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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 1023x574, IMG_5051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8197299 No.8197299 [Reply] [Original]

Whatcha eaten tonight /ck/ ?

>> No.8197302


>> No.8197303

I wish poor people would just die.

>> No.8197304

turkey sanger on white sourdough w/ red onion, swiss, avo, tomato and bacon
quick and easy

>> No.8197317

>implying poor people could afford TV dinners

I could make that for half the price it costs out of the box and infinitely higher quality. That shit is for dumb and lazy people

>> No.8197321
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>> No.8197325

I'm going to buy chinese food in a couple hours. Probably some Chicken with Broccoli. Borwn sauce with white rice.

>> No.8197337

Yea I could probably make 10 of them for under $10

Each one of those "meals" has about half a potato worth of mash and maybe 1/3 an ear of corn. Then you jut need a small chunk of the lowest quality meat you can find and presto. 10 of them for $8

>> No.8197351

I don't believe you. You also need breading, frying grease, and all the ingredients for country gravy

>> No.8197390

literally pennies worth
>frying grease
maybe nickels worth
>country gravy
Just soak the meat in water and add in copius amounts of salt and some flour to thicken and you will reach the same quality as the chemical garbage they try to pass as gravy.

>> No.8197415
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Just grilled these short ribs up

>> No.8197419
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With this salad

>> No.8197460

>Pennies and nickles worth of..
Yes, but you can't buy that stuff by the penny

>> No.8197474
File: 43 KB, 450x450, _banquet_double_meat_meals_boneless_rib_shaped_patties_12[DOT]5_oz_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better but still regretful

>> No.8197476
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Leftover eggplant rolatini I got from takeout last night. Pic not mine but pretty much exactly how it looked.

>> No.8197519

>Rib shaped patties

>> No.8197524

>dumb and lazy people
so poor people

>> No.8197536
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says who?

>> No.8197541

It's 6.45am, not night.

I just ate a slice of home baked bread with butter and Vegemite. Delicious.

>> No.8197544

i'm arguing with myself over whether to make a chickpea soup or a savory oatmeal

>> No.8197772


>> No.8197792

better than OBESE, fatty

>> No.8197803

in the slow cooker as we speak

>> No.8197974
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>> No.8197981
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>that dressing

>> No.8197984

Two day old Little Caesers that I've soaked so much hotsauce into I can't take more than a bite without waiting 3 minutes

>> No.8197998

>putting that much ranch on a salad
nice hidden valley stew you got there

>> No.8198004

havent had any solid foods like like 24 hours. it was a major ordeal to eat food about 35 hours ago. gonna keep drinking booze.

not looking for sympathy. it was lovely knowing you guys, honestly.

>> No.8198026

Looking good, anon. Nice work

>> No.8198056

I'm not fat, fatty

>> No.8198066
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Can i get a r8/h8 on this stir fry.
>didnt have time to make rice

>> No.8198071

That's not a salad you stupid faggot.
A salad by definition has to have some form of SALAD (aka spinach, lettuce, romaine, mustard greens, etc.)

>> No.8198076

KEK, kill yourself you piece of absolute shit.

>> No.8198082

you're a retard

>> No.8198106
File: 35 KB, 617x347, sesame-bagel.desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a sesame bagel with butter at 4, gonna make some chicken cup noodles in a few minutes.

fuckin love me some bagels, shame panera didn't have onion bagels.

>> No.8198138

>t. a fatass who doesn't eat salads

>> No.8198152

Spaghetti squash done with spaghetti sauce, and stuffed peppers.

>> No.8198159

>A salad by definition

a cold dish of various mixtures of raw or cooked vegetables, usually seasoned with oil, vinegar, or other dressing

You mean that definition, faggot? Or did you have another one in mind?

>> No.8198163

meat looks a bit overdone and the peppers dont appear to be cooked, but thats just from what i could see! looks great lad keep up the good work :)

>> No.8198173

vegetables undercooked and deducting for lack of rice i r8 kinda h8

>> No.8198174

salad is pretty much anything but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.8198181

sesame bagels are my shit dude. next time you get a chance, try toasting the bagel, frying an egg and putting some bacon and american cheese on it. spectacular breakfast imo

>> No.8198186
File: 54 KB, 250x250, Osama_Costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american cheese

>> No.8198200


>> No.8198202

thats a BEC on a bagel, where the fuck are you people from?

>> No.8198213

I'd add sultanas to that.

>> No.8198230

>Bacon, egg, and cheese on a toasted bread

Wow, with creativity like that you should really open up a restaurant, Gordon.

>> No.8198239
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I lived on these things in University. Best of all, each box had a coupon for a free game of bowling. The local alley hated me and my buddies at first, but then realized that we ate and drank our keep.

>> No.8198249

>Playing into the bowling alley money laundering schemes

Bowling alleys are notorious for being drug dealing hubs

>> No.8198263

I survived the drugs, anon. But I came out of it with the unholy triumvirate of diabeetus, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol

>> No.8198265

532g red bean soup
350g sweet corn

>> No.8198519

Nice ponk you got there.

