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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 366x382, ChefScalfani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8205695 No.8205695[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what did you lads think of chef scalfani's newest video? The cringe when the husband gets home is worse than some of his dishes


>> No.8205707

>Has Jack gone too far

That happened a long time ago

>> No.8205733

When he made that Alzheimer patients dish and tried to say it looked and tasted good on camera when even he clearly visually didn't like it. He's a disgusting pig.

>> No.8205736

aunt myrnas party cheese salad?

>> No.8205755

Sage and report youtube shill threads

>> No.8205756

Seriously, how do you possibly become such a bad cook?
I'm not a good cook, never have been. But I made some seriously edible food by the age of 15 (granted, strictly following recipes) and today at the age of 21 I kind of know what I'm doing.
But the stuff he puts on the table is just atrocious and I can't see how somebody wouldn't see this himself. It's really hard for me to believe that there are people out there that actually cook like this.
Especially as there are enough recipes out there even a literal retard could cook, Spaghetti Aglio e Olio for example. It is SO easy to not fuck up, I think in this day and age with youtube recipes and food blogs and who knows what, it's actually harder to fuck up as bad as Jack than cook something mediocre, maybe even good to very good (made the best spare ribs in my entire life a week ago and it was a walk in the park).

The thought that these people have kids, that I might've been born into their household, gives me the creeps. Imagine having to eat all his shit, this disgusting fat retard telling you that you eat what's on the table, or don't eat at all.

>> No.8205757

You got it. Either Aunt Myrna is smoking something or an alzheimer patient to come up with that shit. The only thing worse is probably Sandra Lee's Kwanza cake.

>> No.8205761

Rule of thumb anon. There plenty of people that think they can cook but can't cook worth shit. Jack is just a very big example of that.

>> No.8205817

What an absolutely incredible video. This is a new jewel in Jack's crown.

>> No.8205824

You think Jack tapped that before they started cooking?

>> No.8205825

Over confidence is a symptom of the stupid.

>> No.8205839

just did it.

No Jack threads pls

>> No.8205965

Post more mc chicken pictures

>> No.8205972

For me

>> No.8205997
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>> No.8206002

is he a secret fag?

i bet he takes some politician up the ass

>> No.8206005
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>> No.8206019
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>> No.8206021
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>> No.8206026

>eat before you eat
>eat something before your valentine comes over for a romantic evening
>that way, you can focus on your lady instead of eating too quickly

This is definitely a euphemism.

>> No.8206035

Jack looks so fucking weird when he takes his glasses off.


>> No.8206036
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This makes me want to flip a table over

>> No.8206043

>jack gets pinkeye

Least surprising thing ever.

>> No.8206044

that's it, he's a fucking retard

>> No.8206047

im only thirty seconds in and i can tell this is going to be a disaster

thank you j scraffles for this high quality entertainment

>> No.8206059

i want to fist him while he has to read fairy tales and he has to listen constantly to the jingle of his show. can he read?

>> No.8206066
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Yeah but he got a wife and a nice house. Sometimes i wish i was oblivious to myself and to everything and end up being happy.

But that's living in the matrix. Can't go back in the matrix when you pulled yourself out of it.

>> No.8206068

Doing it on my mobile phone, two laptops, chromebooks, and desktop. I move around when I work.

This garbage doesn't belong here.

>> No.8206079
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>> No.8206099
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>> No.8206115

My friend made this for me as a joke once. It tasted worse than it looked and we even left it out of the fridge by accident after trying it and it held its shape and consistency for some reason. -5/10, avoid at all costs

>> No.8206143

Report and sage all YouTube 'celebrity' worship threads.

>> No.8206304
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I'm done. He's officially retarded.

>> No.8206326

jesus christ


I hate him so much holy fuck

>> No.8206334

Fuck off, Jack. Nobody cares about your intentionally shitty videos.

>> No.8206618

he is the the master of slow cooking.

>> No.8206656

Just started watching this video, but let me say: if someone ever "surprises" me with a meal from Jack I would just take the hint and break up with them.

>> No.8206675

jesus christ can you imagine coming home to your wife making your anniversary dinner with jack?

