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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8210013 No.8210013 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone prove to me they are not the worst food in existence? How can anyone eat literal fruit of rot?

>> No.8210015

>How can anyone eat literal fruit of rot?

By making it into a stew with sour cream and bacon fat

>> No.8210017

Its soo good tho

>> No.8210019

mushroom risotto
it's in the top 1% of foods

>> No.8210022
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If I had better access to different types of mushrooms/gourmet mushrooms I'd never eat meat again. Idk what your problem with them is OP.

>> No.8210023


This. So much this

>> No.8210030

Try grilled portobello mushrooms. They taste amazing.

>> No.8210032

What other food conjures up images of forest and mountains better than mushrooms? Mushroom soup on a rainy day with a cup of tea is nice.

>> No.8210040

Aside from having a pleasant texture and being pretty healthy, they taste good, absorb flavors easily, and generally improve whatever they're added to. There are also many varieties to try if you're getting bored of button.

On a non-food-related note, they're fun to forage for and come in a stunning variety of colors and shapes.

I need a good recipe for mushroom soup. Canned always disappoints me.

>> No.8210046
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Man if you've never cooked mushrooms in balsamic vinegar and garlic until they're glazed and had them as a side to steak I don't know what to tell you, you're missing out

>> No.8210048

t. faggot who cannot cook

>> No.8210063
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It may be expensive getting all of those mushrooms, but it's really delicious.

>> No.8210085

give recipe

>> No.8210095

Thank you very much! I think I can get them all for fairly cheap.

What I usually do is caramelize onions and then toss in sliced mushrooms and saute then until the mushrooms are soft and the onions are slightly blackened. It's good stuff.

>> No.8210103
File: 168 KB, 680x900, cheesymushroomsoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>package of baby bellas, sliced
>1/3 cup sliced green onions
>saute with 2tbs butter until tender and browned
>add 2 tbs flour, stir and add 2 cups chicken broth and 2 cups room temp milk, stir to keep lumps from forming
>add a bay leaf and crank up the heat until boiling, stirring constantly
>reduce heat and simmer for half an hour or until thickened
>add 1 and 1/2 cups of shredded cheese, cheddar or swiss are both great

>> No.8210140

This one's my go-to recipe: recipegirl.com/2014/09/30/balsamic-sauteed-mushrooms/

>> No.8210163

Thank you comrade.

>> No.8210192

shiitake are pretty delicious too, plus they lower cholesterol.

>> No.8210204

is this chef johns recipe? pic dont look like what i made before

>> No.8210363

Yeah, I agree. Vegetables are a close second too, right? Why would anyone eat that stuff?

>> No.8210365

They have a great earthy flavour, come in varieties, and an enjoyable texture. They absorb flavours well so very versatile too. Who gives a shit if they're the product of rot (which is a gross simplification anyways), they're delicious.

>> No.8210467

Tfw I live near a national mushroom hub and can get delicious varieties very cheap

>> No.8210585

I thought rissoto was peasant food

>> No.8210586

It's comfort food, not exactly haute cuisine but delicious

>> No.8210589

Yeah there's nothing quite like mushrooms. Some of the most expensive, sought after ingredients in the world are mushrooms

>> No.8210593

Peasants made the best food, especially French and Italian peasants.

>> No.8210596

>live near a national mushroom hub
Yeah I live near forests too.

>> No.8210606

This is /ck/, where fast food burgers are worshipped.

>> No.8210645

>1 cup heavy cream

>> No.8210661

Are you on a diet, or...

>> No.8210711

>Serves 6-8

>> No.8211110

what kind of mushroom can I put in stroganoff that will taste better than the regular white ones? at the store they had crimini, shiitake, lobster, and chanterelle, but I've never had any of those before. they also had morelles but I couldn't afford them.

>> No.8211125
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>how can anyone eat bird periods?

>> No.8211203

I think crimini are pretty much just the brown version of the regular white ones, like with eggs. Shiitake are delicious.

>> No.8211205

I think mushroom are great and you're just self-meming.

>> No.8211213

>Can anyone prove to me they are not the worst food in existence?
Eggplant exists.

>> No.8211632

Is there a website where I can buy exotic mushroooms? My local stores only carry portobello, button, etc. There are no Asian varieties at all

>> No.8211641

>literal tree sperm

>> No.8211700

Crimini are literally tiny baby portobellos.. They're fine, but not really much different than button mushrooms other than maybe being a little less soft. Shiitakes would probably be quite good.

Chanterelles, lobster, and morels all have issues. Chanterelles and morels are both too expensive (and too delicious) to use in a dish where they're not one of the star ingredients imo, and plus chanterelles I think are probably too delicate to stand up to a dish like stroganoff. Lobster mushrooms are delicious but they get quite soft if cooked in liquid, and also turn that liquid orange. They're better in a dry-cooked preparation, sauteed or roasted etc.

