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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8188446 No.8188446 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the most autistic cook book?

>> No.8188467

It is pretty autistic but the mixed mushroom and spinach lasagna recipe on page 150 is true master race. I've made it probably 20 times, always goes over well at family dinners or pot lucks. Vegetarians/vegans always thank me for it, then seem disappointed when they find out I'm not actually one of them.

>> No.8188474

It's a cheesy concept, but some of the recipes are pretty good.

>> No.8188477
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>singles out that recipe
>not the smoked almond and chickpea salad sandwich recipe

>> No.8188489

I'm not even vegan but there are some truly amazing recipes in this book, so different from the rut I was in with all the other cookbooks I was using.

With that being said, I don't like how crude everything's getting. People swear so much and are so openly sexual, and it pierces my soul to hear. I'm not even religious, but there was something better about society when that kind of thing remained behind closed doors and people felt shame for it.

>> No.8188496
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The lentil taco recipe is the best.
Ok /pol/

>> No.8188506

The concept is definitely autistic, can't get more specific than that because I've never read it.

My mummy went through a vegan phase and cut me off of chicken tendies.

All the dishes tasted like crap but she's not a very good cook so maybe that's all there is to it.

>> No.8188525

Anyone know any materials that can teach me to cook without recipes? Besides practice how

>> No.8188529

dumb frogposters

>> No.8188535

>people don't like crude humor
>wow pol
People don't need to cuss and say sexual words every other sentence, it's the mark of the unintelligent.

>> No.8188536

Ratio by Michael Ruhlman is short and pretty good. It's not "without recipes" but it is more about technique and ingredient ratios than set in stone recipes.

Really just any sort of books/videos that focus on technique rather than set in stone "add this, add that".

>> No.8188542

The Flavor Bible. Pick a base ingredient like a protein, then pair ingredients from there. I recently did this to make some rainbow trout with apples, fennel, and ginger. It was really good and completely recipe free.

>> No.8188992
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I got that one beat.

>> No.8189072

Tony Hawk Under Ground Kitchen?

>> No.8190094

I'd say the unintelligent believe in superstitions like profanity

>> No.8190133

>it's the mark of the unintelligent.
That's what my mother taught me, but I've come to discover that's wrong. It's a class thing. The middle class never wants their behavior to be seen as offensive, so they look down on offensive language. But when you're in a room with people who wield serious power (and the money behind it) you find that prejudice is greatly diminished. While swearing can imperil a middle management career and be grounds for termination in some jobs once you make it to the c-suite no one gives a fuck as long as you look the part and deliver results.

>> No.8190285
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>it's the mark of the unintelligent.

>> No.8190299

Am I to understand that a cookbook with the title "thug kitchen" has a vegetarian recipe?

Thought for sure these were going to be like, spiced up versions of shit prisoner's eat.

>> No.8190310

I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.8190314

It's a vegan cookbook that goes super tryhard to come off as tough and edgy in hopes of undermining the stigma that all vegans are pussies. That said, some of the recipes in it are actually stuff worth making. But the gimmick is goofy.

>> No.8190315
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>it's the mark of the unintelligent.
Much like posting memes without understanding them.

>> No.8190359

There should be a recipe book for jazzed up prison recipes then.

>> No.8190384

Would anyone not incarcerated actually make that shit, though? Think about it: even what you find at the shittiest supermarket is going to be better than the selection at the prison commissary.

>> No.8190522

You should see some of those "paleo" cookbooks.

Autism to the max.

And, authors, if it's women, all look like if Bailey Jay fell down the ugly tree.

>> No.8190527

post recipe!

>> No.8190562

awful commentary style. cringe inducing.

some nice food in there though.

>> No.8190573

The impressions from this thread are driving me to buy this. It seems like it has a lot of good recipes

>> No.8190592

It's good if you're looking for tasty stuff to make that isn't reliant on meat or dairy. Nothing groundbreaking, but shit you might not have thought of if you've never spent any time cooking that way.

Personally the fact that so many recipes use "cooking spray" bothers me, but that's not too hard to ignore.

>> No.8190595

Truly, only someone who is completely unintelligent, socially inept or both would say this

>> No.8190611

that semen cook book

>> No.8190620

every recipe I tried was great, when you say 'autistic' you just mean the writing right? Otherwise its amazing

>> No.8190653

You dropped your fucking fedora you faggot.

>> No.8190857

Buy the book

>> No.8190859

>only religious people don't like profanity

There are few situations that really call for it. It is so overused these days.

>> No.8190870

Not OP but that would be my take on it, yes. It is a dopey style but with some really good recipes.

