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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8197448 No.8197448 [Reply] [Original]

What is your states' favorite?

>> No.8197455

Arizona is the only state with actual taste in this entire country. What the fuck.

>> No.8197558

who the fuck participated in this survey because this is bad information

>> No.8198098

Get it together TX and CA.

No matter what your political affiliation, its safe to say both states have shit tastes and like old lady candy.

>> No.8198115

Anyone who is over the age of 12 and "likes" or "loves" candy is a shit eating morbidly obese non-person in the eyes of an intellectual. Candy is nutrionless, fattening and only have excess empty calories.

Real mature people with more than 2 brain cells to rub together stick to REAL foods like meats, vegetables, nuts and fruits.

Only manchildren and nu-females eat candy past the age of 12 and if you do it in public you're a joke to me, my colleagues, my friends and my family.

>> No.8198119

I feel like this survey was biased to show variety, there's no way exactly 2 states like every single major candy.

>> No.8198123

It's clearly bullshit

If it was legit you can bet your fucking ass every single state would be some kind of chocolate

>> No.8198240

>5 states choosing candy corn

Yeah fucking right.
Also, who is giving out Toblerones on Halloween?

>> No.8198280

I refuse to believe anybody likes the trash that is laffy taffy

>> No.8198305


Fucking nobody is giving out Toblerones. In my state it would probably be either starburst or jolly rancher. That map is absolute nonsense.

>> No.8198312

>eating meat and vegetables

REAL mature people eat only bread and water

>> No.8198313

>tfw nobody has or will ever hand out charleston chew

>> No.8198320


It's all bullshit. The map is simply too varied for it to be true. There's also no fucking way that candy corn has that big of a spread.

>> No.8198323


So real people are all imprisoned french peasants from the 1600's?

>> No.8198324

REAL MATURE people don't eat, and instead absorb their nutrients from the earth through their toes

>> No.8198330

REAL, 100% TRUE MATURE people dont absorb nutrients, they ARE the nutrients

>> No.8198416


I eat it for the jokes

>> No.8198422


>> No.8198431
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>> No.8198958

People in Arizona give out fucking Toblerones on Halloween?

Absolutely patrician

>> No.8198977

Only rich white people in Fountain Hills can give out fucking Toblerone

>> No.8198982

I prefer Twix myself but I can't say the Milky Ways thing is wrong

>> No.8198991

American """"""""""""""""""""""""""""”"""""candy"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" is shit

>> No.8199016

I'm going to give out big hunks. Like entire bars.

>> No.8199033

It figures that the worst states love candy corn.

I'm surprised only two states like M&Ms, the only American candy I can tolerate.


>> No.8199044

>Laffy Taffy

why do i have to be in such a pleb state god dam it

>> No.8199110

Surveys are often asked to passers by and people answering will often just say the first thing that pops in their heads.
For a lot of the subjects they would have just been trying to think of any candy as a lot of people over a certain age don't eat many sweets.

>> No.8199119

>Milky Way


>> No.8199135

>Montana is the only state that prefers Kit Kats

Probably those eastern fucks. I dread to think what happens on the other side of the Divide

>> No.8199150

so which are you, /table builder/ or /Fridge repairman/?

>> No.8199350


>claims to be an intellectual
>believes in "empty" calories

oh lord thats enough 4chan for today

>> No.8199612

Fuck Laffy taffy. I'm moving to 100 Grand land.

>> No.8199688


What the fuck, who actually likes those? Give me a Reeses

>> No.8199707

idgaf, I'm moving there.
Toblerone is goat

>> No.8199750


>> No.8199857

Minnesota with good, reserved taste as always.

>> No.8200886
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>in the eyes of an intellectual

>> No.8200931

Iowa gets it

>> No.8200959
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Montana fag here

kit kat is the best candy your piece of shit

>> No.8200969

>Boring shit-tier candy that leaves an unpleasant aftertaste

I'm moving to West Virginia

>> No.8201022

Cookies aren't candy

>> No.8201066


Our god truly does have a sense of humor.

>> No.8201081

My favorite is Reese's cups, but mass just had to fucking pick shitty star bursts

>> No.8201085

people here do give out oreos on halloween though

>> No.8201091


>> No.8201223

Who the fuck in Montana gives out kitkats? I never saw many of those as a kid.

>> No.8201337

It has to have been a horribly small sample size, or self-selected, or both. There is no way candy corn is the most popular Halloween candy in five states.

>> No.8201351

don't underestimate the power of the elderly

>> No.8201365

>almost no repeats and covers every big brand candy
0/10 probably made up-tier

>> No.8201398

fuck either my reply got deleted or this is another thread
if you zoom in on the super tiny text at the bottom you can see it
their sample size is 40,000 people NATIONWIDE for a nation of 310+ million people

>> No.8201436

I have always been very critical of this map

Who likes tootsie rolls the most of any candy?
So many people said Oreos are their favorite candy (what the fuck) that it is literally the most popular “candy” in West Virginia?
They give out fucking Toblerones in Arizona? How rich are they?
100 Grand is popular anywhere?
I never got any hershey’s kisses on halloween, those always seemed more of a Christmas thing

Pretty much.

