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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8206360 No.8206360 [Reply] [Original]

Got 4 big foot long hot dogs but not buns. Anyone got any I ideas for what I can do with them for dinner?

>> No.8206367

Beans and weenies

>> No.8206373

Just eat them as the main meat to whatever sides you have.

>> No.8206378
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>> No.8206383
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Nigga what the fuck is that?

As a German I am offended by this poor sausage quality.

>> No.8206387

>hot dogs

>> No.8206391

Dunno, typed hot dogs into Google. And I'm British so Ive had my fair share of top quality sausages.

>> No.8206404

Add pieces of bacon and some Chile de Arbol to make it super savory.

Or just use make plain hot dog and lentils. Just as good!

>> No.8206416

1. up ur arse
2.cut them up and make a sandwich
3.fuck should i know

>> No.8206884

or put it in some mac and cheese

>> No.8207067
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If you cut the ends they might curl up like those silly ass Japanese hot dogs - that way you could either plate them or shove them in a standard bun

Worth a shot? Throw some spices on them and put a little soy on them so they look like they were inking

>> No.8208228

I ended up putting them in a wok with black bean and garlic paste and chilli bean paste and threw in some mangetout and sliced peppers, bit of chicken stock and soy sauce and served it with noodles.

It was OK I guess.

>> No.8208259

Why do people buy hot dogs when easily superior bratwurst, polish, or Italian sausage is right there?
The only possible reason I can think of is a child can eat it cold right out of the fridge with their fingers.
Hopefully they were at least all beef/kosher dogs.
>I ended up putting them in a wok with black bean and garlic paste and chilli bean paste and threw in some mangetout and sliced peppers, bit of chicken stock and soy sauce and served it with noodles.
wtf dude, you went through all that to use leftover hot dogs?

>> No.8208274


Toss them and buy some food.

>> No.8208284

>wtf dude, you went through all that to use leftover hot dogs?

Only took like ten minutes really.

>> No.8210039

beanies and weinies mufukka

>> No.8210057


>> No.8210082

Stuff them up your arse and die. Cook them first if you are worried about food poisoning.

>> No.8210092

I like to slice them up and eat them with sauerkraut.

>> No.8210093

Being this closeted isnt good for you man

>> No.8210098

I once asked the girl at a store where the hot dogs were and she said "you mean the WEENIES or like the BUNS? " it was both erotic and silly all at once and I could but giggle. Too bad she had a skankish look to her.

>> No.8210102
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>> No.8210119

What emotion are you trying to convey with this gif?

>> No.8210121

He appears to be upset by your usage of the word skank.
For he is clearly from some pleb shithole.

>> No.8210124

The one you're thinking of