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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 136 KB, 599x1024, plus tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8197506 No.8197506 [Reply] [Original]

What is the average tip percentage when going out to eat?
I'm trying to create a system that creates tiers of how much I should tip given varying circumstances.

For instance the scale of the restaurant. Is it fine dining? Is it casual fast dining? Fast food? To-go pick up? Delivery?
I know the starting tip is 20% but what are some other factors that can make or break the tip?
Any of you coo/ck/s can help me?

Does anyone else on /ck/ do this already and can give me some pointers?

Thanks in advance!

>> No.8197537


tipping isn't expected in my country

>> No.8197545

That's sad, you realize waiters and waitresses only make $0.05 - $2.50 max right? How are they supposed to feed their families, pay their bills, and survive on that? If nobody tipped at all they would be forced to find a better job or go homeless. It's fucked up how America is the only country addressing this issues.

>> No.8197547

Tipping is not mandatory here.

To me it's basically rounding the bill up.

Like if it costs 18, I just give a 20 bill and leave it at that.

>> No.8197555

Is this satire?

>> No.8197557

>average or poor service
No tip
>good service
>literally sucked me off under the table

>> No.8197573

A $2 tip on a $18 order? That's only 9%... Might as well spit in their face.

>not mandatory
Where do you live?
If you go out to eat and you don't bring enough money to tip you're a disgusting immoral human being, these people bust their asses day in and day out for basically what amounts to slave wages and you're okay with not paying them a living wage. Fuck this gay Earth.

>> No.8197581

Round up and divide by 5 you cheap sack of shit

>> No.8197582

Tried reddit-checking these posts but nothing came out
what's your end game lad

>> No.8197588

like this?

Bill: $20

20+ 5 = 25/5 = $5|

So I'm supposed to leave a 25% tip? What if the service was just mediocre? What if the waitress tried to flirt with me? If a waitress tries to flirt with me I deduct 2% every time she comes back to the table and does it until her tip becomes "negative" and I complain to the owner/management. I hate it, It's basically sexual harrassment

>> No.8197590

Is THIS satire?

>> No.8197592

Always wondered why the hell is tipping supposed to be % based.

If in the same restaurant you order a $10 or a $50 meal, why the fuck is the waiter supposed to receive 5 times more money for the latter when they do the exact same job in either case? Tips going to the cooks make much more sense... if there is any sense in tipping in the first place.

>> No.8197599

Do wealthy people pay more taxes just because they make more? No? It's the same principle. Waiters and waitresses in the early 1700s banded together and made a concrete fixed rate for tipping.

In Britain it is based on fractions instead of percentages so I never know what to tip when I go visit my fiancee. Last time I went I ended up accidentally tipping like $30 USD in pounds because their money is confusing

>> No.8197607
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>grammar & spelling
The brain trust of reel mercans. Everything you need to know folks.

>> No.8197617

This is my table for tips:
High dining/haute cuisine: minimal 35%
Moderately priced restaurants: 20%
Fast food: 5-10%

If it's a cute girl I tip her more but if it's a guy I probably won't tip at all regardless unless I'm with company.
I try to ask politely for White or Asian waitstaff but my pleas usually go ignored so if I get stuck with an ethnic that doesn't look hygenic or a colored I either walk out or don't tip.

>> No.8197619

Are Eurocucks braindead? Jesus Christ.

>> No.8197622

Math is clearly not your strong suit. Whole numbers fucktard. And even in the case you "presented" you're giving up an extra fucking buck. Who the hell cares. I loose that shit outta my pocket on the bedroom floor when I change clothes from work at the end of the night. Fucking scumbag.

>> No.8197624


>> No.8197629

I'm more American than you you piece of shit. 6 Mayflower decendents deep, fought in every fucking war this country has faced. William Brewster you motherfucking immigrant trash.

>> No.8197645

I just did the math right retard.
20+ 5 = 25
25/5 =5
5 is the square root of 25
(It's a 25% tip)

>> No.8197655
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>> No.8198636

Are you going to be returning to this place often enough to be recognized by regular staff?
>15-20% assuming good service

Is this a one off visit or will it be so infrequent you will not be recognized?

>> No.8198707

Normal service 15%
Shitty slow service 15%
Went the extra mile 15%
Hot waitress with short skirt 18-25%

>> No.8199873

>I just did the math right retard.
>20+ 5 = 25
>25/5 =5
>5 is the square root of 25
>(It's a 25% tip)

5/25 = ? (Hint: it's not 0.25)

>> No.8199894

>that pic

Every day I find myself empathising with Bin Laden more.

