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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8214540 No.8214540 [Reply] [Original]

oi ya kunts time to get dickered and get spoopy on some food stuff, enter if you dare *spoopy laughing*

this thread is for anyone to post a cook-along,
bake-along, drink-along, pickling-along or OC food/drink pics, post your meals or what ever if you dont want to make or use another thread, feel free to spam your own cook-along thread here too

last thread >>8199289

>xtra spoopy halloween edition!

>> No.8214550
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sippin on one of these scotch ales while i do a few dishes and deciding on what exactly is about to happen here

this week is budget week luckily Im good at stretching my budget found some good things today went to like 5 grocery stores, then splurged on beer lol

>> No.8214553

>scotch ales

Do they have whisky in them or are they from Scotland?

>> No.8214556

Patti doesn't look spooked.

>> No.8214576

Good morning, OP. Whatcha cookin' today?

>> No.8214600
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ive had one before that did have a whiskey taste but it was aged in whiskey barrels, this one tastes nothing like whiskey but it is 8.5%

sadly we cannot all be fearless comrade

mornin' m8, this is more like my evening tho, not exactly sure but i have a few ideas, might involve pic related which i scooped from aldi on sale

>> No.8214614

Last time I bought pancetta I fried it in maple syrup and put it in a sandwich made of fried sugary egg dipped brioche with gruyere, more maple syrup and dusted with icing sugar.

I could feel my foot falling off.

>> No.8214666
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Good morning lads. I made some French onion soup that I thought was pretty aesthetic over the weekend but already posted it in a dead and rotting shell of a cookalong thread with two posters. May repost some hot pix later if work is slow enough. OP what magic powers do you have that makes your threads so good?

Pic unrelated, just a hungry Spooky in the kitchen

>> No.8214688

do something with the pasta and goat cheese.

>> No.8214724
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m8 i plan to upgrade to a larger deep fryer in the next month, one reason is i want to be able to try frying larger things like monte cristos plus making larger batches of stuff when i have company, I will need to get a Rascal after that im sure

devil trips speak, spoopiness intensifies
desu honest m8 im annoyingly persistent, i support and encourage all cook along and OC threads and they are welcome to link here, theres like 100 threads on /ck/ and less than 10% are OC related at any given time, we must make /ck/ gr8 (again?), the fact these threads seem to get a lot of posters is proof there are still people here who like cooking and related lollygagging, I have not found a board i like more despite all the fast food threads etc, my fav threads on here are cook alongs specifically half assed/ghetto/no shits given cook alongs, anyone can watch some hoillywood style tv chefs on utube but these threads give a look into the everyday kitchen of somewhat normal people, im tipsy srry for ranting

i have decided on something and started flipping through the recipes already, but i will look into this cuz i love everything goat chz so maybe later in the week

gonna inspect these beans and get em soaking for this later tonight

>this bitch mean muggin me like we bout to fight, shit make me nervous


>> No.8214784
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soakin, will get back to this later after optimum bean re-hydration has been achieved

>> No.8214845
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gonna attempt the ol carbonara

never made it, only had it from OG Olive Garden once, so though it was dank as fuck, Ill have to say Ive never actually had it either

obviously I will be appealing to my fellow autisti/ck/s and not use cream

>> No.8214848

Well in my opinion if it has cream in it its not a carbonara. People are free to make it, and enjoy it, but don't call it a carbonara because it isn't one.

>> No.8214852
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but m8s i do have it on deck so dont get too comfortable i will burn this motherfucker to the ground

>> No.8214863

I dunno.
I have my Great Grandmothers recipe book from 1912 and it clearly states to add cream.

>> No.8214869
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so ive researched i know people get very opinionated about this dish, the things im doing differently than muy authentic are as follows so pls try not to sperg too hard, Im doing my best to not throw chicken in it it appears to be lacking on the protien
>i am using these pasta knot things they look fancy and were on sale at aldi so srry not spagetti
>i will be using garlic some people say no garlic i like garlic im using it
>parsley is controversial i like it
>people argue over the types of cheese

these blocks of parm and romano are seriously a year or more old, no mold i just carefully shaved all the edges offso this is the good part i plan to use it all so the porportions of everything else will depend on this chz, this is poorfag math class

>> No.8214903
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>BFFs 5ever

>> No.8214915

Gibby is gonna make such a great kitchen cat

>> No.8214929

Do you grind your garlic with a weed grinder? That's actually not a terrible idea

>> No.8214955
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ok prep was easy very simple recipe

if the electric stove god takes mercy on me i might not make it into an omelet even

>> No.8214962

Is that garlic or peppercorns?

>> No.8214967

Looks like peppercorns, but why not garlic too?

>> No.8214970

With A weed grinder, sure, but I really hope that isn't his main grinder.

>> No.8214971


Why fuck with putting garlic in a grinding tool when it's much faster, easier, and less cleanup to simply smack it with the flat side of your knife?

>> No.8214992

Yes. Would give each a large piece of ham and pancake if there. So cute.

What kinds of people food do they like?

You might have fun making a carbonnade some time, OP. It's a delicious beef/dark beer/bacon stew with lots of garlic and fresh herbs.

You'll form a lot of fond while browning the meat, so I'd suggest using the same pot for making the stew. It's very nice.

>> No.8214999

He probably has a spices-only grinder. I know I do.

A person might want a different size of garlic bits, I guess?

>> No.8215002

>A person might want a different size of garlic bits, I guess?

Smack gently if you want large bits. Smack harder if you want it fine.

>> No.8215012

I really don't know. There are a bizzare amount of unitools for garlic, so I don't pretend to understand people when it comes to this.

