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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8180520 No.8180520 [Reply] [Original]

/tea/ general, old one is almost at bump limit

Some info and faq: http://pastebin.com/SWNA0rLX
I put the sites the previous OP put in and a few more blogs, If there are objections state them.

What is in your cup today?

>> No.8180522

Got a cup of mctea. Pretty good brehs.

>> No.8180524

old thread

>> No.8180531

try high moutain oolong, smells like heaven and taste like butter

>> No.8180789
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Are there any matcha's that are pretty cheap but quality so I can try it? This stuff I've bought before is kind of shitty, and I wonder if I can find some better. Maybe something from amazon, perhaps.

>> No.8180813
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How do you steep loose tea, used filtering to another cup but that creates dishes and mess.

>> No.8180835

Grandpa style seems right up your alley


>> No.8180888

What's the beat single cup infuser?

>> No.8180902

There is no cheap, good matcha.

>> No.8181007

Free Shipping Hot Sale Yixing Ceramic Kung Fu Tea Set Solid Wood Tea Tray Teapot 27-piece Tea Suit
(from AliExpress Android)

should i pull the trigger, bros?

>> No.8181014
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Is there an accurate reference for the caffeine content (in mg) in various types of tea?

I know it's more complex than simply black or green contain more, etc. Any science?

>> No.8181015

i wouldnt, if you want cheap you should always get glazed, its fake yishing clay, you're better of with a gaiwan, besides, you dont need all that stuff

>> No.8181385

is that a glyph

>> No.8181636

anyone getting their loose leafs in (preferably central-eastern) europe?
Are there any good starter packs(few grams of "beginner" teas) which ship here, without horrendous shipping fees?

>> No.8181858

Someone recommended Silver Needle White Tea. I usually order from What-Cha and there's like 12 different kinds. Which one do I get? How are they different?

>> No.8181876

What-Cha has an "intro to tea" that's 25€ free shipping

>> No.8181905

How do I store tea? I just got my first samples in the mail, and I made a cup, but now what do I do with the leaves? I don't want them to be wet and get moldy or anything.

>> No.8181946
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>> No.8181958

I use green mason jars with easy twist on/off lids. If you're going to use glass, make sure it's not in an area with sunlight.

>> No.8181972

Will a candle suffice if I just want a porcelain kettle of tea to stay warm for a while?

>> No.8182029
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What are the best comertial brands of tea that are "international" (I'm brazilian).
I want to buy a tea box for my girlfriend because she's into tea, and I'm getting a taste for it too.
I have the money to spare but, you know, it's just a gift out of nowhere if it's not super expensive, would be appreciated;

>> No.8182054
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I used a coffee maker with tea leaves in college... Was I a shitter back then?

>> No.8182119

Where's a good place to get some Gyokuro?

>> No.8182272

Twinnings is my favorite
they have plenty of loose and bagged teas

>> No.8182279

>she's into tea
like the people with tea related autism here(myself included) or like a normal person likes a beverage

>> No.8182494

I think he means the used leaves.
Strain them as best you can, put them in a ziploc bag, press out all the air, then store in a tin. They can be reused for up to 14 months. Steepings don't diminish their freshness, only time.

>> No.8182661
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I've been drinking pic related for the last 8 months, real tea arrives tomorrow. Is loose leaf really that different?

>> No.8182684

It tastes better but it's also extremely overhyped. You may be dissapointed depending on what you expect. On the other hand, if you have a taste for tea you may be surprised by the flavor. If not you need to learn first to appreciate a good tea like with anything else. A plebian won't understand the greatness of the best coffee or best steak.

We don't live in a cartoon. Nothing we eat or dink will kick us out of our socks. It's more a subtle way which requires you to get involved with it. To find the hidden flavor you need to try to find it. If you hype things up or already expect the worst you just preparing yourself to never find anything. What unlocks the appreciation is being realistic and finding all the flavors. A greater product is not fhere for your thirst, it's there for greater pleasures.

