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File: 178 KB, 1400x919, smashedavo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8211120 No.8211120 [Reply] [Original]

What is the appeal for 'smashed' avacado on toast? Is this just another meme?

>> No.8211133
File: 41 KB, 551x851, reallymakesuthink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's SJW white liberal guilt.

>> No.8211135

It's legitimately a great snack food that has been taken over and turned into a trend simply because dumb faggots are willing to pay through the teeth for it. Fuck the greedy cunts who did it and fuck the gullible idiots who let them. If you want to fght it buy some avocados and a loaf of bread, shit load cheaper than one serving at a cafe.

>> No.8211136

ghetto guac

>> No.8211137

Good on him for checking his privilege.
I wouldn't want people smelling up my home of burritos when I'm trying to make tendies.

>> No.8211138

>hey can I eat a burrito today master mexican?
>No, not today. Tomorrow maybe.

This entire SJW thing is so silly

>> No.8211139


Yeah, I have to agree with you, it just seems like yuppies took it and then let it turn into something incredibly over priced.

>> No.8211140

i think it might be a joke

>> No.8211142

No fucking way this is real... no fucking way

>> No.8211144

lmao take your off-topic shitposting to another board, tard

>> No.8211147

these people say men are women. anything is possible. I've seen white students tell other white students not to eat rice and sushi at uni.

>> No.8211151


Back to the avacados, lads.

>> No.8211156

not until you check your privilege.

>> No.8211160

>I've seen

>> No.8211162

Hard to say at this point, Poe's law and everything

>> No.8211192

Is everyone here retarded? Avocado is like a top 5 best ingredient.

>> No.8211216


top 5 best ingredient for what?

>> No.8211219


>> No.8211221

I like avocado so much I have opened one and ate half with a spoon without even adding salt
Smashed chunky avocado is miles better than the processed crap but avocado is a love it or hate it thing

>> No.8211226

The k him I'm also Hispanic and its not fucking ok for him to eat avocado today, tomorrow or ever again
Fucking racist thinking every Hispanic is Mexican

>> No.8211819

avocados originate in Mexico, fucking non-Mexican hispanics trying to appropriate my culture.

>> No.8211844

Prove it

>> No.8211855

It's the non-racist way to consume avocado as a white cis het male.

>> No.8211872

And here comes /pol/

>> No.8212409

I think that's sarcasm, but then again I've seen Poe's law been mentioned earlier in the thread so who the fuck knows.

It's just a popular food. Same with bacon and that pretzel bun shit. These types of sandwiches will dissapear of the menu in the next ten years or so and be replaced by another popular food item.

>> No.8212420


>> No.8212421

>Is this just another meme?

>> No.8212433

It's just fat, like butter or egg yolk. Its good though I would want it with egg.

Were avocados ever cheap?

>> No.8212449
File: 76 KB, 527x527, 12716813_354843114686129_1505988118_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has it occured to your infantile little mind that the human race is granular and most fuckers who believe in one thing; say, the scientific fact of gender identity disorders and their treatments, don't all believe in say, the politician you don't like, anti-gun, dictate what food you are allowed to ethnically eat.

Jesus fuck. Hipsters appropriate shit at a stupendous rate, and theyre the ones who are all about acceptance and lgbt so which is it in your black and white view of humanity? are lgbt pushing an appropriation sjw agenda or anti appropriation sjw agenda?

>> No.8212484

i could tell you were a bean by your ingles.

>> No.8212497

Even a year ago I could find Hass avocados for $0.50 each. For the last year I haven't seen them under $1.00 even at Mexican groceries. I thought it was because the hipsters got a hold of it.

>> No.8212502

Please learn how to communicate in English instead of like a wetback who just swam the river.

>> No.8212520

Nigga people have been eating avocado and bread for ages, stick to your bacon and eggs fattie, make it extra greasy too.

>> No.8212526

in most cases with SJWs thats not true. you can say you support trans women but would not date one as a cis male and they will say you're a biggot and that 'she' is a women and 'her' penis is a girls penis.

>> No.8212549

The appeal is
>im white and avocado has to go on literally everything

>> No.8212582

Sorry, I just learned how the .ie suffix works when using the English language.

>> No.8212607

Stop being an overt trap hater when you're really closeted trap fantasist.

>> No.8212611

>What is the appeal for 'smashed' avacado on toast? Is this just another meme?
During the Great Depression and rationing times, it was a good substitute for butter.

It's also delicious with a bit of pepper, or lime/vinegar, though hot sauce can sub in.

>> No.8212669

>avocados originate in Mexico
and they were shit.

Hass was developed in Murrika and was produced in fucking Chile decades before mexicans got into hass production

>> No.8212681

Ugg wite ppl need too b extirmanaded

>> No.8212697
File: 186 KB, 396x594, 605385194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>During the Great Depression and rationing times

which is why theyre in such demand and highly expensive?

avocados are one of the best most healthy and versatile foods for wealthy people, actually

>> No.8212724
File: 33 KB, 550x501, Avocado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

avacados need to be mushy to the touch
as ripe as they can go without turning brown

i feel like a lot of these avocado haters are just bad at getting a good result with them

>> No.8212757

>which is why theyre in such demand and highly expensive?
They weren't set aside for the war effort like dairy was. Plus no one liked the flavor of the early marjarine, especially the creepy yellow coloring packet that came with the shortening colored stuff that needed to be mixed in to look like real butter.