>> No.8215075
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1st time so im trying to make it legit this time i may play with other recipes later


naw i use it mainly for peppercorns and rock salts untill i get nicer mills, garlic would work but itd be a pain in the dick to get it out and clean i think, i want a decent garlic press for when im in a rush

yeah I have more than a few grinders but i hardly get flower these days

lol, the kitten will eat literally anything right now the other cats wont take more than a nibble of anything, I rarely feed them people food and they end up not trusting it after a while, i will look into that recipe, i am making a list of dishes to try eventually

i could use a gar' press for dishes that only need frsh garlic to save dishwashing and time

boiling the water for pasta and got hot water in my mixing bowl so its hot when i need it

>> No.8215087
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fryin up dat fancy bacon shit in some evoo and gonna throw garlic in after it cooks a bit

>> No.8215091
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egg + cheese, i broke out the whisk and got it for seriious mixed up after pic

>> No.8215093
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a bit more pasta than i was aiming for but ill allow it

>> No.8215097
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It's not much, but here's an apple bacon salad with pomegranate arils

>> No.8215099
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tossing it in the pancetter and fat getting it nice and hot before i add the sauce, this apparently is where people farm it

>> No.8215104
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2 for $10 lobsters, & porterhouses. Patrician as a mofo

>> No.8215110
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that bacon looks dank i would like to get some stuff like that for burgers

so tossed it in my warm bowl, added a bit of pasta water and more chz, salt pepper, parsley more chz

and yes this pile of pasta is the size of a regulation football and that is not a problem ok

>> No.8215114
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m8 do you live in 1956 where can i get these prices geez, looks good

>> No.8215122

Goddamn it I lose my shit every time I see this cats adorable goofy ass face

>> No.8215131
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rekt it

was pretty damn good think i got pretty close, next time i know how to adjust the sauce a bit better, would make it slightly creamier but not much, fed some leftover baconshit to Giblitron


>> No.8215142

It looks delicious, OP.
Would shove in face/10


>> No.8215196
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I love these kitties <3

Lobster tastes so dank but looks so unpleasant. I'm jelly though, enjoy your surf n turf. I'll try cooking shellfish one of these days but there's so many good restaurants for it around here ive never had the urge.

This looks really great. I know you said some people balk at parsley but it looks really nice here. Would eat/10. Its been a while since I made any pasta, I'll give it another go soon. Last time I made a fuckhuge pot of Alfredo and ate nothing but chicken Alfredo for a week so I was kind of sick of it.

I think tonight I'll make bacon wrapped chicken.

>> No.8215223

>next time i know how to adjust the sauce a bit better
that took me two or three tries when i started making carbonara myself, knowing how much egg + cheese + pasta water i'd have to use. but after a while mine got quite good, i'd say

>> No.8215228

SW MI, Kroger. Still have 4 left in the freezer and getting autistic obsessive about going and buying a couple more. That's some good looking pasta m8, would nosh like I was let out of cage/10, well done!

>> No.8215262

>bacon wrapped chicken
Consider the following: http://norecipes.com/recipe/chicken-nanban

>> No.8215266
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What cheese did you use?
Using pecorino makes all the difference
Also don't bother with garlic, keep it simple.
Made some sorta veggie and bean curry type thing today myself, had the basic idea and ingredients and just winged it but it turned out delicious as fuck.
Should probably try it with lentils next time.

>> No.8215274

>the basic idea and ingredients
what are the essentials of simple curry? i want to make cheap and easy rice dishes since i'm running out of money

>> No.8215381
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My joule came in. Shits dope

Steak came out perfect, sprouts were done sous vide as well, taters were good

>> No.8215406
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Last night was comfy soup night because fall finally showed up here in South Carolina

Recipe and cookalong linked to ded thred so I don't shit up this threads post count

>> No.8215664


Navigate for seafood & veg.

>> No.8215801

I actually have no idea, never made 'proper' curry using recipe or anything
but my recipe went
>soak the beans
>sweat some onion and celery in a pot
>add oil and curry paste, mix it all
>throw in some sweet potato and carrots, fry for a while
>add bell peppers, some hot chiles, ginger al chopped and the beans to the pot
>mix it all up, add chicken stock, some fish sauce, salt and spices
>simmer until beans are soft and some of the water has reduced
>add coconut cream, simmer a bit for THICC stew
wa la

>> No.8216114

looks pretty gud

>> No.8216164

So what makes a good chicken breast marinade? Should it just stay salty or garlicy? Or are there more places to branch out into?

>> No.8216169

I am drinking keystone light

>> No.8216570

are the sprouts any good? they seem kinda moist

>> No.8216586
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Y'all like some fried fish?

>> No.8216807
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Not cooking anything tonight since I have food left over from last night and I just now got home from work, but I'll have a drink with you OP. Cheers.

>> No.8216860

Yeah they were good.
Sous vide for 40 min at 183f, stuck under the broiler then tossed in a really fucking good vinaigrette

>> No.8217226
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bean expansion activated

>> No.8217262
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k so time to make beans, ive done it before and this my go to when I dont have spare cash for tacos and shit, giant pot of meaty beans maybe rice, song related for all the bean haters out there

>> No.8217265

>song related fml


>> No.8217308


i made some beans recently and was super mad that my local grocery store didn't have queso fresco

>> No.8217461
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pls elaborate what kinda beans, you add the queso fresca or sprinkle on top? love queso fresco, just fry up slices in a skillet shit is so cash

im excited this is a nice little mix of small and large kidney beans and some black beans

>> No.8217481
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so i already have my crock pot warm, added the beans, these are the dry ingredients,
>cajun powder
>garlic salt
>smoked chipotle powder
>smoked habenarro powder
>fresh ground black people
>Knorr Stock Pot™
>3 bay leaves

also not pictured is 6 cloves chopped garlic

added all of that and poured almost boiling water over it

>> No.8217486
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also adding this smoked hock and this smoked pork jowl bacon i got for a sweet deal

there is a large onion, poblano and serrano, all chopped in a skillet which i will also add as soon as they are beginning to get soft, no pic because i was rushing to get this shit in the crock pot