>> No.8199898
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>constantly using your
that has to be ironic trolling. I wish someone would write me all that misogynistic garbage. I feel left out.

>> No.8199922

I generally tip 20% because I don't eat out often, and the mental math is fucking easy, divide bill by 5, you get 20%, great when you're drunk.


I went out the other night and tried a new place near me, got god awful service, like beyond bad.

Got the check, where they have the "helpful" tip suggestions printed.

The tip scale started at 18%

Apparently 20% is barely minimum now.

Back to never eating out.

>> No.8199924


>> No.8199943

I am so glad I live in a country where I don't have to deal with this shit.

>> No.8199953

I was earning 45k AUD as a waiter in a hotel resturaunt, love the americans tipping.

>> No.8199990
File: 37 KB, 599x606, 123651b3bd83dc96bc189d2667a340cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next thing you'll say is that your a descendant of Ann Boleyn

>> No.8200024

delete this thread

>> No.8200116

>What is the average tip percentage when going out to eat?

>> No.8200123

15 or 20%

how I feel about tipping


>> No.8200131

>starting tip is 20%
I'd say it's like 15%. More for better service and if they suck, leave them like a dollar just out of spite

>> No.8200137

If you do a % based tip, do you calculate it on a pretax or after tax basis? I usually do after tax, but I live in an area with high sales tax, so am I overtipping?

>> No.8200145

yes, but alot of places handle the bill like that intentionally so they get you to tip more

>> No.8200337
File: 96 KB, 612x612, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Britain it is based on fractions instead of percentages so I never know what to tip when I go visit my fiancee. Last time I went I ended up accidentally tipping like $30 USD in pounds because their money is confusing
Jesus christ please stay in burgerland

>> No.8200342

If I don't plan on returning, 0.

If I plan on returning, 0 and I think about an excuse not to return.

If it's so good that I must return, 5%, and reluctantly.

>> No.8200356

>6 Mayflower decendents deep

You're British, and always will be.

>> No.8200358

>fractions instead of percentages
niggah what are you talking about

>> No.8200365
File: 20 KB, 425x404, NoPFHp6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8200409


Probably a joke about the old British currency before decimation.

>> No.8200462

Why do you only pay 15% unless they're "hot"?
These people need every single penny they can get. They have families to feed and they only make less than $3/hr

>> No.8200473

Take out 5-15% depending on whether I like them
Normal restaurant 15-25%
Super fancy restaurant 20-25%
Bar 10% on beer 20% on mixed drinks

>> No.8200497

Cheap fuck, you realize tips make or break these people's lives right?

You're tipping 5% or 10% to the people who actually need it. Hope you sleep well at night knowing a family is starving because of you.

>> No.8200508


>> No.8200526
File: 52 KB, 370x369, brewsters-millions1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is he related to monty brewster by any chance?

>> No.8200534

I won't tip because the employer makes up any wage gap between their base wage and minimum wage. Seems like a win-win for all parties involved except the owner.

>> No.8200863

default 10% for good/decent service. I've never tipped more than $3

0% otherwise

>> No.8200948

who the fuck bothers to actually work out the specific percentage?

>> No.8200967

>tipping at a fast food place

What the actual fuck

>> No.8200990

>tfw never tip and you can't make me

>> No.8201001

I divide the total by 7 or just $2 every time.

If they refill drinks slowly, that's a minus.

>> No.8201019

/ck/ really brought out the big guns in this thread. some serious wizardry going on here. I'm out.

>> No.8201121

Yes. It's pretax

>> No.8201128

15% of pretax bill is standard tip where I live. if they want more they should move

>> No.8201313
File: 250 KB, 1000x784, Mr Pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average I heard while growing up is 15%, but I very rarely tip unless I'm at a small family joint or it's a restaurant I frequent


>> No.8202492
File: 26 KB, 327x345, 1469856917750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average is actually 25% in a civilized city, I guess 15% is cool in flyover shitholes but we actually like to feed our waiting staff, sweetie.

>> No.8202519

>The average is actually 25% in a civilized city

fuck you self entitled, unskilled leeches

I cant wait until restaurants replace these fucking Applebees lowlifes with payment machines & runners.

Japan has been doing this for years.

Enjoy your future unemployment, fucking "waiter."

>> No.8202522
File: 123 KB, 880x495, Fuck Waiters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The average is actually 25% in a civilized city,


Fucking self entitled, delusional liberal.

You're unskilled ass is entitled to shit, and you'll get shit.

>> No.8202530

>The average is actually 25% in a civilized city,

Its faggots like this that is hastening alot of the restaurants in Seattle to switch to payment + runners instead of waiters.