>> No.8206678

He actually looks better with a full beard still obese

>> No.8206699

wtf I hate jack now.
looks like i'm a #joeybroey

>> No.8206708

>not of this world
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8206722

He's a christian

>> No.8206728

> Make a comment about the steak thickness
> "It's ok, you can laugh."

Literally no joke here.

> Rubbing the steaks against each other like a retard instead of covering with a thin layer evenly.

>Salting before sous vide
Enjoy your pickled steak. Could have just covered the meat in pepper and garlic and let it infuse with the meat's juices while it is cooking anyway. Then salt, then a little olive oil, and THEN put it in the pan. That way the recently salted surface plus the fat from the olive oil creates a crust. Does he even know how food works? Jesus Christ. I'm pretty sure the "crust" we saw in the video is just burnt residue from the balsamic onions.

>Snapping each in asparagus in half individually
Group them up and cut in batches. Snap the first one and use it as a guide. (This is nit-picky, but honestly, why create more work?)

>Come home
>Someone else's car in the driveway
>It's Jack stinking up my kitchen
I would have been furious.

>> No.8206732

We'll never know. I see these stickers everywhere and I think "3deep5me".

Whoever created them is the greatest theological philosopher of our time.

>> No.8206787

That husband seemed so uncomfortable when he walked in and saw jack. I think even oblivious Jack knew he was getting into something he shouldn't have and got the fuck outta there real fast.

>> No.8206798

It's from the bible. It refers to the true nature of christ

>> No.8206851
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I would have slain them both in cold blood.

>> No.8206899

Kink Cu/ck/ spares no one

>> No.8206952
File: 49 KB, 728x546, aid1868408-728px-Prevent-Vomiting-in-Children-Step-3-Version-5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting croutons in a salad hours before serving it

>> No.8206982

Why is jack still allowed but not joey????


>> No.8207026

I can only imagine the husband watched jack for the bants and told his wife and she was retarded enough to think he actually was actually some sort of internet celebrity chef

>> No.8207027

Jack is actually cooking.

Or "cooking".

Or trying anyway.

Joey is just a spastic.

>> No.8207044

This is the most awkward fucking thing I've seen in a long time.

>> No.8207056
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I hope Jack remembered to eat before he ate
if he starts a Cuck on the Go Show this whole thing could get to a whole nother level

>> No.8207073

I think he looks like and angry child molester with the full beard, much prefer his classic downs-syndrome aesthetic

>> No.8207082
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Not gunna lie, I'd rail Ashley.

>> No.8207109

Jack is your average dad thats highly incompetent at cooking but thinks theyre a master chef, except Jack figured out how to use a camera so other incompetent dads can watch and feel more confident in their cooking because someone who just cooks as bad as them has a moderate viewer count so that must mean its good and confirms that their kids salmonella is just caused by the pussification of the newest generation.

>> No.8207168

I think we all would anon.

>> No.8207170

>That jump cut to the car

That guy threatened him for sure

>> No.8207252

kek just imagine if it was some /ck/ user.
>wife sees you watching cooking with jack vids and thinks you actually take his shit seriously
>sends jack a message asking him to come cook at your house
>get off work after a long hard days work and are just looking forward to spending a nice night with your wife
>walk in the door and see the man you loathe standing in your kitchen with your wife making dinner
man I'd be pretty pissed too

>> No.8207394

>want to come home and fuck your wife
>Jack shows up and cooks you dinner
>you have to sit there and eat it


>> No.8207440


>> No.8207459

Pretty sure that's grounds for divorce.

>> No.8207485
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>> No.8207489
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>> No.8207501

Jack is the first person I have ever witnessed to retain zero information from anything he does. The process of trial and error is completely numb to him. Seriously he will just do exactly what he does till the end of time.

>this doesn't seem to be turning out how ive seen from others
>maybe i should try again the same way

fucking insanity

>> No.8207507

t. stuffy foodie satanist

>> No.8207510
File: 272 KB, 505x640, justJACKmyshitup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8207517

the cuck king has cuck'd another

>> No.8207650

2th mc chickens are fucking excellent.
Not even memeing but I only get dollar menu shit from fast food places (nothing else is worth the money) and mcchickens are by far the best out of any chain.