>> No.8217489
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ok, now the waiting game, looks pretty meh, but i tell u i got a feeling about this batch i think its gonna be dank

will stir it every now and then, towards the end Ill slice and fry up some sausage and add it after i get that hock out and seperate the meat, then imma thicken it up to about the consistency of a chocolate malt from whataburger, if you dont know that shit is thick will fuck your straw right up, yer lungs will cave in trying to drink that shit

>> No.8217512
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minced those peppers i was rehydrating to the point they look like used chewing tobacco and threw that in too

>> No.8217566
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Some Thai Curry

>> No.8217636

can you play your cat like a bongo for me? thanks in advance

>> No.8217690
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I made some wang.
165 for 4 hours.

>> No.8217693
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Wait for oil to get hot...

>> No.8217695
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Get plate ready with blue cheese dressing
because here it come.

>> No.8217707
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Be disgusting fuck and devour it before pic.
Meh, I'm drunk.
That's my excuse and I'm holding on to it.

>> No.8217788
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progress report: its gettin there m8

that looks intereting, I need to get into thia food I tried it once and wasnt impressed but I know they have something id like

only the older cat can get into that, ill do it later tho

sou vide wings eh? i wish i had one of those things just to experiment and figure out some weird shit

>> No.8217801

<$200 per unit. It's about the cost of a high power microwave.
Take the leap.
Enjoy the benefits.

>> No.8217958
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this is not sausage

>> No.8217989

theres a lot of meat left on those wings my friend...

>> No.8218030
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>> No.8218031

Too many naked people in the catalog. Cant shitpost at work in peace.

>> No.8218044
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so i wanted cornbread, had no milk, found recipe, wa frickin la

>> No.8218054
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well, the beans are damn good, i did the rice because it is what normies do but honestly i do not give a crud about the rice,

the cornbread...it taste good to bh, but its weird and tried to stick to the pan and got crumbly, destroyed 2 pieces to get this one, we call that team work around here

>> No.8218129

Try rosecoco beans if you like spicy bean stews like that. I switched to them over kidney beans after I tried a bag for making chili a couple of years back.

>> No.8218162


What is that PBR beer like?

You can get it some places in the UK, but it is very expensive. How does it compare to the likes of Coors and Bud? Worth getting some?

>> No.8218189

>What is that PBR beer like?

It's a generic macrobrew lager. Better than bud, but nothing special.

>>Worth getting some
Not at inflated prices it's not.

>> No.8218199


Thought it might be, see it around here quite a lot so you never know.

Cheers anon

>> No.8218207


PBR has had a recent surge in popularity among hipsters, etc so it's become something of a trend these days. But it's really nothing special, it's just popular among people who want a basic lager but don't want to be seen ordering bud because that would not fit their fedora image. It's not a bad beer, but it's certainly nothing I'd pay a premium for.

>> No.8218271

will look into it but never noticed those beans for sale before

m8 pretty much this >>8218189 if its overpriced compared to decent beer in your area its not really worth it, i would spring for it once for the novelty tho, its got the best flavor out of the low class beer in its price range, what are they trying to charge? its like $5.50-6.50USD here for 6-16oz cans

>recent surge in popularity among hipsters
triggered m8, this was redneck beer first

>> No.8218272

I buy them from my local Achmed shop. They're slightly smaller than kidney.

>> No.8219192


>> No.8219234

Dunno about that, but I buy it cause it's cheap... Its like 4 bucks cheaper for a 24 pack than bud light at my local store.

>> No.8219768
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I am very happy with my joule

>> No.8220979

Fuck, I need to go get some steak now.

>> No.8221142

I have been swooping on any manager special steaks and just vacuum sealing/freezing them in prep. my freezer is stacked right now. its glorious.

>> No.8221193
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its time to eat something that is not bean related, still deciding

>> No.8221212
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also on a sad note, looters got my pumpkin:(

looters: 1
festivity: 0

>> No.8221228

id have destroyed that too, you fucking faggot

>> No.8221416

Did you come in here just to insult a pumpkin?

>> No.8221419
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>> No.8221420

Can you teach me to be cool like you?

>> No.8221625

How did you convince your cat to stay off the counter unless you put her there?

>> No.8221653
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my cats dont give a shit about human food, so the only reason she is on the counter is for positive attention, and to be more specific she is only allowed on the surface i put on the counter like a towel or whatever and she knows this

the kitten doesnt know these things yet and im focusing mor on making her comfortable than teaching her boundaries, my oldest cat couldnt give a shit, shell hop on the counter only to trigger me and shes a cunt m8

>> No.8221672
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>he fell for the greenspoint meme

>> No.8221699

m8 am prepared to lose anything i leave outside my apt, i park my motorcycle inside lol, but im going to set up a cam and catch this pumpkin thief, and exploit them fyi

>> No.8221793

Hey OP you should do request threads. I request buffalo wings. We could all post our progress the same night fuck ya

>> No.8221812

I'd set up a fucking auto-triggered crossbow for the fucks

>> No.8221906



>> No.8221937

sorry to get back to you late OP. i made pinto beans and i was gonna sprinkle it on top everytime i would eat a bowl but alas i am doomed to mozz

>> No.8222549

id consume it

>> No.8222674

quick and easy semi-authentic curry:

>Heat frying pan
>Add 1tbsp garam marsala, 1tbsp turmeric, 1tsp cumin to dry pan for 1 minute
>Add ghee/oil (anything will do, you're not trying to change the world here) and mix in spices
>Dice an onion and fry it until it starts to turn translucent
>If you're adding meat then do it now and cook until nicely browned + 2 mins, if not skip this step.
I'd suggest chicken over red meat and definitely not fish.
>Add vegetables that need frying off now and cook them mostly through, including a whole chilli.