>> No.8211729

You'll need:
>dried porcinis
>veg stock, preferably with mushroom scraps as a component
>Mushrooms, whatever types look good to you
>dry oxidized sherry (dry oloroso, amontillado, or palo cortado), dry madeira (preferably verdelho) or vin jaune
>black pepper
>creme fraiche
>possibly buckwheat honey

>additional butter and additional mushrooms, for garnish
>leek, for garnish

Heat your stock until boiling, then add your dried mushrooms and steep 45min-75min, until very fragrant. Strain through cheesecloth.

Heat about 1/4 cup butter over medium-low heat and let it thoroughly brown- it should smell very nutty and fragrant. Immediately pour off into a container and refrigerate for later.

In a soup pot, heat up butter and add your mushrooms. I like wild mushrooms for this, but use whatever ones you find that look good. Cook down until the mushrooms have stopped giving off liquid and are browned, then add your leeks, celery, and garlic and saute until soft. Deglaze your pan with your wine of choice and reduce the liquid until nearly dry.

Add your stock, thyme, bay and mace, bring to boil, then reduce heat to simmer until mushrooms feel quite soft. Remove bay and thyme sprigs, puree the soup with a stick blender or in batches in a regular blender, and press through a strainer. Return to heat, bring just up to simmer, and then gradually add pieces of your cold brown butter and whisk in, similar to mounting a sauce. Finish with the creme fraiche and a touch of buckwheat honey if it needs.

For garnish, you can crisp up some mushrooms in butter, and/or thinly slice the leeks lengthwise into shoestring pieces and deep fry them.

Mace, or nutmeg, work great in mushroom soup. They both play really well with the earthy/woody flavor mushrooms have. Same goes for oxidized wines like the ones I suggested- more complexity, deeper flavor, and a savory nuttiness that goes really well with mushrooms.

>> No.8211906

If you don't like mushrooms, you are by definition a child.

>> No.8211930

Mushroom hunting is fun as fuck, they're versatile, tasty, and some of them can even get you high.

>> No.8212382

>be me
>spend £10 on fresh porcini at the >farmers market
>literally 4 shrooms
>still, tagliatelle with porcini.jpg
>clean them up, start slicing
>full of wriggling white larvae
They went straight in the bin. Could I have used them anyway?

>> No.8212388

But I loved mushrooms as a kid.

>> No.8212581

How can anyone not like garlic mushrooms?

Shit's delicious.

>> No.8212602

The only mushrooms i eat are the ones that make me hallucinate, and even then its maybe a once a year thing.

>> No.8212615

Yeah, I can give you quite a few reasons why mushrooms are top tier food.

Shiitake: These meaty and flavorful mushrooms contain a substance called eritadenine, which encourages body tissues to absorb cholesterol and lower the amount circulating in the blood. Shiitakes also have antiviral and anticancer effects. Dried shiitakes, available at Asian grocery stores, are also effective. Fresh ones are readily available thanks to domestic cultivation. (To prepare, remove stems or slice fresh ones thinly; they are often tough.)
Cordyceps: A Chinese fungus used as a tonic and restorative. It is also known for improving athletic performance. You can buy whole, dried cordyceps in health food stores and add them to soups and stews, or drink tea made from powdered cordyceps, but it is more convenient to get cordyceps extracts in liquid or capsule form. To treat general weakness, take cordyceps once or twice a day, following the dosage advice on the product. For health maintenance, take it once or twice a week.
Enoki: Slender white mushrooms that need only brief cooking and have a very mild taste. They are good in soups and salads. Enoki mushrooms have significant anticancer and immune-enhancing effects.
Maitake: This delicious Japanese mushroom is also called "hen of the woods" because it grows in big clusters that resemble the fluffed tail feathers of a nesting hen. You should be able to find these mushrooms dried or fresh in Japanese markets, gourmet foods stores, or upscale supermarkets. Extracts are also widely available. Maitake has anticancer, antiviral, and immune-system enhancing effects and may also help control both high blood pressure and blood sugar levels.


>> No.8212627


Reishi: Strictly a medicinal mushroom, not a culinary one, reishi is woody, hard, and bitter. Like maitake and other related mushrooms species, reishi can improve immune function and inhibit the growth of some malignant tumors. It also shows significant anti-inflammatory effects, reduces allergic responsiveness, and protects the liver. You can buy dried, ground mushrooms and use them to make tea if you don’t mind the bitterness. Otherwise, buy reishi tablets, liquid extracts or capsules, which are available online and in health food stores and follow the recommended dosage. Take reishi every day for at least two months to see what it can do for you.
Lion’s Mane: Mushroom health benefits can also come from this nontoxic medicinal and culinary mushroom, which is believed to stimulate nerve growth. It also may improve mild cognitive impairment. A Japanese study published in 2009 found that test scores of study participants who took Lion’s Mane in tablet form improved as over the course of the 16 weeks they took the pills but declined afterwards. The researchers concluded that Lion’s Mane mushrooms are effective in improving mild cognitive impairment.
Turkey Tail: a purely medicinal mushroom with proven anticancer effects. Use extracts in liquid or capsule form.
K. Mori et al "Improving effects of the mushroom Yamabushitake (Hericium erinaceus) on mild cognitive impairment: a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial", Phytotherapy Research March 2009. doi: 10.1002/ptr.2634.

