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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8209186 No.8209186[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

wow jimmy johns BTFO

>> No.8209196

do you think they put that meat into the sandwich

>> No.8209200

If they did, I would actually return to that shithole

>> No.8209201

What's wrong with hunting?

>> No.8209215

>western liberal urbanites crying about hunting

How shocking.....

>> No.8209218

Trophy hunting is disgusting.

>> No.8209219

I'd hunt his ass if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.8209221

What do you mean?

>> No.8209222

He is paying big bucks that gets forwarded in part to animal conservation. Hunt on rich pricks.

>> No.8209223

>Trophy hunting is disgusting.

Tell that to the Africans that make a living as guides, rangers, and logistical supporters.

Tell that to the Africans that get hundreds of pounds of food from those "disgusting" trophy hunts.

How about you think of other people instead of yourself all the time?

>> No.8209227
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B-but my feelings are more important!

>> No.8209230

>be rich
>do nothing but engage in consumerist, destructive hobbies
I'll never understand these wicked men. Why not learn an art, pursue education and self betterment, or give to society since you are fortunate enough to have such opportunities? Why are so many rich people just lucky and worthless?

>> No.8209233


>> No.8209234

If someone gets food from it, then it isn't pure trophy hunting

>> No.8209237
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Uninformed dildo.
intelligencesquaredus dot org /debates /hunters-conserve-wildlife

>> No.8209240

>implying those pursuits are mutually exclusive

>> No.8209244
File: 62 KB, 500x669, Nice hair, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8209246

Wow. You showed me. I especially liked all of the research you included.

>> No.8209254
File: 2.57 MB, 4500x3660, Ron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like you'd read or believe anything that opposes your dumb ass world views...

>> No.8209263
File: 23 KB, 352x356, Lao Yang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many western white people are complete pussies.

>> No.8209273

You mean like when I listened to an hour debate from both sides of the issue, then read a couple studies from each side? I'll bet you do wear cowboy hats, too, you faggot.

>> No.8209277

Bet you haven't raped a girl yet you fucking pussy lmao

>> No.8209282
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asian boys were made for white cock.

>> No.8209289

Their sammiches suck anyways

Id rather go get a spicy italian with pickles bamana peppers and chipotle sauce from sub dub anyday

>> No.8209296



if you want to kill something, kill it. who gives a fuck. it's not illegal to kill an elephant, so why not? one more thing to do.

>> No.8209302

…do…do people actually think it's white hunters pushing these animals to extinction?

>> No.8209307

Their bread is pretty good tho

>> No.8209313

>making africans spoiled and dependent on rich kids backyard hunt leftovers
Its a monkey paw twist. You can't win nor lose

>> No.8209317

>who gives a fuck
Many people anon

>> No.8209328


god i hate newfag /b/tards so much

>> No.8209330

And those people are freedom hating retards. We don't listen to them.

>> No.8209375

>Implying that you can make an argument about trophy hunting without talking bout muh feelins

>> No.8209381

That looks like a tranny.

>> No.8209382

What's the difference between "beautiful" animals and "ugly" animals? All animals are beautiful and innocent inside ;_;

>> No.8209397

If enough freedom-hating retards think a business owner's actions are shitty they boycott the business or sell their stocks because they realize the implications of said actions devalues the business. This can even happen to presidential candidates. This is how capitalism works, ironically. You are free to not listen.

>> No.8209399

See you on Fox news, anon.

>> No.8209405

who cares as long as food is good

>> No.8209413

Don't expect the "people" here to have compassion for anyone or animals

>> No.8209418

Christ, I haven't seen a pic of that guy in years.

>> No.8209428

What a coincidence

>> No.8209445

>want to kill something, kill it

You mean like I want to kill Breitbart knuckle dragging Neanderthals, so I should do it?

>> No.8209480

>implying normies will give a shit.

>> No.8209488

I used to feel the same way, and I guess I still do, but regulated trophy hunting is actually a good thing when done correctly

the animals they're allowed to legally hunt are either old and going to die anyway, or have become a problem and are threatening the other members of their small endangered community. if the animal will be put down anyway, why not allow someone with too much money to do it so that you get a ton more money to continue operations?

