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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 500x375, 20110317-142296-old-bay-post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8186455 No.8186455 [Reply] [Original]

what's your favorite food related thing that's a staple of where you live or grew up?

pic related; it's not only the pride of anyone living in the chesapeake bay area but also factually the best spice

>> No.8186479

Fucking flyovers.

>> No.8186480

Nebraska checking in. We have a mayo-based soda that goes great with burgers and birthday cakes.

>> No.8186505

tell me this though. do you put old bay in the fridge or the spice cabinet?

>> No.8186508

whats it called?

>> No.8186521

spice cabinet, why would you put it in the fridge?

>> No.8186599

Ocean city MD represent

Hands down best seafood seasoning

>> No.8186607
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Italian sandwiches
t. new york

>> No.8186629
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2 Detroit Coney Island Hot Dogs with Everything

>> No.8186659

Baltimore county here. I work one street down from the McCormick factory. I smell that sweet sweet old bay every morning. Huntey valley reporting

>> No.8186678

toasted ravioli, or a really good thin crust pizza, but those are hard to come by

>> No.8186682

read the ingredients
its fucking spices

>> No.8186731

Fuck man, I bought that shit because you murricans are always going on about it. It sucks ass. Way too hot and imparts the flavour of old fish to everything. Way to go.

>> No.8186734

well you're first mistake was being obviously british and cooking. already off to a shit start. second mistake was being fucking dumb. there aren't old rotten fish flakes in old bay so I don't know what the fuck you're on about.

>> No.8186735

Fairy bread tbqh

>> No.8186745
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>old bay

>> No.8186746

still waiting for a decent american ingredient though

>> No.8186758

>too hot
>flavour of old fish

Anon you clearly got something other than Old Bay if that's what you experienced.

>> No.8186836

>TFW the movie theater puts old bay on their popcorn

feels gud mang

>> No.8186862
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>yuropoors don't put their spices in the fridge

>> No.8186906
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get the FUCK out

>> No.8186910
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what the fuck man

i need this

>> No.8187084

bald eagle tastes like ass with old bay

>> No.8187095

Dungeness crab aka better than lobster

>> No.8187110
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Cajun country, son.

>> No.8187132
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That's not an Italian sandwich. This is an italian sandwich.


>> No.8187146
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>> No.8187162
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>> No.8187166
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>too hot

>> No.8187169
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>fart storm

made me lol. reminds me of in high school when we had a competition to come up with the most awful ice cream flavors, and i won with "chocolate abortion swirl"

>> No.8187186
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Maine is rightful clay of Massachusetts.

>> No.8187552

Florida here. The only truly good cuisine we have is from the Cubans - favorite staples are the pink sauce (mayo-ketchup) with tostones.

>> No.8187557
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>le ham

>> No.8187709

But chesapeake bay is in the us...

>> No.8187765
File: 57 KB, 600x400, key-lime-pie-meringue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

key lime pie I guess

t. floridafag

>> No.8188455

ex Floridian here. I miss the authentic Cubano sandwich and coffee. My favorite place was in winter park on Lee road called Cuban to go

>> No.8188462

Honestly, I grew up in Nebraska and Colorado. There's no "staples' there. People just buy their shit from the processed section of the nearest deli.

>> No.8188463

Ohio here. I am truly ashamed of our Cincinnati style "chili". The buckeye candies are okay though but it's hard to hate peanut butter + chocolate.

>> No.8188486

that place is less than 15 minutes from me, might try it soon. I haven't been to many cuban places here except for black bean deli.

>> No.8188488

who /harford county/ here?

>> No.8188492

Masshole reporting
Lobstah is the obvious answer

>> No.8188527
File: 99 KB, 478x479, coffee-milk-autocrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mass fag here, this shits god tier

>> No.8188540

make your own coffee syrup dude it's honestly so much better. can go as far as you want to. roasting/grinding your own coffee beans. coffee milk is so fucking good though god damn.

>> No.8188554
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Another MA anon. Pan sauces and shit

>> No.8188555
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>> No.8188929
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Where is this? Baltimore? If so, yeah.


>> No.8188945

that's anne arundel county

>> No.8188952
File: 7 KB, 276x144, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a guess.

>> No.8188960


>> No.8188962

Holy fuck that picture has me wheezing

>> No.8188990
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This shit is why so many people were chubby as shit where I grew up. (Krekel's burgers were fucking good as shit too)

>> No.8189076
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>> No.8189081


>> No.8189082
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Torontofag here

I really, really miss Lick's. I remember going with my parents every week after hockey practice. I'd get the cheeseburger with their special fries (had sour cream, green onions, and some other stuff in em) and a scoop of Moose Tracks ice cream for desert.

That was before school, the work grind, their eventual divorce, the company basically going out of business, and my life collapse.

>> No.8189105
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No one will guess this one

>> No.8189135

Well, I can tell you're Mexican, but don't know where you're from.

At least I think you're Mexican, recognize those plastic pates and Topo Chico

>> No.8189162

'go 'za
every monday was half off all 'zas a few blocks away from me. id eat a slice every day

>> No.8189174
File: 50 KB, 770x513, letthetearsbegin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a special place in hell for "people" like you.
see how I used "quotes", it insinuates the word doesn't really mean what it does.
Cincinnati chili is the shit and you're a total "faggot"

>> No.8189177

Mexican, Californian, what's the difference anymore?

>> No.8189188
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Thats 50% right. Theyre "Tacos Pipe" from Monterrey, Mx. Theyre pretty famous here because some years ago they found one of their "Meat" trucks loaded with dead cats. They where selling us fucking cats man! After that they went downhill and now they put "100% Cow Meat!" on every restaurant and advertisement. Their hot sauce is pretty famous here also

>> No.8189216

I would like some chili with my cheese sir

>> No.8189227
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Boiled crawfish, and all the corn, sausage, potatoes, mushrooms, garlic, and artichokes that come with it

>> No.8189244
File: 28 KB, 490x275, oats-immune-system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barley and Oats. They're used in all of our most well known dishes like porridge, scotch broth, haggis, to make bread, stuffing for meat and of course whiskey.

>> No.8189300
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Best region in the US reporting in

>> No.8189339

>steamed horse
that's not to bad actually

>> No.8189759
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baltimore here

>> No.8189770

Fuck you, Masshole. Coffeemilk is a RHODE ISLAND drink.

Fucking northern fucks trying to steal our precious autocrat.

>> No.8190389

>I don't know, never was a fan and I had one right by high school, and one close to home. Tasted bland and cost a lot.

I was always partial to Master Steak's burger on Dixie, or Dairy Freeze on St. Clair and Caledonia

Torontofag as well

>> No.8190395

Diarrhea Tacos.


>> No.8190948
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Fuck you Rhode Island.
Maine does it better.

>> No.8190968
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>> No.8190995

Delicious diabeetus

>> No.8191020
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>food related thing that's a staple
this isnt a thing. not in my generic city.
Erie© Pennsylvania™

Everything good is cooked at home.


>> No.8191031

the north half?

>> No.8191048
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another ex-FL, Cubans To Go was GOAT
I miss cuban food so much

>> No.8191051

smothering chili and cheese on pasta is stupid and the laziest form of "cooking"

>> No.8191435

PG County here. Old Bay goes on everything.

>> No.8191499

Howard County reporting. I always put Old Bay on fries and crab