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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 178x220, ramsay-e1377665479891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8211675 No.8211675 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the greatest chef and why?
What would I need to do to be the greatest chef?

>> No.8211688

For me it is the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

>> No.8211719

you posted him

>> No.8211735

What the fuck has Chef Ramsay even contributed to the culinary arts other than the meme that chefs have to be british asshats to be successful

>> No.8211739

The greatest chef is my mom.

>> No.8211745


He has more michelin stars than any other chef. Seems like a pretty good metric as to who is the "greatest".

>> No.8211749


Just like any form of art, it's subjective.

How much you charge has no bearing.

Your resturaunt might sway customer numbers and satisfaction in its aesthetics rather than output.

Being in only one country doesn't allow you to compare your ability in other cuisines accurately enough.

Consistently winning cook off's anonymously in each country would in my eyes be the only way. The more judges the better

>> No.8211752
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>> No.8211753
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Marco Pierre White revolutionized the professional kitchen. Ramsay is just a wannabe living a lie since he doesn't even cook in his "16 michelin stars" worth of restaraunts. He cares nothing for cooking, only for his celebrity status.

>> No.8211767

I really like liang sung from the Panda down the road.

>> No.8211778
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A chef is never great.
By definition, a "chef" can not be "great".
Food prep is a menial task we do to survive, there is no greatness, no achievement involved. There's a reason why food prep and child care tasks historically were given to women, leaving men to do great things.
Great things are inventions and discoveries, technological advancements.
Food simply goes in your mouth and comes out your ass. How is that great? People need to stop making considering glorified food prep a noble thing worthy of celebrity status, and start recognizing the true contributors to civilization. Things that make a difference. Eating and then filling the toilet is never one of those things.

>> No.8211784

>What would I need to do to be the greatest chef?
You would need to be high-IQ, and do well in grade school and prep school.
You would need to be upper middle class or at least 1st or 2nd generation classy, so you have a lifetime of travel and dining experiences that started from a place of wealth and privilege that introduced to you fine cuisine from an early age with ingredients that weren't just about cost.
You would need to take your great pedigree and good grades/test scores to get admission to the C.I.A, or another highly ranked hospitality school, to understand that you are getting a hospitality degree for management skills, not just a love of blue collar work in a service profession.
You'd probably need to be mentored, and financially supported for a portion of your early career. People like Ramsey and Flay married into wealth. People like Emeril did the same, but can credit a good portion to the fame and success into the support from the managing spouse, not just the early mentorship/early job.

There are too many great chefs at this point in history to name a greatest, seriously. There are some people who have been influential for a long time, long before there were reality shows and press tours for cookbooks. There are still chefs in major cities who have been doing the same things for decades, where others are opening and closing new flashy ventures. Who do you admire more? The chef from Inn at Little Washington being on the #1 list for decades, in a town that is nothing more than a mecca for people to travel there to dine there for the best meal of their life? Or do you admire the guy who opened a satellite restaurant in Vegas and Grand Cayman last year as more successful, even though they did nothing more than make the menu and breeze through the joints once or twice a season?

>> No.8211796

Why are you on /ck/ if you find cooking menial, retard?

>> No.8211802

>He has more michelin stars than any other chef. Seems like a pretty good metric as to who is the "greatest".
It would seem that way, but it simply isn't. Start reading the memoirs of reviewers, and the financial state of the organization for the past two decades. It's like how President Obama got a premptive Nobel Prize for Peace, but is the best peacemaker? A guy who has a horrific (but quietly unpublicized) drone program of death? Riiiiight. Everyone, including the committee that stupidly gave it to a guy who had barely been President now admit it was a mistake.

Stop thinking nice things about Michelin. They're not a litmus of quality whatsoever. They barely visit the establishments you think they tout, and sometimes not. at. all.

Friends help friends. It's how the world goes round. Look to other sources and stop being a gullible sheep.

>> No.8211814
File: 57 KB, 720x480, El-Bullis-Ferran-Adria-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ferran Adria

>> No.8211820


You"logics" make me laugh
Picture this if you will:

A universe where everything has been invented making everything run at peak efficiency. You can be anywhere or be anyway or thing you please

Then we only have art left to reflect on life as we sense it.