Avocados fall out of my tree by the 100s, the lawn guys toss them into the bay behind my house so that they don't have to sharpen their mower blades. Still I have enough for an unlimited supply if I wanted it every day, and that's just one tree in my yard. I don't find a $1 expensive either, when a hothouse cucumber is $1.50 and a bag of carrots is $2. A pound of butter if $3.50, more if you buy irish or swedish. Avocados aren't for the wealthy, they're not even more expensive than other perishable produce by weight.

>> No.8212763
File: 121 KB, 1280x852, 12186730_975880719148946_5920585758691973738_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a pound of carrots is a lot more food than 1 avocado

a single avocado i could eat like nothing as a snack

just because you have a fucking avocado tree doesnt mean theyre readily abundant

there is not many other fruits in the market that costs over 1$ per fruit

when youre buying them all the time theyre expensive

you should probably sell those or eat those you dont know how lucky you have it

>> No.8212768

also carrots are only 89 cents a pound and a normal cucumber 60 cents

>> No.8212777
File: 13 KB, 320x320, 10610989_1459757870963838_670918399_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or give them away to people

how dare you toss them in the bay and treat nature like its invaluable

you dont know what its like to be in a city with regulations where they tell you to chop down all signs of life

>> No.8212786

Everyone of my neighbors has the trees that grow in the climate by default (if they aren't stupid). So should you! What will you do when mexican druglords blockage limes again? Stop enjoying margaritas? I won't. Blueberry pancakes when blueberries are spendy? Nope.

Just because you consume a $1 worth of avocado in one sitting doesn't mean it's really more expensive than other produce. You just aren't paying attention to the prices in a relative way. I will eat a bowl of marinated or sour cream marinated cukes. I slice two tomatoes onto a sandwich, bam! $1. It's just that you aren't buying them individually that you aren't noticing what you consume. Or maybe you don't eat veggies 5x/day.

>> No.8212790

They call it poor man's butter.

I guess by poor man, they mean penniless wetback. Don't demean yourself.

>> No.8212792
File: 110 KB, 692x577, 1471196968178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

projecting this hard.

>> No.8212795

$1.00 for a single helping? Christ, I'm an amerilard from Mississippi! That's a bite.

>> No.8212798
File: 305 KB, 600x912, Jessica-BandE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i had it my way i would be eating probably 3 avocados a day its truly the best food for low carb dieters

but im poor i cant really do that with all the other things i have to buy

you can use avocados for so much shit desu its the rich mans butter

i hope to one day have some trees

i will buy them already mostly mature though because fuck waiting 10 years

>> No.8212802
File: 24 KB, 287x182, margarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They call it poor man's butter.
It was the poor man's butter because the only butter available was crap margarine

>> No.8212805

Trends, cuisines and economics were different in the 1930's.

>> No.8212822

Smashed avo is the reason young Australians can't afford to buy a house

>> No.8213837

the name comes from aguacatl, a náhuatl word you dumb shit mestizo

>> No.8214428


/pol/ pretends to be (even more) retarded, other /pol/ shits lose their mind over this "traitorous nu-male sjw" and take to social media and the cycle begins anew.

>> No.8214442

Fucking hell THIS.

It's a nutritious snack/breakfast food that some morons decided to sell for $8 and other morons who can't cook think it's great and buy it.

Personally, I've been making what they call "avocado toast" for years for breakfast/lunch, and never thought anything of it. Toast some nice bread, mash or slice an avocado and spread it on the toast, add a squeeze of lime juice and some salt and pepper, and top with a fried or poached egg, or sliced tomato, or a couple slices of bacon, whatever. Some people like sardines with avocado on toast, but I think their flavors get to muddled up when eaten together.
At the end of the day, it's not much different from making a BLTA or an egg breakfast sandwich, you're just using avocado as your spread.

>> No.8214445

this, my once or twice fortnightly breakfast out is what is stopping me from putting down a deposit on a home

>> No.8214494

There was a higher demand than usual for the summer crop of Mexican Hass avocados, so the price went up. I expected the price to go down again by now, but it hasn't. I'm on the east coast and I've been watching several of my local grocery stores stocking multiple crates daily of both domestic and Mexican avocados (depends on the day) for $2.50 each and throwing away 2/3 of them. Someone along the supply chain is artificially inflating the price. I'm pretty sure people aren't buying them because they're too expensive, yet the growers and retailers are too greedy or stupid to figure this out yet. They're being encouraged by the memery.

>> No.8214636

avocado's the problem and not the fucking eggs?
there's an egg on EVERYTHING these days for fuck sake

eggs are the meme food of 2017

>> No.8214664

Plant them now or you'll have to wait more than 10 years

>> No.8215569

as demonstrated here:

also, it seems to trigger the /pol/
but then again just about anything triggers the /pol/

and frankly, there's quite the quantity of /pol/ 'round this board, and I'm either too new or it's a seasonal thing