And that's barely touching the mushroom spectrum. That's just some of the Asiatic mushrooms.

>> No.8212634

Also, even plain old button mushrooms have slight toxicity when raw. For the maximum health benefits of mushrooms, eat these or any other types of mushrooms raw, whether they’re wild or cultivated. If you’re going to eat them cook them well, at high temperatures, by sauteeing, broiling, or grilling. Heat breaks down many of the toxic constituents, plus breaks down their strong cellular walls that when raw, prevent good digestive absorption of their nutrients.

>> No.8212701

They soak up flavor well
Some people enjoy the earthy taste

>> No.8212717

Mushrooms are the equivalent of meat.

>> No.8212729

Seriously fuck mushrooms. Like hey come over to my house and try this rare poached shit smelling faggot mushroom, I picked it out of the fucking manure pile I have out back. It's literally a giant fungus but mmmmm how delicious. Tastes like dirt and squirrel shit mixed together with leaves. Look at how fucking progressive I am, I'm eating a shitty fungus in my risotto.

What, you don't like shit? here let me put a bunch of shit in your mushroom because you're just being ignorant.

You're telling me you dislike the texture and taste of a mushroom? in the year 2016? I'm literally shaking right now. Are you retarded? Are you a racist? In this current year you're going to refuse a horribly textured, dirty shit tasting ugly piece of garbage, and not even garbage but the sort of shit that would sprout out of your garbage if you died of a stroke and it took 6 months to find your body.

wow look at you with all your fungus knowledge, I bet that comes in real useful at parties. Girls sitting there talking about Westworld or some shit and you jump in and go "DID YOU KNOW REISHI MUSHROOMS ARE STRICTLY A MEDICINAL ONE?" Their pussies dry up faster than your shit tier fungus does. Go fucking fuck yourself you douchebag

>> No.8212747

>>>8212627 (You)
>wow look at you with all your fungus knowledge, I bet that comes in real useful at parties. Girls sitting there talking about Westworld or some shit and you jump in and go "DID YOU KNOW REISHI MUSHROOMS ARE STRICTLY A MEDICINAL ONE?" Their pussies dry up faster than your shit tier fungus does. Go fucking fuck yourself you douchebag

Sure, buddy. Because that's what people talk about at parties - medicine. What are you? Some basement dwelling neckfag who's never left mommy's house? Have you ever fucking been to a party? Do you have any idea how adults are supposed to act? These are all rhetorical questions, btw, because we all know you have no idea what being an adult means.

>> No.8212780

>Caring about the "class" of a food instead of how delicious it is
Never gonna make it.

>> No.8212783

Wew lad.

The guy gave me some good advice about finding ergot fungus for a batch of LSD. I' wouldn't be knocking him so quickly.

He knows his shit and, quite frankly, I'm happy to see a mycologist on a relatively uncensored board, if you get my drift.

>> No.8212849

Farmed mushrooms dummy

>> No.8213066
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I want every "how can you eat X" or "Is x a meme" thread to give way to pleasant and knowledgeable discussion in future.

let this thread serve as an example.

>> No.8213453

I like to saute mushrooms and then throw them in chicken soup.

>> No.8213461
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hey guys

>> No.8213478

I have literally been living off of portabellas for the past week.

>tfw You don't want to stop.

>> No.8213489

No, they have no protein

>> No.8213506
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>> No.8213515

Is best shroom...

>> No.8213527
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>> No.8213581


holi fuk y u made tho
like lmao yur so ass annhihilated
fkn rekt
"hey bb fuk ur mrhsoorms i r8 my h8 of ur pl8 an 8/8 same as my dads dik" - u
how ryu evn alive after such a buthole blitzcraig
"mskhrums kil my perents, nao I AM THE NITE" - u (caped crusader of gotham, (Booty) Bruised Lame [Fatman])
succ my 8inches moral frofl

>> No.8213685

>farmed mushrooms
Why bother?

>> No.8213707

Although shit like coffee grounds and hay is more common you can just grow mushrooms on the wood they would normally grown on. Some you can only really do that way, which is why the mushrooms that took to shittier methods are more common.

>> No.8213722

even cooking mushrooms in bacon grease is enough to make them taste good, OP

what the fuck are you doing

>> No.8214002

Kill yourself