And so we have drama, paintings, cuisine, music etc. An expression that is only ever relative to each person. Like a conversation of souls

>> No.8211826

>Why are you on /ck/ if you find cooking menial, retard?
Not that guy, because he's a bit of an ass, but some of what he said is marginally true (in a historical sense).
But why are you so overly judgmental like that? Enjoying good food and good cooking isn't the same thing as wanting to be the guy who makes it, or elevating his choice of career to something without hugely common negative aspects. There are a lot of cons to being a chef or working in any hospitality industry. There are work hours that are the busiest when the rest of the families have time off, namely the holidays and dining out nights of every weekend. Huge con right there that scares a lot of women into doing things like pastries to this day. For some chefs, moving often is a sad reality that affects family life too. It's hot, sweaty, and hasn't made anyone rich until the past 50 years. It was a job with minimal markup and profit until say the 80s. The money was in the hotel aspect. Those old cordon bleu guys? Respected but not raking in dough.

>> No.8211856

A lighter approach to fine dining, more suited to active contemporary lifestyles than the liberal use of fat and heavy sauces common in the 80s and 90s.

>> No.8211866

>greatest chef

pick one or go back to /tv/ faggot

>> No.8211875

Pretty much this. Cooking is servile work, there is no 'greatness' or 'art' in it.You're servants, making food for people doing more important things.

>> No.8211878

>Marco Pierre White revolutionized the professional kitchen.

>> No.8211879

He's incredibly adjustable when it comes to cuisine and even makes some cuisines that are naturally overbearing. Ive never had one of his recipes I've done come out bad so honestly anyone that talks shit about his cooking is clearly talking out there ass or trying to meme.

>> No.8211885


>> No.8211908

Fight me

>> No.8211939

Cooking is the only art form that's chewed into a paste and deposited into the toilet.
That's what we think of your "art", faggots. Stop giving yourselves so much credit when credit is not deserved.

>> No.8211968

two things that look incredibly pathetic in 4chan posts imo
trying to sound condescending
trying to affect importance by speaking for a group

>> No.8211981

He is right, thouh.

>> No.8212375

jeez buddy i know you got fired from micky d's but no need to shit on everyone else

>> No.8212407

This. I watched in interview with Marco recently, and apparently the system is nothing like what it used to be. Part of the reason he gave up his stars and quit for a while was because he thought the system had become meaningless and was tired of busting his ass for praise that didn't mean anything.

>> No.8212466
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holy moly
what a post

>> No.8212495
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, morimoto.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marco is a fucking burnout. He hasn't been noteworthy or produced anything interesting in a long while, and is overly cynical and bitter about the modern food scene. If you aren't passionate about food and cooking then you can hardly be considered one of the greats through history. He says the system is "nothing like it used to be" because it's not all about being in Michelin or Zagat anymore, and competition from little guys is much more potent now with the internet. People don't have to rely on those old travel guide recommendations anymore. Great restaurants have been great before Michelin, and they will likely continue after it's gone.

I think it's hard to say who the greatest is of all time, but Escoffier, as >>8211908 said, built up the modern western kitchen style and made being a chef a respectable profession.

As far as modern chefs go, Thomas Keller, Gualtiero Marchesi, Alain Ducasse, Morimoto, and Daniel Boulud are some guys that I think are at the top of their game. I'm American though, and I know that I don't know much about the many European and East Asian chefs that are very likely just as good.

>> No.8212571


As redditsounding this post is, it's pretty fucking true. I'd have to agree with my faggot boomer father who hates my guts that said "there are too many shows about cooking now a days, like big fucking deal anyone can cook" and he's right. How many stupid shows on tv do we need about cakes? How many episodes of chopped is gonna take to realize watching 3 pretentious fuckheads eat some captain-crunch coated veal steaks is not entertaining?

Even your favorite celebrity chefs are selling out on a level akin to Guy Fieri and all your restaurants have the same fucking memes and trends.

>> No.8212587

Mate. food is no where near on the level of art.

>> No.8212606

So much wrong in one post. I'm not even mad. You ARE the greatest. You somehow engineered the most retarded statement in the history of man.

>> No.8212610
File: 56 KB, 1152x720, joel-robuchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you dont think pic related then kys

>> No.8212755

>If you aren't passionate about food and cooking then you can hardly be considered one of the greats through history
Marco is clearly passionate, he just gives zero fucks and decided it wasn't worth the hassle to constantly worry about being judged by people who knew less about cooking than him and were part of a system that was giving away ratings easier. Which makes a lot of sense. If you work your ass off to be recognized as the best of something, and then that recognition is meaningless, you're bound to end up disenchanted.