>> No.8198520

How can you eat that many pickles?

>> No.8198541
File: 1.08 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_0086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some fried rice with egg, chicken, soy sauce, chili flakes and lemon. Pretty good for me, but not the same as take out chinese

>> No.8198548
File: 378 KB, 1600x1066, DSCN4830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baked rosemary chicken thighs and potatoes, not my own pic tho. It takes no effort, tastes pretty good, and easily feeds everyone

Snacking now on three hardboiled eggs with a bit of Creole seasoning

>> No.8198567

marijuana 1
red bull, alcohol, cigs, and cheeseburgers 0

>> No.8198577
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>> No.8198603

Just finished last container of leftover spaghetti & meat sauce. I know it is pleb tier, but hey, at least I made the sauce myself instead of using bottled shit.

>> No.8198607


>> No.8198670

bone apple tea nigga

>> No.8198684

The people who regularly go to bowling alleys are the worst tier of white trash.

Even in my small town with bored friends did we ever resort to bowling. The atmosphere is always ass

>> No.8198685
File: 1.25 MB, 500x3000, super loaded mash potato burrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a few of these tonight.

>> No.8198688
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Peanuts with a little hot sauce

>> No.8198803

nigga you don't understand

>> No.8198810
File: 188 KB, 1600x1234, 20130821124648-1023786877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shredded potato salad with tomato egg stirfry

>> No.8198834


>> No.8198877

where are your fucking carbohydrates
how can someone eat meat without wheat, rice or potatoes or some shit you monster

how are you going to enjoy the juices of the meat left on the plate without mixing some rice or wiping a piece of bread on it
fuck you

>> No.8198910

Go out in a blaze of glory my breh

God speed motherfucker

>> No.8199103

What is wrong with me /ck/ instead of cooking pasta I just eat the raw sketti and drank some water.

>> No.8199114


But you said that you could make that for half the price and 'infinitely higher quality'...

>> No.8199136

>poor people spend their money wisely

>> No.8199142

this looks more like fajita filling than stir fry

>> No.8199146


>> No.8199151

Ok, you first.

>> No.8199161
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>> No.8199352
File: 3.06 MB, 4160x3120, 14768730321781343301434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>college student
>make own food
>Ramen or steamed rice and stir fry vegetables with Sriracha and various spices
>tfw I'm actually losing weight by not eating shit-tier dorm food

>> No.8199362


>not shit

Lol good one m8

>> No.8199372

Good god that looks gross.

>> No.8199722

The rice was in the rice cooker. The ribs were right off the grill and the salad was in the mixing bowl. Didn't think you guys wanted to see a third picture of plain steamed rice.

>> No.8199743

Salmon with dill sauce in puff pastry with a side of broccoli and Rösti.

>> No.8199746

...spaghettios with meatballs

two cans of them

>> No.8199929
File: 2.39 MB, 2400x2400, its whats for dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the 8 - 18 pack. so pretty much dinner for a while.

>> No.8199932

Leftover chicken divan

So damn good. Most underrated dish

>> No.8199933 [DELETED] 

they look the same coming out as going in.

>> No.8200066

Germanic language family detected

>> No.8200071

>Didn't think you guys wanted to see a third picture of plain steamed rice.

You thought wrong.

This is /ck/.

Where the fuck did you think you were?

>> No.8200075

>didnt have time to make rice

i.e. poor time management

>> No.8200081

>and easily feeds everyone

That's two meals at most if your pic is quantity accurate to what you made as well.

>> No.8200812
File: 936 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG0418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza in bed

>> No.8200847

S-sorry senpai, I'll remember next time

>> No.8200865

Do you know it takes about 10 lbs of potatoes to make a regular bag of potato chips?

>Frito Lay babby

>> No.8200979
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I've lost 32 pounds so far and hate everything.

>> No.8200991

are those really filling or something? or why are you eating that specifically to lose weight?

>> No.8201000

Hey mee toooo

>> No.8201003

>dead bird on pizza
Yikes anon
I'm having steak and potatoes in bed, but without the bird

>> No.8201013

My fridge shit the bed while I was gone for 2 days.
So I'm having fried rice with whatever vegetables I have on hand.
Living is pain.

>> No.8201020

Hillary are you spying on Pepe again?

>> No.8201033

This Friday is my birthday and I may be broke but at least I could afford a cake I just paid for and who knows hopefully my piece of shit rich dad dies in 2017
Anyways I got a Brownie with white chocolate frosting for tonight from cake place, if all I'm getting is cake then I'm getting a DJ good cake

>> No.8201062

They are a very easy way to do hard calorie control.

>> No.8201079


It's very hard for me to stay on track without some kind of regimen. Some people have trouble holding back from gambling or some other vice, I have trouble with food habits. With soylent it's so simple even I can't fuck it up.

>> No.8201100


>> No.8201105

I've considered it myself, though maybe some raw veg on the side for some chewing.

>> No.8201161

The birds are for my kitty

>> No.8201176

Fun fact, in the book it isn't. There's more than one kind of Soylent.

