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File: 65 KB, 610x458, 20130305-arties-deli-pastrami-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8215160 No.8215160 [Reply] [Original]

>been around for more than 100 years
>people rave about them
>some sandwiches are $15 are more
>it's just smoked meat with bread

What's the big deal? They're certainly not worth the price.

>> No.8215164


Tourist trap bullshit is rarely as good as the expectation.

>> No.8215165

>What's the big deal?

People too lazy to make their own.

>> No.8215181


>what appears to be some limes tied up in a plastic bag on the plate

>> No.8215187

That's a giant pickle

>> No.8215188


It's a pickle, anon. Who the fuck serves limes with that kind of a sandwich?

>> No.8215191


>> No.8215199

who the fuck serves pickles in a plastic bag?

>> No.8215212

Lost of places.
I don't think they want to hand someone a wet pickle.

>> No.8215222

I'll hand you a wet pickle mate

>> No.8215231

I'll handle your wet pickle

>> No.8215251


>> No.8215302

do 7-11 serve you sandwiches like that on a plate aswell?

>> No.8215353

>it's just smoked meat with bread
If you've had really good pastrami prepared with a special little something god damn it you'd understand.

>> No.8215374

No. They're made by Hajib, Mohamet and Ahmet.

>> No.8215382

If it's a pickle fresh from the brine, a lot of places put them in a bag or a tray to keep the juices from getting the sandwich soggy.

>> No.8215403

so these places have never thought of wiping the pickles with a sheet of bounty or something like that?

>> No.8215438

next time ask for bacon or ham

>> No.8215441

then you would not get the juices with your pickle. How do you not comprehend this. The people want the juices but the juices make sandwich soggy there fore they place the pickle in the bag and every one is happy.

>> No.8215448

the vinegar is inside the pickle you dick

>> No.8215454

You're right. They don't sit in liquid at all in the jar. Americans like pickle juice. Americans want dripping pickles. Not a dry dehydrated outer layer.

>> No.8215462

do you just not eat pickles or

>> No.8215472

please can you quantify the amount of juice on the outside of a pickle

>> No.8215495

about 14 ML of liquid. Enough to keep the skin soaked and leak around. Roughly 1 tablespoon on a full size pickle like that.

>> No.8215501

It doesn't need to literally be swimming in brine (although that's pretty common) but you don't serve a dried off pickle. That's weird.

>> No.8215514

a tablespoon of liquid on the outside of a pickle? are your pickles 2 foot long?

>> No.8215520

I love sandwiches. Good ones are kind of like a symphony of ingredients. They're fine on their own, but when expertly put together, they can create some pretty amazing things.

I suppose you could use that argue about practically anything in life, OP.

>> No.8215521

then why not serve it on a separate little plate/dish?

>> No.8215522

A 2 foot pickle would probably have way more. Dip just your 3 fingers in a bowl of water and pull it out and watch how much water drips off and report back.

>> No.8215525

Who wants to carry two plates to their table? Which restaurant wants to buy enough little plates for the pickle instead of just using a bag for it? The cost would not be justified.

>> No.8215537

my point is, you hold it up and let the vinegar drip off. You now have less vinegar to make the sandwich soggy. it just seems like laziness to me. if an eating establishment served me a sandwich with a pickle in a bag, I would tell them to take it away and plate the pickle.

>> No.8215543

they are paying for plastic bags all the time. they pay for little plates once. Duh. learn economics

>> No.8215548


Some people want the juice. It's standard practice in some areas that when you order a pickle they put it in a bag and might even ladle some juice into the bag for you. That's likely where OP's photo originated.

>>tell them to take it away
Why bother? Even if you don't want the juice (which is totally understandable), why waste time when you can just eat the darn thing however you like?

>> No.8215554

And someone to wash those plates and pick them up when people are done with them and then what do you do when they order to go? Send a plate off with them and hope some day they bring it back?

>> No.8215564

I'm sure you would, faggot

>> No.8215575

>they are paying for plastic bags all the time
No, you are. Packaging is factored into the price

>> No.8215617

the sandwich was served on a plate. it is therefore an eating in establishment. as for washing plates, never heard of a dishwasher? Also, they employ people do wash dishes in restaurants.

>> No.8215626
File: 175 KB, 462x435, 1382205458448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw New Yorkers call that shit good

t. Montrealer

>> No.8215631

double the dish washers load and see how well they keep up. It isn't your kitchen with you cooking alone. If every order came with two plates, not one, they wouldn't have a chance in hell as busy as that place is.

>> No.8215632

if I am sat down eating, I do not expect anything to be served to me in a plastic bag. And yes, i have asked them to plate it before. No tip.

>> No.8215634

and so are the plates you dumb fuck

>> No.8215636

read the end bit

>> No.8215638
File: 70 KB, 251x260, IMG_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admitting you're from Canada

>> No.8215642

Do you also eat your burger king with a knife and fork because you sat down?
You pretentious faggot?

>> No.8215644

No shame in that when your local jews beat NY's ones at their own game.

>> No.8215653

no, and it doesn't come in a plastic bag either

>> No.8215657

You're right, in comes in a paper bag.
But really it's a sit down restaurant, you should eat with a knife and fork. You're sitting down after all you should expect more of the restaurant. Since it's a sit-down restaurant and all.

>> No.8215667

but do they serve it on plates. and maccy d's and bk are not restaurants. they are fast food outlets with seating

>> No.8215685

Do burger king sell pickles like that?

>> No.8215729

Looks impractical to eat desu.

>> No.8215752

Mostly with fish or some pork cuts.

>> No.8215803

Are you fucking autistic

>> No.8215815

if the liquid is a problem, don't solve it with a plastic bag in a restaurant environment. If you took your gf or wife to a restaurant and they served up shit if plastic bags, I bet she would think you were a cheapskate.

>> No.8215819

>gf or wife

I am a gril and have no problem with plastic bag pickles

>> No.8215833

you obviously live in the ghetto or have very low standards. tits or gtfo

>> No.8215848

do you even know what a proper restaurant is? You have to wash and be smartly dressed and look presentable before they will seat you.

>> No.8215985

do you live in london by any chance?