Now you're going to add your liquid. If you're doing this vegetarian you can really easily bulk out at this point by adding a drained tin of chickpeas. I've found lentils don't work so well, but they won't ruin the meal either.
>a tin of chopped tomatoes (fuck using fresh)
>~300ml stock (boullion cubes are fine)
>salt to taste

>Add any veg you were using that didn't need frying
>Bring to a boil and let simmer until fully reduced and veg is cooked
>Add a small amount of milk for aesthetic
>Serve over white rice

>> No.8222691

Forgot to mention this makes 3-4 portions depending on how you bulk it out and will keep in the fridge for that long. It freezes fine without rice too.

>> No.8222881

Try Thai Gourmet on Richmond.
Their curry is some of the best in the city, bossman.
Pretty good price/portion ratio to boot.

>> No.8223476

>fresh ground black people

My sides

>> No.8223520

Your cat is cute! CUTE!

>> No.8223854

why is patti such a bitch?

>> No.8223868
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Had to put down my old cat this past week lads. He was a good old man, 15 years old. Pet your kitties and give them a little extra treat for me.

>> No.8223872

fucking seppo cunt we dont have halloween shut up with the spooky

>> No.8223895

Sad time, anon. I would pet my kitter some but he's sleeping comfy on a pile of my dirty laundry right now.

I'll give the cats at work some extra food tomorrow (not that they need it, fatties)

>> No.8223991

what type of not sausage is that?

>> No.8223995

It's jimmy dean

>> No.8224063

What kinda bike you ride op?

>> No.8224720

>look at pic
>see Pabst Blue Ribbon
>abandon thread

>> No.8224726

It's getting cold over here in the east, my kitter just hides under the sheets all comfy until it's time to eat or until she needs to use the litterbox.

Time to make beef stew.

>> No.8224903
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your loss

>> No.8224920
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>> No.8224950
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Forgot muh kitter picture

>> No.8224953
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>those kitteh eyes

She's cut as fuck desu

>> No.8224977

What breed is the one on the left? Had a cat just like it years ago that passed away.

>> No.8225038

That's no breed, that's just a short haired housecat with mackerel tabby fur.

>> No.8225243

oh god, it's this fucking faggot again

>my cats eat better than hoomans

>i'm a liberal, and a retart

>> No.8225247

and what OC did you post this week?

>> No.8225265

holy fucking shit it's Larry Gooseman

the Goose is loose again!

>> No.8225272
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art thou suggesting my comments are pasta?

do you want me to tell you about the jews?

>> No.8225341

OP, you inspired me to try brussel sprouts for the first time in my life.

They were delicious, thank you.

>> No.8225605


pls dont spook the trolls ty

>> No.8225640


>> No.8225761

This looks really comfy.

>> No.8225874
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>> No.8225910
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fuck yea

had the waifu cook me up some lunch today buffet style

>> No.8225913
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>> No.8225921

Hey OP, mind if I join the thread in a little bit? I'm making some pumpkin & sweet potato & harissa soup and you've inspired me to start posting OC haha.

PS: i love you

>> No.8225928
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Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of me finding my kitty. Or her finding me. She was wailing at me out back in the parking lot and limped up to me with a fucked up foot. I took her in, and tried to locate her home, but nobody claimed her so she's wit me now.

I will give her a good hug for you and play with her in your kittys honor.

Shitty little kitty...

>> No.8226050
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Seeing sprouts making frequent appearances on your threads revitalized my interest in them. They are perfect accompaniment fortagliatelle bolognese

>> No.8226076

Is that some hot an sour soup? i could eat that by the gallon

>> No.8226250
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A savoury tart what I done gone and made

>> No.8226270

it looks like there was paper ontop of it and then it got wet and the paper turned all transparent and stuck to the surface

>> No.8226290

Well I'd hope so, because I did sub paper for pastry. All about that low carb lyf

>> No.8226295

seriously dude i'm really stoned and your pastry is freaking me out

>> No.8226300

It's filo pastry.
It comes in very very very thin sheets that you brush with oil and layer on top of one another. That's why it looks kinda paper-y :)

>> No.8226303

can you cut a piece i want to see what it looks like from the side

>> No.8226323
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Here you go mate

>> No.8226329

ahh i see something about that first picture was throwing me off. looks good wishing i could have some thanks mate

>> No.8226358
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>tfw u move out of michigan to arizona and their craft beer is balls

This thread is 3 spoopy 5 me. Have a good party man.

>> No.8227354

pls do m8, love u 2

srry yall been eating beans and working doubles ill try to get to some cooking tonight or something

>> No.8227357
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>> No.8227986

Maximum flakery

>> No.8228124
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I feel like shit. Sick as fuck

Trying to use my 18 pack of eggs up so I made some cookies and smoked some blue dream wax.

Catto is going to the vet tomorrow. Shit week.

>> No.8228162


Your pumpkin got wrecked


>> No.8228178

them beans

>> No.8228190

You getting the cat put down???

>> No.8228274

No. She has broken leg from jumping off the roof and needs surgery, It's just going to cost a shit ton of money

>> No.8228368


find a buffet that serves it and go to town

>> No.8229627
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oi m8s im tired of working, taking applications for sugar mamas lol

gonna make some lazy man wifey material stuff cuz thats whats happening

>> No.8229645

don't make me turn into another sausage autist.

