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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8193186 No.8193186 [Reply] [Original]

Is Japanese food really healthy and delicous like Japanese themselves boasted ?

>> No.8193204

yes it is, but only if you dont overdo it

>> No.8193212

Most food is healthy assuming you dont eat a bathtub of it.

>> No.8193255

plenty of untrimmed fat, animal fat used for cooking, thick fatty cuts of meat, sugar and sodium

Japanese food never comes out offensively tasteless or shitty, but the flipside is that it is never stunningly delicious. Aside from sushi, I almost never crave any Japanese dish, which is strange.

>> No.8193260

It's not the poison itself, but the dosage.

>> No.8193262
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>salmon sushi

>> No.8193528

You've obviously never had okonomiyaki, ramen (not instant noodles), yakitori, takoyaki, etc

Theres plenty of bland Japanese food but theres also tons of food with a big taste

>> No.8193530

Salmon sushi is the 2nd most popular sushi right under maguro in Japan.

Whats your point

>> No.8193534

You are right about the ramen. I don't not crave it. I am repulsed by it. That shit was vile.

>> No.8193591

>plenty of untrimmed fat, animal fat used for cooking, thick fatty cuts of meat
Considering how fucking expensive meat is there I think you're making shit up. Or you've only had shitty americanized "Japanese" food.

>> No.8193600
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Only weebs eat Japanese food

>> No.8193605

I know this is ironic shitposting but I'm pretty sure having chinese cartoon reaction pics also makes you a weeb.

>> No.8193610

Its more expensive than the US, but pork still pretty close in price to the US.

You really only see a few cuts of it in store. Ground pork, cutlets for tonkatsu, the fake bacon, ham deli meat, and the big thick fatty cuts that are where I believe real bacon comes from but is used totally differently in Asia. Its usually served whole, which I've tried to like but can only eat a little bit of it, or its used to flavor broths like tonkotsu ramen.

Shoyu, tonkotsu, or miso? Also did you have it in Japan or elsewhere? In America there are restaurants that get sushi correct, you just have to overpay for it. So far I've found zero places in the US that are even as good as the low end ramen restaurants no matter how much you're paying.

>> No.8193619


That's why I posted it, because I'm a weeb that likes Japanese food

>> No.8193631

Pork and chicken prices there aren't so bad, but beef is expensive. Although genuine wagyu from the store there at ~$20 per 100g (on sale) is still the best beef I've ever had.

>> No.8193633

actually the most popular foods in japan are the most filling. Stuff like curry, fluffy bread sandwiches, meatloaf, burgers, fried chicken. They are just as bad as the USA. The one thing they are good at is portion control and not eat till they explode.

>> No.8193636

Meat is seen as a flavoring for rice or noodles.

>> No.8193643

Well yes, since meat is a side dish along with whatever other okazu you're eating with your rice.

>> No.8193646

But here in NA, meat is seen as the main dish and the starch to be the side dish.

>> No.8193648


Western food will be the end of glorious nippon

>> No.8193650

No more so than any other national cuisine. The Japanese eat a lot of fried foods and foods high in fat and sodium.

The main difference is that they tend to eat smaller portions.

>> No.8193657

It'll be a long time before Japan really has to worry.

The amount of fat to obese people here is insane and its the first thing you always notice if you travel basically anywhere abroad but especially to Japan.

Plus they love to shame people in Japan, and its an unspoken rule that if you gain a little bit of weight its open season on you for your friends and family to make fun of you until you drop the weight.

>> No.8193665

Yeah, I guess the shame will reign it in quite a bit. Plus shit like the metabo law will just reinforce negative stereotypes about being a lardass

>> No.8193680

That's beautiful. Fat shaming should be made acceptable here. All shaming should reign supreme. Only then will the world be a decent place.

>> No.8193900

Well eating a lot of seafood, vegetables, and fermented foods is good but stuff like their fried chicken isn't really healthier than fried chicken anywhere else.

>> No.8193960

It is not seen as rude as much as it is seen as concern for your health.

>> No.8193983
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yeah, japan has the most high stomach cancer prevalence in the world because of that

reminder that best diet for homo sapiens is mediterranean diet

>> No.8195119

Japanese people also live the longest, which is really what matters

>> No.8195128


Both these need to be taken into account: high rates of stomach cancer, but at the same time there is more cancer in countries with long life expectancy because people life long enough to develop cancer. Older you are, the greater the chances of cancer.