>> No.8182713

Do you guys have fancy mugs or just a normal one?

>> No.8182882
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First bancha
What am I in for lads

>> No.8182898
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Smells like a fresh mowed lawn, looks like some twigs too. I see why this is the lowest grade.

I'm looking to make bulk ice cold green tea for the summer, I don't think this is it. Should I try sencha or stick with gunpowder or jasmine?

>> No.8182941

loose leaf has more full body and cleanness to it. Tea bags are still stronger in flavor unless its something like gunpower loose leaf.

>> No.8182980


I've got some of this cold brewing right now, I'll let you know how it is tomorrow. Genmaicha makes a great iced tea, if you want something less expensive than sencha you could also try kukicha, Yuuki-cha's got a tasty one.

>> No.8183431

I order from yunnansourcing, it's decently priced.

chinalife is also based in the UK I think, so it should have lower shipping to EU.

>> No.8183911

But how does it taste? The spring bancha I had before was pretty nice. Very bright and vegetal almost like green bell pepper, but also kind of herbal.

>> No.8184064

>commercial tea brand

>> No.8184079

> Chinese drink tea every day
> China still has the highest cancer rates of any country

Almost every single imported tea brand from China contains DDT.

Even though DDT is highly carcinogenic and banned for use on any human consumption.

China is the ONLY developed country in the world now using DDT.

Even fucking Venezuela outlawed that shit.

>> No.8184141
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It's kinda small brehs

>> No.8184273

Isnt it like 500ml

>> No.8184476

You can get pot warmers that you just put a tea candle in, yes.

>> No.8184604
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All these uncited claims!

All these logical fallacies!

>> No.8184679


>> No.8184825
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When you are brewing tea, it depends on how long you leave your tea leaves in the water. This is the main factor.

But generally speaking black tea should contain more caffeine (total 40 mg) than green tea (25 mg), but this also varies. My guess is this is because of tea procesing

>> No.8184845
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>most under-regulated, least environment-friendly exporter in the world
>i-i-its the tea!


>> No.8184858
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It's just I'm more of a coffee fag, but getting into tea, trying to see how much caffeine I would get out of multiple servings of tea.

As opposed to just having one big ass cup of coffee containing approx 300mg of caffeine.

>When you are brewing tea, it depends on how long you leave your tea leaves in the water.

I just brewed up 2g of green tea, all guides say 3 mins at 180°F (82°C) and that's what I did. Shit was good.

>> No.8185045

>Nothing we eat or dink will kick us out of our socks.
I feel sorry for you.

>> No.8185054

Purposely misunderstanding me just to be retarded.

>> No.8185096

Illiterate self-rationalization from a poorfag.

>> No.8185108


matcha is literally lipton tier instant tea from a different colored plant that retarded weebs like you pay $80 an ounce for

>> No.8185117

>can't read or clinically retarded
>gets called out
>b-but you're poor

>> No.8185132

>make dumbass statement
>get called on it
>sperg like a whiny bitch
There there.

>> No.8185140

So when you eat or drink something excellent you get cartoonish overreactions like some mentally disabled autist. You're just special, lad.

>> No.8185184

both you and that guy are oversimplifying, sometimes people can immediately recognize when something is really good, sometimes it requires a learning experience to fully enjoy it, sometimes it just grows on you, sometimes you get sick of it.
You are both mutually being super specific just to prove the other is wrong

>> No.8185198
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Pharmacy student here. You made my day hahahaha

>> No.8185205
File: 198 KB, 1068x707, user_samovar_12312000_0599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting cozy tea houses and places to drink tea on a cozy day.

>> No.8185215
File: 3.98 MB, 3264x2448, samovar-tea-lounge-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8185230

As if a pleb could appreciate the best food in the world.

>> No.8185280

>cartoonish overreactions like some mentally disabled autist
You literally have a brain problem.

>> No.8185292

>not at home
fr*ck off

>> No.8185295

You have multiple brain problems.