>> No.8229683
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its an old streetbike, nothing fast or fancy, srry for being vague but I start dropping too many clues and someone might find me and Ill have to quit 4chan forever

burnt my hand will resume cooking shortly

>> No.8229912
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>> No.8229919
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ta da

>> No.8229924
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also stuck a chickin breast in the oven cuz im out of soft catfood

i also had decent mustard with the sausage

>10 captchas what the fudge is going on here for frig snax

>> No.8229935

>10 captchas what the fudge is going on here for frig snax
an hiro trying to sell more passes

>> No.8229950
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funny story like 6 months ago i tried to buy one and it refused my card like 3 times and now i dont want one

>> No.8230140

Had some lamb chops for dinner. They were very nice and tender

>> No.8230434

Can u post Chinese waifu

>> No.8230996

Tonights culinary fusion experiment - Raid the fridge edition.

Couldn't be arsed shopping properly for the weekend since I'm a pedestrian and there was a fucking storm.

Sliced pork.
Some brussel sprouts
Can of crushed tomatoes
Tablespoon of roasted authentic curry powder
A small stock cube
A good tablespoon of creme fraiche
1 large ass shallot
2 cloves of garlic

Served over some udon I had left.

No pictures because my place is a fucking mess. Tastes good.

>> No.8231020

why does patti look tired of your shit OP?

>> No.8231034

I made pork meatballs with a cream and curry sauce out of Magnusson Nielsen's cookbook (guy who runs Faviken)

They were OK.

>> No.8231211

Whats up with that corn? Looks delicious

>> No.8231330
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suupppp, smoked some beef short ribs today dumping in progress

2 9lb racks

>> No.8231336
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salt, pepper, garlic and on the smoker

>> No.8231342
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running on oak

>> No.8231345
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6hrs in @250F

>> No.8231350
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done after 11hrs

>> No.8231352
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>> No.8231373
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fucking delicious.

how much did 2 9lb racks of ribs cost?

>> No.8231426

$43.99 US?

>> No.8231833

>mfw beef short ribs are over $20/lb where i live, even for low tier ones

>> No.8231890

Suggest an abrupt relocation

>> No.8231897
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Fuck yeah, great thread as always OP. Always good to see you and kitteh- there's not enough actual cooking threads on here these days.

Making a few things at the moment- beef stock for stew for tomorrow, and chanterelle soup for tonight.

Starting with the stock. This is one of the two roasting pans I've got going, using a mix of veal bones, beef neck bones, and beef oxtails. Coated with oil but no salt- don't want to season the stock until we're ready to use it. They're going into a 425F oven for about 4-5 hours.

>> No.8231901
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Meanwhile, we'll start the soup. Got about 2 pounds of golden chanterelle mushrooms we need to clean.

>> No.8231908
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Wiped them down carefully with a lightly dampened paper towel, then trimmed them. A tourning knife is great for this. Cut off any woody parts of the stems, and peel off the fibrous exterior of the remaining stems. Keep those on hand- they have a part to play in the soup still.

>> No.8231911
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Here's our fully cleaned mushrooms- I kept the nicest, smallest few aside for garnish, and coarsely chopped the rest.

>> No.8231918
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We'll use those trims, along with some dried chanterelles from last year's harvest, to flavor our broth. I've got chicken stock I made and froze last week, and added the mushroom trim and dried mushrooms and heated it to a bare simmer. Let it simmer 10-15 minutes, then turn the heat off and let it steep about 1 hour before straining off.

>> No.8231925
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To start the soup off, I've browned some butter over medium-low heat. We don't want the heat too high as we don't want to brown the mushrooms too much- we want the flavor to be clean and chanterelle-y.

>> No.8231929
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Sweated some shallots and garlic in the brown butter, then added the chanterelle mushrooms. We'll cook these out until they're au sec (basically until all the water they'll let off is gone).

>> No.8231933
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Meanwhile, drinking some wine- Villa Poggio Salvi Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2007. Pretty damn nice stuff.

>> No.8231935
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Beef bones are nice and browned, along with the onion halves I threw in part way through. We'll take those out and reserve them, and use that delicious roasted-onion-flavored rendered beef marrow fat to caramelize our mirepoix.

>> No.8231937
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Like so. Once bones are roasted and mirepoix are caramelized, we'll drain off and reserve the fat- that fat is, by this point, delicious as fuck, and it's what we'll use tomorrow to start the stew off.

>> No.8231943
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We wound up with about 250mL of rendered beef fat. There'll be some left over for other things.

>> No.8231952
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Meanwhile, in soup land, the mushrooms have stopped letting off liquid and are now sizzling in the remaining butter. Time to move to the next step.

>> No.8231963
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Added about 1 tbsp of flour. Not a ton- not enough to form a full roux- but enough to help us form a stable emulsion with any fat we add later on, and create a nice silky texture.

>> No.8231970
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Once the flour is cooked out, we'll deglaze the pan. I like oxidized wine for mushroom soups- dry sherry, verdelho madeira, or vin jaune are all great. This time I've got some Lustau palo cortado sherry.

>> No.8231981
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Cooked the sherry out until almost au sec again, then added our infused, strained chicken stock. We'll bring it up to a simmer and cook it for about 10 minutes to finish softening the mushrooms.

>> No.8231991
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Once it's cooked out, whacked the soup into a blender and pureed until smooth. Once it is, puree in cubes of cold butter a little at a time- this is what that flour was for earlier. This gives it a rich, creamy texture but dilutes the flavor as little as possible- you end up with as good a texture as you'd get by adding cream, but a more powerful taste.

>> No.8232000
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Finished the soup with some Pedro Ximenez sherry vinegar. Also neglected to mention I added a few sprigs of thyme, a bay leaf, and a pinch of mace when I added the infused stock earlier.

>> No.8232016
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Sauteed those mushrooms I reserved on high heat with a little bit of butter until golden.