>> No.8202009

Go back to California, fuckface. We don't need you people ruining our state with your hippie garbage and shit taste in candy

>> No.8202014

anyone whose favorite candy doesn't contain chocolate needs to leave

>> No.8202030

Candy Corn is fucking rancid.

>> No.8202087

holy shit is everyone in Arizona rich as fuck to be handing out toblerones to every kid?

Alaksa best taste

>> No.8202099

I really like the fruit flavored tootsie rolls. Those are good. The chocolate ones are ass though.

>> No.8202106

Proof once again that AZ is the best state. Feels good man

>> No.8202125

>go trick-or-treating in Arizona
>get home
>your candy all melted

>> No.8202266

Holy shit, I live like 15 minutes from there. Can confirm.

>> No.8202292
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i was born in billings you fuckstick

i do agree though californians gtfo my state

>> No.8202658

>candy corn for TX, WY, OR


>> No.8202668

CO reporting in. Fuck Milky Way, fuck Commiefornians. Tell everyone to go back, we're full.

>> No.8202670


>> No.8202967

>tfw the state I was born in, the state I grew up in, and the state I've lived in for the past 5 years all have garbage taste.

>> No.8202991

does anyone here actually like candy corn?

>> No.8203010

Based NJ with the sour patches.

>> No.8203019

a shit candy for a shit state

>> No.8203090

I've lived in NJ all my life and have never eaten those. They any good?

Piss off

>> No.8203100


The better question is, who is the sick fuck handing out candy corn on Halloween?

>> No.8203115


Yeah, I used to get shitloads of snickers and peanut butter cups but I never got kitkats.

>> No.8204047

You're only lending credence to my earlier statement. Eastern Montana is a god awful place full of assholes

>> No.8204064

Ew, Twizzlers.

>> No.8204074
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>candy corn

I am so fucking disappointed in my state. To be expected I guess.

>> No.8204084

>jolly ranchers
>Not dick

>> No.8204116


How untexan.

My favorite candy is M&Ms.

>> No.8204172

go back to your redneck shithole faggot

>> No.8204202
File: 26 KB, 620x248, missoula_best_place.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of how much better my city is than yours.

>> No.8204217


I believe it but everyone calls them Reesees and not Recee's.

>> No.8204220


>> No.8204243

As a fellow Missoulian this town is.going to shit, plus refugees

>> No.8204512

Agreed. The university is failing, we've gotten a lot of bad press because of all the rape cases, and bringing in refugees isn't going to help anything

>> No.8204891

And the fucking traffic is bullshit. Reserve street is garbage.

>> No.8204943

Literally the whole street system is garbage. As a delivery driver I can say that there is next to no logic to the way anything is laid out in this fucking city

>> No.8204956
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who /3musketeers/ here

>> No.8204960

I thought calories can be "empty" in that they dont have a ton of nutrients compared to some healthy food and they should be cut out if a person wants to lose weight

>> No.8206294

>be 8
>my parents left out this enormous bowl of candy corn in the dining room
>dad's watching TV
>sneak past him like 9-10 times so I can gorge myself on candy corn from the bowl
>eat an unholy amount of candy corn
>going back upstairs when I suddenly start projectile vomiting what smells and tastes like half-digested candy corn
>it's fucking everywhere, and the orange and white goo that was my vomit smelled absolutely rancid
>continue to cough up globs of half-digested candy corn
>scarred me so bad I have never touched it and will never again eat candy corn

>> No.8206299


Washington never stops disappointing me. Our state food is salmon, our state rock is fucking petrified wood, and now Airheads. Jesus.

>> No.8206349

candy is a monoculture. are there any non franchised candies left?

>> No.8206354


>> No.8206358

Oregon reporting in, I love candy corn. No joke

>> No.8206363

I like em, but my state disgusts me every time one of these graphs is made regarding almost anything.

>> No.8206374

>Wonka Nerds

Based Mormons.

>> No.8206514


>> No.8206543

What's wrong with salmon? it kind of makes sense for washington

>> No.8206564

not him but salmon is pretty boring as a food. i mean you can't really do much with it like beef, pork, shrimp, bread.

>> No.8206668

>The coldest state and the most tropical state have the same taste


>> No.8206671
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>Only country with good taste is Florida

Never would've guessed it.

>> No.8206895
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>> No.8206919

>no Take 5s

>> No.8206925

Wait a second, USA doesn't have the best chocolate bar Kinder Bueno? omg lmao

>> No.8207028

See those words on the top of the chart? It's helpful to read those to understand the information that the chart is trying to present.

>> No.8207214

kit kat?