>> No.8201187

homemade chicken soup and costco eggrolls mane.

>> No.8201248

Is it made of blacks

>> No.8201273

I had bacon, eggs, and a mixture of pre frozen fruits, thawed. I've got to eat cheap this month and that was the cheapest I could do at aldis while still being delicious.

>> No.8201402

would shamefully eat if the mashed taters were good enough and the tenders weren't garbage

>> No.8201523
File: 2.73 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20161018_184830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this yesterday but I have leftovers that I'll eat tonight

>> No.8201551
File: 1.58 MB, 2455x1277, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made spicy buttermilk chicken (cayenne/garlic salt/black pepper/pinch of msg/seasoned flour) batter fried chicken marinated overnight in a white wine, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, mustard, fresh cilantro, lemongrass, honey, cayenne and smoked paprika mixture. Fried in peanut oil and leftover grease from a few slices of bacon. Turned out super tender and flavorful. Only change I'd make is maybe make it a little more sweet next time.

As a side I made a spinach and carrot salad with a sauce that I made. I fried 4 pieces of bacon, drained the fat and mixed it in equal parts with a ginger-orange glaze, then added a splash of rice vinegar and water for consistency. Absolutely fantastic. Spinach with crumbled bacon is excellent, and i added chewy pomegranate seeds as a garnish.

For carbs I said fuck it and baked a tray of ranch fries, glazed them in peanut oil and tossed some pepper, garlic and parmesan over them.

Not healthy, but everything worked really well. Probably the best meal I've had in weeks even if it doesn't look like much.

>> No.8201560

>microwaving plastic

>> No.8201564

>no fried bun

>> No.8201565
File: 1.09 MB, 2592x1456, IMG_20161019_214317681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fish tacos, easily the best tacos I've ever had, I just wish I had better wraps.

>> No.8201684

says people who dont live next to a "Bulk Barn"

>> No.8201925

>rib shaped patties

What the fuck is that

>> No.8201941

Rib meat shaped into ribs

>> No.8202112
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>> No.8202131

your screen is disgusting

>> No.8202139

hey i wanna start a soylent diet too but i dunno where to start with, powder or pre made drinks, and also is all of ur food replaced with this stuff?

>> No.8202155

wats that green gobblettygoop

>> No.8202233


>> No.8202405

I can fill my pantry for $10

>needs to buy $50 worth of new tupperware

>> No.8202415

>He doesn't use Mason jars

>> No.8202422

Nash who?

>> No.8202456

Not that anon, but my gf does the pre made ones because she's lazy (by her own admission). She's basically anorexic with a bmi of 17 and has a Soylent in the afternoon and then eats a regular dinner if I'm home, otherwise has more Soylent.

She orders it online and it gets delivered in regular intervals.

>> No.8202458

but the definition of salad is only "with salt"
salad simply means it's salted
the romans invented it this way
looks like somebody used scissors to do something terrible to your spaghetti bro

>> No.8202489

>Fun fact, in the book it isn't. There's more than one kind of Soylent.
fun fact, in the book, it is. There's more than one kind of Soylent, and one of them is made of people. the other one is made of algae. Did you read the book?

>> No.8202702


happy birthday anon

>> No.8202738

Definitions of words change over time.
You're really stupid, do you know that? I don't think you know that.

>> No.8203818


I'd try ordering one box of the bottled kind, see if you like it. Powder kind will save you I think like 10 or 20 cents per meal?

As for replacing all food I don't recommend that. I'd try just having it for breakfast and go from there, it's really up to you how little or how much you want to drink.

One thing, if you try replacing all meals for an extended time, get ready for some real smelly farts the first week. I think it's because gut bacteria is reacting to the change in diet.

Also eat something solid once a week, all liquid diets can mess up your stomach.

>> No.8204153

Same to you Mr Dingdong

>> No.8204175
File: 111 KB, 400x277, 1471211765049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't the fucking autists stay on reddit ffs

>> No.8204190
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Kill yourself

>> No.8204233
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Hash made from last nights Delmonico, root roast(turnip, beet, white sweet potatoes), and sauted button mushrooms. Topped with pan sauce and rosemary. Yukon gold and garlic perogies. Fried egg, runny yolk for 'rogie dipping.

>> No.8204244

that square, 2 tone plate triggers me

>> No.8204246
File: 1.26 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried the reverse sear on the Delmonico. Looked a good medium rare throughout, yet there a few tough spots. Mostly tender. Confused by this. Probably only the 5th steak I've ever made

>> No.8204252

Yeah, got them when I first moved out. I didn't have taste. Probably still don't. Came into some white dinner plates recently. Feeling not so Sad Target Dad anymore

>> No.8204277
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>two meals
fatso detected

>> No.8204285

that's like four or five chicken thighs you mong

>> No.8204289

nevermind, eight chicken thighs. eight. how much do you fucking eat?

>> No.8204934
File: 3.38 MB, 700x285, 1471193871636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barbie doll
>disgusting ass screen
>disgusting ass green shit
>google chrome
>wood walls

Literally remove yourself.