>> No.8207681

>Jack has a wife and kid
>Many friends that are willing to go through the cringe of making videos with him because they're so close
>So ignorant that he's probably a very happy person

You can cook, and are most likely smarter and more educated than Jack; but he's self-actualized and you're not.
Kill me already

>> No.8207711

He's a gormless tardo everyone takes pity on. I'd rather be me than be a clueless douchebag constantly poisoning my family any day of the week.

>> No.8207715

Happiness is relative anon
He definitely has more of it than most of us here on 4chan though.

>> No.8207731

I'd rather be miserable than be Jack, honestly. Looking at him makes me feel glad I can comprehend my mistakes and continue to hone myself. It is a great feeling to know you were not """blessed""" with ignorance, as long as you can accept the pain that comes with knowledge.

>> No.8207739

The pain that comes with knowledge isn't always worth it though

>> No.8207746

>jack trying to gain resistance to pepper spray because he's visiting a club next week

>> No.8207750

That depends entirely on your perspective.

>> No.8207751

>tfw Ja/ck/'s purpose on this earth is to remind us that knowledge is pain, hence reminding us of our original sin

Is Ja/ck/ a kind of God's punishment for our quest to perfect dishes? Is he the babel of cooking?

>> No.8207756

Not Of This World

>> No.8207761

Yes, and in a similar case, Joey is the incarnation of the sin gluttony. Visit >>>/x/ for more

>> No.8207766

Fuck. You just gave me nightmares.

>> No.8207769

but he also gave you dubs, can you forgive him?

>> No.8207771

does Jack know about /ck/?

>> No.8207773

jesus christ

i stop browsing /ck/ for 6 months and this is what i return to


>> No.8207774

>nobody knows how they met
at a glory hole then

>> No.8207776

I'd rather have someone cook me a mediocre meal with love than me making 5 star shit for myself

>> No.8207778

hehehe hack is my buubby!

>> No.8207781

I just can't bring myself to watch a jack video, I only make it through a minute or so

>> No.8207783

Jack doesn't make mediocre meals though, he makes literal garbage at his best and usually makes health hazards.

>> No.8207786
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Jack confirmed for being the triggerest

>> No.8207788


>> No.8207793
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Your numbers do not deny

>> No.8207800

>the patty has hair

>> No.8207804

This guy cucked the dudes kitchen

>> No.8207818

apologies for bad england, but how do uncuck a kitchen?

>> No.8207819

those are probably fly legs

I would post the webm but I'm on mobile

>> No.8207822

it's meatball from aqua teen hunger force

>> No.8207831

I see you are new to Ja/ck/'s rules of cooking and hygiene my friend

>> No.8207833

do you think we could make him do other stupid shit if we get like a group of people to suggest him shit?

>> No.8207835

spare me the details please

>> No.8207840

Kek you think you can outsmart nature? You don't need to make Jack do fucked up shit, he does it on his own, and beyond our wildest nightmares, every fucking time. I'm calling it, he is a tool of God.

>> No.8207842

Someone put flies in their burger? Jack is retarded but he wouldn't do that, right?

>> No.8207851

Oh my sweet summer child.png

>> No.8207858

s-stop anon don't please

>> No.8207860
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>> No.8207874

>missing the webm/vid where jack stirs a fly into his belashi
you have much to experience

>> No.8207877

Where are the jack webms? I need some "juice" to complete my night.

>> No.8207881

are you fucking serious? I'll try to find it for myself, but did he notice the fly?

>> No.8207882

Please do not pop this anon's cherry. Don't post it. We are doomed and wasted already, but give these guys a chance, do not ruin their minds, please!

>> No.8207888

mommy pop my cherry please

>> No.8207889



>> No.8207906

you fools meesunderstan, fly ees good luck charm, whoever get fly in belashi will have many good luck

>> No.8207924

Fucking hell what the actual fuck, how is this allowed I'm like Jesus How??

