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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8191053 No.8191053 [Reply] [Original]

Fuckin hell popeyes... $5 for all this

>> No.8191057

im the kfc guy
ill be going there next

>> No.8191062

all i see is is filler.

>> No.8191064

>getting the regular rice instead of the red beans and rice

You fucked up, OP

>> No.8191068

I don't know about Popeyes, but for me personally, I'd rather have a McChicken Sandwich from McDonalds. The best fast food sandwich.

>> No.8191076

wendys has better chicken sandwiches

>> No.8191082

Wendy is a whore who fucks the clown atop your orders.

>> No.8191093

being 12 must be fun

>> No.8191103

no u

>> No.8191126

More like ~$8

>> No.8191141
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>> No.8191200

Woah I'm sorry senpai. Is this a new deal going on or have i been living under a rock for the past year of not going to popeyes? If this is legit I'm seriously going there for that after the gym

>> No.8191211 [DELETED] 

>sorry we are out of fries

fuck this nigger place.

>> No.8191223

Excuse me, this is a blue board!

>> No.8191230

>fries and rice

>> No.8191231

the one i went to wouldn't take an amex. only place i ever ran into that wouldn't.

>> No.8191236

it's better than the church's we use to have in town
"sorry we ain't got no cheykan we gone fry sum but it be like 15 minutes"
this wasn't just a one time thing either, there was a 50/50 chance that this was the case anytime

>> No.8191241

hey queer you left your name on for some retarded, gay reason. just making sure you know you like to fuck butts

>> No.8191248

>americans have a specific name for large amounts of carbohydrates served by fast food joints

>> No.8191252

bullshit, a bunch of stores don't take amex

>> No.8191258

fuck your shit card with special pos charges beyond running a visa or mastercard. Discoverfags too.

>> No.8191273

I'm pretty sure it's just a word for shit you don't really care about, but you can turn this into an "Americans are fat" thing if you really want to.

>> No.8191287

That's what I was trying to do, thanks for your blessing

>> No.8191297

Sorry, I forgot to call you retarded for toting your stale memes.

>> No.8191299

No problem, try not to forget next time

>> No.8191307

That's not my name, it's my preference.

>not fucking butts
who's the real fag now?

>> No.8191383

Lets see:

>boiled starch
>deep fried starch
>yeast/flour starch
>flour/seasoning starch bonded to cheapest source of animal protein available

>good deal

>> No.8193088

/r/corporate, anyone?

>> No.8193211

They had it before and then they didn't and now they do again. It's real. Does not come with a drink though last I knew.

>> No.8193229

>no drink
fuck Popeye's this deal is shit

>> No.8193325

>~4oz of chicken (probably an oz of breading)
>carbs (rice)
>carbs (fries)
>cards (bread)
>no greens
lmao $5 is expensive as fuck for this shit meal.

>> No.8193453

Could be made at home for under a dollar. Guess your paying for the wonderful ambience of the restaurant: air saturated with the smell of rancid oil.

>> No.8193461

Is that cup filled with maggots?

>> No.8193475

> three tiny tenders and two disappointing sides without a drink for 5 buckaroos! What a deal!

>> No.8193479

>le carbs maymay


Fuck off cuck.

>> No.8193480

what world do you live in where you can get a potato, rice and chicken for under a dollar?

Reasonable prices
Potato - $1
Oil - $0.50

Flour - $0.01
Butter - $0.20

Rice - $0.03
Beef - $0.50 (very small amount of beef)

Chicken wing - $0.80
Chicken Breast - $1.00

So about $3.50 for everything, plus you get to save time. Granted Popeyes is able to buy everything in bulk and cook for hundreds, so their oil is reused, making it cheaper for them. Also since it would take you about an hour to bake biscuits, fry chicken, potatoes and rice, I'd say the $1.50 for time isn't too high.

Unless you live in some shitty 3rd world country and your time is worth less than $3 an hour.

>> No.8193483

Kill yourselves.

>> No.8193495

Flour is more expensive than potato!