>> No.8212817

Heston Blumenthal IMO, his food is creative without being pretentious as it is rooted entirely in science, he got 3 stars at the Fat Duck without having worked in kitchens beyond apprenticeship, he made two of the great cooking shows (Kitchen Chemistry & In Search of Perfection).

>> No.8212851

Morimoto is such a pure man. I want to give him a hug.

>> No.8212872

paul bocuse could arguably be a contender to robuchon.

>> No.8213404
File: 39 KB, 705x397, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watched MPW teach Anthony Bourdain how to make a chippy butty on Part Unknown.

A Chippy Fucking Butty

>> No.8213512

Got a link?

>> No.8213543

>why is he being judgmental
Because the first guy is being judgmental
This post is retarded (im a male le STEM) a chef can be great if he's better than most other chefs, no one is comparing them to other professions. Many people appreciate cooks but they don't glorify them, and if they do, who fucking cares

>> No.8213617

Fucking this.

>> No.8213630

You are a turd by thinking like that.
I hope your brain starts bleeding on your sleep.

>> No.8213636

>potato sandwich

What the fuck England

>> No.8213653

There are so many things wrong with this post.

>implying you can only be great at something if it has to do with science

but wait

>what is food science


>implying that cooking can't be taken to an artistic level


>implying that food isn't crucial to our survival
>implying that food isn't one of the greatest pleasures in life

im fucking plying all over the place.

>> No.8213656


I wish, it literally just aired on CNN.

>here comes the ShillNN Trump brigade

>> No.8213661

leave this forum forever then kill yourself you unbearable faggot.

>> No.8213668

>he thinks literal shit hasn't been art

>> No.8213703

Ah, well shit. Sounds funny.

>> No.8213731
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>> No.8213798

How's baby's first philosophy treating you?

>> No.8213824


That's racist. Ramsay a gud boi he din du nuffin'

>> No.8213828

>ramsay din do nuffin

Yes, that is exactly his point.

>> No.8213836


Is le ebin grandpa telling babby retardo not to fuck and continue his bloodline in this picture?

>> No.8213838




>> No.8213869
File: 63 KB, 624x480, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its so funny how butthurt you people are when the only thing you have to cling to is "we are artists!"
Your "art" lasts for less than five minutes until its chewed up and eight hours later is literally flushed down the toilet into the sewer. And somehow, you cling to a delusion of greatness, as if the experience was somehow remembered forever in a meaningful way.
Its really cute how stupid you are, placing your trade on par with actually great achievers.
How's baby's first "culinary art" experience treating you? Are you overcome with waves of satisfaction? Does Wikipedia have a page about you yet, one that wasn't created by you?

>> No.8213901

Great achievers like who? Mozart? Da Vinci? Go to bed grandpa.

>> No.8213904

>Does Wikipedia have a page about you yet, one that wasn't created by you?
this is where the bait fails, you don't even have a wikipedia page, try harder

>> No.8213910

Where can I get a good english breakfast?

>> No.8213913

>english cuisine
le kekkers!!.jpg

>> No.8213925

>Who is the greatest chef
Justin Wilson

>> No.8213929

I'm not even a chef, nor do I want to be. I love cooking, but I don't cook "muh culinary art" shit, I cook simple, hearty things that people will enjoy, talk about, and be filled by. Often healthy shit, too. Which is beneficial.

Why do you enjoy your dumbass manchild comedy cartoons? What do they contribute to human advancement? Certainly less than the eating and cooking of food, which has provided countless scientific advancements over the years. The allure of cooking and eating meat contributed to human advancements in toolmaking and in society, and the advancements have only continued from there.

I ask again: How is baby's first philosophy treating you?

>> No.8213932

No, he's retarded and so are you.

>> No.8213937

>What would I need to do to be the greatest chef?

Make tasty food?

Being an asshole doesn't convey greatness.

>> No.8213942
File: 64 KB, 616x462, FNM_090112-Robert-Irvine-Wedding-008_s4x3.jpg.rend.snigalleryslide[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robert Irvine married a hot wrestler.

