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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 74 KB, 600x320, Think-It’s-Safe-to-Pick-Off-the-Mold-From-Bread-and-Eat-the-Good-Par.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8206328 No.8206328 [Reply] [Original]

I found some mold on my bread. Just for fun I tried to toast it. Spread some butter on, you know what? It wasn't bad. Had a certain je ne sais quoi.

>> No.8206339

lol u will die

>> No.8206342
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You're a sick sick puppy, spread some cheese on the toast next time!

>> No.8206650

It's only the black stuff that will kill you. Green and blue mold adds a nice tingle to the flavor.

>> No.8206652

Eat some raw garlic. It'll kill the bacteria you just put in your body.

>> No.8206654

Looks a bit lively.

>> No.8206705

Pick one. Any other retarded medical advice to give us?

>> No.8206791

>had a certain je ne sais quoi.
The je ne sais quoi of impending projectile diarrhea?

>> No.8206905

Lol good luck getting a bacterial infection now

>> No.8206910


Yeah enjoy dying from a bacterial infection, retard.

>> No.8206913

whew lad

>> No.8206920


Mold, one type of fungus, is different from plants, animals and bacteria. Molds are eukaryotic micro-organisms that are decomposers of dead organic material such as leaves, wood and plants. The spores and hair-like bodies of individual mold colonies are too small for us to see without a microscope. When a lot of mold is growing on a surface, it often appears black, blue or green. The color of the mold is determined by the type and is influenced by the nutrient source, surface substrate and the age of the colony.

>> No.8206922

See >>>8206920
Now, who's the retard?

>> No.8206941

>Mold, one type of fungus
It's not really "a type of fungus". It's a simple term referring to an artificial assemblage of fungi exhibiting filamentous hyphal growth versus unicellular. It can also imply asexual reproduction by spores that are produced external ("hyphomycetes").

Also, some spores are visible to the naked eye or with a hand lens, and mycelia can be seen with the naked eye. IMO, calling fungi microorganisms is a bit of a misnomer, sort of like saying humans are microorganisms because we are composed of microscopic cells.

>> No.8206957
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>leaves wood and plants
>OP pic is bread
>can only be seen with a microscope
>can see it in the pic

Nice made up 'science' faggot

>> No.8206972

'Such as'.
You do know what bread are made of?

>> No.8206979


Europeans be like "This is what proper cheese looks like"

>> No.8206993

>mfw can't see atoms but can see stuff

>> No.8207466

keked slightly

>> No.8207477

mold isn't even bad for you. bacteria growing on the mold is what is bad for you. so yes, you should be worried about bacteria.

>> No.8207518

but wouldnt toasting the bread kill all the bacteria?

>> No.8207573

Oh noes scary mold!

Dry aged $xxx steaks are covered in mold, it's fine.

>> No.8207575
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>> No.8207583

that's so pretty and disgusting

>> No.8207627

No, you would have to cook it for a lot longer to kill all the bacteria. And you would still be eating toxins from the bacteria.

>> No.8207651

Some are. They can produce mycotoxins under right conditions. And other molds can cause allergic reactions and respiratory problems.

>> No.8207667

Sailor Vee, anon, don't let anyone get in your head, you tried something new and that's what's important

>> No.8207673
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>> No.8207727

Thanks friend. I'm pretty headstrong, so: the harder they come, the harder they fall.

>> No.8208098

We eat this in Mexico

>> No.8208106

I just pluck the mold off and spread butter on the remainder. Mmm. You can also spread cheese or make paine perdu

>> No.8208119


Top kek

>> No.8208222

a sexy qtpie 18 yr is a person
Your grandmother is also a person
Sex with a person is always the same thing

>> No.8208652
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>ctrl + f bacteria
>10 hits

>> No.8208679

That's not ok. I've toasted moldy bread before and it has a certain funk to it

>> No.8208722

I'm a mycologist, how do you think it makes me feel reading that? If someone says "you must be a fun-guy" right now I'll explode.

>> No.8208743

you must be a fun-guy

>> No.8208749


>> No.8208765

>Europeans be like
This is a whites only board, Tyrone.

>> No.8208770

Not how it works

>> No.8208794

It's only good when the mold begins to develop a shiny film

When it's all matte, it's not ready

>> No.8208973

enjoy the aspergillosis.

>> No.8208977
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newfags, newfags everywhere

>> No.8208981

Don't worry OP, you'll be fine. It's just natural antibiotics.

>> No.8209371


Eurocuck here, you McMericans are all niggers to us.

>> No.8209549

Tyrone is an Irish name dumbass

>> No.8209561

>He tried to flip the script
>he did it wrong

>> No.8209582

You must be a fun guy.

>> No.8209604
File: 41 KB, 400x333, 587916698042392576-Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>board about cooking
>for whites only

I don't think so.

>> No.8209616


>> No.8209695

The fuck, is this some sort of Seinfeld dialogue I haven't heard of? Seems like a perfect opener for a first scene where they're all at Monk's.