>> No.8195155

>You are right about the ramen. I don't not crave it. I am repulsed by it. That shit was vile.

I know taste is subjective but I honestly don't know how anyone could have come to this conclusion. It's probably the food I miss most from Japan. Winter was so cozy, coming in from the cold and getting a big steaming bowl with a serve of gyoza. And dirt cheap too. I didn't have one bad bowl during my whole time there.

>> No.8195185

I've had all of them. Ramen is the most attractive, but it's pretty much Chinese food. Still, the taste doesn't really make up for the huge fat and carb profile and relatively minute protein profile it provides, even for 7 bucks a bowl.

The rest is edible not but impressive. Not a day goes by where I miss Osaka cuisine.

>> No.8195187

Much harder to eat decent food in USA especially because not nearly as urban so it couldn't work

>> No.8195190

>Plus they love to shame people in Japan, and its an unspoken rule that if you gain a little bit of weight its open season on you for your friends and family to make fun of you until you drop the weight.
Welp, that's far from the course from the japanese, since they have a culture of shame, self hate, exclusion, discrimination (mostly passive agressive), and overall repression.

Enjoy the things they produce sure but, dont live in there.

>> No.8195192

>how fucking expensive
it's overpriced, not fucking expensive. and that just proves my point; meat is expensive so they use untrimmed fat. fat is always cheaper than lean meat anyway.

>> No.8195200

>muh life expectancy meme

Japan has a shrinking population, of course their age of mortality is older. How do statistics work

>> No.8195228


Yeah, except for the white rice and all the mercury in the fish (especially tuna). Also the radiation.

>> No.8195235

There's really nothing wrong with white rice as long as you don't have too much. It's somewhat easier for your stomach to digest then brown rice, which makes it easier to absorb nutrients. Brown rice has it's benefits too, obviously, but I've always had an easier time with white.

>> No.8195261

> It's somewhat easier for your stomach to digest then brown rice, which makes it easier to absorb nutrients.

If by nutrients you mean simple carbohydrates that affect the body in roughly the same way as sugar, yeah.

But if you're not on the verge of starvation, it would really be better to add in some fiber and not digest it quite so easily - this goes double for the amerilards out there. You don't need "easily digestible carbohydrates", I can assure you that you get plenty of calories already.

Moreover, the fiber in brown rice -- which provides health benefits on its own - is totally absent in white rice, along with many micronutrients and other beneficial constituents.

So yeah, white rice is not horrible for you in small amounts, but it's not good for you either. It (along with white bread) correlates with a higher risk of developing diabetes, for one. Brown rice, by contrast, correlates with a lower risk of developing diabetes, and in general is actually healthy.

>> No.8195265
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The japanese eat like 1/5 of the typical Anerican serving. I got this curry in Japland and they were absolutely stunned to see 1 person eat the whole thing

>> No.8195292

The only think I could think of where "untrimmed fat" is used is okinawan pork and maybe tonkotsu, other than that I'd love to hear what Japanese dishes you're thinking about where the main ingredient is fatty meat.

>> No.8195304

many kinds of yakiniku
any kind of beef or pork hot-pot
fried chicken (kara-age)

what the hell, just about anything that contains meat, unless that dish specifically calls for a lean cut of meat, but Japanese largely prefer fatty cuts. chicken thigh to breast, pork belly to loin, and so on.

>> No.8195315

Its the worst sushi

>> No.8195316

>Is Japanese food really delicous

Why don't you, you know, eat some? Then you could form your own opinion rather than relying on a Mesopotamian cuneiform-stamping forum.

>> No.8195330

They weren't so much stunned, as they were just having their preconception of the barbaric "gaijin" confirmed. No need to feel ashamed, it's just the truth.

>> No.8195349

When you live there and aren't just trying to show off how gaijin you are, you realize its unsustainable to eat that much food all the time because of how expensive it is.

It sucks for about a month and then you start shedding pounds (combined with all the walking) and feeling better because you learn that the Japanese size portion is actually the amount of food you need to eat.

>> No.8195391
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>anything Salmon

>> No.8195425

Salmon sushi is LUSH you MASSIVE faggot.

>> No.8195624

Salmon sushi is firmly mediocre. Its definitely not bad but lets not pretend its ootoro or even chuutoro

>> No.8195637

why dont they just cook the fucking fish?

>> No.8195638

>wow this inexpensive and popular type of sushi isn't as good as two of the most expensive ones so that makes it mediocre

>> No.8195642

Its also not as good maguro, unagi, tamago.

Its about equal with negitoro and ebi which are the cheapest sushi

>> No.8195645

Because it tastes good. Why don't they cook oysters on the half shell, or steak tartare?

>> No.8195669

have you tried raw salmon? it's a different sensation than cooked, gently chewy and kind of melty from the fat, like a rare or medium steak. raw fatty salmon is like the mango of the protein world: soft, juicy and full of smooth flavor.

>> No.8195826

Why is ramen is like 10 bucks at a restaurant? Where can I get good cheaper ramen in San Diego?

>> No.8195833

>white rice is not horrible for you in small amounts, but it's not good for you either. It (along with white bread) correlates with a higher risk of developing diabetes.
Yup, that explains perfectly why nobody in Japan, China, Korea or Thailand had diabetes when their diet was 80% carbs from white rice.

>it would really be better to add in some fiber and not digest it quite so easily - this goes double for the amerilards out there
Americans have one of the lowest carb intakes in the world.

What a fucking joke you people are.

>> No.8195837

I eat around 600g of carbs a day. Is that considered low?

>> No.8195847

You're full of shit. I've been living in Japan for 3.5 years now and Japanese portions are regularly the same size as/bigger than American sizes.

>> No.8195853

You can get large portions in Japan, but you will be paying 1.5-3x more for it depending on exactly what it is.

The only places you can really get stuffed without paying way above the cost of the normal meal is maybe at a tabehoudai if you just shovel food in or if you're counting places that give you tons of filler like unlimited rice or unlimited bean sprouts

>> No.8195855

You're right. The problem with many sushi chefs outside Japan is that they use farmed salmon for their sushi, which makes the sushi taste even worse. If anyone wants to eat salmon sushi, they should only eat wild salmon sushi. Wild salmon have bright orange flesh whereas farmed salmon have pink flesh.

Kuromaguro sushi is one of the best.

>> No.8195867

>be poor
>feel hungry
>finds a fast food restaurant
>gets served tea
>order salad
>help yourself to all the pink ginger you can eat to fill yourself up
that's the best I can think of, places with unlimited rice or bean sprouts are pretty rare, if there are even places like that.

>> No.8195871

Niggriss what is that shi, oh who am i kidding, you are probably right.

>> No.8195874

The weeaboo butthurt in this thread is off the scale.
Face facts; nip food is overrated, bland crap.

>> No.8195875

Where exactly do you live in Japan?

Unlimited rice is pretty common at a lot of ramen places in Tokyo now, because who the fuck wants rice with ramen, although some make you pay a little extra for it. Now that I think about it quite a few decent places will give you unlimited noodles until your broth is gone, especially if you get tsukemen. Pretty much all family restaurants have unlimited rice, although I admit I've only seen the unlimited bean sprouts at one or two ramen shops.

Are you considering ramen shops and sushi-yas as fast food? Salads with meals is nearly always an extra at those places and almost everywhere else and do you really eat a fuck ton of ginger instead of just going to the conbini and getting a 150 yen chicken leg if you have to feel stuffed?

>> No.8195878
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>> No.8196161
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The fantasy of the westerner.
The Japanese foods are not particularly healthy.
Fat Man is to the Japanese, and there are many sick people, too.
The Japanese foods are delicious for a Japanese.
In all world, the dish of the hometown is delicious.

>> No.8196169

not really, no. but they eat small portions and are not prone to 1000 calorie snack sessions like westerners.

>> No.8196368

Great argument, retard.

>> No.8196517

Thats not how that works at all. It's the average of any individuals lifespan. Please go back to high school.

>> No.8196534

>Most food is healthy

No - most food doesn't cause you considerable detriment to your health if you don't eat obscene amounts. That's not the same as the food substance in itself being healthy in smaller quantities.

>> No.8196610


>Americans have one of the lowest carb intakes in the world.

A gallon of french fries as a snack is not a low carb intake.