>> No.8213964


to be the greatest chef

1- be able to produce almost any type of food, to a masterful standard

2-be able to produce almost any type of food, to a masterful standard, in a busy kitchen environment

3- invent your own dishes and recipes. a recipe/dish so good its named after you or is worldly known by the name you gave it.

basically be a natural prodigy

>> No.8213968

I always thought he was gay, not sure about Irvine though.

>> No.8213974


music is just vibrations it cant be great

art is just colours it cant be great

a car is just a means of transport it cant be great

a house is just somewhere to live it cant be great

congratulations youre a dumbass

>> No.8213983

Some great chefs:
Thomas Keller
Grant Achatz
Sean Brock
Rene Redzepi
David Chang

Being the greatest chef would require you to put in more effort than some of the most obsessive, driven, and passionate people to ever work in kitchens. Just getting a start in nice restaurants have you working 11 + hours a day for 5 - 6 days a week. You would need to love everything about cooking because you are going to be busting your ass over stuff that a home cook would find pointless. Like cutting a quart of parsley chiffonade or bacon bruniose. It would be a lifetime of work that people consider meaningless. But as long as you truly love cooking being what you consider the greatest chef. In terms of being the world's greatest chef (which is completely subjective) unless you are rolling in money it's pretty much impossible.

>> No.8213993

>Great things are inventions and discoveries, technological advancements.

Bullshit. Greatness is a completely relative concept and you know it. What do you consider a "great" advancement or discovery? The automobile? The Internet? A cure for cancer? The iPhone?

What do any of those actually matter in the grand scheme of things? A few hundred years and they will be obsolete and forgotten. A few million years they and everything else will be dead and gone and forgotten, having mattered no more or less than that shit you filled the toilet with. Fuck off.

>> No.8214005

her and fieri's look tell me he took her to flavortown the night prior

>> No.8214032

Go to bed, Marco.

>> No.8214056

We are talking about ramsay, not obama
Stay on point shitter

>> No.8214077


>> No.8214097

How many nuffin's did a din du do if a din du din du nuffin'?

>> No.8214102


>> No.8214403

fucking feminists

>> No.8214712

t. sobbing ramsay

>> No.8214730


>> No.8214827


of course not he's british.

>> No.8214842

He's Scottish, you dingus.

>> No.8214855


>> No.8214878
File: 2 KB, 136x91, palm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Scottish are British you fuckwit.

>> No.8214896
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>the Scottish are British

>> No.8214934


>> No.8214952

Blumenthal's pretty good but he creeps me out a bit. He looks like an unholy combination of Vincent D'Onofrio and Frank Black from the pixies.

I think a lot of people haven't realized that ramsay has successfully made the transition from restaurateur to entertainer while still keeping his culinary street cred.

>> No.8214961

Kot, why are you on the pancakes

>> No.8214963
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His overall face is too small for his head, yet his eyes are fucking massive thanks to his glasses. Very strange combination.

>> No.8214965

He's right.
The English, Scottish and Welsh are all inhabitants of Great Britain and thus are British..
I appreciate this is a hard concept for some people to grasp.

>> No.8214968


Are you suggesting that the country of Scotland is not part of the island of Great Britain, along with England and Wales?

>> No.8214972

Got to be an American I guess.
Try explaining the difference between Britain and the UK to him, that'll blow his mind.

>> No.8215023

>ever accepting British authority

>> No.8215025

You had your chance, Hamish.

>> No.8215028

You just wait until the next referendum.

>> No.8215031

You actually want to be in the EU?

>> No.8215040

The next Scottish referendum for independence.

>> No.8215044

Exactly, Sturgeon wants you back in the EU matey.

>> No.8215064

Fair enough, traitors have to be dealt with. Assuming the EU actually allows brexit to proceed.

>> No.8215287


yeah, I realize that Heston isn't a male model, he's an extraordinary chef. he's a TV celebrity in Britain but most people don't know who he is in the US, his shows don't air here AFAIK.

>> No.8215405

*chip butty. the chippy is the place you get fish and chips from and doesn't go in a sandwich

>> No.8215409
File: 129 KB, 640x640, 1431635862105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A chef is never great.
>By definition, a "chef" can not be "great".
>Food prep is a menial task we do to survive, there is no greatness, no achievement involved. There's a reason why food prep and child care tasks historically were given to women, leaving men to do great things.
>Great things are inventions and discoveries, technological advancements.

