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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8212320 No.8212320 [Reply] [Original]

I understand there is alot of snobbery across the seas in regards to US Foods and the general American dining scene. Yuros and others are politically incorrect when it comes to their disdain for American success and as such, American dining establishments usually don't get the recognition they deserve.

But that's complete crap. It's time to recognize Waffle House and Chick-Fil-A globally for all they have achieved.

Take Waffle House for example:

>Family of four sits down
>orders breakfast
>served an incredible meal, quickly and with appropriate technique
>out of there for less than $30.00

Frankly I'm astounded and the level of bullshit Americans have to put up with abroad.
Please respect our restaurants and the hard work that goes into producing a warm and affordable meal.

>> No.8212469

>with appropriate technique
a middle-aged meth addict dropping the plates on the table in a big heap and then disappearing for an hour is "appropriate technique" now? are you from alabama?

>> No.8212478

No American would hold up Waffle House as an example of passable cuisine, or arguable even real food, much less "incredible," unless he's some inbred freak who hasn't left his swamp in thirty years

It's a place that serves food for drunk people, by meth-heads

Work on your bait, friend

>> No.8212517

>family of 4 sits down, rests arms on table. Forced to remain there for the rest of their inbred lives due to the leftover syrup on the table glueing their arms in place.

>> No.8212524

>No American would hold up Waffle House as an example of passable cuisine,

>> No.8212528

Is waffle house like a flyover version of dennys?

>> No.8212550
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People like you are the genderqueers/feminists/liberal/hipsters of food. Jesus fucking christ, i couldn't even imagine being this stuck up. Food is food, unless its poisonous, raw or taste like fecies. What pseudo-connosieurs like you prefer are obviously sweaty dicks with a side of activated almonds and alkalized water.

>> No.8212580


this is the most pretentious post I've seen in about a month and you sound like such a numale beanie-wearing faggot it made my stomach upset.

>> No.8212617

>stomach upset

With that tender of a stomach I'd recommend avoiding Waffle House and Chick-fuk-a.

>> No.8212670

>waffle house

Where the table is always sticky
The cook always has a dirty white apron
And hes always really hairy and is smoking a cigarette while frying an egg

>> No.8212685

I don't know anything about waffle house but chic-fil-a makes some fucking fantastic chicken sandwiches and they have great service.

>> No.8212698

The Waffle House in my town is run by the culinary students from the historically black college. I like it there, the atmosphere is nice and they always want to chat.

>> No.8212841

>they always want to chat.

About what? Wait, don't answer that!

>> No.8212859


I think you should avoid all forms of communication you mongoloid

>> No.8213110


>Waffle House is gross
>therefore I'm a hipster liberal

Okay, buddy

Don't get me wrong, I've eaten there drunk out of my mind with friends, but it's not any good

What kind of bizarre standards do you have where someone who doesn't like fucking Waffle House is automatically a hipster?

>food is food

You are on a board about cooking, you mong

>> No.8213126
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>incredible meal

>> No.8213130

Fast food is not the 'American dining scene'. You are part of the problem.

>> No.8213421 [DELETED] 

Waffle Haus is the ultimate cooking barometer. I've ate in WH that was absolute shit and cancer, and I've eaten some of the best meals of my life at WH. It is a temple to cookery, tiled, serene, and conceptually unfuckable. You can literally instantly judge a WH when you walk in, they all look the same
>arr rook same
and EVERYTHING is out in view. Is it clean, quiet, everyone copacetic, is the ship tight and decks cleared? Prepare for the best waffle
>walnut waffles BITCH
>it's rosti. foreal, it's rosti

and cheap cheeseburgers you can get, bar none. literally life affirming

Is everything ghetto and dirt is apparent, people are stressed or unhappy, shit is clearly out of order? Happy salmonella, pardner.

add that to the Waffle House Index, which is literally used to track the severity of natural disasters, and the place is a fucking miracle of Americana and should live forever and ever amen.

>Bert's chili is just OK, I don't love it.

>> No.8213428

Waffle Haus is the ultimate cooking barometer. I've ate in WH that was absolute shit and cancer, and I've eaten some of the best meals of my life at WH. It is a temple to cookery, tiled, serene, and conceptually unfuckable. You can literally instantly judge a WH when you walk in, they all look the same
>arr rook same
and EVERYTHING is out in view. Is it clean, quiet, everyone copacetic, is the ship tight and decks cleared? Prepare for the best waffle
>pecan waffles BITCH
>it's rosti. for real, it's rosti

and cheap cheeseburgers you can get, bar none. literally life affirming

Is everything ghetto and dirt is apparent, people are stressed or unhappy, shit is clearly out of order? Happy salmonella, pardner.

add that to the Waffle House Index, which is literally used to track the severity of natural disasters, and the place is a fucking miracle of Americana and should live forever and ever amen.

>Bert's chili is just OK, I don't love it.

>> No.8214413

Black neighborhoods have Huddle House, which is exactly the same but with a different name for some reason.