>> No.8207929

ok so he either
>didn't closely watch footage for mistakes
>saw it and thought "yeah this will be ok to present to my audience"
then again, people who actually enjoy ja/ck/ for what he is wouldn't give a shit

>> No.8207937

Its a long process but it first involves removing the kebab

>> No.8208162

Anons, tell me the top 5 or so worst things that jack has ever ""cooked"" or done

>> No.8208220

>breaking each individual asparagus by hand

Or gee, just lining them up and cutting the end with a fucking knife?

>> No.8208226

Why is jackposting back again? I thought this shit was grounds for a ban.

>> No.8208250

This can't be real?

Garlic and onion is the flavor base for literally every dish

>> No.8208334

who knows

a baneposting thread still up on /tv/

>> No.8208384


Here are my favourites in no particular order:

Monster hotdogs (first try)
Aunt myrnas party cheese salad.
Bison burger fiasco
Mcormick bag n season chicken
Non-newtonian marinade (general tso's chicken)

>> No.8208389

the way he says "garlic" makes me hate him more than any other person on the planet

>> No.8208393

>I like YouTube 'celebrities'

>> No.8208398

So stop watching his videos you mong.

>> No.8208399

>posting on /ck/ and not appreciating jack
kys my man

>> No.8208403
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> guys wife is bigger than him

>> No.8208406
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I feel you would be better off on /tv/.
Seems to be more your level.

>> No.8208411

>>Come home
>>Someone else's car in the driveway
>>It's Jack stinking up my kitchen
>I would have been furious.

you're a cunt, but that was funny

>> No.8208420
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>> No.8208428

What the fuck video is this from
I need to see this in action

>> No.8208436
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>> No.8208448

The complaining ITT is ridiculous, if you don't want to see this thread, why open it in the first place. Go enjoy the countless McChicken threads posted on here daily instead. At leat those threads are keeping this slow board fresh and pure for you, am I right?

>> No.8208453

not even gonna read the thread, I think that the Jackposting is over the line because he triggers actual chefs into oblivion, like, how does this guy have a successful youtube channel type of thing, why would this idiot deserve such a massive amount of attention, etc.

if you still aren't seeing it, just imagine the same situation only instead of cooking it's whatever you're most passionate about in life

like if you were, say, an archeologist, how would it feel to see some dumbass get famous for his videos of ruining digsites and crushing fossils?

>> No.8208465

Fuck off, dipshit.

>> No.8208494

His son looks like the islamic terrorist from the latest house of cards season

>> No.8208497

That show has so much raw reality.
Murder, betrayal, perversion, injustice, corruption, and oh I guess red haired terrorists. Maybe the writers needed to take a breather from that rollercoaster ride of socially acceptable controversy.

>> No.8208502
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>all those people in comments blowing smoke up his ass

The deluded are many in count.

>> No.8208508
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Don't forget to download the app, Youtubers!

>> No.8208641

and remember to subscribe to Jack on the Go Show for more fun and shenanigans with your host Jack Scalfani!

>> No.8208649

There an episode where he made soup and left the gas burner on.
It's really funny.

>> No.8208688

I don't get it. Doe she not know how to cook?
Why invite Jack to go help you cook an anniversary dinner, especially if it's easier than mac n cheese? How is that romantic??

>> No.8208707

in her mind it was like having a celebrity chef come round, it wasn't just about the cooking it was also to experience Ja/ck/ in person

>> No.8208719

i didn't watch the video because my autism forbids me to watch that stupid fat fucks face for longer than a few seconds. can somebody tell me what's going on?
so far from the thread i got the idea that some random woman got jack to help her make dinner for her husband who comes home to a random guys car in the driveway to find her with jack in the kitchen?

>> No.8208736

she invited jack because her husband watches his videos all the time allegedly. When he got home it was incredibly awkward and Jack nopes the fuck out, probably after being asked to leave by the husband off camera

>> No.8208762

that sounds hilarious but i'm not even surprised. everything this idiot does is awkward and a major fuck up so it is no wonder that this whole idea resulted in an epic fail
>Jack nopes the fuck out, probably after being asked to leave by the husband off camera
just fits well