>> No.8190891

I was interested in getting it until I realized it's vegetarian

>> No.8190903

I'm not even vegetarian/vegan but I would recommend getting it and using it for a few weeks. It's a nice change of pace from all the meat-heavy or cheesy meals I was eating before.

>> No.8190905

Look up Kali Muscle on youtube. Hyphy Burrito is a good place to start.

>> No.8190911

>shilling kali muscle
please go

>> No.8190947

Or memery in general.

>> No.8190967
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>> No.8190985
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>mfw I add meat to vegan recipes

>> No.8190989

Now this is some top tier autism

>> No.8191079
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>> No.8191106

>He got kicked off of chopped in the first round for cheating

>> No.8191114

Why are neo-conservatives the fucking worst?

>> No.8191138

Because their knuckles get scraped on the ground whenever they walk upright and that puts them in a bad mood.

>> No.8191154

Because someone whose view of the world is based on fear is only going to validate themselves by spreading that fearful view of things. There are few things more annoying than someone trying to convince you you're an idiot for not being afraid of what's going down in the big bad world. Tiresome ignorant stuff.

>> No.8191203

>thread on bad cookbooks
>no thread on good cookbooks
ok, whos excited for bourdains book? im thinking this will determine whether he is good as a chef or not and not just as a food/culture critic.

>> No.8191227

just looked up the site. i dont see it being that bad, same as that shit i see on facebook for 20 second cooking videos. at least try to get people cooking.

>> No.8191239
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>> No.8191257

>Emily von Euw

>> No.8191479

>that guy called all people in this group an idiot
>I know! I'll call all the people in the group I assume he belongs to idiots

>he's afraid! he's profanityphobic! how hateful

there is a reason to dislike certain things. and you can dislike certain things and have certain standards and not be afraid of them. i agree the guy was kind of a douche for calling people who swear unintelligent, but at the same time he is right that swearing is overdone. i bet you would object to people saying 'faggot' or 'nigger constantly. words matter, show respect to others, and more importantly show respect to yourself.

>> No.8191485
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>tries to convince people of the value of not using profanity or bigoted slurs

where do you think you are?

>> No.8191507

you're sure projecting a lot

>> No.8191526

I get u but listen
Ive made half the shit in Nom Nom paleo and it is legit fucking GOOD
The egg foo young with sriracha is god tier, gets you to eat like 7 servings of spinach without realizing it

>> No.8191545

One doesn't adhere to a conservative view without leaning more Hobbes than Locke.

>> No.8191561

frankly i think liberals push fear mongering more. tell blacks they need to fear whitey, tell womyn they need to fear men, tell everyone that ebil wacists are out to get you, etc. these aren't just blue-haired sjws, these are normal otherwise functional people that have been doing this for decades.

>> No.8191578

If you're talking about Americans the so-called liberals are still pretty center right, for the most part.

>> No.8191579

Momofuku cookbook's recipes are autismal as fuck.
Like 95% of them are downright impossible to do at home.

>> No.8191593

I've spent time in England, Germany and (and France to a lesser extent) and I see the same thing. Germany in particular, the leftists push fear of racism and giving conservative arguments any weight, to the point that they hide numerous crimes from so-called refugees who rape women en masse just so they can't be validated. conservatives can be irrationally fearful, but they have legitimate gripes, too. liberals.... not so much.

>> No.8191649

I'm a little too anti-athoritarian to be swayed by such allegations. I'm much less concerned about the "other" than the systems we put in place to "protect" us from them.

>> No.8191669

m8, letting tons of migrants in a country drains the economy, causes crime rate to sky rocket, and left unchecked these people never bother assimilating. somewhat strict immigration is fine and beneficial to society, the unchecked flood of migrants with piss poor planning helps no one, including most of the migrants. this is just a fact. you do not have the moral high ground here.

>> No.8191688

>letting tons of migrants in a country

Exactly how the US came to be.

>> No.8191693

RIP thread

>> No.8191698

yeah and looked how that worked out for the indigenous population.

>> No.8191702

right, like take this to... well maybe not /pol/, maybe /his/?

>> No.8191707

I've spent most of my live living in immigrant neighborhoods. Everyday on my block I hear Spanish, Chinese, Polish, Arabic and Italian spoken in addition to English. Half my friends are immigrants or the children of immigrants. You're not going to convince me on this one. The food is fucking great here, too.

Trying to maintain economic growth in a wealthy country with a declining birthrate is more than enough incentive to encourage immigration. Sorry if you can't into economics.