>> No.8185303

whatever dude, its black or white, there are plebs and patricians, have fun

>> No.8185323

This is not some natural born talent. Being able to enjoy something is not the same as being able to appreciate something for its true qualities.

>> No.8185373

wow you sure got me

tips fedora

>> No.8185407

How'd you go?
I like genmaicha hot, but the smokiness of roasted rice in a cold beverage isn't my style I think, since I associate smokiness with warmth.
I'll look out for kukicha next. Cheers mate

It's good. I see this is why it's a "daily" tea. It definitely has more grassy like tang to it. As said though, I don't think I can see this as well cold.

>> No.8185428
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>being this ass obliterated

>> No.8185429

My ceramic teapot is 6 cups, and by the time I get to the 2nd last cup it's not hot anymore, pushing 45 Celcius I imagine. Since yours is glass you'll feel your tea go cooler even faster.

Do you still drink tea? Do you go organic or just find tea sourced elsewhere?

>> No.8185432
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you betcha

>> No.8185455
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I like to get tea with friends here every now and then.

>> No.8185557

Should I go into pharma school?

>> No.8185796

Currently sick with flu so Earl Grey and honey.

Tried Golden Osmanthus Oolong yesterday, couldn't taste and smell the tea at all. I have problems differentiating Oolongs but not this bad.

Should I wait until I recover before trying the white Yin Zhen sample or use it for recovery?

>> No.8185806

>problems differentiating oolongs
i will understand if you said black, but how?

>> No.8185905

>How'd you go?
It tastes a bit weak, sadly. I think it would have been better if I boiled the leaves first (yeah, you can actually boil that kind of tea) and then let it cool down. I'll try again later once it's finished.

>> No.8186163

Could it be the more fiberous material like the twigs that's not getting into the water?
Well right after I posted that I put some of my bancha in cold water to steep, was generous with the amount of leaf used. When I made ice green tea previously I just boiled like normal, put in glass jug then chilled.
I'll see how it goes when I get back from work and if it doesn't work I'll just do it with hot water.

>> No.8186227

I don't know myself. Tried 3-4 different Oolongs and 2 different Tieguanyin with different temperatures and infusion times but they taste almost exactly the same. Only Milky Oolongs taste and smell different to me.

Anyway, I have Yin Zhen, Sakura Sencha, Milky Oolong, Houjicha, and Earl Grey. Which one would help the most with flu?

>> No.8186289

I've tried quite a few tieguanyins because my family get gifted them a lot and there are some differences, mainly in the levels of fragrance and actual flavour. Some taste more gunpowdery, and some are extremely light with an astringent fragrance, some have floral fragrances, etc. I think most tieguanyins stick to a standard profile though so I would think that it's just that you haven't had the more different ones.

Anyway, when I'm sick, I just take that opportunity to drink my old teas or regrettable purchases. These will be the odd occasions that I do use honey, or a slice of citrus, or add some flowers, different essences, milk, clotted cream, and so on.

>> No.8186292

Oh, and I also like thicker teas when I'm sick so I think hojicha sounds best, or a strong Earl Grey with lemon and honey and maybe milk/cream.

>> No.8186323

You can try to make a single hot brew of the leaves first and then put them in cold water for cold-brewing. This may help speed up the cold-brewing process.

>> No.8186338

New here. I've enjoyed tea practically all my life, but it's always been either lipton/earl grey at work or buying tea in bulk at the closest store.

I really enjoyed the green tea that I drank while living in Tokyo, I do not however know what brand i bought unfortunately. My favourite kind of tea is black. Do you guys know of any good tea for someone who wants to try some higher quality stuff?

Also if there's anyone here from Sweden (specifically Örebro) who knows of a local store I'd be happy.

>> No.8186763

step one: teabags go to the garbage
step too: there is really not a thing like good "brands" there are good regions and seasons

get yourself some gyokuro and bancha. check the pastebin for stores

>> No.8186824

this post is so cringe i can practically see the tears you typed this through

>> No.8187012

Are you ITT, Harney and Sons anon? I'll be there sometime before 2 with black AT headphones around my neck.