>> No.8215432

Is that his mom taking the picture?

>> No.8215433

There is literally not a single American who knows the difference between England, Britain, and the United Kingdom. Their schools are fockin' yankee doodle dandy shite.

>> No.8215452

Of course, photography is a menial task left to women, whereas the art of the sword is left to the manliest of men

>> No.8215473


What about me? Born in Essex to an English family. Currently a US citizen.

>> No.8215477

Dumbest nation on Earth.

>> No.8215492

Enough said really.
Love you in the mouth!

>> No.8215515

I'm an American and I know the d8fferences, went to public school, too.

I am a voracious reader, though, so maybe that had something to do with it.

>> No.8215519


>> No.8215527

Nigga, please. I'm watching Downton Abbey right now

>> No.8215607

That looks like half the faggots on /ck/ who push "what knife should I buy?" threads to 300 posts.
loser #1: "Mines better!"
loser #2: "No, mine is better!"
This thread is nothing more than a bunch of food service chickens clucking.

>> No.8215623

Greatest chef is the God of Cookery

>> No.8215954
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>> No.8216110


same garbage inbred island you faglords

>> No.8216179

>a well executed joke that is topical to the thread, yet not a stupid pun

this one gets a 10 from me, anon

>> No.8216185

You have to beat the greatest chef in a cookoff

>> No.8216191

Me. Cause I said so.

>> No.8216206

The only thing artistic about food is the plating. The actual taste and texture is not art, it's just food.

>> No.8216321
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I think it's quite hard to establish who's the greatest chef right now.
There are many chefs I admire, their approaches are too varied to allow a fair comparison.
Just to make a few examples, there's René Redzepi, who created a new cuisine out of the blue, using local products and experimenting with innovative techniques; he created something totally different from traditional Danish cuisine, always keeping things simple and clean.
Virgilio Martinez is one of my favorite young chefs as he always comes up with great ideas while being consistent with Peruvian traditional products and recipes.
Then there's Massimo Bottura, 1st in last years' 50 best. It's ironic that in many Italian people deem his deconstructionist approach as the destruction of Italian culinary tradition, even though he's probably one of the best connoisseurs of Italian culinary history.
There's an amazing story behind everything he cooks, deeply rooted it is in his personal experience (often connected to traditional recipes and products too).

In the end, we're lucky enough to live in an age where chefs don't have to be ashamed of the creative process behind their work anymore.
If you ask me, it's not just food.

>> No.8216356
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What a legend!

>> No.8216574

Who would win in a fight, Gordon or Anthony Bourdain?

>> No.8216596

Gordon. Even though I dislike the man, it is clear he has trained at least to some degree to fight.


Pay attention not to the stopping power (since anyone could stop an old hag's deteriorated swing), but the reaction time. His hand is up to block before her's is halfway to him.

>> No.8216603

Anything can be art if it is approached with creativity

Think about it for a while

>> No.8216606

Bourdain has been training in Jiu Jitsu

>> No.8216615
File: 88 KB, 500x552, 1468283373203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolling /ck/ 101

The beauty in food is the culture behind it and its ability to enhance and further that culture while staying true to taste. Just like ALL GODDAMN ART


>> No.8217670

Akis Petretzikis can impregnate me any time he wants

>> No.8218020
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This supreme gentleman. I admire his admiration for wine drinking while cooking.

>> No.8218052

You ever notice they only started using the term "drone" in the last few years or so? I can remember for the longest time they just called them UAVs. My theory is that this is because drone has a more negative connotation than UAV and they want to drum up opposition.

>> No.8218096

I know it's bait. But here we go. All important ground breaking science was done in order to put food on the table. The invention of the wheel, the invention of fire, the invention of vinegar, the curation of meats through salts. Every ancient technology lies in the ultimate goal sustaining life which can only be done through cooking. If working at the greatest achievable human goal is not great the please just off yourself.

>> No.8218103

no you don't get it cretin. SCIENCE!! POW!!!!!! LOL my nobel prize here, bet you wish you had one of these babies huh? you can't, you're just a fucking cook, kill you're self

>> No.8220025

Alton Brown

>> No.8220051

Gail Kim is cute. CUTE.

>> No.8220499
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>> No.8220585

basically her: