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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8188202 No.8188202 [Reply] [Original]

How many weeks/months would it take to fully sugar detox your body?
Have had a serious sugar addiction for many years now, might be in serious trouble because of it.
I'll see the doctor soon, but it's probably already too late for me, likely got colon cancer or something similar.

Anyway, I'm wanting to start detoxing sugar, but i have no idea how long it would take before my body would start to reject it. Can't find any reliable results on google.

>> No.8188211

You're not gonna fully "detox", a carbohydrate-free existence is nearly impossible even doing keto. After a week or two of cutting added sugar you'll be able to taste other tastes better and be less dependent, though.

>> No.8188213

replace sugar with aspartame.

>> No.8188216

Good luck completely cutting sugar, it's in almost everything. You can reset your taste buds/cravings within a month or so with a dietary change.

>> No.8188278

Your body runs on sugar. It breaks down any carb into sugar in order to get energy. Sugar isn't some poison you should have to "detox." Most people should eat less of it or at least be more aware of how much they are consuming though. 30 grams is not a lot and it's the dietary limit. Eat less carbs and cook most of your meals at home and you'll be on your way to a much healthier lifestyle. That's all.

>> No.8188574

Do a full fat fast (only MCT oil) for 2 weeks.

You'll enjoy shit more.

Brain works better on ketones. Whatever areas can't use ketones, glucogenesis of protein kicks in and fills the gaps.

Carbohydrate-free existence in our times is a difficult though.

>Sugar isn't a poison
You're right. Though, insulin is a hell of a drug for certain groups.

>> No.8188581

Approximately 3 months for the most significant difference.

Source: my wife is a doctor.

>> No.8188644

Eat a fucking salad.

>> No.8188972

>likely got colon cancer or something similar.
And how exactly have you determined this before seeing the doctor?

>> No.8188996

People who say "detox" are fucking retarded and have no idea what they are talking about.

>> No.8188998

the WHO recommends eating 5gs or less if you're able to. Just cut added sugars (and processed foods in general, to whatever extent); you can eat fruits since they're natural

>> No.8189005

>it's in almost everything.
It's not in food.
I mean real food, not prepackaged things to heat.

>> No.8189006

>glucose isn't in food

>> No.8189377

Don't drink soda, drink flavored sparkling water

>> No.8189389

>you can eat fruits since they're natural


>> No.8189426

>How many weeks/months would it take to fully sugar detox your body?
Sugar is not toxic. Therefore you cannot "sugar detox your body".

>Have had a serious sugar addiction for many years now
No because "sugar addiction" does not exist.

>might be in serious trouble because of it.
Sugar does not have any adverse effects on health.

The more likely explanation is that, like any fat fucking idiot, you've been consuming shitloads of saturated fat, salt, animal protein and cholesterol, and occasionally a small amount of sugar. And because you're a fat American retard who knows nothing about nutrition you've now fallen for the idiotic meme that the fucking blueberry juice you drank 2 years ago caused cancer.

>likely got colon cancer or something similar.
Sugar is completely absorbed in the small intestine and thus has no effect on the colon.

Colon cancer is promoted by a diet high in animal products and low in dietary fiber.

You are an idiot and you deserve cancer.

>> No.8189432

Experientially, I found this to be accurate. I've been doing a low-carb/ketogenic diet for quite a while now to help maintain blood glucose control for type 1 diabetes. After a few months, I found straight sucrose or very sugary foods repellant. It is overwhelmingly sweet to me with an extremely bitter aftertaste like the old stevia had.

>> No.8189443

nice b8 m8

>> No.8189467

Invariably every thread on this cambodian fingerpuppet image board to do with sugar reverts to retards like >>8189426 who are probably diabetic and have never read a single shred of evidence to show that sugar isn't bad for you.

It is fool. Just wipe out processed/refined sugar foods. No deserts/soda/jar sauces, at all. Then substitute heavy carbs like potatoes and pasta with root vegetables.

I've taken bread out completely and I used to eat that as if it's going out of style. It's made a noticeable difference to my mood, I don't feel groggy or tired as often, and I don't have sugar spikes as a result.

Be VERY careful with literature out there, as there are a fuck ton of shills trying to defend sugar. Here is one example:


If you have access to the paper and go to the acknowledgements, they say "This review was made possible by a grant from the Sugar Bureau (UK), a condition of which was that Sugar Bureau representatives or associates played no role in the selection or methodological assessment of papers, nor in the interpretation or writing up of the results."

Oh ok.. So you'll fund our research, but it's fine to write ANYTHING right? Ok... so who is this "sugar bureau UK" ? They are called Sugar nutrition UK

"... Sugar Nutrition UK was established in 1964 and is principally funded by UK sugar manufacturers."

Yeah fuck you.

Here is another one, (cited by the Sugar Nutrition UK!), saying that sugar isn't addictive:

Hmmm... Lets see whos funding them...

"The author has no financial interest in the sale of any sugar or
sugar containing product. It is, however, gratefully acknowledged
that the writing of this review was partially funded by the World
Sugar Research Organization"

Who are these guys?

"The World Sugar Research Organisation (WSRO) is an international scientific research organisation globally supported by the sugar industry."

For fucks sake.

>> No.8189478

Your body does not work better on ketones, shut the fuck up with your pseudoscience.

Ketones are only used by your body when you're in a state of starvation and glucose is not readily available, and glucogenisis is a horribly inefficient method your body uses to provide absolutely crucial areas of your brain with glucose because it can't use anything else.

Humans didn't go to the moon, run the London marathon or found countries on ketones.

Fuck, ketone Bullshit makes me so angry.

T. Clinical biochemist

>> No.8189501

I am not diabetic, my fasting glucose is 65-70 and I eat tons of natural and refined sugar on top of all the starch.

Diabetes is not caused by sugar. So it's particularly ironic that you accuse me of not having any evidence when you're promoting momscience for which no evidence exists or ever has existed.
Refined sugar has been used successfully in the management and reversal of diabetes for decades, starting with Walter Kempner. Whatever fat and animal protein you can replace with anything else improves insulin sensitivity.

>Be VERY careful with literature out there, as there are a fuck ton of shills trying to defend sugar
I find it hilarious that you know so little of nutrition research that you actually think the existence of shills for one particular industry or viewpoint is a novel or important insight or some sort of smoking gun for your claims.

Almost everything has shills in nutrition research, including sugar. Anybody who follows nutrition science with any level of seriousness is aware of this and wouldn't need this pointed out to them.

If you try to construct an opinion about nutrition based on the existence of bias and shills you'll end up with absolutely nothing because there are shills on all sides of the various debates, to the point where it probably constitutes a majority of the research being published. And that doesn't even cover all the pay-to-publish journals, the corruption, the lack of serious peer review and all the other problems.

>> No.8189504

But as an addendum, I'm not saying to completely avoid carbs, thats really difficult, if not impossible. Just substitute them with other stuff like green vegetables and fibrous vegetables.
I love to drink beer, and I would hate to give it up completely, but I have cut down a lot. I also like to eat cake and chocolate, but very seldom.

You get a lot of people following the keto diet religiously, but fail to realise they are just consuming shitloads of processed meat/fat into their diet, which is completely laughable. This is just as bad as the refined sugar you are eating. There was a thread on reddit where people recommended a recipe for cheeto-covered pork rinds, like what the fuck?

Unfortunately there are shills on both sides, touting either sugar/keto are the be all and end all - but it's really not the case. If you're lucky and have access to science and medical journals, then you should always scroll down and see "conflict of interest / acknowledgements" to see who funded them. Anything that would suggest conflict of interest, even if they state "I wasn't influenced by my funding body", is suspect.

But try it yourselves, give your body a break and change your lunch/meal plan. Have less starchy/carby things, more protein and veg, and you'll feel different. Try buckwheat instead of pasta, and pearl barley instead of potatoes.

>> No.8189514

>Diabetes is not caused by sugar.

Not really, but there isn't enough substantive data on the subject, and so far whats out there does point to it:


As for the shill stuff, let's not devolve to a trumpesque "shill/cuck" response, because in my original post I point out how fucking overt these """""articles""""" are about being bankrolled by the sugar industry. And there are far more papers out there showing that sugar is ok, because of this.

It is you that has very little nutritional research, and you seem like someone that hasn't read any arguments against your position.

>> No.8189529

Well the study you linked comes out of Harvard so there's no point even linking the Harvard article. If you notice, pretty much every reference they have for their own position.. is Harvard! So Harvard says sugar is bad because Harvard research says sugar is bad.

Harvard is a carbphobic anti-sugar bastion and contains highly biased pseudo-celebrities like Ludwig and Willett who have a personal stake in perpetuating the nonsense of glycemic index and sugarphobia because their entire career is based on it. Harvard also says that potatoes are bad for you, because there are studies where French fries are bad for you. But apparently there are still people around who read "Harvard" and immediately accept it as gospel, no matter how silly and biased it is.

>you seem like someone that hasn't read any arguments against your position.
But you do realize that the dogma of modernity is that sugar is the devil incarnate, yes? The only way you can avoid hearing about the never-ending dangers of sugar is by living under a rock. Low-carb diets are the most popular weight-loss diets in the US and by now every fat fuck is convinced that they're fat and diabetic because they had a bit of honey on their morning pancake, and not because they stuff their faces with cheeseburgers, cheesy crust pizza, ice cream and donuts all day every day.

>> No.8189547

>Harvard blah blah blah
Yeah yeah, your own bias against it is stupid. I found it amongst others because it was the most convenient to post in this farcical thread.

>But you do realize that the dogma of modernity is that sugar is the devil incarnate, yes?

Yeah, but where did it come from? People got bored one day and decided so? There is strong validity in this position, and there is empirical and scientific evidence for it being relevant.

> every fat fuck is convinced that they're fat and diabetic because they had a bit of honey on their morning pancake, and not because they stuff their faces with cheeseburgers, cheesy crust pizza, ice cream and donuts all day every day.