>> No.8187029

That wasn't the question I asked but thanks for your response, anon.

>> No.8187240

That anon is braindead. Matcha is tricky because the drinking stuff can get pretty expensive and its flavor can get spoiled pretty quickly if it's left out in the open air. The cheap stuff is usually used for baking, so it's not as flavorful and is already dull.

>> No.8187259

>China is the ONLY developed country in the world now using DDT.
>Even fucking Venezuela outlawed that shit.

Actually, North Korea still allows DDT to be used on their crops.

But yes, the chinese are pretty much the only "developed" country that still messes with that shit.

>> No.8187310

Yeah I sorta figured, but it would be nice if I could just find a small amount or something for a few cups so I can get a good feel for if it's something I'm really into and want to get more of or not. The matcha i tried wasn't very good, so I wanted to branch out a bit more.

>> No.8187328
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>mfw I buy all my tea from aliexpress

I'm fugged right?

>> No.8187465

i had been doing it for years now
tasty cancer

>> No.8187637

Tulsi, holy basil sweet rose tea
Its magical

>> No.8187662

I would no more consume an imported Chinese food or drink product than I would raw sewage.

>> No.8187773

>i only drink shitty tea

>> No.8188315
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Can wet green tea be stored safely for longer than 24 hours?

>> No.8188405

What are some nice, inexpensive Yunnan Sourcing products? Unusual teas are encouraged- I have my eye on this one in particular: http://www.yunnansourcing.us/store/index.php?id_product=1019&controller=product

>> No.8188461

purple tea always seemed interesting, never tried it though

>> No.8188485

>dense fruitiness happening

>> No.8188502


Actually, I only drink Japanese tea. I trust those bastards. The Chinese, no; I know them to well.

>> No.8188520

yeah, i put it in the fridge. even if it goes bad you're gonna pour hot water on it so wgaf? right?

>> No.8188547

also if it isn't good you can taste it and immediately know

>> No.8188599

>the only good tea comes from china

>> No.8188602


>> No.8189100

shit taste
you probably drink shitty assam

>> No.8189195

Thoughts on keemun? Tried 2.25g with 250 ml boiling water in mug infuser and it tasted pretty bland, smelled nice though, it's the distinctive smell of English breakfast blends.

>> No.8189328
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I'm no tea expert, and I really enjoy Chinese greens. Looking to branch out, I've tried various Japanese green teas from various sources, times of year. I bought a temperature controlled kettle and have tried steeping it for even just seconds. I have an autism-esque negative reaction to what I'm assuming people call the "umami" taste. I can even smell it on the leaves at times.

It genuinely makes me uncomfortable no matter how delicately I make it or how high the quality is supposed to be. Am I going to miss out by avoiding Japanese greens? Is my palate simply too pleb? Because damn.

>> No.8189362

I loved the keemun I've had. The smell is kind of fruity but the taste is more like cocoa or wine.

If you don't like umami you're probably gonna have a bad time with steamed Japanese greens. Though the lighter steamed stuff can be more floral. There's always kamairicha which is fired like Chinese teas.

>> No.8189623

if it's factory tea, you just as fucked as any chink (muchó)
this came in the other day: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Promotion-Made-in-1986-Ripe-Puer-Tea-30-Years-Old-Puer-Shu-Cha-Puerh-Te-Brick/32704118309.html
it's really really nice, I haven't drank ripe puer with that leaf grade yet, they're pretty big.
I took a gamble and I'm pretty happy with results.
>The transparent dark red liquid with the mellow taste, please do not miss it!
that sold it for me, I bought it because nice chink asked me to

>> No.8189745

Yea dude didn't check this in the morning, I try not to look at phone durring work. I hope you like those things you got, let me know how you enjoy the fancy formosa. That stuff is seriously like 30$ for 2oz, and I gave you like half an ounce probably.