>> No.8193520

I'm sorry you don't live near a Popeye's (eurotrash?) and you have to behave like this online.

>> No.8193522


Looks like shit

>> No.8193523


So 2 cents an ounce, I was damn close at 1 cent.


So 3 cents an ounce. Granted we are talking about a large bag, in my area potatoes are normally about $1 a pound for loose potatoes.

What kind of fucking retard are you? Even if you assume the potato is free because you live in Estonia and your annual government stipend of one potato was yesterday you are looking at well over $2.

If your goal is to save less than $3 and spend over an hour feel free to be pompous.

I don't give a shit about popeyes, I don't eat there, but don't act like you have a great financial plan based around pulling numbers out of your ass.

>> No.8193525

Kill yourself.

>> No.8193549

Your quantities are way off. That amount of potato isn't even 1 whole russet. 2 pieces of lowest grade chicken, maybe 1/4 lb when it sells for $0.49 /lb everywhere. Maybe 1/8 lb of shittiest ground beef and that's probably way more than is in there - $0.25 or less.

Yes, under $1.00, fucknuts.

>> No.8193564

>2 pieces of lowest grade chicken,

How do you know this retard?

I'm am sick and tired of this who "cook it at home meme". Fuck off retard. So if I want to have a quick lunch, you want me to race to the market, go buy chicken, spices, oil, flour, potatoes and a fryer?

No you retard.

>> No.8193571

value fastfood makes me laugh

like nigga, you are putting that in your body and you are bragging about it being cheap

do you not care about your health at all?

>> No.8193573

>I just saw Super Size ME

>> No.8193576

>How do you know this retard?

What else would it be? You think they're serving heritage free-range chicken at a fast food restaurant?

>>So if I want to have a quick lunch, you want me to race?

I don't give a shit what's fastest. I care what tastes the best and what's cheapest. And homemade wins on both of those counts.

And frankly, that meal could be prepared in 15 minutes at home. It would take me longer to drive to popeye's and order it than it would to cook it at home.

>> No.8193579

>You think they're serving heritage free-range chicken
By your logic, if it's not free ranged, it's a low quality chicken?

>I don't give a shit what's fastest. I care what tastes the best and what's cheapest. And homemade wins on both of those counts.

Except it doesn't, especially when you're cooking it.

Please tell all this to a mother of a family of 5 who's working every 9 hours a week and needs to feed their family quickly and cheaply.

>> No.8193580

>A potato
What dystopian hell do you live in?

>> No.8193584

Theres green beans available u fuckin pleb piece of shit

>> No.8193587

I never get a drink with my fast food order. It's usually overpriced and never drink soda anyway.

>> No.8193593 [DELETED] 

>Please tell all this to a mother of a family of 5

Maybe she shouldnt have had 5 children by 5 different black fathers, and now be stuck alone like a useless wreck.

What did she expect?
That the fathers would pay for daddy babby fried chicken?

>> No.8193598
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>This thread

>> No.8193613

I couldn't care less if you want to scrape up dogshit from the neighbors yard for a quick and cheap meal, but don't post and brag about it on /ck/ without expecting to get butthurt.

>> No.8193618

OP wasn't bringing.

This is a food and cooking thread and he posted some food that he bought. If you don't like it, you can go make your thread about your activated almonds and emu meatballs your pretentious douche.

>> No.8193622


>> No.8193628

but anon! if they don't bitch like a menstruating faggot over everything people might keep on liking what they don't like!

>> No.8193629

Please show me 1- a chicken breast with bone weighing less than a quarter pound and 2- chicken for 49 cents a pound.

>> No.8193638

Outside of DC. It's cheaper than many spots I've been to. Way cheaper than Iceland or Paris.

>> No.8193652

So basically, you're not allowed to like fast food?

>> No.8193685

Where do you get this 15 minute number?

Cook time on fried chicken is 8-15 minutes, fires are 5 - 10 minutes, rice is 30 minutes minimum, biscuits cook for at least 15 minutes.