>> No.8196636


You realise that sugar is a carb right?

Americans have the highest sugar intake in the world. Even their fucking bread has hfcs in it.

>> No.8196642


Possibly one of the dumbest posters ive seen on /ck/

>> No.8196645

Yes but don't eat more than the allotted portions

>> No.8196819

this is a top level troll

>> No.8197247

But anon, what if i was born cancer?

>> No.8197368

Where can I get that cute anime cop sake?

>> No.8197672

>Yup, that explains perfectly why nobody in Japan, China, Korea or Thailand had diabetes when their diet was 80% carbs from white rice.

They have totally different eating habits on the whole, much of which counteracts relative risk: less red meat and more fish, for example; smaller portions overall, and consequently a lower BMI; less added sugar and a better balance of fat; more soy and soy products; etc.

>Americans have one of the lowest carb intakes in the world.

I'm talking about refined carbohydrates specifically: white bread as opposed to whole-wheat, brown rice as opposed to white, etc. Here's a pertinent meta-analysis:

Whole grain and refined grain consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of cohort studies.

>The summary relative risk per 3 servings per day was 0.68 (95% CI 0.58-0.81, I(2) = 82%, n = 10) for whole grains and 0.95 (95% CI 0.88-1.04, I(2) = 53%, n = 6) for refined grains
> Inverse associations were observed for subtypes of whole grains including whole grain bread, whole grain cereals, wheat bran and brown rice, but these results were based on few studies, while white rice was associated with increased risk

White rice is unhealthy, but many Asian diets are so healthy to begin with (relative to Standard American Diet) that their overall risk is lower regardless.

>> No.8197699
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I do not know whether it is sold in the United States.
I am a Japanese.
I bought it in a manufacturer.

>> No.8197705

A lot of japanese food uses a load of sugar and other sweet things such as mirin.

Some japanese food is healthy, just like some english/french/russian/chinese food is healthy.

>> No.8199073
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High calory. High fat.
Much sugar. Much salt.
absolutely amazing.

>> No.8199079
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god damn, i thought ive read some dumbass shit before, but this almost takes the cake

>> No.8200905
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Very delicious.

>> No.8201493

Modern Japanese food has very high salt and a lot of smoking/pickling. Becaue of this Japan has a highish rate of stomach cancer. Also there is this weird fascination with mayonnaise and they dump it on everything along with plenty of fried food.

Japanese are on average thin because they eat less, but doesn't mean the food is all that healthy.

>> No.8201540

Dude, if you think a couple extra grams of fat on chicken thighs vs breasts is a problem, no wonder you consider any amount of meat to be "fatty"

>> No.8201543

You know how I know your opinion is shit? You think tamago sushi is anything other than bottom tier bullshit

>> No.8201552

If you look at the first 2 pieces of sushi without clicking on the image, they look like fish-wrpped mice. ><

>> No.8201581

>a couple extra grams
for 100g of chicken, thighs with fat and and skin trimmed off would be 30 calories more than breasts. of course, we're talking untrimmed chicken, so that's a much bigger difference.

>> No.8201593

>of course, we're talking untrimmed chicken
no clue what this is supposed to mean, since most japanese dishes use boneless skinless chicken in the first place

>> No.8201610

I know how you know you don't sushi is that you think tamago sushi is bad. Its very easy to technically make but most people can't make it correctly.

>> No.8201621

>most people can't make it correctly
If you're going to sushi places where they can't even get yakitamago correct why should anyone listen to your opinion?

>> No.8201625

What is your point? Most of the sushi in the US is garbage, so of course they can't make it correctly

>> No.8201791

I can just feel the weebiness oozing from this post.

>> No.8201797

Healthy, yes.

Take okinawa-
"After decades of research, medics and anthropologists reached the conclusion that there are two main factors behind the longevity in this island: alimentation and a healthy lifestyle that experts believe that can be imitated. The aliments eaten by the Okinawans can be found everywhere, even if there may be also something about the soil of the island."

hard to eat unhealthy when culturally you've been eating fish and veggies since forever

that said, sushi is a fad that unfortunately has lasted 30 years. Americans only like sushi because it serves as a vessel for consuming soy sauce and wasabi (horse radish).