>> No.8189751

Guys, what's the best brand of tea that you can buy at a regular grocery store like Safeway or Giant?

>> No.8189775


>> No.8189776

Meant for

Bigelow is alright for bags.

>> No.8189797

Really depends on what the store has. Anything loose leaf. You might only be able to find a tin of some kind of Twinings unless you're lucky. Loose leaf Lipton is still pretty garbage.

I actually agree with this. Bigelow can be okay if there's nothing else. Apparently they even sell loose tea, but only online. I always wanted to try some to see if it tastes any better than their bags.

>> No.8189804

Bigelow is what I usually buy now.

>> No.8189844
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Yeah, look for some loose leaf then. If you're anywhere near a big enough city you can probably find somewhere that sells loose tea. Regular grocery stores really aren't ideal, but an Asian grocery would be a decent bet.

If you're somehow stuck with bags look for any kind of pyramid bag that isn't just dust.

>> No.8189854

For some reason, I'm scared for Asian grocery stores.

>> No.8189855


>> No.8189874

It's why I refuse to buy tea at local Asian tea shops, chances are they're Chinese who spray their crops with literal poison. And to make matters even worse often times they don't even wash the tea after the harvest, they just throw it on some platform to dry and then process. So people are literally drinking a cup of fucking pesticides, not to mention all those chemicals seep into the ground which not only fucks with the tea plants... but affects other neighboring crops, even "Organic" teas are known to have some traces of pesticides because of this.

But don't listen to me, i'm just another crazy conspiracy kook, what do I know :^/

>> No.8189876

Same here, Asian markets probably have lead in half their food.

>> No.8189880
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>That feel of wanting someone intimately at your side to drink tea with

>> No.8189883

You are correct about Chinese produce and meats. Japanese, however, are very concientious as regards their produce.

>> No.8189894
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The Japanese are like the Elves in Lord of the Rings, they're by far the most sophisticated Asians, (Also Koreans & Malaysians). I suppose I should try buying imported Japanese teas since they're one of the best societies on the planet.

>> No.8189941
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>> No.8189960

If you don't like the umami, then you don't like the umami. Consequently, you're not missing out on any teas high in umami taste, since you don't like it. There's way too much variety to get hung up on that.

>> No.8190057

>you probably drink shitty assam
So any tea that's not from china is shitty assam?
Ok bro ;)

>> No.8190220

Thanks again man. I haven't tried the FF sample yet, but this decaf Paris kicks ass. Tastes every bit as good as it smelled.

>> No.8190257

> I am a bitch ass nigga

>> No.8191310

Your ignorance will be your own downfall, enjoy your visits to the doctor.

>> No.8191343

>tfw no qt3.14 gaiwan brewing gf

>> No.8191539
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I personally wouldn't take "le pleb taste" shitposters comments seriously on 4chan. You already know humans vary in tastes and backgrounds, do not doubt your intelligence. Remember, not everything you see on this site is factual. Good day.

>> No.8191607

>this nigga wants to live forever
lmaoing @ your life

>> No.8191611

>heh heh, your ignorance will be your own downfall, kid *tips intensify*

spoken like a true redditor

>> No.8191620

I don't know if this is the thread to say it, but covering the base of the mug in fresh thyme and steeping is a pretty solid temporary cough cure. Thought it may be useful this time of year.

>> No.8191625

what would compel someone to put thyme in their tea?

>> No.8191630

How does it taste? I know licorice root tea is supposed to be very healthy, but I can't drink that shit. Dandelion root tea is cozy as fuck though.

>> No.8192196
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small brewing vessels get me going

also does anyone drink dragonwell? favorite supplier?

>> No.8192215

I'm not down with health tisanes. They taste awful. I dig rooibos though.