>> No.8209703

>kramer wants to start a business that sells moldy bread

>> No.8209774
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>> No.8210025
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I love this board so much

>> No.8210084

nice try though

>> No.8210105

but most europeans are mudslimes

>> No.8210369

You are going to die via explosive diarrhea.
It was nice knowing you.

>> No.8210499
File: 479 KB, 440x250, 1455806799164.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your ass will explode like a busted fire hydrant. It will look like you trying to expel all of the water in your body through a coffee straw where the straw is your ass. your wish for christmas should be a new ass. Bingle Jell

>> No.8210500

How is this disgusting? This is how cheese is made

>> No.8210503

>cheese is made by allowing cheese to spoil

hmmmm really makes you think

>> No.8210517


>> No.8210521

>can't see atoms
wow check out this loser

>> No.8210523

It's not spoiling, it's adding flavor. Aging wine is no different than aging cheese.

>> No.8210526

hmmm really makes you wonder

>> No.8210994


>> No.8211122

what flavour does boiling water add to a hot dog?

>> No.8211170
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what OP calls " je ne sais quoi"
pic related

>> No.8211197

you are a dipshit ignorant ass nigga if you dont think mold and fungus are the same thing

>> No.8211201
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engineer for food process technology and master craftsmen degree baker from germany reporting in.

don't eat that shit...

>> No.8211584

dont eat mold anon.

you dont have to eat mold. Why would you eat mold. At least videotape it if you are going to eat mold. So the world can see how fat you are.

>> No.8211614

All molds are fungus but not all fungus are molds; so no, they're not the same thing. The button mushroom is not a mold. It is a fungus.
>uneducated negro detected
>american education strikes again.

>> No.8211618

>Why would you eat mold.
Because it's tasty, anon! Many kinds of molds are used to enhance the flavour of corn, grapes, cheese and rice.

>> No.8211696

>why would you eat mold?

LSD is made with a mold found on rye.

>> No.8211916

Yes but there is a big difference between eating something that is fermented in a controlled or semi-controlled environment with known microbes that are GRAS versus eating spoiled foods.

There are hundreds of species of Penicillium and most do not produce penicillin and some produce pretty nasty mycotoxins. Not to mention some species produce mycotoxins on grain or other substrates but not in dairy or salty conditions.

So don't eat moldy bread, it probably won't do anything to you if you eat one slice but it isn't exactly good for you.

>LSD is made with a mold found on rye.
LSD is made BY a mold found on rye (and other grains). Claviceps species are very common; you should look for the black sclerotia in the inflorescence in late summer next year. Find an area where wild grasses aren't mowed (ditch, vacant lot, whatever) and you will definitely find some infections. It's pretty cool.

>> No.8213183


Likely none, but boiling your hot dog in a condom eliminates the possibility that it might catch any flavor in the cooking process.

You never know when a rogue salt granule might fall into the boiling water.

>> No.8213229

No not letting cheese go bad, letting MILK go bad

>> No.8213340

looks like tiny sprouts tobh aka tasty delicious

>> No.8213353

No it isn't

>> No.8213464

Right proper cheese, innit

>> No.8213469

Why am I laughing so hard

>> No.8214936

>LSD is made BY a mold found on rye (and other grains). Claviceps species are very common; you should look for the black sclerotia in the inflorescence in late summer next year. Find an area where wild grasses aren't mowed (ditch, vacant lot, whatever) and you will definitely find some infections. It's pretty cool.
Can you harvest them and separate the LSD out? Is it possible to keep a pet LSD-pooping mold?

>> No.8214950

>Can you harvest them and separate the LSD out?

Yes. That's how LSD is made.

>> No.8215354

How to?

>> No.8215367

Google it, asswad, it's there. Even on this site people can get in trouble for posting that.

>> No.8215377


>> No.8215388

I'm pretty sure LSD is now totally synthesized and not still derived from the fungal sclerotia. That said, you really do not want to mess around with Claviceps... they produce a suite of toxic alkaloids and it really isn't worth getting ergotism just to try and get a cheap high.

>> No.8215393

I know, right?

>> No.8215431

But now I want an LSD-pooping pet mold :(

>> No.8216437

Your sense of humour doesn't have mushroom for jokes about your profession, does it?

>> No.8216473

you are too stupid to be able to conduct kitchen chemistry

>> No.8216480

get good then you can have a pet mold

>> No.8216579

wow, you must be REAL fuckin fun at parties, bro

>> No.8216589
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>>8216437 pic 5 u <3

Get your ergot trip going OP Keep a log.

>> No.8216612

>not posting the original


>> No.8217446


How to get good? Do I really need a degree to get pet mold or can I autodidact it?

>> No.8217502

je sais what it est.

le mold!

>> No.8219108

oh god, he's turning french

>> No.8219165

Some things a mycologist studies are new, "some old"

>> No.8219173

Not him but yes it is

>> No.8219900

lol that's a new one for me