

>> No.8218754

>How is that any different than grilling a steak?

The distinction is that it's simpler, not that it's a "singular meat item".

usually cooked with herbs and wine

tasty, but who eats just plain bacon by itself? it's an ingredient, not a dish in and out of itself.

that's a cut of steak

>fried chicken
much more complicated preparation: marinade, flour, egg wash, breading....

Now you're talking. It's actually a perfect analogue for steak: the cheap stuff is good but nothing special. The good stuff is amazing and needs little else. And like steak, it has this kind of mythical aura around it.

Personally I think one of the main reasons why steak is "overrated" is because it's one of the few foods that is not only readily available, but very easy to prepare well. Any moron can go buy a steak and get 9/10 results form cooking it. OTOH it takes a lot more skill to make most other ingredients into something that good.

>> No.8218796

Chicken meat is cheaper, more flavorful and tastier in every instance, there's more fat/skin to the meat without having to buy expensive cuts, and there are more ways to cook it.
Most snacks/processed food/ soups use chicken powder or chicken flavoring instead of beef powder. coincidence??
fried breaded beef chunks are not a popular dish

>> No.8218803

>Chicken meat is cheaper

>more flavorful and tastier in every instance
Hell no.

>Most snacks/processed food/ soups use chicken powder or chicken flavoring instead of beef powder. coincidence??
No, price. chicken flavoring is dirt cheap.

>fried breaded beef chunks are not a popular dish
Never heard of steak fingers or chicken fried steak?
Also, the point is that beef doesn't need to be breaded/fried in order for it to be tasty.

>> No.8218828

I moved to a small town in the middle of nowhere surrounded by ranches. Bought a 20 oz. ribeye for $8

It was fucking heaven.

>> No.8218989

Most steak is incredibly average, I would say the majority of cuts are worse than chicken breast.

Good cuts of steak, however, are actually really great tasting. Filet, ribeye, t-bone, etc. All really great pieces of meat.

Round eye, chuck steak, brisket, etc. all really shitty pieces of meat that aren't worth the effort they take.

Tons of stuff inbetween that's just average.

Of course, a lot of the average stuff is typically cooked in a way that makes it not shit, but nobody looks at something like a pot roast like they look at steak.

>> No.8219643

I don't think you understand, buddy. It can't be overrated. It's literally just a piece of meat. That's like saying flour is overrated. Or cheese. It's a building block that just so happens to be socially acceptable to be enjoyed by itself. The only time people "rate" it at all is based on the doneness of the meat. This is brought up on all beef dishes though.

Rarely if ever have I seen a thread stating that "steak is the best, yadda yadda yadda". It's always about the way to cook it.

>> No.8219663


>Chicken breast

Food of the poor faggots, also the chicken thigh is a much more delicious piece of meat in that regard.

>> No.8219797

You missed the entire point of steak.

>> No.8220052

>I don't see why >>8216791 was complaining about adding mushrooms

because adding mushrooms isn't changing how a steak is made, it's literally just dumping a side dish on top of a protein.

basically, this fag had it right: >>8218741

steak is constantly over-hyped, extremely ordinary, and just generally underwhelming.

some people act like learning to cook a steak is a right of passage into adulthood, when really it's just as ordinary as learning to keep money in your bank account. then there the idiots who act like eating a steak is a sublime, soul changing experience just because the cook poured a sauce over it: a sauce actually MASKS the flavor of the actual meat. How can you possibly say it's the steak that is the star when you have a liter of hollandaise drowning the meat?

It's all a load of bollocks, and yet some idiots still act like steak is the new iPhone, bless their hearts.

>> No.8220058
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OP i don't much care for steak either, it's the texture that gets me...I don't eat much beef in general, only in ground form (chili, burgers, etc)

>> No.8220067

>one of the main reasons why steak is "overrated" is because it's one of the few foods that is not only readily available, but very easy to prepare well. Any moron can go buy a steak and get 9/10 results form cooking it. OTOH it takes a lot more skill to make most other ingredients into something that good.

this. /thread

>> No.8220081

I did too until I had my buddy give me some steak from his ranch that he cut himself. Cooked it perfectly and it cured my existential crisis.

>> No.8220085


Sorry you're on a cooking board and either don't know how to choose steak at market or how to prepare it.

Suggest you consult with the McChicken guy, it's much more your level.

>> No.8220105

Nobody is talking about sauces here.
It's generally agreed upon that a proper steak tastes good without sauce.
Maybe something on the side to dip it in.

As for mushrooms, I'm sorry you feel that way. Sometimes, a recipe can be as simple as cooking it in a sauce or stuffing something inside a steak. That's the case for any piece of meat.

Either way, you're missing the point of the thread. You're arguing about ways to cook a steak, when all we are talking about is whether it is overrated or not.

It's not. Steak holds the distinction of being accepted across the board for what it is. Some don't like it, and it's fine.

The only thing that can be considered overrated is the rare vs well done debate, on both sides.

>> No.8220442
File: 622 KB, 870x716, goddamn nips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8220531

This, I'll never understand people who eat chicken breast instead of thighs, there's like a 40 calorie difference per serving (boneless/skinless for both breast and thigh), which makes no difference to anyone other than a pro bodybuilder on a cut. Plus it tastes a fuckton better.

>> No.8220622

pls try this and be quiet:

>> No.8220662

>thighs tasting better than breasts
Nah buddy, nah.

>> No.8220665

Steak really is that good though. As a good Czech boy I kind of prefer roast pork, but people will pay lots of money for a good steak for a reason.

I prefer dark meat, but I think it would be a less interesting world if chicken breast went away. I'd rather stuff a breast than a wing (although stuffed chicken wings are mighty tasty).

>nobody looks at something like a pot roast like they look at steak
That is total bullshit. There are times I'd happily go for the pot roast over the steak. And you can have a bad steak, or just a mediocre steak. Pot roast is always fucking amazing.