>> No.8192444


>> No.8192448


something like this is probably 80% the same though: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Practical-250ml-8-5oz-Borosilicate-Glass-Teapot-Heat-Resistant-Bottle-Cup-For-Blooming-tea-Herbal-Coffee/32726499705.html?spm=2114.13010208.99999999.264.qh66zY

>> No.8192733

Damn, I wish there was an amazon in my country, considering the ali one

>> No.8192779

Okay faggots I know literally nothing about tea besides "don't boil green tea at 100 unless you're a manly Moroccan". I've got A Kettle, and I've got some cups, and that's about it.

BUT, I'm right above a market for Chink immigrants. Is there anything concrete I should get?

>> No.8192784

Actually tastes alright. You can add honey or lemon to sweeten it too.

>> No.8192805

Read the pastebin, then never come back here.

>> No.8192806

Excuse me, I read the pastebin three times before posting.

>> No.8192810

>all these cheap imported chink teas

you should merge with /csg/ and let the grown ups talk about good tea

>> No.8192816

Then you should know more about tea than
>I know literally nothing about tea besides "don't boil green tea at 100 unless you're a manly Moroccan"

Go on youtube, google chinalife and watch their introductory videos. Then go to whatever store you fancy and get samples of whatever smells nice but not overpowering/artificial.

>baiting this hard
>post-purchase rationalizing this hard

>> No.8192822

>post-purchase rationalizing this hard
no need to rationalize anything. i love the tea i drink

>> No.8192870

Sounds like the OP needs to be updated then. Thanks for the specific emphasis on Chinalife though.

>> No.8192887

I didn't sleep a wink last night.
So I'm starting off the morning with some Ginseng Oolong. I'm going to need it.

>> No.8192891

Shit you're right, that's a pretty old one. There were a few more with more information in them. Someone should make a dynamic link of it and not rely on static link updates each time, cause apparently those get lost.

>> No.8192909

They have nice videos, good quality, clear sound. However, the videos are rather long and they put way too much emphasis on brewing gongfu/ceremony style.

Yunnansourcing has some videos as well on youtube.

Basically check the videos on the different types of tea, the different methods of brewing+granpa style (which is another video). Lurking here can also be helpful.....sometimes.
I would suggest a to get samples of some chinese green tea, japanese green tea, black tea, white tea, and a few light and heavy oxidized oolongs. I think that would be enough to get you going in a direction of what kind of smells and flavours you like in tea.

>> No.8192925


OP here, also made the original pastebin as well as the latest change, I agree it's a bit lacking, especially for people just getting into tea, if someone wants to take this off my hands and make a new one or contribute with resources I'm all for it, personally I'm more into puer so I know almost nothing about jap teas which are very talked about here. I'm also not the most knowledgeable person here on the subject, got into it not that long ago, just was sick of the older tea generals being bag generals and being filled with the same questions so I compiled some info

>> No.8193040

It would be pretty cool if you added my store to the list in some fasion for locals or travelers to nyc, the whole store is pretty legit and you can just walk in and not buy anything and get a free cup on anything, ever the really expensive shit. Plus they give free samples too if you do some yelp thing.

>> No.8193390

i post my tea purchases there lmao

>> No.8193391


>> No.8193695

Is there an average leaf to water and brewing time ratio for brewing black tea gongfu style? Like how a safe bet for brewing blacks Western style is 2 grams to 8 ounces of boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes.

Asking because I just had some Yunnan black snail tea from Upton, delicious scent of chocolate with a malty, lightly astringent taste and I would like to try it gongfu style in a ghetto gaiwan.

>> No.8193775

I think the bancha recommendation is great.
I don't know why you would recommend gyokuro to someone coming right out of teabags.
It is expensive and difficult.
If you don't have the right equipment and knowledge you can easily ruin sessions and waste expensive tea.

>> No.8194050

there are also similar ones on yunnan sourcing

>> No.8194070

Have you seen this? It's pretty helpful


>> No.8194115

Thanks for this, looks very helpful. Does the small leaf/large leaf refer to the size of leaves after brewing or before? I'm assuming after.