Assuming prep takes zero time and you pre made rice and you have two fryers then you might be able to do it in 15 minutes.

Realistically you are looking at about 20 minutes active and 30 minutes cook time. You might be able to drop it to 20 minutes total if you have A professional kitchen.

>> No.8193719

My mistake, I thought those were tenders and not larger pieces of whole chicken.

My plan was something like this:
0: walk into kitchen, turn on deep fryer. At the 1 minute mark the rice is in the rice cooker, seasoning added, turned on. Then start to cut up potatoes & get breading ready for the chicken. At the 5 minute mark the fryer is ready. Chicken goes in, and so do the fries for the 1st fry. Up the temp on the frier after the 1st fry. Pull chicken whenever it's done. 2nd fry the fries. Should be doable in 15 min.

Doing both the fries and the chicken in the same fryer isn't exactly ideal, but then again we're comparing to fast food that's been sitting out under a heatlamp so I think the quality will be comparable.

Yeah, if you make 'em from scratch it would take longer than 15 min. You've certainly got me there. I happen to have a commercial convection microwave in my home that will make biscuits from frozen to fully baked in a little over 5 minutes. I'm so used to it that I forget that's not a normal household appliance. If you were doing it with a normal home oven you're exactly right--that would take longer than 15 min for sure.

>> No.8193722

t. dyels

>> No.8193723

Well, no cares fag.

>> No.8193724

Okay where the fuck do you live where food is that cheap? A chicken breast for $1.00? In your dreams.

>> No.8193726


Sure they do. That's why they asked me where the 15 minute number came from. If you don't want to hear the answer to a question, don't ask it.

>> No.8193791

Sorry, not going to be your coupon clipper but they're advertised weekly as a lost leader for 10lb bags weekly in my midsized Southern city.

>> No.8193850

>2 battered and deep fried pieces of protein
>biscuit (starch)
>fries (deep fried starch)
>rice (starch)

This is why people are fat as fuck and get the diabeetus.

The "special" is 2 pieces of chicken, a biscuit, and 2 sides, and this nigger orders 2 sides of starch to go with his side of starch. What a dumb ass.

Popeye's also has green beans and slaw as sides, and while the slaw probably has a shitload of sugar and fats, the green beans and slaw sides would at least round out the starch, protein, and fat found in the chicken and biscuit.

>> No.8193882
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Enjoying your activated almonds?

>> No.8193887

>Dude starch crabs lmao

Please stop pretending to be from /fit/.

>> No.8193895

How's the 40 pounds of kale going for you?

>> No.8193904

So, have the dipshits crying in this thread never heard of moderation?

>> No.8193905

you can pick out of like 8 sides though...

>> No.8193913


>thinks watching super size me invalidates my comments

I saw that shit in highschool and I thought it was obvious and retarded

fastfood isn't meant to be eaten everyday, couldve told you that in the fourth grade.

It was always a treat growing up. A reward, even.

>> No.8193918

Oh so you do eat Fast Food?

Don't you care about your health at all

>> No.8193926

> 5 children by 5 different black fathers


>> No.8193928

>It was always a treat growing up. A reward, even

Jesus fuck. What was your normal diet like such that fast food tasted better by comparison?

>> No.8193930

Well, when you're starving yourself by eating nothing but flax seeds and kale, you've got to have something else.

>> No.8193932

Moderation doesn't exist on 4chan. It's only one extreme or the other.

>> No.8193945
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>all these butthurt fatties

>> No.8193982
File: 328 KB, 549x643, Love that diabeetus from Popeye's.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11 side dishes
>only 2 consist of something that isn't some kind of starch, deep fried, or coated with fats and sugars

G'damn Popeye's, what the fuck?

>> No.8193989


What do you expect from a restaurant whose business model is based around a deep fryer?

Do you go to a BBQ smokehouse and ask for oven-roasted foods? Do you expect a pizza place to offer steamed foods?

>> No.8193990
File: 1004 KB, 320x240, Chi'chin with fries and extra racism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you fat bastards made this?