>> No.8201890

>Im a faggot that has no counter besides saying weeb

After moving back from Japan, I wish sushi in the US didn't suck

>> No.8201942

The fuck? Are you using google translate?

>> No.8201964

just buy it online

they only ship to japan though

I like the fattiness of farmed salmon though. Lower end sushi places in japan will also use farmed as well.

Not San Diego, but have you tried japan?

tfw you don't live near any places that serve katsudon

literally all of the fat on the thigh besides the skin. The big fatty parts of karaage make it really good

>> No.8201971
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The Japanese foods are not health foods.
However, many choices are to the Japanese foods.
There is the healthy food in Japan, and there is the thing which is not so.

>> No.8201973

>those portions
no wonder japs are so tiny

>> No.8202063
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A person in search of only a defect can see only the small world.

>> No.8202156

Netouyos translated the thread:


>> No.8202161

many dishes use skin-on chicken thigh actually, like teriyaki. many others remove the skin but not any of the connective fat.

>> No.8202187

let's take the autism to an even higher level, by translating the comments:

Well, I wouldn't boast about it in any case, but...I really like tonkatsu anyway

Real (Japanese) cuisine can't be anything but healthy

It's just that the Japanese food the baka gaijins are talking about is what you get when you eat out
In that case, there's a lot of unhealthy shit too

Stop telling baka gaijins about tasty food or good ingredients
If we let our secrets out to those fucks, we'll have a shortage of supplies from our side and prices will go up

Aren't there Japanese who think Japanese food is healthy?
This is just baka gaijins shitposting, I think

Traditional cuisine should be plenty healthy
Stuff like curry rice and katsu-don are a different story

>> No.8202191


>> No.8202229

OMG THIS SUSHI DIDNT COST 1 BIRRION DORRAH!!! IT SHIT IT TRASH!!!! Bring me 2 year old girrl or I reave bad review on yerp!

>> No.8202238

>Stop telling baka gaijins about tasty food or good ingredients

Heh, they think people are jealous of their ingredients? Ignorant bliss.

>> No.8202251

yeah, we hardly import shit from Japan. we produce our own fresh ingredients, and shelf-stable ingredients are cheaper from China or Korea. the people eating up Japanese shit are mostly in Asia, but Japanese don't even recognize that Asian foreigners exist.

>> No.8202260

>it is never stunningly delicious. Aside from sushi,
>hes never had actual japanese food

>> No.8202280

boring stock response. I lived in Japan for almost 3 years. been there, done that, wasn't impressed, story over.

>> No.8202286


My friends of African descent. This plus a bowl of hot udon set me up for the day when I was in Tokyo-- came out to about 750 yen at a place under a train station.

>> No.8202315

Japanese food much like the Japanese themselves is bland and soulless.

>> No.8202316

Japan is just very proud and nationalistic.
If Okinawans or Koreans made healthy food, Nips would flip out over it.

>> No.8202323
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The Japanese loves Katsudon.
Katsudon is often set with udon and soba.
It is a source of the vitality of the Japanese worker.

>> No.8202325

>believing stereotypes

>> No.8202337
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The Okinawa dish is famous as a health food. The person of Okinawa was longevity very much.
When a Korean drama was popular, the Korean food was popular very much.
However, it is not regarded as the health food in Japan.
Does a Korean live long than a Japanese?

>> No.8202340
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Lunch of the Japanese businessman is various.
However, the set of Katsudon and Soba/Udon is still a popular menu.

>> No.8202341

Is ramen supposed to be good? It is somehow bland.

>> No.8202342

and how would you know this?

>> No.8202345
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It is Tori_tukune_yaki_jyu_gozen.
A chicken mince ball box lunch.
I ate it in Aoyama the day before yesterday.

>> No.8202952

You do realize there are now a significant number of 4chan people who have lived or are currently living in Japan just because of the nature of the original content on this site

>> No.8202982

There's also a lot of weeaboo fantasists you crop still frames from YouTube videos.

>> No.8203056

>Is Japanese food really healthy and delicous like Japanese themselves boasted ?

Depends. Japanese food can have an exceptionally high amount of sodium, especially if you're getting the americanized versions of them, or getting them pre-packaged/from a restaurant rather than getting it homemade.