>> No.8194237

After indeed, or rather the actual size of the leaf. Oolongs I believe are made with larger leaves for example, whereas whites and greens are smaller (being buds, tips and maybe 1 leaf). It can also depend on the varietal used, some have naturally larger leaves than others.

In general just start with that and then adjust the next time. Chinalife also has a video on this topic in which they show some teas and how much would they use, for a more visual confirmation.

>> No.8194266

>In general just start with that and then adjust the next time
This, adjust, so you KNOW how to do it, after a bit you wont need timers or scales and do everything by feel

>> No.8195098

I'm a poorfag.
what the fuck do I do?

>> No.8195759

Remember: rich or poor, we're all alike in death.

So to become rich, kill yourself.

>> No.8195845

I have no problem with that, I'll write something later today, or write it yourself if you like

>> No.8195888

How poor are we talking here? Do you have a kettle? Or a pot? Can you spend 25-30$?

>> No.8196414

Hey OP. I looked through the earlier pastebins in my browser history and found a FAQ developed some time ago by some poster here. Maybe you can start including it as well in the OP (seperately from the one already there) and people can improve on it. From a quick look it needs quite some work.


>> No.8196425

Cut open a pack of chamomile and mixed it with rose petals. Incredible

>> No.8196497

first time I read it I didnt really like some of the info especially on the yishing part, but after reading more carefully I can see where he's coming from, if that info is for beginners and I wouldn't recommend someone who doesn't know to jump right into yishing without some studying first

>> No.8196532 [DELETED] 
File: 256 KB, 500x750, Tea.Maid.(Sword.Girls).full.1577459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys is there anything wrong with just puttibg tea in my wine pitchers and fill it with hot water? I will it turn bad or just be bitter I need it for the caffeine.

>> No.8196533
File: 256 KB, 500x750, Tea.Maid.(Sword.Girls).full.1577459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys is there anything wrong with just putting loose leaf tea in my wine pitchers and fill it with hot water? I will it turn bad or just be bitter I need it for the caffeine.

>> No.8196545

Take caffeine pills?

>> No.8196595

Use a strainer to strain it to a mug after a bit so it doesnt overbrew, you can put more water on it and repeat the process after

>> No.8196626
File: 448 KB, 823x388, reddit tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reddit FAQ is much better than OP.


>> No.8196658

Thats actually pretty good

>> No.8196767

Well OP, I think you've done a good job in at least getting a debate started in the right direction.
Love tea general threads.

>> No.8196906
File: 221 KB, 378x374, 1439510243794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to the Goodwill or any low income shopping center that's been donated by the public... and pick out a nice little tea kettle. They usually have at least a few there.

Then use your foodstamps/welfare to buy some tea whether it be bagged or bulked (try to aim for bulk). Then drink. If you're too poor for even that then i'm wondering how the fuck you're on the internet to begin with. If you can afford a phone/internet then you can afford tea (unless you're typing on a computer at the library which is understandable).

>> No.8196916

How do you guys steep your tea?

Do you
>poor hot water in first and then gently place bag/strainer in the water

Or do you
>put bag/strainer in first then poor water on top of it?

>> No.8196945


>> No.8196946

bag first if I use bags and I don't use a strainer with loose leaf tea

>> No.8196954

This. If I'm western brewing, I just put my leaves in the cup and wait for them to settle.

>> No.8196956

I don't do that either, I use my kyusu or teapot but my teapot is fucking shit so I usually use the former

>> No.8196997
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 0328982_PE520136_S3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, i have a teapot that holds about 0.6 l. It is perfect for making 1-2 big cups of roibush or hibiscus tea.
But when i bought some chinese teas - for example, Te Guan Yuing, i realised my mistake. Traditionally, they are steeped several times. But several liters of tea is too much for me.
Now i want haiwan, or at least smaller teapot - about 100-120ml.
Forgive me for some spelling errors.

>> No.8197059

Is it okay to save some gong fu infusions for later in the day? 800 ml of black tea is a bit too much caffeine.