>> No.8194015

But why don't they cater to me personally?

>> No.8194055


Not that guy but you seem like a big faggot and nobody asked for your blog on "stuff you would do if you felt like it" .

>> No.8194065

Red beans and rice master race side...you dun goofed OP.

>> No.8194068

>getting two pieces and not the tenders
I'm 5'10 and weigh 230
the big box and an arizona Ice tea fill me up quite well

The problem with bullshit like this is that even after you're done making this, you have all this excess that you have to deal with
so instead of 3.50 for one meal
you have $25 for one meal and a bunch of other potential meals you still have to make later, assuming you got the exact proportions right
you're also forgetting the beans, the onions, the hot sauce, the marinade for the chicken, etc etc

>> No.8194069
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>white knighting for junk food vendors

>> No.8194085

Not only that, but people who break meals down into cost per serving are forgetting the most expensive resource
You'd have to take at least 3 hours out of your day just to make that one meal
And assuming you bought enough to last a week, that's still maybe 30 minutes out of every day

or you could spend 10 minutes driving to the popeyes and back

>> No.8194126

>bullshit like this
>3.50 for one meal

We already established it's under a buck, you illiterate fagfuck. And you've got the ingredients to make a shitload of other crap meals yourself instead of paying a 500% markup for garbage and thinking it's a great deal.

As far as the time it takes to cook that crap, about 30 minutes or so. It helps burning off the calories of that monstrously indigestble mass of starch, too. Perhaps stop watching your bro's making an imbecile of themselves on Maury or Jerry Springer and you'd be surprised how much time you have.

>> No.8194136


Get over yourself faggot

>> No.8194155

Wow you're a faggot.

>> No.8194167

That doesn't look like $5 worth of food. More like $2.

>> No.8194186

You look more like $1.50 worth of man.

>> No.8194210

Sorry, I didn't mean to insult the company you work for.

>> No.8194442

Nobody is butthurt lol we're laughing at you

>> No.8194519

wew lad

you are so gosh darn dumb

>> No.8195290

>5 buckaroos!
thats enough joey

>> No.8195322
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The superior

>> No.8195388

>not getting two orders of fries or fries and mac n cheese

>> No.8195399

That may be enough internet for you for the evening, but nothing you said, "lad," contradicts your severe butthurt.

>> No.8195405

And just how did you come to that conclusion, Popeye. It certainly isn't the amont of spinach you've been eating.

>> No.8195428

Soul food??

>> No.8195440

>want to get some fried chicken
>only Popeyes and KFC located near me are in primarily black towns

Welp, guess I'll just have some burgers.

>> No.8195451

Surprise, surprise Gomer.
Have you been reading this thread, or just stopped by for a biscuit?

>> No.8195753

That is some sad looking chicken :(

>> No.8195771

That actually looks like a lot of food for one person, anon.

>> No.8195896

What the fuck is that side? Maggots?

>> No.8195905

>implying you are not, in fact, a nigger

>> No.8197006

What's the problem with black towns?

>> No.8198776


>> No.8198799

I got this the otherday
>tenders are stupid small
>"""green beans"""
>mashed potatoes
>no drink so you have to tack on atleast another dollar + change

Popeyes knows what they are doing

>> No.8200059

nobody cares dick

>> No.8200064

What did he mean by this

>> No.8200077

Why do my threads keep getting deleted then
Haha man kill yourself

>> No.8200168

>I happen to have a commercial convection microwave in my kitchen that I use to heat my dildos before I ran them in my asshole

>> No.8200204

Because you're a serial shitposter and a bit of a cunt I'd guess.

>> No.8200562

I buy 8 lb bags of potatoes for about $2

Are you saying that's 4 lbs of fries?

>> No.8201012


>> No.8201491

Bk chicken sandwich is way better.

>> No.8201502
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Driving to your house to settle this.

>> No.8201950

carbthefuckup m8s

>> No.8201958

probably closer than you'd think actually, just because of all the water and moisture they lose