>> No.8207260

Not sure I'd consider Illinois tropical

>> No.8207273
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>Only country with good taste is Florida

>> No.8208018

Reese's should be the national favorite

>> No.8208066

Most state foods are an actual dish and not just an animal. That is what state animals are for.

>> No.8208079
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>> No.8208596

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8208599

Wtf I love candy now

>> No.8208647

Florida says Crunch although my personal favorite was always reese's

>> No.8210298

>"candy only have excess empty calories"

>> No.8210314
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>Plain M&M's
I thought Oklahoma couldn't get any shittier. Boy, was I wrong.

>> No.8210607
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Quality post
Totally qualified

>> No.8210684

Arizona patrician as usual

>> No.8210701

Oh another American thread

>> No.8210745

>candy corn

jesus christ

>> No.8210778

This cant be true. Whoppers are not popular in Kentucky. This is a false narrative perpetrated by the russians. They like reeses cups there.

>> No.8210798


>> No.8210820
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>> No.8210830

Yeah it's not like 4chan is over 40% Americans. Oh wait...

>> No.8210832

Don't waste your time, AZ here and I have never received nor do I know anyone who has received Toblorones on Halloween.

>> No.8210846

>So much candy corn



>> No.8210968

God damn, LIFESAVERS? Why must this state continue to disappoint me?

>> No.8211207


You can get tiny toblerones

>> No.8211589
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>> No.8212049

Minnesota is not the coldest state you whiny faggot.

t. Alaskan

>> No.8212117

who the fuck is giving out Tobelrones?

>> No.8212118

Milky way but I should be from Montana

>> No.8213248

I didn't know I could hate California even more until I saw this thread.

>> No.8213430

The fruit tootsie rolls are my favorite candy.

>> No.8213544

>in the eyes of an intellectual
Stopped reading right there.
Nice (you) machine though.

>> No.8213907

Bullshit candy corn is the favorite candy of Texas. Our favorite candy is chocolate dipped steak and caramel shotgun shells.

>> No.8213947


Who the fuck would choose a Lifesaver?

>> No.8213953

nuke california, oregon, wyoming, south dakota, texas, wisonsin, louisiana, south carolina, kentucky, and pennslyvania.

sounds about right.

>> No.8213958

...sweet guy? forgot that existed

>> No.8214019

>move from glorious Swedish Fish utopia
>now in land where Laffy Taffy is king
My life is suffering.

>> No.8214857
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>the cities of Texas, Wyoming, Oregon

Fucking embarrassing

>> No.8214873

Wait, are you fucking kidding me? Why the hell do Oregoneans like fucking Candy Corn so much? I hate this state's people.

>> No.8214890

>mfw i live in texas

fucking hell it's true though. that's all i would ever get on halloween

>> No.8215817


>butthurt edible wax lover

>> No.8216063

based oklahoma the only state with good taste

other states cant even compete

>> No.8216073

>not eating 20,000 calories daily in order to grow into a titan
pleb detected

>> No.8216275


I just don't believe it with the candy corn. Mine is fucking kitkats and I never saw them growing up. I visited my sister last year for halloween and there wasn't a single one in my nephew's trick or treat bag. There were a bunch of those green apple suckers however.

That map doesn't account for candy that isn't from major, MAJOR candy producers. We're old school in my state and you're more likely to get a hand full of root beer barrels rather than a snickers or some shit.

>> No.8216278


Our threads > your shit threads that are either obscure insider nonsense or totally alienating with a minority language.

We don't have Chinese posters so yeah, a minority language.

>> No.8216284
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That would be Prospect Creek in Alaska. The next one is in my state (Montana). Minnesota, you are not shit.

>> No.8216569

I don't remember ever fucking getting Reeses Pieces during halloween.

>> No.8217832

Montana is the only state with good taste

>> No.8217905

Hold the fuck up, WA is Airheads? Did they become relevant again? I haven't seen that shit since the early 90s.

>> No.8217911


i coach a swim team and we sell them at our concessions at every swim meet, i swipe a few from supply every now and then at the pool

cherry + green apple are the patrician flavors btw

>> No.8217918

>swedish fish
I call bullshit

>> No.8217933

Thats because most of us live in private neighborhoods and only serve our kids. Riftrafts don't get shit from us and if their parents complain we just call the cops for trespassing.

>> No.8217936

>Only one good type of candy
>out of every type of candy there is only one good choice, everything else is shit
What's wrong with you

>> No.8218719

idk dude this shit isnt really accurate because you have to think "who the fuck is enough of a ding dong to answer surveys about candy"

because holy shit candy corn sucks those arent my states but thats unbelievable

>> No.8218822

>Pixie Stix
Offuckingcourse. As a kid there was never one fucking Halloween where I didn't end up with a metric fuckton of this flavored sugar leftover.
I only like whoppers dammit.

>> No.8218962


>> No.8218975

>Milky Way
Woe, that actually was my favorite candy as a child
Given, I haven't eaten candy for 5 years now though