>> No.8197071

an inexpensive solution is to buy a gaiwan or small glass teapot off aliexpress(glazed of course)
I bought this one today https://aliexpress.com/item/Small-Clear-Glass-Teapot-200ml-FH-204/32364167755.html?spm=2114.10010308.1000016.1.BnsrDt&isOrigTitle=true
for gaiwans there is a ton of stuff around there just search around till you find one you like.
Yunnan sourcing and other sites also sell some gaiwans that aren't expensive, I got mine from ali because shipping from yunnan to my country is fairly expensive but you might not have that problem

>> No.8197087

you mean leave the leaf and carry the session later? cant see why not.
Actually brew the tea for later?
If you don't mind it room temp, sure

>> No.8197157

Is it worth it to get black (they call it red) chinese tea compared to decent assam/darjeeling?
It seems that, compared to green, black tea just asks for honey and lemon. And it should kill a lot flavour nuances.

>> No.8197183

Yes because whereas Western tea culture uses oversteeped Indian teas and then uses additives, Chinese red teas have their own distinct flavor that comes out given proper preparation. Do not add honey or lemon to Chinese reds.

>> No.8197207

Thanks, I meant continuing the session later.

One more question regarding this guide, if I want to use 50 ml of water instead of 100, should I simply halve the amount of tea being used, or is there anything else I should adjust? I just think that with that number of infusions 100 ml each time is too much for one person.


>> No.8197229

half the leaf seems the way to go, try it and see if its strong enough and figure your own ratio

>> No.8197233

Chinese red teas are extremely distinct to Indian teas. Absolutely try it. Many have fruity scents (natural) such as peach or lychee. My current one is chocolatey and pu-er like. Red teas are by far my favourite type of black tea.

>> No.8197640
File: 37 KB, 630x365, 1415927199972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between red teas and black teas?

>> No.8197660

Difference words for the same thing. Black tea is 紅茶 in Chinese and Japanese, which is literally "deep red tea". In Hindi - from where I assume the West first got it's tea- it's काली चाय, which is "black tea".

>> No.8198171

indian teas taste like poo

>> No.8199116

To sum up all other anons:
>Step 1.
Thrift a teapot (make sure it has a strainer). You can skip the teapot step and just use a mug grandpa style
>Step 2.
Go to Asian market, find cheap bulk loose leaf tea there
>Step 3
Enjoy tea
>Step 4

>> No.8199147
File: 224 KB, 900x1600, guangzhou puerh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colleague's relative is in Guangzhou right now and took a picture of some puerh cakes. Can anyone here help translate what they are and their prices?

>> No.8199155

What are teas good for steeping multiple times? (for economy mostly)
Which teas CAN'T be resteeped?

>> No.8199156

Unless by black tea he's referring to pu er.

>> No.8199233

>What are teas good for steeping multiple times?
Oolong and puerh.

>Which teas CAN'T be resteeped?
All loose leaf teas can be resteeped!

>> No.8199236

Anyone here drink Vietnamese tea ?

>> No.8199317

I have some loose puerh, I'll try that

>All loose leaf teas can be resteeped!
Well what got me thinking that wasn't true was that the bancha I got says it can't be resteeped...
Also I gave it a go anyway, and it tasted like hot water the second time, it hardly changed colour.

>> No.8199333

>it tasted like hot water the second time, it hardly changed colour.
How were you brewing it?

The best way to get multiple infusions is gong fu style, that is, more leaf and less time and water. Western style in a mug is typically less leaf and more water and time, which leads to less subsequent infusions.

>> No.8199338

I just refilled my teapot 3/4 with more boiled water, and just let it sit for ages. I'll use 1/2 water for less time next time, thank you for your advice man

>> No.8200221

Try get some ruby #18. Totally worth it.

>> No.8200472

What carrier does What-Cha use for their tea to the US? It says Royale Air but we dont have that in the US

>> No.8200481

new bread >>>>>8200479

>> No.8200501

the ounce has bretty good teas, as well as demmers teehaus