>> No.8191722

I can't speak to your particular situation but generally when lots of people from third-world countries migrate to first world, the crime rate goes up. this is why there needs to be stricter policies, and why you need to bring them in more gradually.

if you look at england, for example, a majority of the migrants do not have jobs and are on welfare. it hasn't done them any good and it's not doing the rest of us any good either. if you made people work harder to get in, had plans in place to help them assimilate, and brought them in more gradually then immigration would be a positive thing. in its current form its a mess.

>> No.8191750

Where I live crime has gone down over the last couple decades, even as more and more immigrants arrived. So what you describe in England is completely opposite from my experience. My experience is that immigrants arrive and revitalize neighborhoods.

>> No.8191853

okay shill thanks for the info plz go.

>> No.8191881

ITT: Triggered Trump supporters.

>> No.8191897

It's also pretty fucking racist and tone deaf desu

>> No.8191918

*eat like you don't give a fuck

>> No.8192243

seriously. a vegan diet is the healthiest but there are plenty of ways to do veganism wrong and this book is definitely one of them. it has great recipes but not stuff you should really be eating very often.

follow the nutritarian diet designed by joel fuhrman for the best health

>> No.8192406

I think the idea is legitimately good
but like most good ideas they got some retard to execute it.

>> No.8192411

not the person you responded to but neat
Am I to trust that you are speaking from experience as a C suit? or are you just pretending not to be retarded?

>> No.8192419
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There is.

>> No.8192483

While we're on it what do you guys think of the food wishes YouTube channel?

>> No.8192530
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nobody posted it yet

>> No.8192544
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Literal autism

>> No.8192580


They made a bartenders guide as well...

Here's one "recipe:" Galliano Cum shot.

1 oz Galliano

1 oz Freshly brewed coffee

1-2 tsp Semen

1-2 tsp Whipped Cream

Mix the two creams before beating them stiff. Pour the Galliano in a shot glass and use a spoon to carefully layer the hot coffee on top. Add the semen cream and drink while still hot.

>> No.8192731
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>> No.8192788

All I want is a recipe for raktajino and a recipe for hasparat.

Raktajino always seems like it's a pumpkin spiced XL espresso, and hasparat was an extra spicy turkey and mozzarella wrap

>> No.8193220

I have my own business, so technically I'm an executive. But I'm not a big fish. I do end up in meetings with the big boys (and a couple girls) often enough ( Entertainment and Finance fields). They are classy, driven people, but they're used to getting their way, and when it seems like they might not they swear in a manner middle management could never get away with. Of course they're able to get away with this because their world is insulated from most other employees. Everyone around them is pretty much a confidant. To their credit they get shit done. Most of the time when they shit is gonna happen it does. So those are the people I'd rather deal with whenever possible.

>> No.8193247

I hate this fucking guy. His writing is pure wank. Can appreciate some of the information in this book though.

>> No.8193259
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quick /ck/ post your first cook book

>> No.8193261

Fuck off, Kenji is one of the good ones

>> No.8193307

Can it really be called a cookbook if there's no cooking?

>> No.8193314

That's definitely all there is to it.
My wife cooks vegan all the time and me and her son love it.

>> No.8193331

If you've lived your life such that your only saving grace is not being a potty mouth, you've well and truly fucked up.

>> No.8193409
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It had actually pretty good recipies for everyday food but some ingredients were hard to get or had to be switched

>> No.8193540

Yeah definitely getting if not just for the cover alone. Something tells me it's going to be full of lines like "And if you can't get New England clams for this one, dont even BOTHER making it. I'm serious."
Then again the Les Halles book was way out of my league ingredients-wise but he made it sound like it was simple enough. Its hard to guess.

>> No.8193545

>google recipes
>add some random ingredients
voila! cook book

>> No.8193555

I agree with you to a point but after coming back to it after a year of regular cookbooks, you realize its more about the concepts and food combinations, which are really great and unique. Like I dont even have a grill and I made some really great steak lettuce wraps off the stove. And yeah I made the overwrought chicken broth recipe, but usually to save time I just use ramen packets and it comes out great if you know how to cook the other shit properly.
Also Dave Chang doesn't give a fuck so I tend to go more towards his mentality with cooking rather than Peter Meehans weaboo, 20 years of practice senpai leanings.

>> No.8193570

>"And if you can't get New England clams for this one, dont even BOTHER making it. I'm serious."
sounds like pretty sound advice senpai

i bet you eat bloody marys with canned clams and call it chowder

>> No.8193574




Neo-/ck/ please leave.

>> No.8193585

Is semen considered a vegan food?