I've got some homemade creme fraiche here I'm using as garnish. Creme fraiche is actually incredibly easy to make- there's no point buying the expensive little tubs you get in stores, imo. All it takes is whipping cream and buttermilks. Combine at a ratio of 4-5 tablespoons buttermilk per litre of cream, mix well, then leave in a closed container at room temperature for 24-48 hours, until thickened and as sour as you want. Then move it into the fridge.

>> No.8232019
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Finished soup, garnished with the sauteed little chanterelles and some of the home made creme fraiche.

>> No.8232042
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In order to get as much flavor as possible into tomorrow's stew, the plan is to make double-strength stock. I'm using half the roasted bones and mirepoix, and making stock out of that- it'll simmer for the next 8 hours or so, then I'll strain it, and tomorrow I'll use this batch of stock as the 'water' for a second batch of stock using the other half of the bones and mirepoix. It's important to chill our first run stock in between- starting stock with cold liquid is crucial. Otherwise you dissolve too many impurities into the stock, making it cloudy and bland. You want to gradually bring stock up to a simmer so the impurities coagulate and float to the top, allowing you to skim them off.

>> No.8232046
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Moving on to a glass of scotch- Aberlour A'bunadh, one of my go-to bottles.

Cheers, coo/ck/s. That's all until tomorrow when I make my stew.

>> No.8232218
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this looks good tho im not huge on shrooms, gonna try to make that creme fraiche, its pretty much like sour cream eh? nice posting shit looks dank

bout to head to the store, trying to finish one of the nastiest beers I have ever gotten pic related

>> No.8232284

Ah that sucks man, no fun shelling out for a beer only to find out it's shit.

Creme fraiche is quite similar to sour cream, but richer/thicker in texture, and with the major benefit of being very heat stable. It'll melt nicely into things, adding noce richness to things like sauces, risotto etc (risotto finished with lemon and creme fraiche is GOAT with fish), whereas a lot of cultured dairy will curdle when heated.

>> No.8232295


You have inspired me.

My soup game has always been lacking, this is very good stuff. Screen capped it all for future use, thank you

>> No.8232331

Thanks man, glad it was of some use.

>> No.8232500
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k about to make some tzatziki sauce, im following chef john recipe but im subbing a bit of serrano instead of fresh mint, because i want a slightly spicy tzatziki and im not paying for mint


also if i put giblet on the counter and take a pic patti starts sperging out until i put her up there and pretend to take her pic lol

>> No.8232543
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no benis joke pls

>> No.8232548
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so grated the cucu' and sprinkled it with a bit of salt and now i give it 15 minutes to cry it out

i am also only making a half batch cuz what am i gonna do with a pint of tzatziki by myself chef john is a madman

>> No.8232556

Where do you live? Mars?

>> No.8232568
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by the way this link is actually the unofficial 1st f-action alternative(rock it up) album, it is not widely known and rarely cared about but consider yourselves informed

gonna mince this garlic to smithereens

>> No.8232601
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ok chopped errthing, put the grated cucumber in a god tier disposable shop towel and squeezed out damn near all the water, which is about 97% of the whole cucumber, kind of feel swindled

if anybody has an idea for this dill besides drying it out im all ears, it smells like pickles I really dont know what ill do with the rest

>> No.8232633
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so mixed all the shit up real good and i need to let it sit in the fridge at least an hour, would be better if i had like 4 hours but i dont im hongry

>> No.8232662

dill is great for fish, compound butter, tartar sauce, making canned tuna "salad" edible, and pickles. i'm sure there are a million other uses, but those are the main things i use it for.

>> No.8232732
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oh thx i forgot i need compound butter, will find a reason to buy some rosemary soon and do that and maybe try doing a jar or so of hipster pickles, or something

cracking this beer bout to make stuff happen

>> No.8232807
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greek feta burger

>> No.8232820

Grow your own mint. Costs next to nothing and basically grows itself. I've got different varieties in the ground and in pots.

>> No.8232822

dill is great in just about anyof the cold mayo-based "salads" that you can think of

(coleslaw, potato salad, chicken salad, various aunt myrna's abominations)

It can also be an interesting twist on roasted potatoes.

>> No.8232920
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>patti starts sperging out until i put her up there and pretend to take her pic lol

i could look at and read stories about the adventures of patti and giblet all day, i'm not even kidding c:

>> No.8233103
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broiled this poblano bout to give it a ice water bath and peel the skin off, the anon that advised it knows who they are:)

>> No.8233188
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>> No.8233195
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>> No.8233216
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so no BS it was good, the cheese wasnt feta tho i thought goat chz meant feta so it didny work as good, burger tried to fall apart eh

the corn is a bastard version of mexican elotes i make with whatever i have, corn + mayo, sourcream, salt pepper chilli powder and some kind of grated hard cheese, i use parm cuz i have that but thats not traditional

>> No.8233279

Looks gr8 m8


Also made my day,

>> No.8233400
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Are you sure that's not my kitter?

On a /ck/ note, I'm making bread for the first time in my life and I'm sure I'm fucking it up. Will post pics when it's out of the oven. Recipe is supposedly so easy a retard can do it, so of course I was bound to fail.


>> No.8233521

Long live da Gib

Wrap it up until you do score some fresh mint and basil, then blend that trifecta with onions and garlic into one dank slurry. Makes one of the most delectable cream sauces you'll ever fuck with famolio. Should last about a month in the fridge.

Unless you've deviated from the instructions I can't see how it would turn out badly. Kneading and shaping the dough is the greatest part though.

>> No.8233601

benis :DDD

>> No.8233605 [DELETED] 


>> No.8233609


>> No.8233618
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>> No.8233621 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8233626
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>> No.8233628

fuck u


>> No.8233631

lol loser get shrekt faggot

>> No.8233637
File: 248 KB, 1280x720, 20161030_131838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some white trash comfort food this morning while hungover.