The main health benefits of Japanese food
>high amount of seafood
>low amount of red and highly-processed meat (compared to the West)
>moderate amount of veggies
and most importantly
>they don't eat like whales. Any amount of calories eaten at American/UK levels will turn your body to shit, no matter what you're eating.

>> No.8204027
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Recently came here for first time. During my 20 day trip, this was probably the most satisfying thing I ate. Okonomiyaki, Hiroshima-style.

It was a good day ender after fucking going to the sad ass museum they had.

>> No.8204062


I heard that the stomach cancer is said to be related to the tradition of drinking burning hot tea multiple times a day. Any truth to that?

>> No.8204069


That looks very tasty, hot and cheap. Wish I'd have those everytime I have lunch outside.

>> No.8204196

>Is Japanese food really healthy and delicous
yes, it absolutely is

>like Japanese themselves boasted
actually they dont do that. that's mostly done by xenophile westerners who latch on to and praise all things exotic

>> No.8204516
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Japanese food. Western food. Chinese food.
They are distinguished in Japan.
However, there are many crossover dishes.
Is it a Japanese style dish?

This is an An omurice and fried hamburger steak.
It is Western food in Japan.

>> No.8204655

>need sake to make some homemade teriyaki sauce
>go to my local mitsuwa to get some and more good soy sauce
>pick up a couple other things
>wandering up and down the aisles planning meals for the weekend
>pass the candy aisle
>three morbidly obese girls wearing ill-fitting anime clothes all with dyed hair are squealing and grabbing different candies

fuck, why are most of the girls into the same things as i am fat and obnoxious?

>> No.8204763

You steal candy while wearing ill fitting clothes? Fucks wrong with you

>> No.8204941

it's Japanese. it may be inspired by foreign foods, but no one ate dishes like that until it was first made in Japan. foods like these are sold in other countries as "Western-style Japanese foods"

because your appreciation for a foreign culture stems from your exposure to a hobby deeply rooted in introversion, cf. social hobbies

>> No.8204954

Good points.

I guess it's just never effected me in an unhealthy way, I didn't think of the ways it could be unhealthy. In general I just try to make my own meals and keep it varied.

>> No.8205265

To summarize, I guess:
Japanese food uses "healthy ingredients" but in a context where either the carb-to-nutrient ratio is unbalanced (white rice versus salmon or avocado, noodles versus vegetables) and especially the salt content is too high (any sauce, dip, soup, or tempura).

Not talking shit at all; basically restaurants have to cater tastes to high-salt, high carb diets. Traditional Japanese cuisine (historically) probably had more to do with nutrition as a staple crop then all this flare we see now. But there is definitely a myth that Japanese food is healthy for you (unlike Applebee's), but really it's the same gameplan...putting asses in seats. What get asses in seats? Salt, sugar, carbs and fat.

Who wants chilled, sliced avocado and raw ginger with sautéed seaweed, topped with sesame seeds, black pepper, and garlic? With a side of chilled salmon with cucumber...no rice, no sauce...that's fuckin' delicious, man. And nutritious...so fresh and so cleeannnn

>> No.8205285

> Don't live in there if you fat.

>> No.8205294

If you like fish and can tolerate the smell.

>> No.8205307

Haha tamago. Next you'll be saying kampyo maki is best sushi.

>> No.8205319

you must be a benihanas veteran

>> No.8205322

the fake bacon here makes me want to kill myself, i miss american breakfast food

>> No.8205423

yes its healthy and delicious. but by just eating them alone doesnt make you healthy. also balance is the key.

>> No.8205446

it's not necessarily healthy in terms of having low amounts of things that are considered generally bad for you, but the idea that carbs or salt are inherently bad for you is a flawed idea, and when it comes from very natural food, and while eating normal sized portions, it's gonna be good for you. but the japanese who eat mainly instant noodles or those overly sweet white bread pastries most of the time are definitely gonna be unhealthy.

>> No.8205547

If you're in Tokyo theres 2 international grocery stores that sell real bacon (sliced turkey as well) in 麻布十番

Most of the other stuff could usually be found elsewhere or was too expensive, but discovering that was a god send when I still lived out there.

>> No.8205661

you could just go to Costco, I've gotten some mad delicious applewood bacon before. Some liquor stores also sell more authentic varieties of Western meats in their cold section.

>> No.8206516

if you think the traditional japanese diet was anything other than 95% rice then you are out of your mind