And these losers are the ones crying about muh dissapearing waiter jobs.

>> No.8202537

>I try to ask politely for White or Asian waitstaff
I hope they politely ask you to leave after that debacle

>> No.8202606

You realize the rest of the world doesn't use American dollars as currency nor does it have American bullshit police's right?

>> No.8202608

>Japan has been doing this for years

>> No.8202610

>And these losers are the ones crying about muh dissapearing waiter jobs.

Good. Fuck self entitled, whiney "tip beggars"

Waiters as a job needs to go the way of ditch diggers.

>> No.8202614

We do not share the se sense of morality, I'm not obliged to play by your rules
It's funny how you take pity in waiters while actively supporting real slavery used to bring vegetables and chicken to your table not to mention the slavery used to make the device you are using to post right now

>> No.8202618

Income tax is development cancer, Democrats should stop pretending to understand how money works

>> No.8202622

>not to mention the slavery used to make the device you are using to post right now

The standard of living in China has been higher than it ever was in the last 100 years

>> No.8202628

But that's not 9% you idiot

>> No.8202698

What the fuck does dividing 5 by 25 do? The meal costs 25 dollars not 5 dollars.

>> No.8202832

no. this is not how that works.

im a server and make 2.13 an hour plus tips. let's say that you come in and dont tip me because you think my employer will pay the difference. at the same time i have two other tables and tip me $4 each. in that hour i have made $8, which is above min wage. so i still get fucked.

this is why on a good day i can make $300 and on a bad day with shitty people like you i can walk out with $15.

fuck you.

>> No.8202837

That's hostesses, you shit.

Waiters and waitresses get paid min. wage and tips. Hostesses get paid 6 bucks hourly.

>> No.8202843

Glad I live in a civilised country without entitled fucks like you.

>> No.8202852

$15 is a generous day's pay for bringing food you didn't cook to people's tables and filling up their glasses occasionally while playing on your fucking phone, you talentless, whiny, braindead cunt. I can't wait until the fucking Japanese monkeys take over your useless "jobs."

>> No.8202892

Why tip yhe waiters? They just bring the food.
If anything why not tip the chef for making the food?

>> No.8202901

10-15% for good service, up to, but not exceeding, $5.00.

>> No.8202980

Where I live it's not so comen to Tip. I think this is stuipid because the waiter/waitress is paid by the owner of the resturant, she will get paid if she does her job good or bad(+-8€/h). So why should this persone do her/his best if she doesnt have any gain from it?

>> No.8203403

>the employer makes up any wage gap between their base wage and minimum wage
Just so you know this isn't how it works. No floorstaff will say they weren't tipped enough because then the employer will stop giving them shifts

>> No.8203444

only at extremely expensive restaurants like Ruth's Chris or any 5-star restaurant in Branson, high cuisine capital of the world.

>> No.8203448

>tipping on a take out order where there was literally no service provided other than swiping my card

How about no

>> No.8203466

We cook your food, we make your orders, we know who you are, we have your phone numbers. Do NOT fuck with us!

If you don't tip to-go orders the chef basically gets bare minimum wage while doing 40x more work than any of the other chuckle cucks - fucking about in the kitchen like this shit is a game.

You sound like a fruity little sweet-tart cocksuckijng fairy and I hope you fucking die of leukemia, I hope all of your family get leukemia you ignorant piece of shit. Literally McFucking Kill yourself you degenerate mongloid pea-brained manchild faggot.

>> No.8203479

>McFucking kill yourself

>> No.8203483

I'd call Vancouver a civilized city. You sound like a cunt so I'm glad you willingly pay 10% more than me for every meal

>> No.8203487

Just saying, small town/big town differences. I live in small town now. Have like 10 restaurants. 3 I go to regularly for dinner. I almost always do 20%. Maybe 25%. If you're in a situation like that, tipping well is worth it. I walk in the door and a drink is in my hand by the time I sit down. Staff has always been friendly, and I can guarantee I get good service.

Getting close with a waiter is worth it, but if it's big town where you never see someone again, 15% if good. 10% if OK. 0 if bad.

>> No.8203492
File: 23 KB, 341x500, 1467219811564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's it feel to know that your waitress/waiter spits in your food?
Enjoy your tasty pube and dingleberry seasoned burgers you fat faggot.

>> No.8203495

>We cook your food
The cooks do, and they don't get tips
>we make your orders
Pressing a few buttons on POS system doesn't warrant a tip
>we know who you are
No you don't
>we have your phone numbers
You assume you do
>Do NOT fuck with us!
I'm sorry but Fight Club isn't a real representation of the power you wield as a minimum wage loser.