Tiny little sausages wrapped up in pastry dough, then baked.

We call it a "pig in a blanket".

>> No.8233658

man. my mom couldn't cook too well but she sure gave it her all with what little time she had - used to make those and make sure they looked as fancy as possible. i used to go nuts for those.

curious if they did the trick for ya!

>> No.8233691

>We call it a "pig in a blanket".

fuck you tryinta appropriate our food.

sausage in a bun was invented by a black man centuries before your fucking pigs in blanket bullshit.

>> No.8233698

Yeah, I'm 25 now and my mom used to make these every now and then.

Hit me right in the nostalgia bone.

>> No.8233708

>white trash

Wow. I'm surprised that they allow such racist language on a reputable website like this.

>> No.8233767

Nah, niggas eat intestines as chitlins, not as sausage casings. Name 1 thing niggas invented. Protip: you can't.

>> No.8233984

no pics yet

maybe I should try taking pictures of the buffet and then snap one off but they might get mad at me for even taking pictures of the buffet

nothing trashy about hot dogs nigga

>> No.8233992

>snap one off
I'm assuming they'll be more upset by you masturbating in the middle of the restaurant, rather than taking a picture.

>> No.8234117
File: 195 KB, 1000x1778, 20161030_145743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resuming the quest for stew.

Second run of beef stock (using the first run as the water) is still simmering. It smells fucking great in here mates, wish you guys could smell it.

The meat is beef chuck. I've got about 1200g here.

>> No.8234124
File: 241 KB, 1000x1778, 20161030_150659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beef is diced into large cubes, and tossed with plenty of kosher salt. It'll sit like that for the next while.

Salting beef a few hours before you use it is always a good thing- it pulls water out of the surface, which makes searing easier, but then while some of that water evaporates off, some of it dissolves the salt and acts like a brine, seasoning the interior of the meat and keeping it juicy. I usually salt steaks and such about 3-4 hours before I use them, and I rub roasts and other large pieces of beef with salt and let them sit uncovered in the fridge overnight.

>> No.8234127
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Root veg are cut. I've got rutabaga, parsnip, carrot, and hakurei turnip. I've also got potatoes, but they're tiny and just need to be cut in half.

>> No.8234130
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Also going to peel some pearl onions. First step is to cut the root end off- we want to take as little as possible though.

>> No.8234135
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Once that's done, the next step is to throw them in some salted boiling water for a minute or so, then remove and shock in ice water. Once they're cooled, you can just grab the top end of the skin and squeeze the onion out.

>> No.8234227
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I roasted and tried butternut squash seeds and pumpkin seeds since I've never tried either (I'm 25 and the only seed I've enjoyed is sunflower).

Used the same seasoning for both. A drip of olive oil, salt, dash of chili powder, and a dash garlic powder.

The pumpkin was baked at 300F for 45 minutes
While the butternut was cooked at 400F for 20 minutes

The conclusion? Butternut seeds are better in every single way. Their texture is far more pleasant and they have the after taste of butternut squash to them which the pumpkin seeds lacked. Maybe I should have used a different type of pumpkin? Who knows. The only bad part is even a fairly large butternut only yields a small amount of seeds. It's nice for a snack while cooking your butternut squash though.

These are the pumpkin seeds before they went in the oven.

>> No.8234257
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Having some wine as I make my stew- San Jose de Aguaron Monasterio de Las Vinas Gran Reserva 2005.

>> No.8234264
File: 267 KB, 1778x1000, 20161030_171238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The major key to good stew is browning. 90% of the flavor you'll end up with in a stew is there before you even build the roux- from your stock, and from the caramelization of your meat and onions, and the fond they build. Making sure that your meat is really well browned on all sides is incredibly important if you want your stew to taste good, but don't rush it- if you burn the fond you're building on to the bottom of your pot, you'll lose out on a lot of flavor. Keep the heat medium to medium high, and adjust down if you see smoke or if your fond starts to get too dark. Your meat will still get plenty brown, it'll just take longer.

As a side note, I'm using the reserved fat from my roasting pans yesterday to cook the beef in. It smells incredible- you can easily smell the browned meat, the caramelized-almost-to-the-point-of-burnt onions, and the browned mirepoix.

>> No.8234268
File: 446 KB, 1000x1778, 20161030_171423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once the meat is all browned and removed- doing it in batches is important, so it browns rather than boils- this is the fond we're left with.

This is what we're going for- dark but not burned.

>> No.8234272
File: 115 KB, 750x1333, 20161030_171530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now adding the onions. It takes quite a lot- about three or four medium onions. They'll cook down drastically though.

>> No.8234276
File: 216 KB, 1000x1778, 20161030_171633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stirring the onions around in the hot fat even briefly causes them to leech juice which picks up the fond, coating them in dark brown. It's important to ignore this. The onions aren't really brown. What we want is for them to cook way down, and get so caramelized that they're verging on burned.

>> No.8234343

I like where this is going.

I do have to say that I'm worried about your meat.

Typically, I cut into large 2-inch cubes and brown to about the point you are, but won't those smaller cuts get extremely cooked and tough from that amount of browning?

>> No.8234357

Depends on the cut. Chuck has tons of connective tissue, meaning it'll take time simmering to get tender, as the collagen breaks down into gelatin. Plus, it's actually still about medium doneness- still pink inside so far.

>> No.8234362

Oh, I assumed you were hitting well done with that kind of color.

Carry on.

>> No.8234511
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>I do have to say that I'm worried about your meat.

That's what she said.

>> No.8234513

dumb frogposter

>> No.8234589
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Update on bread:

It was hard on the outside and damp on the inside. Edible, but I probably need to make this a few more times to get it right.