>> No.8209489

I'd rather tell the Africans to stop ruining their shithole of a country and focus more on advancing technologically so they can stop relying on the west for handouts.

>> No.8209506

It's not a handout princess. They are providing a service, and are getting paid for that service.

So what you're saying is that you'd rather force them to not make money in their own way, but in the way that you and the Internet says it's okay for them to make money?

>> No.8209510
File: 706 KB, 3072x2304, alphadaddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you fucking pussies don't realize is that hunting is completely natural. I blow the brains out of animals every single day just as God intended to put food on the table for my family. Also, it fucking tastes good!! For every animal you don't eat I'm going to eat five!

>> No.8209512


Id lay off the hormone replacement therapy for a while before attempting that. Maybe do some weight lifting. And right a will.

>> No.8209518


I just shoot birds for the fuck of it sometimes with my air gun. It doesnt kill them unless its a headshot so i go stomp them when they fall. Feels fucking amazing.

>> No.8209526

Haha nice my man xD

>> No.8209529

Glad you are enjoying your mental illness, friend.

>> No.8209540


>this coming from the dood thats convinced that his nut sack and pecker are simple social constructs...

>> No.8209541

It dumps a ton of money into conservation efforts and the African economy. If it's done legitimately it's a very good thing

>> No.8209553

>It's not a handout princess.
I was referring to the billions of dollars that are annually dumped into the African trashcan because the best way they can think of to make money is to have white people come over to their country pay a few thousand dollars to shoot their animals for them.

>> No.8209554

Quit talking about my dick you queer.

>> No.8209560

more like alt-right a will amirite??

>> No.8209564

>right a will

I was wrong. Not even to Neanderthal level yet, you illiterate fagfuck.

>> No.8209570

I was wondering what to eat for dinner tonight. After seeing this, I think I'll order Jimmy Johns.

>> No.8209590

Uh, sad day.

#9 with extra hot peppers. Thanks

>> No.8209617

What do you mean?

>> No.8209995


I always liked this version

>> No.8210035

Trophy hunting is what funds the game preserves that ensure these animals don't go extinct while you liberal faggots complain that "OMG SOMEONE SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT DA POOR ANIMALS" on facebook and never donate a goddamn dime to help.

>> No.8210073

consertivateds zD

>> No.8210120

The only people who actually have a problem with this are white people. when people go to other countries to kill animals like this they provide money and food to the local population and often the hunters are given a specific animal to kill that are causing problems, like a lion who has been known to kill other lions, or some other animal thats harassing a village or something.

>> No.8210162

>pretends concern for africans to justify the slaughter of endangered species. Go back to Breitbart where you reveal your true colors.

>> No.8210176

Kill dangerous lion, you lose one lion.

Leave dangerous lion alone, you lose much more lions to the dangerous lion.

>> No.8210183

Wtf I like Jimmy Johns now. Not really but it's cool to see their owner isn't a cuck.

>> No.8210185
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My nigga

>> No.8210198

>endangered species
You know just because an animal is from Africa doesn't mean they're "endangered" right? None of the animals in the OP are endangered.

>> No.8210203


>> No.8210213

Rhinos are endangered

>> No.8210220

>Implying elephants in Zimbabwe aren't overpopulated
>implying leopards are endangered
>Implying these pics weren't from 11 years ago
>implying that one $350k black rhino hunt wont fund their conservation effort for years.

>> No.8210222

And their population has gone up drastically since regulated hunting started.

>> No.8210223

White rhinos are fine. Black rhinos like in the OP are endangered sadly.

>> No.8210236

>implying that you're a knuckle dragging Neanderthal Hemingway wannabe from the 1920's when a couple of the items of nonsense you spewed might have been true. Please take your retardation back to your damp crevice.

t. Hunter of meat, solo, who butchers his own kill. Not some phallically incapacitated retard who goes on handheld guided tours to kill endangered animals for fun.

>> No.8210389

>t. poorfag

>> No.8210395
File: 33 KB, 413x395, 1473610152046-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Take your meds dear.

>> No.8210443

Gargantuan is a good sandwich tbqh. Still going to eat it.

>> No.8210448

>all that shit you didn't do
>trying to lie on the internet
impressing no one, I'm not him but you're shameful.