I pay for the food, I come get the food, I leave with the food. There is no service of any kind involved in this exchange, so I'm not going to pay an extra 20% because you don't know how to negotiate a wage or suck too much to work at a real restaurant.

>> No.8203500


>> No.8203520

You complain that you on a good day make 300. 300 fucking dollars. In a day. I make 10 an hour and get about 15 in tips a day, and im just fine with that amount so why dont you take that money, spend it wisely and budget yourself so you dont end up with pocket change at the end of the month and cry like an entitled brat that you dont get tipped with every table you serve.
>Oh boo hoo i cant budget properly so people need to give me more money.

Heres my %25 tip for you, faggot. Maybe if you were better at your job more people would be enclined to tip you.

>> No.8203531

If you want to make extra on take out food then increase your menu prices. I'm not paying a service charge on services I don't receive.

>> No.8203550

haha this. If the waiter doesn't suck my cock under the table he can forget about his tip, since he didn't take care of mine.

>> No.8203551

>You think my employer will pay the difference
>two other tables tip me $4 each
>in that hour I have made $8, which is above min wage
So...you meet minimum wage? What are you complaining about you shitass? Your job is to take orders, serve food, and bring people drinks. It doesn't merit anything above minimum wage.

>> No.8203552

I tip 15-25% when I'm actually being served at a restaurant.
If you want free money when I get takeout you can go fuck yourself.

>> No.8203609

Wow you sound like an entitled faggot. Dont like the job you have?Get a better paying one. Cant do that? Well i guess beggars cant be choosers huh. When im working and get a tip i thank the person for doing that because i know its optional and im thankful they chose to give the staff extra money for doing their job which they already are getting paid for. Also btw worked boh and foh for refrence. Going the extra mile is the only thing we can do to possibly get extra tips and even then, just because someone puts in the extra effort, tipping is still optional. Being an angsty beta faggot and whining on an anon immage board is also an option but it doesnt get you tips and it doesnt sway people to your side of the tip/no tip arguement. So i guess you are stuck being angry about it in your off time too you fucking retard.

>> No.8203624

if my soda ever gets empty or any one or myself realizes we have been left alone too long thats when the percentages start dropping..

>> No.8204287

H-how did you know I was fat?

>> No.8204320

Tip should be 0 always. You're getting paid to do your job so fucking do it and don't expect handouts

>> No.8204322

Nice bait, bet you don't even know why tipping was introduced, huh, faggot?

>> No.8204323

>they would be forced to find a better job
I see nothing wrong with this

>> No.8204332

It was bribe for better service during the depression? No?

>> No.8204361


What did he mean by this?

>> No.8204363

same desu
Except tipping IS expected in my country. I just don't want to support cancerous practices.

>> No.8204377

The bill is 20
The retarded rounded up to 25 for some reason, and then divided by 5
5 is 25% of 20
Both of you are stupid, but you're an even bigger retard

>> No.8204984

You get a -F in math faggot.

>> No.8205181

Lookin good dudes, I'm funky the monkey ready to chest it out, cruisin over the barrel man ready to ride the skies go get that kavu it just aint cool everythings looking cool guys lets cruise some clouds.

>> No.8205444

A lot of effort goes into keeping a table happy. I don't live in burgerland so I can't relate to the needing tips to survive, but it is polite. With regulars, even the rude ones, I would go to the effort to memorize their meals/drinks/other preferences. Certain tables would come in, I'd greet them and ask about their day, and their food would be ready by the time they settled in. If they only tipped a $2 or something I didn't mind, but it was a nice gesture in exchange for my effort. I don't have to take care of my tables, I could do the bare minimum and just keep their water filled and bring them their food. But even with random customers, I'd do my best to get on their level and keep them happy. I feel like if you get good service it's just a good thing to do to tip.
Similarly, I have a few restaurants I frequent now. I once called ahead to enquire about something, and my waiter had it on my table and paid for it for me by the time I was there. That deserves a fucking tip. If I go to a restaurant and I'm more or less ignored, food takes forever, waitress is dicking off somewhere of course you wouldn't tip.
Really, the blame should be on Murica's shitty laws allowing the wait staff to be underpaid, forcing customers to turn something polite done in exchange for good service into part of their wage. No need to get so rustled at anyone in particular

>> No.8205448

>20% is the new standard
>25% if above average
>no reason to go 30% or higher
>15% if shit. don't do 10%

>> No.8205450

Nice trips+ what you said is exactly how I feel about tipping

>> No.8206234

can't survive on $15/day.