>> No.8234596

Also made soup with chickpeas, potatoes, and spinach.

>> No.8234601
File: 1.91 MB, 752x1336, soup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also forgot pic.

>> No.8234604

Sounds under baked or under kneaded.

>> No.8234625

Well, it's "no-knead" bread, so it must be under-baked I guess.

>> No.8234632

Did you pre heat the oven? That can make a surprisingly big difference. Also try a lower heat and a lower position in the oven.

>> No.8234723
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Almost done. Still want to go browner than this though.

>> No.8234730
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Made up a brown roux using the remaining beef fat, and gradually added in the double strength beef stock. Once it's all in, simmered it for 5 min, then added the meat back in. Simmered that for 1-1.5 hours, until just turning tender, then added our root veg. We'll simmer until it's all tender.

>> No.8234732
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Root veg in.

>> No.8234735
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Now to start making dumplings. Once the rest of the stew is almost done, we'll form the dumplings and cook them in the stew itself.

Mixture is flour, baking powder, salt, and minced flat leaf parsley. Once we're closer to being done, I'll mix in some lard and milk.

>> No.8234780

Had roast black angus with mashed potato, sweet potato and pumpkin. It was pretty good. The meat could have had a bit more flavour though.

>> No.8234841

what do you do for a living, op?

also, how fat are you?

>> No.8234980


closed mind. enjoy your stale, meaningless life.

>> No.8235013
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Veg are tender, time to move on to next step.

>> No.8235014
File: 55 KB, 500x889, 20161030_211232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mixed lard and milk into my dumpling mixture, just until it comes together. Forms a soft, sticky dough that we'll drop chunks of into the stew.

>> No.8235017
File: 181 KB, 1000x1778, 20161030_211357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that picture was even worse than I thought. Anyway, dumplings are into the stew. They'll simmer 10 minutes uncovered and then the lid goes on for 10 minutes so the top can steam. That way, you get two distinct textures and flavors- the top is light and fluffy, the bottom soaks up some of the stew gravy and becomes really soft and almost melty.

>> No.8235019
File: 183 KB, 1000x1778, 20161030_214121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumplings are done.

>> No.8235022
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And done. Cheers coo/ck/s

>> No.8235143

Looks very very nice. I love carrots

>> No.8235159

This looks fantastic. Chanterelles are great.

>> No.8235160

Thanks. Stew isn't exactly the most photogenic food ever but it's damn tasty, and between that and the stock, my place has smelled fantastic for just about two full days.

>> No.8235162

this looks delicious

>> No.8235169

Fuck yeah. I don't use roux for my beef stews because I keep a supply of demiglace in the freezer, but there's literally nothing wrong with either method. Since you've got a double strength stock it makes more sense to use a roux to thicken, actually.

>> No.8235181

They really are. Most any good mushroom variety, or mix thereof, will make good soup using this method. I bet it would look really cool done with black trumpet mushrooms, but thus far i haven't tried that.

Really, there's so many awesome wild mushrooms out there to try- it's honestly kind of sad how many people try those spongy, tasteless grocery store button mushrooms and then just give up, thinking they don't like mushrooms.

Thanks man, much appreciated. I was honestly kind of thinking it might not go over so well, because although it's tasty as fuck, it's certainly not what you'd call pretty food, and until scientists get off their collective asses and invent a way to taste through the internet, that's all you guys get. This weekend or so i should have a bit more photogenic of a dish, I've got some quinces I'm planning to make membrillo out of and then I'll probably do a composed dish using it, because why not. I'll also probably make a bolognese which is another full day type dish.

At least that's the plan.

>> No.8235183

Yeah that was my thought. I often have glace de viande in my freezer but this is a new apartment and i haven't fully stocked some of those staple things back up yet. I actually really like how this turned out though- using a really brown roux meant it didn't get too thick which is nice.

>> No.8235372
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I'm making stew.
I'm really drunk and it is after 2 AM.
I've decided a different way to cut onions.

>> No.8235375
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>> No.8235378
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Just seems a bit easier and less wasteful.
Might feel different if I had to go through 50 lbs of it.

>> No.8235380
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>> No.8235382

Kill and eat the cat or I'm waiting for thanksgiving.

>> No.8235385
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Onions colored, garlic added.

>> No.8235398
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>> No.8235401

Beef good is scrap scavenging. Are you going to just toss that braising liquid? I will take that home. At this point it is ... very rich with port notes.

>> No.8235406
File: 1.12 MB, 3096x1742, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frozen wine.

>> No.8235440

goddamn do i miss my friend Big Ramona. She looked just like that. almost.

>> No.8235443

shit knock it off. ramonaposter here.

>> No.8236395

did you work off a recipe or did you just go at it? Mind posting it if there is a recipe?

>> No.8236531

did you pass out nigga

>> No.8236597

He must have eaten the frozen wine and called it a night

>> No.8236650
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I think we've all been there at some point.

>tfw your etouffee dances

T-thanks, Google.

Going to do some shrimp etouffee this week, a modern cajun recipe. I'll be sure to do a cookalong in the next thread.

>> No.8236855

Where's the beef bad?

>> No.8236873
File: 828 KB, 2560x1443, 20161031_192022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't feel like getting DUI so I ordered jimmy johns

>> No.8237052

It actually says
>poob jaag

>> No.8237279
File: 331 KB, 1080x1776, Snapchat-352018859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw when you addicted to steak sandwiches and booze

>> No.8237320

Fuck I want a moscow mule now. I should have bought more ginger beer

>> No.8238172

alright m8s been a busy weekend helping a friend move, srry i didnt have time to reply to everyone but thanks for any nice comments and some very nice contributin' in here, good thread thanks all contributers

will make a new one shortly

>> No.8238202

NEW THREAD >>8238196