This makes no sense. A fat person thinks they're fat cos they ate a bit of honey... but not because they eat pizza? what?

A fat fuck is a fat fuck, they substitute sugars with that diet "sugar-free / low fat" dogshit, and never move a muscle in their lives...

>> No.8189563

Sorry, I've just been reading you two dorks arguing, but that last sentence is a really bad one. A fat fuck thinks he's a fat fuck because of a bit of honey, and not cheeseburgers (white bread), cheesy crust pizza (white bread dough), ice cream (white sugar), and doughnuts (fried white bread with white sugar)? There's kind of a theme there. But as a type 1 diabetic, I find all the research on the glycemic index quite useful. I can unequivocally say that it is not bullshit since my carbohydrates metabolism is a stick shift. Anyway, carry on.

>> No.8189645

ebin b8 m8

>> No.8190663

Ketosis is amazing for marathons.

t. Olympic Trainer

>> No.8190785

>replacing poison with poison


>> No.8191329

No studies have proved aspartame is bad for you.

>> No.8191422

>what is fruit

>> No.8192231

>calls someone else diabetic when he's so much of a fat retard with no self control that he needs to buy into a global sugar conspiracy to make himself feel better

>> No.8193054

I thought by sugars he meant refined sugar.

>> No.8193079

Man this is hard as fuck. I've completely cut out soda and candy, as well as all added sugar I can, but there's so much food I just can't eat because there's no way to get it without added sugar. They put it in fucking everything.

>> No.8193093

like what? Maybe try shopping at nonshit markets idk. Never had this problem.

As plenty of posts itt have already explained though, obsessing over avoiding any and all added sugar is pointless and dumb. Just don't consume more than 70g a day or so, depending on your weight, and you will be fine. Enjoying food that tastes good now and then will lead to a longer and more enjoyable life than one spent obsessing over self-denial.

>> No.8193105
File: 96 KB, 600x608, supermarket-refrigeration-3-meat-produce-case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what food looks like, anon. There's no added sugar here. You can prepare whatever you want.

>>they put it in fucking everything
stop buying prepared food. buy raw ingredients, cook from scratch.

>> No.8193114

You're a special kind of stupid, what stickers do you put on your tard helmet?

>> No.8193123

Processed food doesn't just mean freezer meals, though. It's in shit like bacon and sausage, bread, salsa and tomato sauce, pretty much any condiment except mustard, and so on. I've basically gotta make everything by hand, otherwise it's going to have corn syrup swirled into it.

>> No.8193127

>It's in shit like bacon and sausage, bread, salsa and tomato sauce, pretty much any condiment except mustard, and so on.

Buy actual smoked bacon, not the shit in a plastic bag in the supermarket. Get it from the deli or a butcher.

Many brands don't have it. Stop buying the cheap shit, or just make it yourself. (I know that sounds scary, but sausage making is easy as fuck)

>>any condiment
so what? You don't need to cut out all sugar like some kind of autist. If you are eating so much condiments that the sugar content matters then you have far bigger issues here. The amount of sugar you'd ingest with normal condiment use is too low to worry about.

>> No.8193140

Not a /fit/izen, but roast split chicken breast with brown rice and broccoli is just about the perfect meal and I eat it several times a week.

>> No.8193151

Why is there always so much hostility on the Internet? Is it the only chance some of you get to vent?

>> No.8193153

Why would you eat rice?

>> No.8193155
File: 25 KB, 245x204, anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to 4chan

>> No.8193156


It tastes good. It's versatile. It's inexpensive. It keeps well.

>> No.8193157

I'll have to check to see if my grocery carries smoked bacon and sugarless sausage, but thanks. Anyway, I don't eat that many condiments, I'm just trying to cut it out entirely rather than playing "if I have this much it's OK."

Funny enough, that's almost what I'm having today.

>> No.8193159

>I'll have to check to see if my grocery carries smoked bacon and sugarless sausage

If they don't then just mail-order it.

>>I don't eat that many condiments
So why are you worrying about it? You seem to be over-complicating things.

>> No.8193164

It will take a long time before you can fully sugar detox your body, because sugar is found in almost everything you eat. Your body will not reject sugar, so there's no point in trying to do that. You should avoid foods such as candies, any sweet drink and fruit juices besides water, ice cream, bread and pastries etc. All these foods contain added sugar. As an expert, I would advise you avoid all foods containing added sugar and just throw sugar out of your kitchen.

>> No.8193176
File: 6 KB, 300x171, th (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now get the fuck out!

>> No.8193177


No it won't. Your body processes sugar very quickly. The whole idea of "detoxing sugar" is just as silly as crystal healing. All you have to do is stop eating it, it will be out of your body within minutes.

>>claims to be expert
>>seems completely ignorant of how the body processes sugar

>> No.8193297

It's more of dealing with the psychological addiction and sugar-hungry gut bacteria you've built up than a literal cleanse.

>> No.8193303
File: 152 KB, 629x417, I47Zy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8193312

Detox is not really a thing.

>> No.8193321

>not knowing the difference between fructose and sucrose
No. You are the retards.

>> No.8193381

try doing keto for a month